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Tandry Meriyanti
"Sepsis merupakan respons inflamasi sistemik pejamu terhadap infeksi. Respons inflamasi dimediasi oleh sitokin yang akan dilepaskan ke sirkulasi. Pelepasan sitokin akan menyebabkan terjadinya aktivasi koagulasi melalui peningkatan ekspresi tissue factor (TF) dan penurunan inhibitor alamiah, serta penurunan fibrinolisis. Tissue factor (TF) merupakan inisiator penting pada proses koagulasi, yang diekspresikan di sirkulasi darah oleh monosit aktif. Aktivasi TF selain menyebabkan aktivasi koagulasi juga dapat memodulasi inflamasi pada pasien sepsis berat. Heparin selain sebagai antikoagulan, berperan sebagai antiinflamasi. Berdasarkan fungsi heparin sebagai antiinflamasi dan peranan TF dalam inflamasi, ingin diteliti apakah pemberian heparin dapat menurunkan aktivitas TF yang diekspresikan monosit pada keadaan inflamasi.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perbedaan aktivitas TF monosit pada orang sehat dan pasien sepsis berat dan perbedaan aktivitas TF monosit pada pasien sepsis berat dengan pemberian heparin in vitro dibandingkan dengan kelompok tanpa heparin.
Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian eksperimental dengan menggunakan sampel 10 orang pasien sepsis berat dan 5 orang sehat. Darah sitrat dipisahkan sel mononuklear darah tepi (peripheral blood mononuclear cell/ PBMC) dengan teknik Ficoll-Paque, dan isolat monosit diperoleh dari PBMC menggunakan Monoclonal Antibody Cell Sorter (MACS) microbeads. Isolat monosit dipisahkan menjadi tiga kelompok, yaitu kelompok pertama langsung diperiksa aktivitas TF, kelompok kedua diinkubasi 6 jam dengan heparin 0.1 IU, dan kelompok ketiga diinkubasi 6 jam tanpa heparin. Isolat monosit kemudian dibuat lisat sel dan supernatan diukur aktivitas TF (Actichrome TF).
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan terdapat perbedaan bermakna aktivitas TF monosit pada pasien sepsis berat dibandingkan orang sehat (p=0.002). Aktivitas TF monosit pada pasien sepsis berat yang mendapat heparin 0.1 IU berbeda bermakna setelah jam ke-6 dibandingkan tanpa heparin (p=0.003).

Sepsis is a host systemic inflammatory response to infection. Inflammatory response is mediated by cytokines released into circulation. Cytokine leads to coagulation activation by elevating tissue factor (TF) expression, reducing natural inhibitors, and impeding fibrinolysis. TF is an important initiator in coagulation process, expressed in blood circulation by active monocytes. TF activates coagulation and modulates inflammation in severe septic patients. Heparin acts as anticoagulant and antiinflammatory agent. Based on heparin as antiinflammatory agent and role of TF in inflammation, heparin can decrease TF activity expressed on monocyte in inflammation.
This study aims to find the difference between monocyte TF activities in healthy people and severe septic patients, and also between monocyte TF activities in severe septic patients receiving heparin in vitro and without heparin group.
This study is a laboratory experiment using 10 samples from severe septic patients and 5 healthy samples. Peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) are separated from citrate blood using Ficoll-Paque technique. Monocyte isolation is performed using Monoclonal Antibody Cell Sorter (MACS) microbeads. Monocyte isolate is divided into three groups, first group is measured for TF activity directly, second group is incubated 6 hours with heparin 0.1 IU, and third group is incubated without heparin. Cell lysate is processed from monocyte isolate and supernatant is measured for activity TF (Actichrome TF).
The result shows a significant difference between monocyte TF activity in severe septic patients compared to healthy people (p = 0.002). Monocyte TF activity in severe septic patients with heparin 0.1 IU/mL in the 6th hour is also significantly different than without heparin group (p = 0.003).
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Tambunan, Anita Paulina
"Bandotan Ageratum conyzoides L. merupakan salah satu tanaman herbal Indonesia yang banyak digunakan dalam pengobatan tradisional, salah satunya dalam terapi peradangan inflamasi. Penelitian sebelumnya mengungkapkan bahwa isolat kuersetin dari ekstrak daun bandotan memiliki aktivitas anti-inflamasi. Namun, dibutuhkan waktu yang lama dalam proses ekstraksi.
