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Rajagukguk, Omas Bulan
"This study investigates socioeconomic, cultural, demographic and programmatic factors influencing contraceptive choice in Indonesia using the 1987 National Indonesia Contraceptive Prevalence Survey (NICPS) and 1991 Indonesia Demographic and Health Survey (DHS) data. The study shows a consistency of factors affecting current method used across the two surveys using Bulatao's conceptual scheme (1989). These factors are the number of living children, fertility intentions, age at survey, duration of marriage, education, current work status, religion, the province and place of residence, whether a programme implementer visits in the six months before the survey; whether a woman has regular access to the mass media and her husband 's occupation. Higher number of living children and not wanting any more children are related to a greater choice of long-term methods and less choice of short-term; and traditional methods-results compatible with a greater need for limiting childbirth rather than spacing. Religiousness is identified with greater preference for short-ten-n methods as these methods can be used by the users themselves without having to see a male doctor. Access is related to preference for long-term methods. The preference in the rural areas for long- term methods in fact is higher than in the urban areas, resulting from the strong promotion and provision of these methods there."
Journal of Population, 1995
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rajagukguk, Omas Bulan
"This study investigetes socioeconomic, cultural. demographic and programmatic factors influencing contraceptive choice in Indonesia using the 1987 National Indonesia contraceptive prevalence suvey (DHS) data. The study shows a consistency of factors affecting current method used across the two surveys using Bulatoo's conceptual scheme (1989). These factors are the number of living children, fertility intentions, age at survey, duration of marriage, education, current work status, relagion, the province and place of residence,whether a programme implementer visits in the six months before the survey, whether a woman has reguler access to the mass media and her husband's accupation. Higher number of living children and not wanting any more children are related to a greater choice of long-term methods and less choice of shprt-term; and traditional methods-results compatible with a greater need for limiting childbird rather than spacing, Religiousness is identified with greater preference for short-term methods as these methods can be used by the users themselves without having to see a male doctor. Access in related to preference for long methods. The preference in the rural areas for long-term methods in fact is higher than in the urban areas, resulting from the strong promotion and provision of these methods there."
Souhampion University, 1991
JOPO-1-1 1995
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rajagukguk, Omas Bulan
"This paper is housed on contraceptive switching in indonesia. Since a woman might use more than one method of contraception during her reproductive period she can contribute more than one contraceptive use interval to the data. Some studies of contraceptive switching have used statistical techniques which assume independence between switching but this assumption can be violated because the likelihood of switching might be correlated. Hence contraceptive switching varies not only across groups of contraceptive users but also across contraceptive users with the same socioeconomic characteristics. Hence the consequences of this contraceptive users' eject for the relationship between socioeconomic. demographic and contraceptive-related characteristics of users and contraceptive switching in indonesia is analysed through the use of random-ejects logistic models. The data used for the analysis is from the 1991 Indonesia Demographic and Health Survey. The findings confirm the results of previous studies that a number of socioeconomic and demographic factors influence the likelihood of switching contraception. Among these factors. contraceptive-related /actors such as the method being used before switching, the duration of use at switching and the reason for switching, affect contraceptive switching most. The results also indicate that there is correlation between intervals for the same woman. This implies that there are other factors which have not been observed and contribute to the differentials of switching contraception across women with the saute socioeconomic characteristics."
Journal of Population, 1997
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Waras Budi Utomo
"There are much research in health sector this time. Some research have goal to asses exposure effect to outcome. Researcher often use regresssion. Regression is a convensional multivariate analysis. Conventional multivariable analyses may not always be the ideal method for estimating treatment effects in observational studies. When there are large differences in the distribution of covariates between treatment groups, adjusting for these differences with conventional multivariable techniques may not adequately balance the groups, and the remaining bias may limit valid causal inference. Adjusted use in the end of regression analysis, some of scientis believe that adjustment can be show.
