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Windrya Amartiwi
"Skripsi ini membahas analisis peran dan penerapan pengendalian internal, audit internal dan komite audit dalam upaya meningkatkan Good Corporate Governance (GCG) di Grup Rumah Sakit yang merupakan bagian dari Grup Rumah Sakit Internasional. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif dengan desain deskriptif.
Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa keberadaan pengendalian internal, audit internal dan komite audit dalam suatu rumah sakit dapat meningkatkan GCG pada rumah sakit tersebut, hal ini sama dengan yang berlaku di perusahaan lain pada umumnya. Terdapat fungsi khusus yang berbeda serta perbedaan teknis pada penerapan hal-hal tersebut di rumah sakit dengan yang diterapkan di perusahaan lain.

The purpose of this study is to analyze the role and the implementation of Internal Control, Internal Audit and Audit Committee in effort to improve the Good Corporate Governance in a Hospital Group, which is part of International Hospital Group. This research is qualitative. The data were collected by deeps interview.
The results of this study indicate that the existence of Internal Control, Internal Audit and Audit Committee in a hospital can improve the GCG practice, as in other companies in general. There are special function differences and technical differences in the implementation of those things in the hospital with that implemented in other companies in general.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2012
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Yuliana Rotua Priscilla
Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk menganalisis peran dari audit internal dalam memastikan efektivitas code of conduct serta meningkatkan good corporate governance pada salah satu BUMN di Indonesia, yaitu PT Sucofindo. Berdasarkan literatur serta fungsi Satuan Pengawasan Intern SPI PT Sucofindo, terdapat salah satu fungsi audit internal yaitu memastikan efektivitas penerapan code of conduct perusahaan. Audit internal juga ikut berupaya dalam meningkatan good corporate governance melalui risk based internal audit, quality assurance improvement program, serta hubungan dengan Komite Audit. Hasil dari penelitian penulis menunjukkan bahwa SPI PT Sucofindo tidak berperan dalam memastikan efektivitas penerapan code of conduct. Namun, SPI PT Sucofindo berperan dalam meningkatkan good corporate governance melalui faktor-faktor pendukung keberhasilan SPI PT Sucofindo yang sudah cukup baik serta fungsi pengawasan internal perusahaan.

This research was conducted to analyze the role of internal audit in ensuring the effectiveness of code of conduct and improving good corporate governance in one of state owned enterprises in Indonesia, namely PT Sucofindo. Based on the literature and function of Satuan Pengawasan Intern SPI of PT Sucofindo, there is one function of internal audit that is to ensure the effectiveness of application of company code of conduct. Internal audits also work in improving good corporate governance through risk based internal audit, quality assurance improvement programs, and relationships with the Audit Committee. The result of the research indicates that SPI PT Sucofindo has no role in ensuring the effectiveness of code of conduct implementation. However, SPI PT Sucofindo plays a role in improving good corporate governance through the success factors of the success of SPI PT Sucofindo and internal control function. "
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Seviyane, Yeishi
"Skripsi ini membahas peran Audit Internal dan Komite Audit dalam pencapaian tujuan Corporate Governance di PT ANTAM (Persero) Tbk. PT ANTAM (Persero) Tbk semula merupakan perusahaan milik pemerintah. Seiring dengan terdaftarnya ANTAM di bursa saham Indonesia dan Australia, penerapan GCG merupakan hal penting untuk memenuhi kepatuhan dan kebutuhan untuk terus tumbuh berkelanjutan. Organ-organ ANTAM berkomitmen untuk menjalankan perannya sesuai dengan aturan yang berlaku. Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi ANTAM yang dipilih RUPS, menjalani fungsinya sebagai pengawas dan pengelola. Audit Internal membantu perusahaan mencapai tujuan. Sementara Komite Audit ANTAM memastikan pengendalian internal dan manajemen risiko.
