"In recent decades, marine geology has made significant contributions toward a better understanding of process affecting the global environment. The results of many studies have provided important information on climattic variations and on the causes for those changes. Close cooperation to geophysics, geochemistry and paleoclimatology have enchanced the ability to reconstruct the temporal development of ocean basins and climatic patterns throughout the geologically time period. A factor that makes the identifications of global climate change difficult is the remarkable complexity of Earth's climate control system. Weather and climate are influenced by numerous factors, including the solar energy output, the configuration of Earth's surface, and the composition of atmosphere. Climate has always been changing. The climate changes can be told through the geologically parameters such as ice core, sediments core, foraminifera, fossil, clay minerals, etc. Those parameters can help us to understand the climate system and its historical fluctuations and can help us to predict the future of climatic fluctuation. "
Jakarta: Pusat Penelitian Oseanografi LIPI, 2017
Majalah, Jurnal, Buletin Universitas Indonesia Library