Goal of this research is to compare the result of convensional multiariate analysis versus propensity score matching analysis in case study of infant immunizanon using Data ASUI-I KAP2 2003. The comparison will use the same model, that make model according logistic regression. Model which be compare is model without interaction ariabel. Modell will be analised with propensity score matching.
Result of research is there is different betwen Odds Ratio from logistic regwession analysis and Odds Ratio from propensity score matching analysis. The value OR from logistic regression is 0,9898, and the value OR from propensity score matching is 0,9656. Propensity score matching succes make matching 574 sample or 68,27%. The differen is not big bacause effect the confounder are not big. For look effect exposure ar risk factor model its better use PSM because it can reduce selection bias.if you want to analysis determinan factor model, where there are much independent vaiiabel its better use logistic regression analysis because the variabel have same position."
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2007
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Deforestasi telah terjadi di kawasan Taman Nasional Kerinci Seblat (TNKS). Apabila deforestasi terus terjadi di TNKS, maka akan berdampak negatif bagi kawasan TNKS sebagai ekosistem hutan dalam menjaga kestabilan lingkungan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji laju deforestasi dan mengetahui faktor- faktor pendorong terjadinya deforestasi di TNKS selama jangka waktu duapuluh empat tahun yang terbagi menjadi empat priode pengamatan. Metode analisis penelitian menggunakan analisis spasial dan regresi logistik.
Hasil penelitian menunjukan laju deforestasi yang terjadi di TNKS selama priode awal tahun sampai dengan priode ketiga mengalami penurunan, selanjutnya laju deforestasi kembali naik pada priode akhir. Sedangkan faktor pendorong secara bersama- sama berpangaruh terhadap deforestasi, namun terdapat beberapa faktor pendorong yang memiliki peranan penting terhadap kejadian deforestasi di TNKS, Kabupaten Kerinci dan Kota Sungai Penuh.

Deforestation has occurred in the Kerinci National Park area (TNKS). If deforestation continues at TNKS, it will have a negative impact for the region TNKS as forest ecosystems in maintaining the stability of the environment. This study aims to assess the rate of deforestation and identify factors driving deforestation in TNKS for a period of twenty-four years, divided into four observation period. Research analysis method using spatial analysis and logistic regression.
The results showed the rate of deforestation in TNKS during the period up to the beginning of the third period decreased, further deforestation rates go up at the end of the period. While driving factors together influential to deforestation, but there are several driving factors that have an important role on the incidence of deforestation in TNKS, Kerinci District and Sungai Penuh City."
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Berdasarkan Profil Departemen Kesehatan RI, diketahui bahwa angka
kematian bayi di Indonesia masih sangat tinggi. Untuk mengurangi angka kematian
bayi tersebut, maka sejak tahun 2006 lalu Departemen Kesehatan RI bersama
UNICEF melatih tenaga kesehatan dan kader masyarakat tentang konseling
menyusui dengan tujuan meningkatkan pemberian ASI eksklusif. Namun,
berdasarkan penelitian yang dilakukan oleh mahasiswa FKM UI pada tahun 2006
terdapat beberapa faktor yang dapat digunakan untuk mengukur resiko dari lama
waktu ibu dalam memberikan ASI eksklusif. Oleh karena itu, pada tugas akhir ini
akan dianalisis apa saja faktor tersebut. Kabupaten Tangerang dipilih sebagai lokasi
penelitian karena berdasarkan Profil Dinas Kesehatan Kabupaten Tangerang daerah
tersebut sedang giat dalam meningkatkan kualitas kesehatan masyarakatnya. Data
yang digunakan adalah data Survei Kinerja Berdasarkan Indikator Kabupaten
Tangerang Sehat 2010 dimana metode untuk yang digunakan untuk menganalisis
adalah metode regresi logistik ordinal. Berdasarkan hasil analisis dengan metode
tersebut diperoleh faktor-faktor yang digunakan untuk mengukur resiko dari lama
waktu pemberian ASI eksklusif oleh ibu."