Penulis menggunakan metode penelitian deskriptif dan pendekatan studi kasus. Data yang digunakan adalah data primer melalui wawancara (Komite Audit, Audit Internal, dan Asisten Senior Manajer GCG Implementation) dan data sekunder berupa dokumen perusahaan. Berdasarkan penelitian yang telah dilakukan, dapat disimpulkan bahwa pelaksanaan Audit Internal dan peran Komite Audit yang terkait dengan Good Corporate Governance secara umum telah dilaksanakan dengan baik. Komite Audit dan Audit Internal mendukung pencapaian tujuan penerapan tata kelola perusahaan, dan sesuai dengan peraturan di Indonesia maupun peraturan bursa saham Australia.

This study discusses the roles of Internal Audit and Audit Committee to achieve GCG benefits in PT ANTAM (Persero) Tbk Antam is a State-Owned Enterprises. Since it has registered in IDX and ASX, GCG practice is essential issue to meet the compliance and to support their sustainability. Each ANTAM organs have commitment to fulfill their roles according to regulation. ANTAM?s BOC and BOD are elected by AGM to oversee and to run the business. ANTAMS?s Inrternal Audit help the company in achieving its objectives. Meanwhile, ANTAM?s Audit Committee plays role in ensuring internal contol effectiveness and checking internal and external audit duties.
The author use descriptive research method and case study approach. The data used are the primary data through interviews (Audit Committee, Internal Audit, and ASM GCG Implementation) and secondary data from corporate documents. Based on research that has been done, it can be concluded that the implementation of Internal Audit and Audit Committee's role is associated with good corporate governance in general have been executed well. Audit Committee and Internal Audit supports the achievement of the implementation of corporate governance, and in accordance with the regulations in Indonesia and the Australian Stock Exchange regulations.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2012
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Utami Ratnasari
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memberikan bukti empiris mengenai pengaruh karakteristik dan rangkap jabatan komite pemantau risiko dan komite audit terhadap risiko kredit perbankan di Indonesia. Kedua komite tersebut merupakan komite di bawah dewan komisaris yang bertanggung jawab terhadap pengawasan pelaksanaan manajemen risiko bank. Karakteristik komite diukur melalui aktivitas, ukuran, keahlian kompetensi berdasarkan checklist yang dikembangkan Hermawan 2011 dengan modifikasi peraturan yang berlaku. Sampel terdiri dari bank yang terdaftar dalam Bursa Efek Indonesia selama tahun 2013 hingga 2017. Hasil dari penelitian ini membuktikan bahwa karakteristik keahlian kompetensi, baik dalam komite pemantau risiko maupun komite audit, memiliki pengaruh negatif dan signifikan terhadap risiko kredit perbankan. Penelitian ini juga membuktikan bahwa rangkap jabatan dalam komite audit dan komite pemantau risiko memiliki pengaruh positif terhadap risiko kredit, menunjukkan fokus kinerja komite. Sementara, karakteristik aktivitas dan ukuran komite audit maupun komite pemantau risiko tidak memiliki pengaruh signifikan. Lebih lanjut, melalui pengujian tambahan, karakteristik keahlian keuangan non-akuntansi memiliki pengaruh negatif terhadap risiko kredit, menunjukkan bahwa keahlian ini mampu menunjang monitoring terhadap risiko kredit.

