Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara optimisme dan motivasi berprestasi pada mahasiswa penerima beasiswa Bidikmisi di Universitas Indonesia. Menurut Scheier dan Carver (1985) optimisme adalah keyakinan secara umum bahwa akan terjadi sesuatu yang baik. Menurut Atkinson (dalam Passer, 2007) motivasi berprestasi adalah keinginan yang positif untuk menyelesaikan tugas-tugas dalam suasana persaingan untuk memperoleh sukses dengan standar yang tinggi. Secara keseluruhan, 247 mahasiswa penerima beasiswa Bidikmisi berpartisipasi dengan cara mengisi kuesioner optimisme dan motivasi berprestasi. Pengukuran optimisme menggunakan alat ukur Life Orientation Test-Revised (LOT-R) yang dikembangkan oleh Scheier, Carver dan Bridges (1994), sedangkan motivasi berprestasi diukur menggunakan alat ukur Achievement Motives Scale-Revised (AMS-R) oleh Lang dan Fries (2006). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa optimisme dan motivasi berprestasi memiliki korelasi positif yang signifikan (r=0,15, p=0,018) Hasil korelasi antara optimisme dan dimensi-dimensi motivasi berprestasi menunjukkan korelasi positif yang signifikan antara optimisme dan motivasi berprestasi dimensi hope of success (r=0,216, p=0,001) dan tidak tidak terdapat korelasi antara optimisme dan motivasi berprestasi dimensi fear of failure (r=0,025, p=0,701).;This research was conducted to investigate the correlation between optimism and achievement motivation among college student with Bidikmisi scholarship at Universitas Indonesia. According to Scheier and Carver (1985) optimism is general expectation the good thing will happen. According to Atkinson (in Passer, 2007) achievement motivation is a positive desire to accomplice task and complete successfully with standars of excellence. Overall, 247 Bidikmisi student was participated in this research by filling out the questionnaire optimism and achievement motivation. Optimism was measured by Life Orientation Test-Revised (LOT-R) constructed by Scheier, Carver and Bridges (1994), while achievement motivation was measured by Achievement Motives Scale-Revised (AMS-R) constructed by Lang and Fries (2006). The result show that there is a significant positive relationship between optimism and achievement motivation (r=0,15, p=0,018) hope of success aspect (r=0,216, p=0,001) and there is no relationship between optimism and achievement motivation fear of failure aspect (r=0,025, p=0,701)., This research was conducted to investigate the correlation between optimism and achievement motivation among college student with Bidikmisi scholarship at Universitas Indonesia. According to Scheier and Carver (1985) optimism is general expectation the good thing will happen. According to Atkinson (in Passer, 2007) achievement motivation is a positive desire to accomplice task and complete successfully with standars of excellence. Overall, 247 Bidikmisi student was participated in this research by filling out the questionnaire optimism and achievement motivation. Optimism was measured by Life Orientation Test-Revised (LOT-R) constructed by Scheier, Carver and Bridges (1994), while achievement motivation was measured by Achievement Motives Scale-Revised (AMS-R) constructed by Lang and Fries (2006). The result show that there is a significant positive relationship between optimism and achievement motivation (r=0,15, p=0,018) hope of success aspect (r=0,216, p=0,001) and there is no relationship between optimism and achievement motivation fear of failure aspect (r=0,025, p=0,701).]"