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Joni Marsius
"Tesis ini membahas bagaimana pengaruh kemajuan sektor perbankan baik bagi penurunan tingkat kemiskinan Indonesia, di satu sisi dengan membawa peningkatan pertumbuhan ekonomi di sisi lainnya melalui tersedianya kredit yang sesuai dengan masyarakat miskin. Dengan kemajuan sektor perbankan maka tabungan dapat dimobilisasi dan uang dapat dialokasikan ke hal-hal yang lebih produktif, baik dengan peningkatan modal fisik maupun meningkatnya produktivitas dari modal fisik. Efek menetes ke bawah dari perubahan kelembagaan dan keekonomian yang disebabkan oleh kemajuan sektor perbankan membawa perubahan yang lumayan komplek terhadap kondisi kehidupan masyarakat miskin. Pada saat terjadi krisis keuangan pada tahun 1997 - 2000, yang juga menghantam sektor perbankan membawa pengaruh sangat buruk terhadap kondisi kemiskinan, dan menahan pengaruh positif yang diakibatkan kemajuan sektor perbankan yang sebelumnya telah berhasil mereduksi jumlah penduduk miskin. Hipotesis mengenai kemajuan sektor perbankan dan dampak krisis keuangan selama periode 1971 ? 2009, telah membawa pelajaran langsung yang sangat bermanfaat bagi pengambilan kebijakan.

This thesis investigates how banking development is beneficial to the reduction of Indonesian?s poverty, on the one hand by promoting growth and in the other hand directly by providing affordable loan. Banking Sector Development (BSD) mobilizes saving and allocates capital to more productive uses, both of which help increase the amount of physical capital and its productivity. The trickle-down effect of economic and institutional changes brought by BSD became more complex effect on living condition of the poor. At the same time, however, financial instability in 1997 - 2000 which accompanies financial development is disadvantageous to the poor and dampens the positive effect of banking development on the reduction of poverty. The hypothesis is tested successfully on Indonesia over the period 1971 till 2009, resulting in straightforward policy implication."
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2011
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Whitney Louise Alianto
"Undang-undang Nomor 4 Tahun 2023 Tentang Pengembangan Dan Penguatan Sektor Keuangan (UU P2SK) menerbitkan ketentuan Pengelola Dana Perwalian (trustee) sebagai badan usaha khusus untuk melakukan kegiatan penitipan dan pengelolaan (trust) dan/atau sekuritisasi aset. Konsepsi trust berasal dari sistem common law sehingga tidak dapat serta merta diterapkan terhadap badan Pengelola Dana Perwalian (trustee). Melalui metode penelitian doktrinal dan metode perbandingan, penelitian ini membahas Pengelola Dana Perwalian sebagai trustee berdasarkan UU P2SK dan melakukan perbandingan konsep trust berdasarkan sistem common law dengan konsep trustee berdasarkan hukum di Indonesia. Hasil analisis penelitian ini menyatakan bahwa Indonesia belum memiliki peraturan perundang-undangan yang memadai terkait terkait Pengelola Dana Perwalian sebagai trustee dalam melakukan kegiatan usahanya dan masih belum dapat dikatakan komprehensif apabila dibandingkan dengan konsepsi trust berdasarkan sistem common law. Pemerintah Indonesia sebaiknya menerbitkan peraturan pelaksana dengan ketentuan yang lebih spesifik, agar menjamin efisiensi dan efektifitas dalam kegiatan Pengelola Dana Perwalian (trustee).

Law Number 4 of 2023 concerning the Development and Strengthening of the Financial Sector (P2SK Law) issues provisions regarding Pengelola Dana Perwalian (trustee) as a special business entity to carry out custody and management (trust) and/or asset securitization activities. The trust concept, rooted in the common law system, entails provisions and characteristics that are not readily applicable to Pengelola Dana Perwalian (trustees) within the Indonesian legal framework. Through doctrinal and comparative methods, this study scrutinizes the legal provisions pertaining to Pengelola Dana Perwalian (trustees) under UU P2SK, comparing the common law trust concept with the Indonesian legal construct of trustees. The analysis concludes that Indonesia does not yet have adequate legislation related to Pengelola Dana Perwalian as trustees in conducting their business activities and it falls short of comprehensiveness when compared to the common law trust concept. Thus, it is recommended that the Indonesian Government establish more detailed and specific implementing regulations to ensure the effective and efficient conduct of activities by Pengelola Dana Perwalian (trustee)."
