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Fransisca Anjar Rina Setyani
Pasien infarct myocard yang menjalani rawat inap beresiko untuk mengalami
konstipasi akibat dari bedrest. Tujuan dari penelitian ini mengetahui pengaruh
minuman probiotik terhadap pencegahan konstipasi pada pasien infarct myocard.
Penelitian ini menggunakan desain Quasi eksperimental post test only non
equivalent control group, yaitu membandingkan perbedaan pola eliminasi
defekasi antara kelompok kontrol dan intervensi. Jumlah sampel 48 orang yang
terbagi menjadi 2 kelompok, yaitu 24 responden pada kelompok kontrol dan 24
responden pada kelompok intervensi. Hasil uji t- independen menunjukkan ada
perbedaan yang signifikan skor defekasi antara kelompok kontrol dan intervensi,
artinya ada pengaruh minuman probiotik terhadap pencegahan konstipasi pada
pasien infarct myocard (p value = 0,001; α = 0.05). Hasil penelitian ini dapat
digunakan sebagai sumber informasi dan bahan pertimbangan bagi perawat saat
memberikan asuhan keperawatan pada pasien khususnya pasien infarct myocard
yang menjalani rawat inap untuk menjaga keteraturan pola eliminasi defekasi

Inpatients of myocardial infarction are at risk for constipation as resulting from
bed rest. The purpose of this research is to know the effect of probiotic drinks to
prevent constipation toward patients with myocardial infarction at Gatot Subroto
Army Hospital in Jakarta. This research uses quasi experimental posttest only
non-equivalent control group design, which compares the differences of
elimination defecation patterns between control and intervention groups. The
number of sample is 48 people, divided into 2 groups, i.e. 24 respondents in the
control group and 24 respondents in the intervention group. Independent t-test
results showed significant difference defecation scores between the control and
intervention groups, meaning that there is the effect of giving probiotic drink to
prevent constipation in patients with myocardial infarction (p value = 0.001; α =
0.05). The results of this research can be used as a source of information and
consideration for the nurses when providing nursing care in myocardial infarction
patients, especially patients who undergo hospitalization to maintain regularity of
elimination defecation patterns."
T 30396
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Infark ventrikel kanan yang terutama terjadi sebagai komplikasi infark enitas penaykit tersendiri dimana dapat terjadi gangguan hemodinamik mayor."
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rima Melati
"Latar belakang dan tujuan: Penyakit jantung koroner merupakan penyakit yang sangat menakutkan dan masih menjadi masalah baik di negara maju maupun negara berkembang. Prevalensi infark miokard juga terus meningkat dari tahun ke tahun. Hal ini selain disebabkan oleh faktor risiko konvensional, juga dipengaruhi oleh faktor pekerjaan. Upaya pengendalian bam ditujukan pada iinktor-faktor risiko konvensional. yang sudah diketahui jelas pengaruhnya, sedangkan faktor pekexjaan yang menimbulkan job strain masih belum diperhatikan, padahal job strain dapat menimbulkan stres kerja yang akan berdampak pada terjadinya infark miokard. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat hubungan antara job strain dan faktor risiko lainnya dengan terjadinya infark miokard pada pekerja.
Metode: Desain penelitian ini adalah kasus kontrol dengan jivquency matching 1:1 menurut umur. Data dikumpulkan dengan menggunakan kuesioner data umum yang meliputi karakteristik demografi, faktor risiko konvensional, karakteristik pekerjaan, dan kuesioner demand- control (ICQ) untuk mengukur job strain.
Hasil: Job strain, merokok dan dislipidemia merupakan faktor risiko yang berhubungan dengan infark miokard. Job sirain meningkatkan risiko infark miokard 6,8 kali lipat (Adj OR 6,80, 95% CI: 2,72 ; l6,98, p = 0,000). Perokok ringan bexisiko I5 kali lipat terhadap teljadinya infark miokard (Adj OR 14,97, 95% CI: 3,17 ; 70,74, p = 0,001), perokok sedang beaisiko 7,7 kali lipat terhadap terjadinya infark miokard (Adj OR 7,72, 95% CI: 273 ; 21,84, p = 0,000), dan perokok berat berisiko 26 kali lipat terhadap terjadinya infark miokard (Adj OR 25,6l, 95% Cl: 5,25 ; 124,88, p = 0,000). Dislipidemia meningkatkan risiko infark miokard 2,8 kali lipat (Adj OR 2,82, 95% CI: 1,07 ; 7,44, p = 0,035). Komponen job strain yang meningkatkan risiko infark miokard adalah job demands yang tinggi (Ad_§ OR 2,44, 95% CI: 1,02 ; 5,85, p = 0,046).
