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Yunanda Raharjanto
"Penelitian ini membahas mengenai model kerjasama pemerintah-swasta (PPP) dalam peningkatan kapasitas jalur KA Jabodetabek untuk meningkatkan jasa pelayanan transportasi darat khususnya kereta api atau KRL sebagai sarana transportasi massal untuk mengurangi kemacetan. Hasil penulisan ini untuk mengetahui model kerjasama yang cocok untuk kereta api khususnya untuk peningkatan kapasitas jalur KA Jabodetabek (lintas Jakarta-Bogor) serta menunjukkan bahwa pentingnya kerjasama pemerintah-swasta dalam pendanaan dibidang kereta api. Peningkatan kapasitas jalur KA Jabotabek akan berakibat pada penambahan jumlah penumpang, pengurangan kemacetan, mobilitas perekonomian, dan pengurangan dampak lingkungan.

This study discusses model of public private partnership in Jabodetabek Railways Capacity Enhancement to improve service land transportation especially rail (KRL) as a means of mass transportation to reduce congestion. The results of this paper to find a suitable model of public private partnership in railways specifically to increase the capacity of railway lines (Jakarta-Bogor line) and suggests that the importance of public private partnership in the field of railways. Increased capacity of railway lines Jabotabek will result in increasing the number of passengers, reduced congestion, economic mobility, and reduction of environmental impacts."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2011
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
I Gusti Agung Ayu Apsari Anandari
"Perbedaan antara dua sektor upah, sektor publik dan sektor swasta, sudah banyak dibahas di berbagai literatur. Tetapi belum banyak studi yang mendalami mengenai penyebab tenaga kerja berakhir di salah satu dari dua sektor tersebut. Tesis ini akan menguji peran individual risk aversion terhadap kecenderungan tenaga kerja berada di sektor publik atau swasta. Diduga, individual dengan degree of risk aversion yang tinggi memiliki kecenderungan yang besar untuk bekerja sebagai pegawai negeri, karena dari berbagai studi literatur sebelumnya ditemukan bahwa sektor publik memiliki job security yang tinggi. Degree of risk aversion di-elisitasi dari data hypothetical gambling questions yang terdapat pada IFLS-5. Hasil analisis dengan model Probit menemukan bahwa dugaan tersebut benar. Tesis ini juga membahas mengenai peran status pekerjaan orang tua individu terhadap kecenderungannya bekerja di sektor yang sama.

This study explores the role of risk aversion on an individual's occupational choice. It examines the effect of individual risk aversion using the choice between public and private sector employment in Indonesia. Public sector employment is considered relatively more secure than private sector work. The risk aversion of workers was observed and elicited using hypothetical gambling questions from the Indonesian Family Life Survey (IFLS). The findings were analyzed using the Probit model. The results show that more risk-tolerant workers choose the private sector. Those with higher education levels had more individual risk aversion. The findings suggest there may be a need to attract less risk-averse individuals to the public sector in Indonesia. This could be accomplished through a revised recruitment process or by equalizing the level of job security between the public and private sectors."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Fanny Rosalia
"Komitmen afektif organisasi menjadi salah satu persoalan yang harus dihadapi para pemimpin di dalam organisasi sektor publik. Penelitian menunjukan adanya faktor-faktor yang bersifat personal maupun situasional yang dapat membentuk komitmen afektif organisasi. Penelitian ini bertujuan menguji hubungan gaya komunikasi pemimpin melalui enam dimensi di dalamnya, yaitu ekspresif, ketepatan, agresi verbal, keingintahuan, emosional dan kesan manipulatif terhadap komitmen afektif organisasi dan kualitas hubungan interpersonal pimpinan-bawahan atau Leader-Member Exchange (LMX), serta bagaimana LMX memediasi hubungan antara gaya komunikasi pemimpin dan komitmen afektif organisasi dalam organisasi sektor publik. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa gaya komunikasi pemimpin pada dimensi ekspresif berhubungan signifikan secara positif terhadap komitmen afektif organisasi, gaya komunikasi pada dimensi ekspresif, ketepatan berhubungan signifikan secara positif terhadap LMX, agresi verbal berhubungan signifikan secara negatif terhadap LMX, dan LMX memediasi hubungan antara gaya komunikasi pemimpin pada dimensi ekspresif, ketepatan, agresi verbal, keingintahuan, emosional dan kesan manipulatif terhadap komitmen afektif organisasi. Perbedaan budaya organisasi di dalam sektor publik menjelaskan kecenderungan komunikasi bawahan terhadap pimpinannya.