Jakarta: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2024
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muhammad Fazanidya Permana
"Sektor keuangan global secara tradisional berpusat pada proses pembiayaan baik untuk entitas korporat maupun individu, dengan tindakan pembiayaan itu sendiri menjadi titik fokus penting dalam industri ini. Namun, meskipun signifikansinya, sistem ini tetap relatif tidak berubah seiring waktu hingga munculnya inovasi teknologi. Pengenalan teknologi keuangan (fintech) ke industri keuangan menandai titik perubahan yang transformatif. Pergeseran ini membawa peluang luar biasa bagi individu untuk mengakses jalur pembiayaan alternatif di luar batasan lembaga keuangan tradisional. Sementara transformasi ini terbukti menguntungkan beberapa negara, secara bersamaan menghadirkan tantangan bagi yang lain, menyoroti sifat ganda dampaknya. Dalam konteks di mana teknologi keuangan masuk ke pasar keuangan tanpa regulasi yang sesuai, pengaruh mereka menjadi senjata bermata dua. Ketidakberaturan ini memiliki konsekuensi serius, menyebabkan kejatuhan pengguna teknologi semacam itu.
Studi ini menggali pemahaman terhadap peran penting yang dimainkan oleh pemerintah dalam integrasi teknologi keuangan ke dalam lanskap pasar keuangan. Secara khusus, fokus menyempit pada Pembiayaan Peer-to-Peer (P2P) sebagai contoh prominent dari teknologi keuangan. Metode investigasi melibatkan eksplorasi pengalaman pengguna sebelumnya, seperti India dan China, dalam menerapkan P2P lending. Dengan menganalisis pendekatan regulasi masing-masing, muncul wawasan yang dapat membimbing pengguna berikutnya, yang diwakili di sini oleh Indonesia. Wawasan ini menegaskan pentingnya keterlibatan pemerintah dalam mengatur kemajuan yang baru ini secara efektif.

The global financial sector has traditionally centred around the processes of financing for both corporate entities and individuals, with the act of financing itself being a pivotal focal point within this industry. However, despite its significance, this system remained relatively unchanged over time until the advent of technological innovations. The introduction of financial technologies (fintech) to the financial industry marked a transformative juncture. This shift brought about remarkable opportunities for individuals to access alternative avenues of financing beyond the confines of traditional financial institutions. While this transformation proved advantageous for several countries, it simultaneously presented challenges for others, highlighting the dual nature of its impact. In contexts where financial technologies entered the financial markets without appropriate regulations, their influence became a double-edged sword. This lack of regulation had severe repercussions, leading to the downfall of earlier adopters of such technologies. This study delves into comprehending the crucial role that governments play in the integration of financial technologies into the financial market landscape. Specifically, the focus narrows down to Peer-to-Peer (P2P) lending as one prominent example of a financial technology. The investigation method involves an exploration of the experiences of previous adopters, such as India and China, in implementing P2P lending. By analysing their respective regulatory approaches, insights emerge that can guide subsequent adopters, exemplified here by Indonesia. These insights underscore the imperative nature of government involvement in effectively regulating this novel advancement."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Makalah dan Kertas Kerja  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Krisis keuangan menimbulkan dampak sosial yang besar dan terus-menerus, membuat hubungan stabilitas perbankan, kompetisi dan penetrasi bank asing menjadi penting. Perhatian utama tesis ini adalah mengenai dampak dari penetrasi bank asing dan kompetisi terhadap stabilitas industri perbankan di Indonesia. Penelitian ini menggunakan analisis regresi berganda dengan asumsi Ordinary Least Square (OLS) untuk menguji pengaruh dari penetrasi bank asing dan kompetisi terhadap stabilitas perbankan. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah 83 bank di sektor perbankan Indonesia, yang menerbitkan laporan bulanan dari tahun 2008-2013.
Hasil penelitian menggunakan pendekatan Panzar-Ross menunjukkan bahwa industri perbankan Indonesia tergolong ke dalam kategori pasar monopolistik. Temuan lainnya menunjukkan bahwa penetrasi bank asing dan kompetisi mempengaruhi stabilitas perbankan. Penetrasi bank asing, dalam hal pembatasan masuknya bank asing yang ketat dan kompetisi memiliki efek yang cenderung membuat sektor perbankan menjadi stabil, namun persyaratan modal yang ketat cenderung melemahkan stabilitas perbankan.