This research aims to provide empirical evidence regarding the effect of characteristics and overlap membership of Risk Oversight Committee and Audit Committee on Banking credit risk in Indonesia. Both of committees are committee under Board of Commissioners that responsible for monitoring credit risk. Characteristics of each committees are measured by activities, size, and expertise competence based on Hermawan 2011 and Indonesia Financial Service Authority FSA regulation. Samples are consisted of banks listed in Indonesia Stock Exchange IDX during 2013 2017. The result from this research concludes that expertise and competence of both risk oversight committee and audit committee has negative effect on bank credit risk. This research also provides empirical evidence that overlap membership on both risk oversight and audit committee has positive effect on bank credit risk, implying its detrimental effect to the committee rsquo s effectiveness. While, activities and size of both risk oversight committee and audit committee do not have significant impact on bank credit risk. Further on additional test, it rsquo s concluded that only non accounting financial expertise has negative impact on bank credit risk, implying non accounting financial expertise may enhance the understanding of risk exposure and increase monitoring effectiveness of risk oversight committee and audit committee in monitoring credit risk. "
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Lestari Widyastuti
"Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh mekanisme corporate governance terhadap financial distress. Mekanisme corporate governance yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah ukuran dewan komisaris, proporsi komisaris independen, kepemilikan blockholder, dan tiga karakteristik komite audit yaitu ukuran, independensi, serta rapat komite audit. Menggunakan 768 tahun perusahaan non keuangan yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia pada periode 2012-2014, penelitian ini membuktikan bahwa frekuensi rapat komite audit memiliki hubungan negatif signifikan terhadap kemungkinan perusahaan mengalami financial distress. Sedangkan ukuran dewan komisaris, proporsi komisaris independen, kepemilikan blockholder, ukuran komite audit, dan komposisi komite audit tidak memiliki pengaruh terhadap kemungkinan perusahaan mengalami financial distress.

The objective of this research is to measure the effects of corporate governance mechanisms related to financial distress. The corporate governance mechanisms examined in this study are the size board of commisioners, the proportion of the independent commisioners, blockholder ownership, and three characteristics of audit committee (size, composition, and number of meeting). Based on the samples of 768 firm-years listed companies on the Indonesian Stock Exchange from 2012 to 2014, the results provided strong evidence for a negative relationship between the meeting frequency of audit committee and the probability of firm experienced in financial distress. There is no relationship between the size of board of commisioners, the proportion of the independent of commisioner, blockholder ownership, size of audit committee and composition of audit committee with probability of firm experienced financial distressed."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muhammad Nawawy Arasy Padil
Penelitian ini menganalisis pengaruh Struktur dan Karakteristik Dewan Direksi & Komite Audit Terhadap Kebijakan Keputusan Dividen Perusahaan pada Bursa Efek Indonesia. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah permodelan regresi LS dan Regresi Logit. Permodelan regresi LS dilakukan untuk melihat pengaruh Struktur dan Karakteristik Dewan Direksi & Komite Audit Terhadap keputusan pembayaran dividen dan Dividend Payout Ratio Perusahaan pada Bursa Efek Indonesia. Permodelan regresi Logit dilakukan untuk melihat pengaruh Struktur dan Karakteristik Dewan Direksi & Komite Audit Terhadap Dividend Decision Perusahaan pada Bursa Efek Indonesia. Kedua regresi tersebut diharapkan dapat saling mengkonfirmasi hasil regresi satu sama lain. Pada penelitian ini ditemukan bahwa jumlah direksi, komposisi direksi wanita, dan jumlah direksi independen secara signifikan mempengaruhi kecenderungan perusahaan untuk membayar dividen serta mempengaruhi tingkatdividend payout ratio.

This study analyzes the Structure and Characteristics of the Boardof Directors & Audit Committee Against the Policy of Corporate Dividend Decisions on the Indonesia Stock Exchange. The method used in this study is LS regression modeling andlogit regression. LS regression modeling is done to see the compositionof the Structure and Characteristics of the Board & Audit Committee Against the Dividend of the Companys Payment Ratioand companys dividend decision on the Indonesia Stock Exchange. Logit regression modeling is performed to see the composition and characteristics of the Board of Commissioners & Audit Committee on Decisions of Company Dividends on the Indonesia Stock Exchange. The two regressions are expected to replace each others regression results with each other. In this study it was found that the number of directors, the composition of female directors, and the number of independent directors had significant influence on companies to pay dividends and influence the rate of payment of dividend payment ratios."