Kesimpulan: Job strain, merokok dan dislipidemia secara bersama-sama berhubungan dengan kejadian infark miokard.

Background and aim: Coronary heart disease is the most tightening disease and still become a problem in the developed and developing countries. The prevalence of myocard infarction is also increasing fiom year to year. Beside the conventional risk factors, it is also influenced by occupational factors. Although job strain can cause stress which would have impact on the occurrence of myocard infarction, the prevention strategies being implemented are just for conventional risk factors. There is still no concern for occupational factors which can also cause job strain. This study was aimed to assess the relationship between job strain and other risk factors with myocard infarction among workers.
Methods: The study design was case - control with frequency matching 1:1 for age. Data were collected by using general questionnaire which covered demography characteristics, conventional risk factors, job characteristics, and demand - control questionnaire(ICQ) to assess job strain.
Result: Job strain, smoking and dyslipidemia were risk factors which had relationship with myocard infarction Job strain increased myocard infarction risk by 6.8 times (Adj OR 6.80, 95% CI: 2.72 ; 16.98, p = 0.000). Light smokers increased myocard infarction risk by 15 times (Adj OR 14.97, 95% CI: 3.17 ; 70.74, p = 0.001), medium smokers increased myocard infarction risk by 7,7 times (Adj OR 7.72, 95% CI: 2.73 ; 21.84, p = 0.000), and heavy smokers increased myocard infarction risk by 26 times (Adj OR 25.61, 95% CI: 5.25 ; 124.88, p = 0.000)_ Dyslipidemia increased myocard infarction risk by 2.8 times (Adj OR 2.82, 95% CI: 1.07 ; 7.44, p == 0.035). Job strain component which increased myocard infarction risk was high job demand (Adj OR 2-44, 95% CI: 1.02 ; 5.85, p = 0046).
Conclusion: Job strain, smoking and dyslipidemia simultaneously had relationship with myocard infarction.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2008
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
[Place of publication not identified]: International society of Cardiology, 1973
616.123 7 MYO
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Furaida Khasanah
Pasien paska infark miokard sering mengalami gangguan pemenuhan kebutuhan
seksual. Sampai sekarang penelitian terkait seksualitas paska infark miokard
masih terbatas. Penelitian ini bertujuan memperoleh gambaran persepsi
pemenuhan kebutuhan seksual pasien infark miokard. Penelitian ini menggunakan
pendekatan kualitatif desain fenomenologi deskriptif, metode pengumpulan data
wawancara dan catatan lapangan. Partisipan adalah pasien poli jantung RSUD
Pasar Rebo Jakarta Timur yang terdiagnosa infark miokard. Data dianalisa dengan
teknik Colaizzi. Penelitian ini mengidentifikasi 5 tema : perubahan fungsi seksual,
ketakutan melakukan aktivitas seksual, alternative pemenuhan kebutuhan seksual,
makna seksual bagi individu, kebutuhan pada pelayanan kesehatan. Hasil
penelitian menunjukkan pasien dengan infark miokard mengalami gangguan
dalam pemenuhan kebutuhan seksual dan membutuhkan bantuan tenaga kesehatan
sesuai tema yang ditemukan.