Financial crises imposed large and persistent social costs, making the relationship of banking stability, competition and foreign bank penetration important. The main concern of this thesis is the impact of foreign bank penetration and competition on the stability of the Indonesian banking industry. This research used multiple regression analysis with assumption Ordinary Least Square (OLS) to examine the influence of foreign bank penetration and competition on the banking stability. The sample of this study consist of 83 banks in Indonesia banking sector, which were published monthly report from 2008-2013.
Using the Panzar-Rosse approach indicated that Indonesian banking industry could be cataragorized into monopolistic market. Other results show that foreign bank penetration and competition affect banking stability. Foreign bank penetration, in terms of restrictions on the entry of foreign banks were tight and competition had similar effects tended to stabilize the banking stability, but stricter capital requirements tended to destabilize the banking stability.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dessy Ayu Saputri
"Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat apakah terdapat pengaruh antara variabel makro ekonomi yaitu GDP, Inflasi, dan tingkat suku bunga SBI terhadap return indeks saham, ROA rata-rata, dan ROE rata-rata sektor perbankan, serta pengaruh variabel karakteristik bank seperti total aset, rasio CAR, dan rasio manajemen aset terhadap profitabilitas sektor perbankan yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia. Uji hipotesis dari penelitian ini menggunakan regresi linear berganda dengan periode observasi triwulan dari tahun 2002-2011 untuk model 1, serta tahunan dari tahun 2007-2011 untuk model 2 terhadap 25 perusahaan sektor perbankan yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek.
Dari hasil penelitian diperoleh kesimpulan bahwa untuk model 1, variabel makro ekonomi secara parsial tidak mempunyai pengaruh signifikan terhadap return indeks saham, namun variabel SBI dan inflasi secara parsial mempunyai pengaruh secara signifikan terhadap pergerakan nilai ROA rata-rata dan ROE rata-rata sektor perbankan, Untuk model 2, hanya variabel total aset secara parsial mempunyai pengaruh signifikan terhadap profitabilitas perusahaan sektor perbankan.

This research aim to prove if there is any effect from the change of macro economic variables, such as GDP, Inflation, and interest rate on banking index return, average ROA and average ROE. And also to prove the change of bank spesific, such as total asset, CAR, and asset management to the profitability of banking sector listed on Indonesian Stock Exchange. Hypothesis of this research is tested using multiple regression linear with quarterly observation periode during year 2002-2011 for model 1, and annually observation period during year 2007-2011 for model 2, towards 25 banking sector listed on Indonesian Stock Exchange.
From the research, we concluded that for model 1, all of these macro economic variables partially does not have a significant effect on banking index return, but SBI and inflation variables does have a significant effect on average ROA and average ROE. For model 2, only total asset variables that partially have a significant effect on profitability of banking sector.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Puri Listiyani
A number of studies have examined the relationship between the oil palm plantation area and the poverty alleviation. Most of this study are conducted based on local research and, mainly, do not involve econometrics analysis to find the relationship. Palm oil is one of commoditiesthat is widely produced in Indonesia that makes this country the world leader of palm oil producers. With the large amount of oil palm plantation area in Indonesia, then it may have an effect on economic growth,which may relieve the poverty. Using panel data set of 33 province in Indonesia between 2006 and 2012, this paper tries to examine the effect of oil palm plantation on poverty alleviation in Indonesia.Moreover, this paper also aims to examine factors that may affect the expansion of oil palm plantation. In order to answer this objective, descriptive analysis is employed to discuss the determinant of oil palm expansion. Whereas, pooled OLS, fixed effect panel data model and random effect panel data model are employed in this paper, to asnwer the main objective.