Affective organizational commitment became one of the challenges that leaders in public sector organizations had to face. Research indicated the existence of personal and situational factors that could shape affective organizational commitment. This study aimed to examine the relationship between leader communication style through six dimensions, namely expressiveness, accuracy, verbal aggression, curiosity, emotionality, and manipulative impression, with affective organizational commitment and the quality of leader-member interpersonal relationships (LMX). Additionally, it explored how LMX mediated the relationship between leader communication style and affective organizational commitment in public sector organizations. The results of this study showed that the leader's communication style in the expressive dimension was significantly positively related to affective organizational commitment. The communication style in the expressive and accuracy dimensions was significantly positively related to LMX, while verbal aggression was significantly negatively related to LMX. LMX mediated the relationship between the leader's communication style in the expressive, accuracy, verbal aggression, curiosity, emotionality, and manipulative impression dimensions with affective organizational commitment. Differences in organizational culture within the public sector explained subordinates' communication tendencies towards their leaders
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2024
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
ByeongJo Kim
While employee proactivity has been hailed in management literature as a critical characteristic enabling an organization to accomplish its goals, little is known about how public sector employees exert proactivity at work. This study examines the effect of individual and contextual factors that enchance proactive work behavior among public sector employees."
Seoul: Seoul National University, 2019
370 KJPS 34:2 (2019)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Fakhrul Hadi
"Tujuan utama inovasi di sektor swasta adalah mendapatkan keunggulan kompetitif dan kinerja organisasi, demikian juga di sektor publik untuk mencapai kinerja yang berdampak pada kepuasan pemangku kepentingan. Sudah banyak penelitian yang membuktikan peran perilaku inovatif dalam membentuk iklim inovasi dalam organisasi. Untuk itu penelitian ini mencoba memberikan kontribusi tentang bagaimana meningkatkan kinerja sektor publik secara komprehensif melalui perilaku inovatif yang dibentuk oleh keyakinan individual dan dukungan lingkungan internal organisasi, serta peran kepemimpinan kewirausahaan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah menganalisis apakah perilaku inovatif dipengaruhi oleh efikasi diri kreatif dan iklim inovasi, serta peran moderasi kepemimpinan kewirausahaan, yang pada gilirannya akan mempengaruhi kinerja organisasi sektor publik. Penelitian dilakukan di salah satu organisasi publik di Indonesia. Responden penelitian ini adalah 162 manajer tingkat menengah dan dianalisis menggunakan Structural Equation Model (SEM) dengan pendekatan Partial Least Square (PLS). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perilaku inovatif mempengaruhi kinerja organisasi, dan perilaku inovatif dipengaruhi oleh efikasi diri kreatif dan iklim inovasi. Namun, penelitian ini tidak menemukan efek moderasi kepemimpinan kewirausahaan dalam hubungan antara efikasi diri kreatif dan perilaku inovatif.