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sumantri Bratakusuma
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mempelajari proses perubahan paradigma atau
pandangan terhadap fungsi dan peran audit internal, penyebab ketidakefisienan
fungsi dan peran audit internal dalam pengelolaan risiko, dukungan manajemen
puncak dan auditee terhadap temuan audit internal serta proses perbaikan dan
pencegahan yang dilakukan agar tercipta tata kelola perusahaan yang baik. Objek
penelitian adalah grup perusahaan DHG yang bergerak dalam bidang farmasi dan
alat-alat kesehatan. Penelitian dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode deskriptif
analisis yaitu dengan membandingkan fakta-fakta yang terjadi dalam kegiatan
perusahaan antara teori dan praktik. Dari hasil studi lapangan dan studi
kepustakaan, menunjukkan bahwa DHG telah melakukan proses perubahan
paradigma terhadap fungsi dan peran audit internal dari ?watch dog? menjadi
?consultant? dan mitra bagi manajemen perusahaan yang dilakukan oleh
Departemen Corporate Internal Audit. Meskipun telah terjadi perubahan
paradigma audit di DHG, namun belum terdapat kesesuaian kebijakan fungsi dan
peran dari audit internal yang telah berjalan di perusahaan sehingga fungsi dan
peran audit internal belum dapat berjalan lebih efektif dan belum dapat
memberikan kontribusi terhadap peningkatan pengendalian internal dan
pengelolaan risiko perusahaan. Belum terdapat dukungan manajemen puncak dan
auditee terhadap temuan yang didapatkan oleh audit internal sehingga tata kelola
perusahaan yang baik di DHG belum tercapai.

The aim of this study is to review the process of paradigm or view change process
of the role and function of internal audit, the cause of inefficiency in the role and
function of internal audit in risk management, support from the top management
and auditee towards internal audit findings as well as the rectification and
prevention process to achieve good corporate governance. The object of this study
is the DHG corporate group that operates in the field of pharmacy, medical and
healthcare equipment. This study uses the descriptive analysis method through
comparison of facts in the company?s operation between theory and practice.
From the field and literature studies, it was shown that DHG has undergone a
paradigm change process on the function and role of internal audit from ?watch
dog? to ?consultant? and partner for the company?s management, performed by
the Corporate Internal Audit Department. Even though there has been an audit
paradigm change in DHG, there is still no consistency between the company?s
policy for the internal audit function and role, therefore internal audit?s function
and role is still ineffective and unable to contribute towards improving the
company?s internal control and risk management. In addition, the lack of support
of the top management and auditee towards internal audit findings causes DHG to
not yet achieve good corporate governance, The aim of this study is to review the process of paradigm or view change process
of the role and function of internal audit, the cause of inefficiency in the role and
function of internal audit in risk management, support from the top management
and auditee towards internal audit findings as well as the rectification and
prevention process to achieve good corporate governance. The object of this study
is the DHG corporate group that operates in the field of pharmacy, medical and
healthcare equipment. This study uses the descriptive analysis method through
comparison of facts in the company’s operation between theory and practice.
From the field and literature studies, it was shown that DHG has undergone a
paradigm change process on the function and role of internal audit from “watch
dog” to “consultant” and partner for the company’s management, performed by
the Corporate Internal Audit Department. Even though there has been an audit
paradigm change in DHG, there is still no consistency between the company’s
policy for the internal audit function and role, therefore internal audit’s function
and role is still ineffective and unable to contribute towards improving the
company’s internal control and risk management. In addition, the lack of support
of the top management and auditee towards internal audit findings causes DHG to
not yet achieve good corporate governance]"
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Mulyaning Wulan
"Tesis ini membahas mengenai peran Divisi Audit Internal dalam penerapan Good Corporate Governance (GCG) pada perusahaan berbasis syariah yang bergerak di sektor perasuransian. Divisi Audit Internal juga merupakan komponen penting dalam Governance Structure. Penerapan GCG dalam perusahaan menggunakan prinsip Transparency, Accountability, Responsibility, Independence dan Fairness (TARIF) dan Shiddiq, Amanah, Tabligh, dan Fathonah (STAF).