The results shows that govenment intervention is more likely to influence the expansion of oil palm plantation. Meanwhile, demand for palm oil product may have impact on the expansion in Indonesia. Empirical findings show that oil palm plantation has negatively significant effect on the number of poor people. This means that increasing oil palm plantation area may reduce the poverty level in Indonesia. In addition, regional per capita income, education, access on electriciy and population size also have negative relationship with the poverty. Mostly, the result supports the empirical evidence that an increase of the variables may reduce the poverty level.;A number of studies have examined the relationship between the oil palm plantation area and the poverty alleviation. Most of this study are conducted based on local research and, mainly, do not involve econometrics analysis to find the relationship. Palm oil is one of commoditiesthat is widely produced in Indonesia that makes this country the world leader of palm oil producers. With the large amount of oil palm plantation area in Indonesia, then it may have an effect on economic growth,which may relieve the poverty. Using panel data set of 33 province in Indonesia between 2006 and 2012, this paper tries to examine the effect of oil palm plantation on poverty alleviation in Indonesia.Moreover, this paper also aims to examine factors that may affect the expansion of oil palm plantation. In order to answer this objective, descriptive analysis is employed to discuss the determinant of oil palm expansion. Whereas, pooled OLS, fixed effect panel data model and random effect panel data model are employed in this paper, to asnwer the main objective.
The results shows that govenment intervention is more likely to influence the expansion of oil palm plantation. Meanwhile, demand for palm oil product may have impact on the expansion in Indonesia. Empirical findings show that oil palm plantation has negatively significant effect on the number of poor people. This means that increasing oil palm plantation area may reduce the poverty level in Indonesia. In addition, regional per capita income, education, access on electriciy and population size also have negative relationship with the poverty. Mostly, the result supports the empirical evidence that an increase of the variables may reduce the poverty level.;A number of studies have examined the relationship between the oil palm plantation area and the poverty alleviation. Most of this study are conducted based on local research and, mainly, do not involve econometrics analysis to find the relationship. Palm oil is one of commoditiesthat is widely produced in Indonesia that makes this country the world leader of palm oil producers. With the large amount of oil palm plantation area in Indonesia, then it may have an effect on economic growth,which may relieve the poverty. Using panel data set of 33 province in Indonesia between 2006 and 2012, this paper tries to examine the effect of oil palm plantation on poverty alleviation in Indonesia.Moreover, this paper also aims to examine factors that may affect the expansion of oil palm plantation. In order to answer this objective, descriptive analysis is employed to discuss the determinant of oil palm expansion. Whereas, pooled OLS, fixed effect panel data model and random effect panel data model are employed in this paper, to asnwer the main objective.
The results shows that govenment intervention is more likely to influence the expansion of oil palm plantation. Meanwhile, demand for palm oil product may have impact on the expansion in Indonesia. Empirical findings show that oil palm plantation has negatively significant effect on the number of poor people. This means that increasing oil palm plantation area may reduce the poverty level in Indonesia. In addition, regional per capita income, education, access on electriciy and population size also have negative relationship with the poverty. Mostly, the result supports the empirical evidence that an increase of the variables may reduce the poverty level.;A number of studies have examined the relationship between the oil palm plantation area and the poverty alleviation. Most of this study are conducted based on local research and, mainly, do not involve econometrics analysis to find the relationship. Palm oil is one of commoditiesthat is widely produced in Indonesia that makes this country the world leader of palm oil producers. With the large amount of oil palm plantation area in Indonesia, then it may have an effect on economic growth,which may relieve the poverty. Using panel data set of 33 province in Indonesia between 2006 and 2012, this paper tries to examine the effect of oil palm plantation on poverty alleviation in Indonesia.Moreover, this paper also aims to examine factors that may affect the expansion of oil palm plantation. In order to answer this objective, descriptive analysis is employed to discuss the determinant of oil palm expansion. Whereas, pooled OLS, fixed effect panel data model and random effect panel data model are employed in this paper, to asnwer the main objective.
The results shows that govenment intervention is more likely to influence the expansion of oil palm plantation. Meanwhile, demand for palm oil product may have impact on the expansion in Indonesia. Empirical findings show that oil palm plantation has negatively significant effect on the number of poor people. This means that increasing oil palm plantation area may reduce the poverty level in Indonesia. In addition, regional per capita income, education, access on electriciy and population size also have negative relationship with the poverty. Mostly, the result supports the empirical evidence that an increase of the variables may reduce the poverty level.;A number of studies have examined the relationship between the oil palm plantation area and the poverty alleviation. Most of this study are conducted based on local research and, mainly, do not involve econometrics analysis to find the relationship. Palm oil is one of commoditiesthat is widely produced in Indonesia that makes this country the world leader of palm oil producers. With the large amount of oil palm plantation area in Indonesia, then it may have an effect on economic growth,which may relieve the poverty. Using panel data set of 33 province in Indonesia between 2006 and 2012, this paper tries to examine the effect of oil palm plantation on poverty alleviation in Indonesia.Moreover, this paper also aims to examine factors that may affect the expansion of oil palm plantation. In order to answer this objective, descriptive analysis is employed to discuss the determinant of oil palm expansion. Whereas, pooled OLS, fixed effect panel data model and random effect panel data model are employed in this paper, to asnwer the main objective.