Penelitian bertujuan mencari metode ekstraksi yang cocok yang dapat mempersingkat waktu ekstraksi dan meningkatkan kadar kuersetin dalam ekstrak, serta bertujuan menginvestigasi mekanisme molekuler anti-inflamasi dari ekstrak. Kuersetin, methotrexate dan piroxicam digunakan sebagai kontrol positif.
Metode ekstraksi yang digunakan adalah maserasi dan digesti, dengan air dan etanol 70 sebagai pelarut. Profil metabolit sekunder dianalisis dengan kromatografi lapis tipis KLT dan Liquid Chromatography-Mass Spectroscopy LC-MS. Aktivitas anti inflamasi dari ekstrak dievaluasi dengan sel RAW 264.7 distimulasi oleh lipopolisakarida LPS dan dilakukan deteksi ekspresi gen-gen dengan Reverse Transcription-Polymerase Chain Reaction RT-PCR ditingkat messenger ribonucleic acid mRNA. Uji aktivitas juga dilakukan terhadap nitrit oksida NO dengan metode Griess.
Hasil uji memperlihatkan bahwa kadar kuersetin tertinggi 52,71 ppm diperoleh dari metode digesti pada suhu 60 C selama 2 jam dengan pelarut etanol 70 . Kromatogram KLT menunjukkan pola yang khas dan kromatogram LC-MS memperlihatkan beberapa puncak metabolit sekunder, salah satunya adalah kuersetin. Pada dosis 50 ?g/ mL, ektrak dapat menurunkan ekspresi messenger ribonucleic acid mRNA cyclooxygenase-2 COX-2 , tumor necrosis factor-? TNF-? , interleukin-1betha IL-1? , IL-6, dan nuclear factor-kappa betha NF-?? , serta menurukan produksi NO. Berdasarkan hasil yang diperoleh, disimpulkan bahwa ekstrak etanol 70 daun bandotan memiliki mekanisme aksi anti-inflamasi seperti kuersetin dalam menekan mediator pro-inflamasi.

Bandotan Ageratum conyzoides L. is one of Indonesian herbs are widely used in traditional medicines one of them is in treating inflammation. Previous research has revealed that the isolated quercetin from bandotan leaves extract has anti inflammatory activity. However, the extraction process takes a long time.
The aim of the present study was to find the suitable method which can reduce the time of extraction process and also increase quercetin content in extract, and also investigates the anti inflammatory molecular mechanism of extract. Quercetin, methotrexate, and piroxicam were used as positive control.
Two extraction methods were used maceration and digestion method, which used water and ethanol 70 as a solvent. Secondary metabolites profiles were analyzed by thin layer chromatography TLC and liquid chromatography mass spectroscopy LC MS . The anti inflammatory activity of extract was evaluated using RAW 264.7 cells stimulated by lipopolysaccharides LPS and the genes were detected by reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction RT PCR at messenger ribonucleic acid mRNA . The activity test was also performed on nitric oxide NO by Griess method.
The results showed that the highest quercetin content 52.71 ppm was obtained from digestion method at 60 C for 2 hours with ethanol 70 as a solvent. TLC chromatograms shows a typical pattern and LC MS chromatograms shows some peaks of secondary metabolites, one of them is quercetin. The dose extract at 50 g mL can decrease mRNA expression of cyclooxygenase 2 COX 2 , tumor necrosis factor TNF , interleukin 1betha IL 1 , IL 6, dan nuclear factor kappa betha NF , and also can decrease of NO production. As a result, it is concluded that 70 ethanolic leaves extract of bandotan has anti inflammatory activity such as quercetin in suppressing pro inflammatory mediators.
Depok: Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
New York: Raven Press , 1986
616.047 3 ADV
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
New York: Raven Press, 1984
616.047 3 ADV
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Widya Eka Putri
Senyawa 4-[(E)-2-{4-okso-3-(4-metoksifenil)-kuinazolin-2-il}vinil] benzensulfonamida merupakan senyawa baru yang mempunyai kemiripan dengan senyawa diarilheterosiklik, turunan 4(3H)-kuinazolinon yang tersubstitusi oleh gugus sulfonamida (SO2NH2), kebanyakan inhibitor selektif COX-2 merupakan senyawa diarilheterosiklik. Senyawa ini diprediksi mempunyai aktivitas penghambat konversi asam arakidonat menjadi prostaglandin oleh enzim siklooksigenase. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperoleh hasil uji aktivitas penghambatan enzim siklooksigenase-2 terhadap senyawa tersebut dengan menggunakan Kit COX (ovine) inhibitor screening assay. Prostaglandin yang dihasilkan ditentukan dengan metode Enzyme Immunoassay (EIA) dan diukur menggunakan plate reader pada panjang gelombang 415nm. Dari hasil uji didapatkan nilai IC50 senyawa 4-[(E)-2-{4-okso-3-(4-metoksifenil)-kuinazolin-2-il}vinil]benzensulfonamida adalah 16,67 μM. Pengujian juga dilakukan terhadap senyawa pembanding yaitu Asetosal dan Selekoksib dengan hasil yang diperoleh untuk nilai IC 50 Asetosal dan Selekoksib berturut-turut yaitu 24,97 μM dan 0,43 μM.