Terkait dengan perannya dalam penerapan GCG, Divisi Audit Internal telah berupaya berperan aktif dalam penerapan GCG pada PT. STI. Divisi Audit Internal juga berupaya berperan meminimalisir terjadinya agency problem pada perusahaan. Divisi Audit Internal berperan dalam berbagai aktivitas yang tercakup dalam srtandar SPAI. Dalam penerapan Shariah Corporate Governance (SGC), peran Divisi Audit Internal memantau pelaksanaan rapat rutin Dewan Pengawas Syariah (DPS), melakukan audit dengan konsep syariah (self assessment atau audit lapangan), melakukan check list peraturan syariah dan melakukan performance appraisal syariah.
Untuk dapat menjalankan fungsinya secara optimal pada perusahaan, Divisi Audit Internal harus melaksanakan perannya secara efektif dengan menggunakan beberapa kriteria, di antaranya: independensi; memiliki job description dan Internal Audit Manual (IAM); dukungan dari top management; kemampuan profesional; serta kemampuan untuk bekerjasama dengan akuntan publik. Peran yang terdapat pada Divisi Audit Internal meliputi peran sebagai watchdog, konsultan dan katalis.
Hasil studi kasus pada PT Syarikat Takaful Indonesia (PT. STI) menyimpulkan bahwa Divisi Audit Internal PT. STI telah menjalankan perannya sebagai watchdog, konsultan dan katalis serta telah berupaya menjalankan fungsinya dengan efektif. Namun, terdapat batasan terhadap perannya dalam pengawasan internal. Divisi Audit Internal telah berperan serta dalam penerapan GCG atau GSG PT. STI. Program Whistlebower belum berjalan sebagaimana mestinya. Namun, Divisi Audit Internal tetap mengupayakan perannya sebagai pelaksana whistleblower pada PT. STI

This thesis concerns about the role of internal audit division in applying Good Corporate Governance (GCG) towards shariah insurance company. Internal Audit Division is also an important component in Governance Structure. GCG?s application towards company is using some principles such as: TARIF which stands for transparency, accountability, responsibility, independence, and fairness; and also STAF which stands for shiddiq, amanah, tabligh, and fathonah.
Based on its role in applying GCG, Internal Audit Division has been actively contributed towards GCG application in PT. STI. Besides, Internal Audit Division has also been tried to minimize the happening of agency problem in company. Internal Audit Division works in some activities within SPAI standard. In applying Sharia Corporate Governance (SGC), Internal Audit Division acts to observe the execution of routine meetings of Sharia Supervision Council (DPS), to do audit with sharia concept (self assessment or field audit), to do check list in sharia lists, and to do sharia performance appraisal.
For doing its role comprehensifely towards company, internal audit division has to do its jobs effectively by using some criterias, such as: independency, having job description, internal audit manual (IAM), supporting from top management, profesional abilities, and skill in working together with public accountant. The role of internal audit division is included in role as watchdog, consultant, and catalyst.
The result of this case-study towards PT Syarikat Takaful Indonesia concludes that the internal audit division in PT STI has ben tried to do its roles as watchdog, consultant, and catalyst; besides, it has also done its function effectively. However, there are still some restrictions which relate to its role in internal watch. Internal audit division has done some works in applying GCG or GSG PT. STI. Meanwhile, whistlebower program has not applied properly, but internal audit division is still working its role as the whistlebower executor in PT. STI."