The results shows that govenment intervention is more likely to influence the expansion of oil palm plantation. Meanwhile, demand for palm oil product may have impact on the expansion in Indonesia. Empirical findings show that oil palm plantation has negatively significant effect on the number of poor people. This means that increasing oil palm plantation area may reduce the poverty level in Indonesia. In addition, regional per capita income, education, access on electriciy and population size also have negative relationship with the poverty. Mostly, the result supports the empirical evidence that an increase of the variables may reduce the poverty level., A number of studies have examined the relationship between the oil palm plantation area and the poverty alleviation. Most of this study are conducted based on local research and, mainly, do not involve econometrics analysis to find the relationship. Palm oil is one of commoditiesthat is widely produced in Indonesia that makes this country the world leader of palm oil producers. With the large amount of oil palm plantation area in Indonesia, then it may have an effect on economic growth,which may relieve the poverty. Using panel data set of 33 province in Indonesia between 2006 and 2012, this paper tries to examine the effect of oil palm plantation on poverty alleviation in Indonesia.Moreover, this paper also aims to examine factors that may affect the expansion of oil palm plantation. In order to answer this objective, descriptive analysis is employed to discuss the determinant of oil palm expansion. Whereas, pooled OLS, fixed effect panel data model and random effect panel data model are employed in this paper, to asnwer the main objective.
The results shows that govenment intervention is more likely to influence the expansion of oil palm plantation. Meanwhile, demand for palm oil product may have impact on the expansion in Indonesia. Empirical findings show that oil palm plantation has negatively significant effect on the number of poor people. This means that increasing oil palm plantation area may reduce the poverty level in Indonesia. In addition, regional per capita income, education, access on electriciy and population size also have negative relationship with the poverty. Mostly, the result supports the empirical evidence that an increase of the variables may reduce the poverty level.]"
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muhammad Eldi Radityo
"Penelitian ini memiliki tujuan untuk mengetahui dan mempelajari pengaruh dari faktor makroekonomi dan bank specific terhadap non performing loans bank komersil di Indonesia. Penelitian ini menggunakan panel data dimana objek penelitian adalah seluruh bank yang tercatat di Indonesia kecuali bank berbentuk syariah sehingga total terdapat 108 bank yang menjadi objek dalam penelitian ini. Periode penelitian adalah dari tahun 2012 sampai tahun 2015. Faktor makroekonomi yang diuji dalam penelitian ini adalah faktor gross domestic products, tingkat inflasi dan tingkat pengangguran nasional di Indonesia. Sedangkan variabel bank specific dalam penelitian ini adalah faktor ukuran perbankan, tingkat pengambilan resiko, capital adequacy dan tingkat efisiensi bank. Estimasi model yang digunakan adalah model Fixed Effect. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa terdapat 2 variabel makroekonomi yaitu GDP dan Inflasi yang mempengaruhi non performing loans sedangkan untuk variabel bank specific terdapat 1 variabel yang mempengaruhi yaitu variabel ukuran bank.