Patients with post Myocardial Infarction episode may experience disturbance in
fulfilling their sexual needs. There were limited study in exploring this area. The
aim of this study was to identify the perception of patients with Myocardial
Infarction on their sexual need fulfillment. This was a qualitative study using
phenomenological descriptive, with interview and field note as data collection
method. The participants were from outpatients heart clinic at Pasar Rebo
Regional General Hospital, East Jakarta, who were diagnosed with Myocardial
Infarction. Data were analyzed with the Colaizzi technique. This study identifies
five themes : change in sexuality function, fear of doing sexual activities,
alternatives way for sexual needs, the meaning of sexuality for individual patient,
and the need of health services. This study concluded that patients with post
Myocardial Infarction experience disturbance of sexual need fulfilment and need
support from health personal in solving their sexual need problems;Patients with post Myocardial Infarction episode may experience disturbance in
fulfilling their sexual needs. There were limited study in exploring this area. The
aim of this study was to identify the perception of patients with Myocardial
Infarction on their sexual need fulfillment. This was a qualitative study using
phenomenological descriptive, with interview and field note as data collection
method. The participants were from outpatients heart clinic at Pasar Rebo
Regional General Hospital, East Jakarta, who were diagnosed with Myocardial
Infarction. Data were analyzed with the Colaizzi technique. This study identifies
five themes : change in sexuality function, fear of doing sexual activities,
alternatives way for sexual needs, the meaning of sexuality for individual patient,
and the need of health services. This study concluded that patients with post
Myocardial Infarction experience disturbance of sexual need fulfilment and need
support from health personal in solving their sexual need problems, Patients with post Myocardial Infarction episode may experience disturbance in
fulfilling their sexual needs. There were limited study in exploring this area. The
aim of this study was to identify the perception of patients with Myocardial
Infarction on their sexual need fulfillment. This was a qualitative study using
phenomenological descriptive, with interview and field note as data collection
method. The participants were from outpatients heart clinic at Pasar Rebo
Regional General Hospital, East Jakarta, who were diagnosed with Myocardial
Infarction. Data were analyzed with the Colaizzi technique. This study identifies
five themes : change in sexuality function, fear of doing sexual activities,
alternatives way for sexual needs, the meaning of sexuality for individual patient,
and the need of health services. This study concluded that patients with post
Myocardial Infarction experience disturbance of sexual need fulfilment and need
support from health personal in solving their sexual need problems]"
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Lies Dina Liastuti
"Penelitian ini meneliti tentang selisih antara tagihan dengan klaim yang dibayar oleh para penjamin biaya kesehatan terhadap pelayanan kasus Infark Miokiard Akut di RSJPDHK serta selisih antara tagihan dengan klaim menggunakan tarif INA-CBG`s. Tujuan dari penelitian adalah untuk dapat memperoleh data karakteristik, mutu layanan dan permasalahan biaya dan pembayaran klaim terhadap RS oleh para penjamin/pembayar. Penelitian ini mendapatkan 5472 pasien Infark Miokard Akut selama periode 1 Januari 2009 sampai 31 Desember 2012 terdiri dari laki laki 81,5% dan perempuan 18,5%, rata-rata usia 56,3 tahun rentang usia yang lebar (21-97 th vs 26-96 th). Sebagian besar berasal dari DKI Jakarta (51%), Tingkat keparahan I 46%, Tingkat II 47,4%, dan Tingkat III 5,9%. Lebih dari separuh pasien (54,64%) mendapat tatalaksana intervensi PTCA atau bedah jantung (CABG), sedangkan 44,54% pasien dirawat tanpa tindakan intervensi non bedah maupun bedah. Penelitian mendapatkan 43,7% pasien dengan jaminan Askes, dan hanya 2,9 % dijamin dengan Jamkes yang dibayar dengan sistem INA-CBG`s. Lama rawat pasien rata rata 7,71±6,30 hari, 87,8, % keluar RS dengan status sembuh. Kesimpulan : Mutu layanan IMA di RSJPDHK tidak dibedakan berdasarkan jenis penjamin, dan adanya selisih antara tagihan RS dengan klaim yang dibayar oleh para penjamin berhubungan secara bermakna dengan kode diagnosis, jumlah tindakan sekunder, lama rawat dan tingkat keparahan penyakit. Penelitian mendapatkan nilai selisih dalam simulasi perhitungan antara tagihan terhadap klaim dengan sistem INA-CBG`s.