Depok: Fakultas Eknonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2010
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Mochamad Fariz Agustyo
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh tingkat efektivitas dewan komisaris dan komite audit serta kepemilikan keluarga terhadap luasnya pengungkapan lingkungan pada perusahaan-perusahaan publik yang terdaftar di dalam Bursa Efek Indonesia (BEI). Pengujian hipotesis dilakukan dengan menggunakan regresi data panel model fixed effect dengan total sampel sebanyak 222 perusahaan yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia selama periode tahun 2008 sampai dengan tahun 2012. Hasil dari penelitian ini menemukan bahwa rata-rata tingkat pengungkapan lingkungan adalah sebesar 3,38% yang menunjukkan tingkat pengungkapan lingkungan masih relatif rendah yang kemungkinan disebabkan belum ada ketentuan mengenai apa saja yang harus diungkapkan terkait pengungkapan lingkungan. Rata-rata skor efektivitas dewan komisaris dan komite audit berada pada kategori ‘fair’. Selain itu, penelitian ini juga menemukan bahwa efektivitas dewan komisaris dan efektivitias komite audit memiliki pengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap pengungkapan lingkungan, sedangkan kepemilikan keluarga memiliki pengaruh negatif dan signifikan terhadap pengungkapan lingkungan.

The aim of this research is to analyze the effect of the level of board commissioner and audit committee effectiveness as well as family ownership of the extent of environmental disclosure in public listed companies at the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX). This study use fixed effects model of panel regression for hypothesis testing, with a total sample of 222 listed companies at Indonesia Stock Exchange during the period of 2008 to 2012. The findings reveal that the average level of environmental disclosure of is at 3.38% which relatively is stil very low. This may due to there is no mandatory requirement on what to disclose in environmental disclosure. The average score of the board of commissioner and audit committee effectiveness are in the 'fair' category. In addition, this study also reveals that the board of commissioner effectiveness and audit committee effectiveness have a positive and significant impact on environmental disclosure, while family ownership have negative and significant impact on environmental disclosure.;The aim of this research is to analyze the effect of the level of board commissioner and audit committee effectiveness as well as family ownership of the extent of environmental disclosure in public listed companies at the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX). This study use fixed effects model of panel regression for hypothesis testing, with a total sample of 222 listed companies at Indonesia Stock Exchange during the period of 2008 to 2012. The findings reveal that the average level of environmental disclosure of is at 3.38% which relatively is stil very low. This may due to there is no mandatory requirement on what to disclose in environmental disclosure. The average score of the board of commissioner and audit committee effectiveness are in the 'fair' category. In addition, this study also reveals that the board of commissioner effectiveness and audit committee effectiveness have a positive and significant impact on environmental disclosure, while family ownership have negative and significant impact on environmental disclosure.;The aim of this research is to analyze the effect of the level of board commissioner and audit committee effectiveness as well as family ownership of the extent of environmental disclosure in public listed companies at the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX). This study use fixed effects model of panel regression for hypothesis testing, with a total sample of 222 listed companies at Indonesia Stock Exchange during the period of 2008 to 2012. The findings reveal that the average level of environmental disclosure of is at 3.38% which relatively is stil very low. This may due to there is no mandatory requirement on what to disclose in environmental disclosure. The average score of the board of commissioner and audit committee effectiveness are in the 'fair' category. In addition, this study also reveals that the board of commissioner effectiveness and audit committee effectiveness have a positive and significant impact on environmental disclosure, while family ownership have negative and significant impact on environmental disclosure., The aim of this research is to analyze the effect of the level of board commissioner and audit committee effectiveness as well as family ownership of the extent of environmental disclosure in public listed companies at the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX). This study use fixed effects model of panel regression for hypothesis testing, with a total sample of 222 listed companies at Indonesia Stock Exchange during the period of 2008 to 2012. The findings reveal that the average level of environmental disclosure of is at 3.38% which relatively is stil very low. This may due to there is no mandatory requirement on what to disclose in environmental disclosure. The average score of the board of commissioner and audit committee effectiveness are in the 'fair' category. In addition, this study also reveals that the board of commissioner effectiveness and audit committee effectiveness have a positive and significant impact on environmental disclosure, while family ownership have negative and significant impact on environmental disclosure.]"