Universitas Indonesia, 2009
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Analisis perkembangan Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi (TIK)
merupakan suatu cara untuk mengetahui kondisi perkembangan TIK dan
faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi kondisi TIK di berbagai bidang. Pada tugas
akhir ini akan dicari faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi kondisi perkembangan
TIK pada bidang rumah tangga, pendidikan, dan bisnis di Jakarta Selatan.
Pada awal analisis, dilakukan analisis cluster berdasarkan sejumlah variabel
pada availability of infrastructure to use ICTs. Dan analisis regresi logistik
dilakukan untuk menyelidiki faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi perkembangan
TIK di tiap-tiap bidang, dan diperoleh faktor yang mempengaruhi
perkembangan TIK di bidang rumah tangga adalah jumlah pendapatan, di
bidang pendidikan adalah uang bangunan, sedangkan di bidang bisnis
adalah jumlah infrastruktur TIK. Dan terakhir, dilakukan penggambaran
kondisi perkembangan TIK di tiap-tiap kecamatan di Jakarta Selatan
berdasarkan tiap-tiap bidang dengan menggunakan metode Geographic
Information Systems (GIS)."
Universitas Indonesia, 2009
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Gelar Satya Budhi
"This article attempts to identify factors affecting participation in payment of irrigation service fees. There are five
variables comprising demographic and economic of land variables were tested to find the variables that influenced the
participation significantly. The five variables tested consisted of age and formal education as demographic variables;
land productivity, land size, and land tenure as the economic of land variables. The results showed that formal education
(demographic variable) had positive relationship and land size (economic of land variable) had negative relationship
with the participation. Positive relationship between formal education and participation in payment of irrigation service
fees meant that the participation increased as farmers’ education increased. Meanwhile, negative relationship between
land size and the participation in payment of irrigation service fees showed that the farmers’ participation would
increase as the land size owned by farmers decreased. In other words, participation in payment of irrigation service fees
was higher among farmers with small lands rather than that among farmers with large lands."
Department of Agriculture. Agency for Agricultural Research and Development, 2006
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
The role of contraceptive use dynamics in shaping the contraceptive
prevalence structure and ht determining its impact on fertility becomes
increasingly important for family planning program, policy mailers and
program managers. Relatively few analyses of contraceptive use dynamics
exist for developing countries. The lack of _ such studies is that the data
required are not often collected. This article is intended to _,fill in the gaps by
analyzing the five-year calendar data derived from the I994 Indonesia
Demographic and Health Survey (1994 DHS). The five year calendar data on
contraceptive use, pregnancy, termination and reason for discontinuation of
contraceptive use analyzed using the life table methodologies provide
meaningful insight on the quality of contraceptive use in Indonesia. It is found
that the median duration of use is longest for the IUD and implant, while
shortest lor condom/intravag. About 27 percent of all Indonesia contraceptive
users discontinue the use of their chosen method within a year. The reasons
for discontinuation vary across subgroups of women. Method failure is
associated more with discontinuation of traditional method, while method-
related reasons such as health concern or inconvenience of use are more
likely to be associated with discontinuation of modern method mainly lUDs,
injectables and implants. There are more important factors that differentiate
women on discontinuation qt' contraception e.g., area of residence, region
education, age, and contraceptive intent. These findings on discontinuation
enabled the family planning program to provide more realistic and focused
services to their clients. In conclusion, this analysis emphasizes the
importance of examining the quality of contraceptive use in Indonesia to
achieve greater appreciation of the factors that affect contraceptive
discontinuation, switching behavior, and use:;i:i'lure. Special attention should
he addressed to health concerns as an important issue for the most popular
modern methods and to the minority of women who discontinue use within a
year and do not switch to another method.