The Study examined the differences between the published rates and the CBG rates among patients with acute myocardial infarction (AMI) in National Cardiovascular Center (NCC) Harapan Kita. The purpose of this study is to examine whether there is quality and other differences among AMI patients paid by difference payers and payment levels. This study analyzed medical records of patients with AMI during the period of January 1, 2009 until December 31, 2012. The study found 5,472 patients with AMI consisting of 81.5% males and 18.5% females with the mean age of 56.3 years (range between 21-97 years vs. 26-96 years). Most of the patients were from Jakarta (51%). On severity levels, 46% patients were in severity level I, 47.7% severity level II, and 5.9% level III. More than half (54.6%) patients were treated with intervention (PTCA) or surgical procedures (CABG), while 44.4% patients were treated conventionally. We found that 43.7% of patients were covered by Askes, and only 2.9% were Medicaid (Jamkesmas) that were paid on DRGs. The average length of stays was 7.7 days and 87.8% were discharged in a good recovery. There was no difference in quality of treatment by difference payers or payment system although there was significant discrepancy in charges among difference payers. This differences in charges were associated differences in diagnoses, the number of secondary procedures, length of stays, and severity of the cases. It is concluded that the doctors provided the same quality of services among AMI patients, regardless of payers` status or charges."
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Wishnu Aditya Widodo
"Latar Belakang. Infark miokard akut (IMA) masih merupakan salah satu penyebab kematian tertinggi di Indonesia dan dunia. Kejadian perdarahan pada pasien IMA berkaitan dengan angka mortalitas yang jauh lebih tinggi. Kejadian perdarahan ditemukan lebih tinggi pada populasi IMA dengan elevasi segmen ST (IMA-EST) dibandingkan dengan IMA non elevasi segmen ST (IMA-NEST). Analisa register skala besar telah mengidentifikasi faktor-faktor yang berhubungan dengan kejadian perdarahan, dan beberapa diantaranya diaplikasikan sebagai sistem skor. Namun hingga saat tulisan ini dibuat, belum ada satupun sistem skor yang dibuat khusus untuk populasi IMA-EST.
Metode. Studi retrospektif kohort dilakukan di Pusat Jantung Nasional Harapan Kita, Jakarta pada pasien IMA-EST yang menjalani intervensi koroner perkutan primer (IKPP). Kejadian perdarahan positif menggunakan definisi Bleeding Academic Research Consortium (BARC). Karakteristik dasar, pemeriksaan klinis awal, data laboratorium, roentgen, terapi awal, tindakan IKPP, dan terapi selama perawatan merupakan kategori dari variabel yang dikumpulkan melalui rekam medis dan sistem informasi rumah sakit. Data kemudian diolah dengan analisis multivariat menggunakan metode logistik regresi dan diberikan pembobotan sehingga menjadi suatu sistem skor. Sistem skor ini kemudian diuji kembali dengan menggunakan populasi yang sama.
Hasil. Sebanyak 579 sampel berhasil dikumpulkan, dengan 42 diantaranya mengalami perdarahan (7.3%). Variabel yang masuk ke dalam model akhir adalah jenis kelamin perempuan, kelas Killip 3 / 4, Umur ≥ 62 tahun, Leukosit >12.000, Kreatinin >1.5, IMT ≥ 25, Lesi koroner multipel, Akses femoral, dan Pemasangan TPM. Uji diskriminasi dan kalibrasi dari model akhir menunjukkan hasil yang baik. Model alternatif dibuat dengan menghilangkan variabel yang berkaitan dengan hasil dan prosedur tindakan intervensif.
Kesimpulan. Sistem skor baru ini merupakan suatu sistem untuk memprediksi kejadian perdarahan pada populasi IMA-EST yang menjalani IKPP. Skor ini memiliki nilai kalibrasi dan diskriminasi yang baik sehingga diharapkan dapat membantu menentukan strategi tatalaksana selama perawatan.

Background. Acute myocardial infarction still become one of the leading mortality cause in the world. Among these patients, ST elevation myocardial infartion (STEMI) has the greatest mortality rate among other type of Myocardial Infarction. When a myocard infarct patient have bleeding events, mortality rate greatly increased. Up until now, there is no specific bleeding risk assessment tool to predict bleeding events in STEMI patient.