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sartika Dwi Waracanova
"Audit internal merupakan pihak independen yang berada di dalam perusahaan yang membantu manajemen untuk mengevaluasi efektivitas pelaksanaan proses tata kelola perusahaan, manajemen risiko dan pengendalian sesuai dengan peraturan perundang-undangan dan kebijakan perusahaan. Oleh karena itu, audit internal dapat memberikan nilai tambah dan membantu dalam mencapai tujuan perusahaan.
Tesis ini membahas peranan audit internal terhadap penerapan prinsipprinsip Good Corporate Governance (GCG), manajemen risiko dan pengendalian internal pada PT. XYZ. Maksud dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui bagaimana penerapan GCG, manajemen risiko dan pengendalian internal di perusahaan serta mengetahui bagaimana kualitas dan kuantitas dari audit internal dan perannya terhadap GCG, manajemen risiko dan pengendalian internal perusahaan.
PT. XYZ telah menerapkan prinsip-prinsip GCG, akan tetapi masih diperlukan penyempurnaan terutama pada prinsip transparansi dan akuntabilitas. Penerapan manajemen risiko dan pengendalian internal secara umum telah berdasarkan pada kerangka The Committee of Sponsoring Organizations (COSO). Penerapan manajemen risiko masih diperlukan penyempurnaan pada komponen pemantauan (monitoring) sedangkan penerapan pengendalian internal masih diperlukan penyempurnaan pada komponen lingkungan pengendalian dan pemantauan (monitoring). Satuan Pengawasan Internal (SPI) PT. XYZ telah independen dan memiliki kualitas yang memadai, yaitu tingkat pendidikan dan kompetensi untuk melakukan pekerjaan auditnya. Untuk melaksanakan pengawasan yang menjadi ruang lingkup pekerjaannya, maka SPI menggunakan jasa outsourcing. Peranan SPI terhadap GCG, manajemen risiko dan pengendalian internal telah sesuai dengan the Institute of Internal Auditors (IIA) Standard, tetapi masih belum maksimal karena belum diterapkannya metodologi Risk Based Audit (RBA). Selain itu, SPI belum melaksanakan penilaian atas tata kelola teknologi informasi dan manajemen risiko secara keseluruhan serta aktivitas assurance dan konsultasinya terhadap efektivitas pengendalian internal masih bersifat parsial.

Internal audit is an independent party within the company that helps management to evaluate the effectiveness of corporate governance, risk management and control implementation in accordance with regulations and company policies. Therefore, internal audit can give add value and support in achieving corporate goals.
This thesis discusess the internal audit roles in the implementation of Good Corporate Governance (GCG) principles, risk management and internal control at PT. XYZ. The purpose of this study was to determine the implementation of GCG, risk management and internal control within company and also to know the quality and quantity of internal audit and its roles in enhancing GCG, risk management and internal control.
PT. XYZ has applied the GCG principles, but still needs improvement, especially on the principles of transparency and accountability. Implementation of risk management and internal control overall have been based on The Committee of Sponsoring Organizations (COSO) framework. Implementation of risk management needs improvement in the monitoring component, while implementation of internal control needs improvement in the control environment and monitoring components. Satuan Pengawasan Internal (SPI) PT. XYZ has been independent and has sufficient quality in education background and competencies to perform its work. To conduct supervision as the scope of its audit work, SPI uses outsourcing services. The roles of SPI in GCG, risk management and internal control are in accordance with the Institute of Internal Auditors (IIA) Standard, but still not in a maximum capacity because the Risk Based Audit (RBA) method hasn't implemented yet. Furthermore, SPI hasn?t conducted an assessment of information technology governance and risk management as a whole and also assurance and consulting activities of the effectiveness of internal control is only partial.
Depok: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 2012
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
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