4-[(E)-2-{4-oxo-3-(4-methoxyphenyl)-quinazolin-2-yl}vinyl]benzensulfonamide is a new compound that has similarity with diarylheterocyclic, derivative of 4(3H)-quinazolone subtituted by sulfonamide (SO2NH2), Most of COX-2 selective inhibitors is diarylheterocyclic compounds. These compounds predicted has an activity to inhibiting conversion of arachidonic acid into prostaglandin by cyclooxygenase enzyme. This research was designed to obtain inhibitory activity assay of cyclooxygenase enzyme compound 4-[(E)-2-{4-oxo-3-(4-methoxyphenyl)-quinazolin-2-yl}vinyl]benzensulfonamide use Kit COX (ovine) inhibitor screening assay. Prostaglandin which produced was determined by Enzyme Immunoassay (EIA) and measured using plate reader at a wavelength of 415 nm. From the test result obtained IC50 of 4-[(E)-2-{4-oxo-3-(4-methoxyphenyl)-quinazolin-2-yl}vinyl] benzensulfonamide is 16.67 μM. Tests were also conducted with control, Acetosal and Celecoxib which shows of IC50 for Acetosal and Celecoxib respectively are 24.97 μM and 0.43 μM."
Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Indonesia, 2012
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Phalerin is an active component of mahkota dewa (Phaleria macrocarpa (scheff.) Boerl) proven to have an anti inflamation effect. The labeling of phalerin with gamma emiting radionuclides was aimed to study is pharmacokinetic behavior and particularly to trace its metabolites. The labeling with I was caried our using iodogen as oxidator. Radiolabeled compound was characterized by high performance liquid choromatography (HPLC) using C-18 column eluted with methanol 70% and detected with UV detector (z=291 nm) and by thin layer chromatography (TLC) using silica gel strips eluted with chloroform - methanol (9:2), and lebeling efficiency was determined using the same TLC system. Purification of radiolabeled product was carried out using size exclusion chromatography (Sephadex G-25 column) eluted with 0.05 M phosphate buffer pH 7.4 Biodistributions of I-phalerin in various organs of normal and inflammation - induced mice were observed at 1,4 and 24 hours post-intravenous injection. radiochemical purity of I-phalerin was 90.2 krang lebih 2.8% and increased to 96.0 krang lebih0,4% after purification. Radioactivities in inflamed tissue at 1,4 and 24 hours post injection were respectively 1.6 times, 1,4 times and 1.3 times higher than that in normal tissue. The results showed a significant uptake of radiolabeled phalerin in inflamed."