Methods. A retrospective cohort study, done in National Cardiovascular Center Harapan Kita, Jakarta in STEMI patients underwent Primary Percutaneous Coronary Intervention (PPCI). Bleeding event was defined according to definition by Bleeding Academic Research Consortium (BARC). Categories for data obtained was basic characteristics, clinical examinations, initial therapies, lab results, x-ray, PPCI procedures, and in hospital treatments. Statistical analysis was done using multivariat analysis using logistic regression method and then converted to a scoring system.
Result. 579 sampels fit the inclusion and exclusion criteria. Bleeding event occured in 42 patients (7.3%). Score was created by assignment of variables that included in the final model according to their Odds Ratio (OR) values. The variables are female gender, Killip class 3 / 4, Age ≥ 62 y.o, White blood cell >12.000, Creatinine >1.5, Body Mass Index ≥ 25, Multiple coronary lesion, Femoral access, and TPM implantation. These variabels was converted into two type of scoring system. The complete model contains all of the variables, and the alternative model discard variables related to interventional result and procedures.
Conclusion. A new scoring system quantifies risk for in-hospital bleeding event in STEMI patients underwent PPCI, which enhances baseline risk assessment for STEMI care.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Angka kematian pada pasien dengan infark miokardium akut (IMA) telah menurun secara signifikan oleh karena strategi terapi reperfusi saat ini. Terapi reperfusi dapat berakibat pada cedera reperfusi. Oleh karena itu, tatalaksana pada pasien ini menghadapi tantangan baru dalam hal diagnosis dan tatalaksana gagal jantung, identifikasi kondisi iskemia, estimasi keperluan antikoagulan, dan penilaian risiko kardiovaskular secara menyeluruh. Ilustrasi kasus ini akan menunjukkan pengaruh magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) kardiak dalam penilaian patofisiologi IMA pada era terapi reperfusi. MRI kardiak akan memberikan informasi berguna yang akan membantu para klinisi dalam tatalaksana dan pemilihan strategi terapi spesifik pada pasien IMA.

Mortality in patients with acute myocardial infarction (AMI) has decreased significantly and appears to be the result of current reperfusion therapeutic strategies. Reperfusion itself may develop into reperfusion injury. Therefore, management of these patients poses several challenges, such as diagnosing and managing heart failure, identifying persistent or inducible ischaemia, estimating the need for anticoagulation, and assessing overall cardiovascular risk. This case presentation will demonstrate the impact of cardiac magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in the assessment of the pathophysiology of AMI in
the current reperfusion era. Cardiac MRI can provide a wide range of clinically useful information which will help clinicians to manage and choose specific therapeutic strategies for AMI patients."
[Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia], 2013
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Hutasoit, Katrina Ruth Ulima
"Intervensi koroner perkutan primer (IKPP) merupakan pilihan utama terapi repefusi pada infark miokard akut dengan elevasi segmen ST (IMAEST) dan obstruksi mikrovaskular (OMV) merupakan salah satu komplikasi yang sering terjadi pada IKPP. Osteoprotegerin (OPG) merupakan tumor necrosis factor receptor yang konsentrasinya meningkat pada pasien IMA-EST. Studi yang menganalisis hubungan konsentrasi serum OPG dengan luasnya infark masih sangat terbatas.
Metode. Tiga puluh enam pasien yang menjalani intervensi koroner perkutan primer (IKPP) pada bulan September hingga November 2013, direkrut secara konsekutif pada studi potong lintang ini. Dilakukan analisis hubungan antara konsentrasi serum OPG sebelum IKPP dengan hs-trop T 24 jam pasca IKPP.
Hasil. Analisis bivariat menunjukkan hubungan antara konsentrasi serum OPG dengan hs-trop T (r = 0.41, p =0.015). Analisis multivariat konsentrasi serum OPG dan onset nyeri mempengaruhi luas infark (indeks kepercayaan 5.15 – 49.19, p =0.017 dan indeks kepercayaan 2.56 - 15.28, p = 0.005).
Kesimpulan. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan hubungan antara konsentrasi serum osteoprotegerin saat masuk dengan luas infark miokard yang diukur dengan hs-trop T pada pasien IMA-EST yang menjalani IKPP.