The main purpose of innovation in the private sector is to gain competitive advantage and organization’s performance, likewise in public sector to achieve performance that impact stakeholder’s satisfaction. There have been many studies that prove the role of innovative behavior in shaping the innovation climate in organizations. This study tries to contribute to how to improve the performance of the public sector comprehensively through innovative behavior shaped by individual beliefs and support from the internal environment of the organization, as well as the role of entrepreneurial leadership. The purpose of this study was to analyze whether innovative behavior is influenced by creative self-efficacy and innovation climate, as well as the moderating role of entrepreneurial leadership, which in turn will affect the organizational performance of the public sector. The study conducted in one of public organization in Indonesia. The respondent of this study is 162 middle-level managers and analyzes using Structural Equation Model (SEM) with the Partial Least Square (PLS) approach. The results show that innovative behavior affects organizational performance, and innovative behavior is influenced by creative self-efficacy and innovation climate. However, this study did not find the moderating effect of entrepreneurial leadership in the relationship between creative self-efficacy and innovative behavior."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisinis Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Each Organization public sector or private have a goals. Strategy need reach a goal of
organization. It is describe at activities. Organization need reins management system for
guarantee to do of strategy organization effective and efficient system. The system for guarantee to do of strategy organization is decision maker at government region. The example is Outer ring road Semarang. Semarang have strategy position for national road, Outer ring road Semarang. Semarang have strategy position for national road, Outer ring road Semarang.
Semarang has a strategy position for national road, province road, regency road and city road.
In order to do need strategy management coordination each regent. Central Government have
plan build ring road Semarang-Solo need supported Government Semarang. The Conclusion
is, first alternative Trase (Gunung Pati street, Cangkiran, Kalimas, Mangkang) have high
feasibility views. First alternative have some problem. Problem solving need a good branch
of road, consistency middle ring road plan at BSB (Bukit Semarang Baru Regency). Second alternative (Pramuka Street, New street, Kalimas and Mangkang) have feasibility stage two.
Second alternative needs progress anticipate for conservation region plan, middle ring road
plan, space regulation specific for growth ple, intensive socialization society"
330 EKOBIS 11:1 (2010)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Yasar Uzun
"It is widely believed that a virtuous state always commits to uphold and consistently implement ethical values. If ethics cannot be maintained in the public sector, it would drive unethical behaviors of public officials that ultimately damage the public reputation and cause nepotism, irregularities, waste of public resources, loss of lives and properties, etc. Meanwhile, implementing ethical values into practice for public sector management requires a systematical approach and policies. Since the culture of a nation also influences people's behaviors, thus the role of cultural values should be considered in the management of ethical values in the public sector. This study examines the masterpiece work of Mawlana Jalal al-Din Rumi, The Mathnawi, as an example of a cultural resource. This study has two main purposes: Firstly, it aims to raise awareness about the advice of Mawlana Jalaleddin Rumi regarding the essentials of ethical management in the public sector through Mathnawi. The second aim is to encourage readers to analyze and evaluate their own cultural resources to understand and implement the ethical management philosophies they envisage through a systematic perspective. This study argues that the core elements of Mathnawi with supporting local cultural values can play a crucial role in strengthening the practice of ethical management in public sector organizations. Therefore, it can be said that Mathnawi includes advice regarding the key essentials of ethics management."
Jakarta: Badan Pemeriksa Keuangan Direktorat Penelitian dan Pengembangan, 2021
332 JTKAKN 7:1 (2021)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Mohammad Sadli, 1922-2008
Warsawa : Polish Scientific Publisher, 1960
330.991 MOH p (1)
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Wiena Maryna Julia Susanti
"Inovasi dari bawah yang bersifat kolaboratif diharapkan dapat mengatasi keterbatasan-keterbatasan yang dimiliki sektor publik serta meluasnya cakupan isu dan kompleksitas masalah yang dihadapi. Tesis ini membahas proses difusi inovasi Sekolah Siaga Kependudukan di Kabupaten Sukabumi dengan menggunakan Teori Difusi Inovasi Everett.M. Rogers. Lima dimensi kolaborasi dari Thomson digunakan untuk menggambarkan proses kolaborasi antar mitra dalam seluruh tahapan proses difusi inovasi program ini. Dengan menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dan strategi penelitian studi kasus, hasil penelitian mengungkapkan bahwa difusi inovasi Sekolah Siaga Kependudukan di Sukabumi berlangsung sesuai dengan tahapan proses inovasi dalam organisasi menurut Rogers dan bahwa perencanaan konsep inovasi yang matang diperlukan untuk mendukung kelancaran pelaksanaan keseluruhan proses difusi inovasi tersebut.

Collaborative bottom-up innovation is expected to overcome the limitations of the public sector and the widespread coverage of issues and the complexity of the problems they faced. This thesis describes the diffusion of innovation process of Sekolah Siaga Kependudukan in Sukabumi using Everett. M Roger?s Diffusion of Innovation Theory. Five dimensions of collaboration from Thomson is used to describe the process of collaboration among partners in all phases of the diffusion of innovation process of this program. Using a qualitative approach with case study research strategy, this research reveals that the diffusion of innovation process of Sekolah Siaga Kependudukan in Kabupaten Sukabumi is taking place in accordance with Rogers stages of the innovation process in the organization and that there should be a well prepared concept of innovation planning to support the overall implementation process of diffusion of innovation.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dila Farah Nugraha
"Studi ini menggunakan metode kualitatif. Kesimpulan dari studi ini adalah modifikasi perspektif balanced scorecard di Bank Indonesia yang tidak memberikan hasil yang signifikan dan usulan untuk pengadaan kembali peta strategi di level Satuan Kerja, adanya perbedaan peran balanced scorecard di Bank Indonesia berdasarkan tujuan awal memilih balanced scorecard dengan keadaan saat ini, hasil dari penilaian kinerja dengan balanced scorecard dapat digunakan pada rapat-rapat yang dijabarkan di dalam siklus SPAMK, dan terdapat kendala berupa transitional issues, design failures, serta process failures yang dihadapi Bank Indonesia dalam menyusun balanced scorecard.Kata kunci: balanced scorecard, Bank Indonesia, Departemen Manajemen Strategis dan Tata Kelola, peran dan kendala.

The aims of this study is to evaluate the preparation of balanced scorecard in Bank Indonesia. The method of this study is qualitative. The conclusion of this study are the modification of the perspectives of balanced scorecard which does not give significant impact and suggestion to build strategy map in each division, the differences between the roles of balanced scorecard in the past and the current condition, the result of balanced scorecard can be used in the meetings which are explained in SPAMK cycle, and the obstacles in preparing balanced scorecard in Bank Indonesia which are transitional issues, design failures, and process failures.Keywords balanced scorecard, Bank Indonesia, Departemen Manajemen Strategis dan Tata Kelola, the roles and the obstacles."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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