The purpose of this study is to examine and learn the effect of macroecomics factors and bank specific towards non performing loans commercial bank in Indonesia. This research used data panel where the object is all banks listed in Indonesia except shariah banks. 108 banks are listed to be examined as the object of this study. The research period started in 2012 to 2015. Macroeconomics factors examined in this study are gross domestic products, inflation rates and unemployment rates in Indonesia. However, the variabel of bank specific in this study is banking measuring factor, risk taking rates, capital adequacy and bank effeciency rates. Model estimation used in this study is Fixed Effect model. Results of this research shown that there are two macroeconomics variables GDP and Inflation that has effect on non performing loans and in bank specific variable, bank measuring has effects on listed variable.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Chaerani Nisa
"Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis pengaruh kompetisi, produk simpanan sukarela sebagai variabel pemoderasi, dan kemajuan sektor perbankan terhadap jangkauan dan kebertahanan MFI. Studi menggunakan data yang berasal dari 39 negara dan 609 MFI, dengan rentang waktu antara tahun 2004 hingga tahun 2018. Pengukuran kompetisi pada studi ini menggunakan Boone Indicator. Penelitian menggunakan Model Random Effect dan untuk mengatasi endogenitas studi ini juga menerapkan metode GMM two step system. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan produk simpanan sukarela dapat memoderasi pengaruh kompetisi terhadap jangkauan. Sedangkan pada pengujian terhadap pengaruh kemajuan sektor perbankan, kemajuan sektor perbankan berpengaruh positif terhadap kemampuan MFI untuk bertahan tanpa mengandalkan subsidi. Implikasi dari penelitian ini adalah mendorong MFI untuk memiliki simpanan sukarela ataupun menggalakkan penawaran simpanan sukarela supaya menjangkau lebih banyak masyarakat miskin. Sementara terkait dengan sektor perbankan, MFI dan perbankan dapat menjalin hubungan kerja sama yang lebih erat misalnya melalui penyaluran pembiayaan dengan skema beragam. Di sisi lain, regulator menciptakan lingkungan kerja sama yang baik bagi keduanya.

This study investigates the effect of competition, voluntary savings as moderating variables, and the banking sector development on the outreach and sustainability of MFIs. The study uses data from 39 countries and 609 MFIs, spanning from 2004 to 2018. This study uses Boone Indicator to measure competition. This research uses the Random Effects Model, and to overcome endogeneity, this study also applies the GMM two-step system method. The results show that voluntary savings products can moderate the effect of competition on outreach. Meanwhile, banking sector development has a positive effect on MFIs’ sustainability related to their ability to survive without relying on subsidies. The implication of this research is to encourage MFIs to have voluntary savings or to promote voluntary savings offerings to reach impoverished communities. MFIs and banks can build closer relationships, for example, through financing products under various schemes. On the other hand, the regulator may create a good working environment for both."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nico Noverian
"Otoritas Jasa Keuangan selaku lembaga pengawas sektor keuangan di Indonesia diberikan kewenangan untuk melakukan penyidikan tindak pidana di sektor jasa keuangan bersama pihak Kepolisian Negara Republik Indonesia berdasarkan Undang-Undang Nomor 21 Tahun 2011 tentang Otoritas Jasa Keuangan. Namun, pada tanggal 12 Januari 2023 diterbitkan Undang- Undang Nomor 4 Tahun 2023 tentang Pengembangan dan Penguatan Sektor Keuangan (UU P2SK) yang menentukan bahwa penyidikan tindak pidana perbankan hanya dapat dilakukan oleh Penyidik OJK. Sementara itu, tidak lama dari penerbitan UU P2SK, pemerintah menerbitkan Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 5 Tahun 2023 tentang Penyidikan Sektor Jasa Keuangan (PP 5/2023) yang menentukan bahwa selain Penyidik OJK, terdapat Penyidik Kepolisian juga yang dapat melakukan penyidikan tindak pidana perbankan. Maka dari itu pada penelitian ini akan dibahas mengenai bagaimana pengaturan penyidikan tindak pidana perbankan di Indonesia setelah diterbitkannya UU P2SK serta bagaimana perbandingan ketentuan penyidikan tindak pidana perbankan serta wewenang penyidik lembaga pengawas jasa keuangan di Indonesia, Singapura, dan Thailand. Adapun dalam penelitian ini dilakukan penelitian dengan metode penelitian doktrinal yakni pengolahan serta pengujian substansi hukum dengan memakai doktrin-doktrin hukum dalam rangka menemukan, mengkonstruksi, atau merekonstruksi aturan atau prinsip. Lebih lanjut, proses analisis data dilakukan melalui suatu studi perbandingan (micro-comparison) yakni bentuk pendekatan yang digunakan terhadap suatu topik atau aspek tertentu, atau institusi hukum tertentu pada dua atau lebih sistem hukum yang dalam penelitian ini adalah negara Singapura dan Thailand. Dari penelitian ini ditemukan bahwa terdapat kontradiksi antara ketentuan PP 5/2023 dengan UU P2SK. Diketahui juga bahwa pada negara Singapura penyidikan tindak pidana perbankan diserahkan kepada lembaga kepolisian yaitu Commercial Affairs Department sedangkan pada negara Thailand, penyidikan tindak pidana perbankan dilakukan oleh pejabat Bank of Thailand atau pihak eksternal.

