"The last three decades have revealed substantial change in
population :nobility in Indonesia. In the l9S0s population :nobility was
greatly determined by the government rather than the individuals
concerned. This is called a ''direct policy' implemented through
transmigration program. The mobility pattern was dominated by out-
migration flow from Java to outside Java. However, in the next two decades l990-2000} the migration pattern was determined by the migrants
themselves, and is called 'indirect policy'. The pattern shows a polarization
of mobility which indicates migrant flows from outside Java into Java as
well as into other centers of growth in indonesia. This paper tests spatial
interaction model which is well known in geography. The model is derived
from Newton's gravity model and was developed by Ravenstein and Reilly
(1931). The result of statistical test shows that the flows of migration have
positive relationship to the size of population in each region of origin and
destination, and have negative relationship to the distance between origin
and destination. The statistical model developed in this paper also rises the
origin and destination region as an explanatory variable.