Primary percutaneous coronary intervention (PPCI ) is the preferred option for reperfusion therapy in acute ST-elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) patients and microvascular obstruction (MVO) is one of the complication that might occurred during PPCI. Osteoprotegerin (OPG) is a tumor necrosis factor receptors that may increased in STEMI patients. Studies that analyze the relationship between serum concentrations of OPG with the extent of infarction are still very limited.
Method. Thirty six patients underwent PPCI were enrolled in this cross sectional study during September to November 2013. We analyzed the relationship between serum concentrations of OPG before PPCI with the level of hs-trop T measured 24 hours after PPCI.
Results. Bivariate analysis showed a significant correlation between serum osteoprotegerin concentration and hs-trop T (r=0.41, p=0.015). Multivariate analysis showed significant correlation between the extent of infarction with both onset of pain (confidence interval 2.56-15.28, p=0.005) and serum osteoprotegerin concentrations (confidence interval 5.15-49.19, p= 0.017).
Conclusion. This study showed that serum osteoprotegerin concentration have a significant relationship to the extent of infarction measured with hs-trop T in acute STEMI patients underwent PPCI.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Suryo Wibowo
"Latar Belakang: Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui hubungan status pekerjaan sebagai suatu faktor risiko infark miokard pada para pekeija pxia yang dirawat di Rumah Sakit Jantung dan Pembuluh Darah Harapan Kita.
Metode: Desain penelitian kasus-kontrol dengan 77 kasus infark miokard dan kontrol 77 orang yang dipilih dan disamakan kclompok umumya. Informasi mengenai pekezjaan dan falctor-faktor risiko klasik infark miokard diperoleh melalui questionnaire dan dengan menelusun berkas rekam medik subyek. Hubungan antara infark miokard dan status pekerjaan dinilai dengan analisis regresi logistik, disuaikan terhadap sejumlah faktor risiko lainnya.
Hasil: Setelah disuaikan terhadap obesitas, hipertensi, riwayat keluarga, kelompok pendidikan, status perkawinan, dan jam kerja, kami menemul-can bahwa, dibandingkan terhadap status pekerjaan manual tidak terlatih, pda yang status pekerjaannya semakin tinggi semakin bcrisiko untuk terjadi infark miokard yakni OR 4,17 (95% CI 0,98 - 17,73), OR 6,67 (95% CI 1,56 _ 2s,5z), OR 11,11 (95% CI 2,94 - 41,95) dan OR 14,17 (95% CI 3,24 - 6l,99) berturut- turut untuk status pekerjaan manual terlatih, non manual tingkat rendah, non manual tingkat menengah, dan non manual tingkat tinggi.
Kesimpulan: Terdapat perbedaan dalarn risiko infark miokard antara status pekeljaan yang berbeda. Pria yang status pekerjaannya non manual tingkat tinggi paling bcrisiko. Perbedaan dalam faktor-faktor psikososial di negara-negara sedang berkembang mungkin mempunyai andii terhadap hasil yang diamati dalam penelitian ini.

Background: This study was carried out to identity occupational status as a risk factor associated with myocardial infarction among male workers who hospitalized at National Cardiovascular Center Harapan Kita.
Methods: Case-control study with myocardial infarction as cases (n = 77) and controls (n = 77) were selected and matched on age. lnfomtation about occupation and classical risk factors for myocardial infarction was obtained with questionnaire and through subjects? medical record. The relation between myocardial infarction and occupational status was evaluated by logistic regression analysis, adjusting for a number of selected risk factors.
Results: After adjusting for obesity, hypertension, family history, educational group, marital status, and working hour, we found that, compared to manual unskilled occupational status, higher occupational status increased risk of myocardial infarction with OR 4,17 (95% CI 0,98 - 17,73), OR 6,67 (95% C1 1,56 - 28,52), OR 11,11 (95% CI 2,94 - 41,95), and OR 14,17 (95% Cl 3,24 - 61,99) respectively for manual skilled, non manual low level, non manual middle level, and non manual high level occupational status.
Conclusions: Differences in myocardial infarction risk among occupational status were found. Non manual high level occupational status were at highest risk. Differences in psychosocial factors in developing countries may contribute to observed results.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2008
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
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