The Financial Services Authority (OJK) as the supervisory institution for the financial sector in Indonesia has the authority to conduct criminal investigations in the financial services sector together with the Indonesian National Police based on Law Number 21 of 2011 concerning the Financial Services Authority. However, on January 12, 2023 the Indonesian Parliament issued Law Number 4 of 2023 concerning the Development and Strengthening of the Financial Sector (P2SK Law) which stipulates that investigations of banking crimes can only be carried out by OJK investigators. Meanwhile, not long after the issuance of the P2SK Law, the government issued Government Regulation Number 5 of 2023 concerning Investigations of the Financial Services Sector (PP 5/2023) which stipulates that apart from OJK Investigators, there are also Police Investigators who can conduct banking criminal investigations. Therefore, this research will discuss how is the regulation regarding investigation of banking crimes in Indonesia after the publication of the P2SK Law and how is the provisions comparison for investigating banking crimes and the authority of investigators from financial services supervisory institutions in Indonesia, Singapore and Thailand. As for this research, research was carried out using doctrinal research methods, namely processing and testing legal substances using legal doctrines in order to find, construct, or reconstruct rules or principles. Furthermore, the process of data analysis is carried out through a comparative study (micro-comparison), namely the form of approach used on a particular topic or aspect, or certain legal institutions in two or more legal systems, which in this study are Singapore and Thailand. From this research it was found that there is a contradiction between the provisions of PP 5/2023 and the P2SK Law. It is also known that in Singapore the investigation of banking crimes is handed over to the police agency, namely the Commercial Affairs Department. Meanwhile in Thailand, investigations into banking crimes are carried out by Bank of Thailand officials or external parties."
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rasuly Cahyadi
"Fokus pembangunan ekonomi selain pertumbuhan ekonomi salah satunya mengurangi ketimpangan divergen . Ketimpangan dalam pembangunan ekonomi masih terjadi di Indonesia. Hal ini dapat dilihat dari perbedaan pertumbuhan ekonomi dan nilai PDRB antar provinsi yang sangat bervariasi. Penelitian didunia membuktikan sektor keuangan berperan sangat penting dalam pengentasan kemiskinan, mengurangi perbedaan pendapatan dan meningkatkan pertumbuhan ekonomi. Kenyataan yang jauh berbeda dengan keadaan di Indonesia, dimana Perbankan di Indonesia terus maju tetapi banyak penduduk yang miskin.
Penelitian ini berusaha mengkaji perekonomian Indonesia menuju proses konvergensi atau divergensi, dan jika perekonomian Indonesia berkonvergen, bagaimana kontribusi perbankan terhadap proses konvergensi. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dengan menggunakan koefisien variasi CV untuk mengetahui konvergensi sigma, dan menggunakan regresi data panel untuk konvergensi beta.
Hasil penelitian menggunakan koefisien variasi menunjukan ketimpangan pendapatan antar provinsi cenderung menurun atau mulai berkonvergen. Berdasarkan hasil regresi juga menunjukan bahwa pendapatan antar provinsi di Indonesia cenderung berkonvergen, dan sektor perbankan sangat signifikan dalam mempercepat laju konvergensi.

The focus of economic development besides economic growth is to reduce the inequality divergent . Inequality still happens in Indonesia. It is shown from the difference of economic growth and Gross Regional Domestic Product GRDP vary widely among provinces. Most research proves that financial sector plays an important role in reducing poverty, reducing income disparities and increasing economic growth. However the situation in Indonesia is rather different with the rapid growing of Indonesian Banking, people still live in poverty.
This study examines the economy of Indonesia towards the process of convergence or divergence and the contribution of banking to the convergence process. This study uses a quantitative approach using the coefficient of variation CV to determine the sigma convergence, and using panel data regression to determine beta convergence.
The coefficient of variation shows income inequality among provinces tend to decline or begin to converge. Meanwhile the regression result demonstrates that income among the provinces in Indonesia tend to converge, and the banking sector is significantly accelerating the pace of convergence.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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