Journal of Population, Vol. 3 No. 2 1997 : 159-196, 1997
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Donny Cahyo Wibowo
"Program Keluarga Berencana selama ini telah berkontribusi dalam penurunan fenilitas di Indonesia dan semakin lama prevalensinya semakin meningkat. Peningkatan prevalcnsi pemakaian kontrasepsi yang diikuti oleh penunman angka fertilitas mengindikasikan bahwa di antara dua indikator tersebut memiliki hubungan yang sangat erat. Pencapaian TFR di Indonesia berdasarkan SDKI 2007 ternyata lebih rendah dari yang diharapkan jika. merujuk pada pencapaian CPR-nya. Kondisi ini membawa Indonesia mengalami deiisit fertilitas, yaitu suatu kondisi pencapaian angka fertilitas yang lebih rendah daripada angka fertilitas yang diharapkan. Terjadinya defisit ini diduga karena pemakaian kontrasepsi yang makin efektif dan berlangsung lame, sehingga dugaan tersebut perlu diteliti lebih lanjut.
Melalui studi ini, ingin dipelajari pengaruh efektivitas pemakaian kontrasepsi dalam penurunan fertilitas dan kelangsungan pemakaian kontrasepsi berdasarkan karakteristik tingkat pendidikan, aktivitas pekerjaan, daerah tempat tinggal, tingkat kekayaan, mnur, tingkat PDRB, dan rasio fasilitas kesehatan per pasangan usia subur. Dengan mengglmakan regresi multinomial logistik dan regresi Cox, ingin dilihat kcoenderungan pemakaian alat/metodc kontrasepsi dan detenninan kelangsungan pemakaian kontrasepsi.
Metode kontrasepsi jangka panjang (MKJP) ternyata masih merupakan metode yang lebih efelctif dibandingkau dengan metode lainnya. Efektivitas yang terjadi ternyata lebih efektif dari yang diduga dan sangat berkontribusi atas texjadinya deiisit fertilitas di Indonesia. Adapun karakteristik yang memiliki kecenderungan untuk menggunakan MKJP ialah mereka yang berpendidikan menengah kc atas, bekezja, tinggal di perkotaan, tingkat kekayaannya linggi, berumur 35 tahun ke atas, daerahnya kurang maju, dan rasio fasilitas kesehaian per PUS-nya makin tinggi. Karakteristik yang lebih cepat mcngalami diskontinu adalah wanita yang menggunakan non MKJP atau metode tradisional, berpendidikan menengah ke atas, tidak bekelja, tinggal di perkotaan, tingkat kekayaannya tinggi, berumur kurang dari 35 tahun, daerahnya kurang maju, dan rasio fasilitas kesehatan per PUS-nya makin tinggi.

Family Plarming Program has been contributed to decreasing number of fertility in Indonesia. Increasing prevalence of contraceptive use which was followed by decreasing number of fertility rate indicated strong association between the two indicators. It was reported in IDHS 2007 that TFR in Indonesia was lower than expected seeing 'fiom achieved contraceptive use. This condition brought deficit of fertility in Indonesia. Later, it was guess that deficit of fertility was caused by e&`e ctiveness and longer duration of contraceptive use.
The objective of this research was to investigate the influence of effectiveness of contraceptive use toward fertility and to investigate influences of factors such as level of education, working status, place of residence, wealth status, age, GDP and ratio of health care facility and couple of child bearing age toward continuation of contraceptive use. Multinomial logistic and Cox Regression were used to examine the association.
Result of the analysis showed that long term contraceptive method was the most etfective method. The eiectiveness measured was more effective than it was expected and gave much contribution toward deiicit of fertility in Indonesia. The used of long term contraceptive method were high among those couples who were 35-49 years of ae, at least middle level of education, worked, lived in urban area, high socio economic status, lived in developing area, higher ratio of health care facilities and couple of child bearing age. Prevalence of discontinuation were high among those who were used traditional method and non long term method, at least middle level of education, not worked, lived in urban area, high socio economic status, 15-34 years of age, lived in developing area, high ratio of health care facility and couple of child bearing age.
Depok: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 2009
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
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