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Mia Ayu Dini Safitri
"Pendahuluan: Pekerjaan basah merupakan faktor risiko utama terjadinya dermatitis kontak akibat kerja (DKAK) pada tangan. Terdapat dua jenis faktor risiko DKAK yaitu faktor eksogen, seperti jenis pekerjaan dan jumlah jam kerja mingguan; dan faktor endogen, seperti jenis kelamin, usia, dan riwayat penyakit atopik. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk menganalisis faktor-faktor yang berhubungan dengan kejadian DKAK pada pekerja basah. Metode: Desain penelitian ini adalah cross-sectional. Teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan total sampling. Jumlah sampel penelitian sebanyak 134 orang. Kriteria inklusi yaitu pekerja basah yang telah bekerja minimal 6 bulan dan tidak berganti pekerjaan minimal 6 bulan. Kriteria eksklusi yaitu pekerja basah yang mengalami dermatitis kontak bukan akibat kerja. Variabel independen yaitu jenis pekerjaan, jumlah jam kerja mingguan, usia, jenis kelamin, dan riwayat penyakit atopik. Variabel dependen yaitu DKAK. Hasil: Tidak ada hubungan antara jenis pekerjaan (p value = 0,283), jumlah jam kerja mingguan (p value = 0,313), jenis kelamin (p value = 0,652), dan usia (p value = 0,556) terhadap kejadian DKAK pada pekerja basah. Terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara riwayat atopi dengan kejadian DKAK pada pekerja basah. Riwayat atopi memiliki pengaruh terhadap hubungan antara jenis pekerjaan dengan DKAK (p value < 0,001). Pekerjaan sebagai tenaga kesehatan dapat mencegah kejadian DKAK sebesar 90,3% dibandingkan dengan pekerjaan sebagai non tenaga kesehatan setelah dikontrol dengan faktor risiko riwayat atopi. Kesimpulan: Tidak terdapat hubungan antara jenis pekerjaan, jumlah jam kerja mingguan DKAK lebih tinggi pada tenaga non kesehatan dibandingkan tenaga kesehatan karena tenaga non kesehatan memiliki lebih banyak pajanan terhadap pekerjaan basah dan pajanan bahan iritan dibandingkan dengan tenaga kesehatan serta tindakan pencegahan terhadap kejadian DKAK yang dilakukan tenaga non kesehatan lebih sedikit dibandingkan oleh tenaga kesehatan. Terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara riwayat atopi dengan kejadian DKAK. Tenaga non kesehatan dengan riwayat atopi merupakan faktor yang paling berpengaruh terhadap kejadian DKAK pada pekerja basah.

Introduction: Wet work is the main risk factor for Occupational contact dermatitis (OCD) on the hands. Risk factors for OCD consist of two types: exogenous factors, such as type of occupation and number of weekly working hours; and endogenous factors, such as gender, age, and history of atopic disease. This study aims to analyze the factors related to the incidence of OCD in wet workers. Method: The study design is cross-sectional. The sampling technique used total sampling. There were 134 research samples. Inclusion criteria are wet workers who have worked for at least 6 months and have not changed occupations for at least 6 months. Exclusion criteria include wet workers who experience non-occupational contact dermatitis. The independent variables are type of occupation, number of weekly working hours, age, gender, and history of atopic disease. The dependent variable is OCD. Result: This study did not find any relationship between type of occupation (p value = 0,283), number of weekly working hours (p value = 0,313), gender (p value = 0,652), and age (p value = 0,556) on the incidence of OCD in wet workers. Meanwhile, this study found a significant relationship between history of atopic disease and incidence of OCD in wet workers. History of atopic disease has an influence on the relationship between type of occupation and OCD (p value < 0,001). An occupation as a health worker can prevent the incidence of OCD by 90,3% compared to an occupation as a non-health worker after being controlled by the risk factor of a history of atopic disease. Conclusion: There is no relationship between type of occupation, number of weekly working hours, gender and age to the incidence of OCD in wet workers. The proportion of OCD incidence is higher in non-health workers than health workers due to non-health workers having more exposure to wet work and irritant exposure than health workers. Besides that, the number of non-health workers who take preventive measures to prevent OCD incidence is less than health workers. There is a significant relationship between history of atopic disease and the incidence of OCD. Non-health workers with a history of atopic disease is the most influential factor in the incidence of OCD in wet workers."
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sri Rizki
"Kurangnya penelitian mengenai transisi pada pola asupan dan marker inflamasi usus pada anak gemuk. Studi ini bertujuan untuk melihat hubungan anatara pola asupan dan fecal calprotectin pada anak prasekolah.Studi potong lintang ini dilakukan pada 101 anak dengan BMI Z score > 1 SD dengan median 2.26 (1.61, 3.43) SD serta menggunakan semiquantitative food frequency questionnaires yang telah divalidasi dimana, pola asupan diperoleh dengan menggunakan principal component analysis. Hasil studi menunjukkan 66% anak mempunyai kadar fecal calprotectin > 50 µg/g dan berhubungan dengan BMI Z score (p=0.05, r=1.89). Pola asupan (healthy pattern p=0.132, western pattern p=0.555, staple pattern p=0.541 and milk pattern p=0.534) ditemukan tidak berhubungan dengan inflamasi saluran cerna. Penelitian lebih lanjut dibutuhkan untuk mengkonfirmasi hasil studi ini dengan menggunakan pendekatan lain dan kombinasi antar marker inflamasi usus.

Lack of study confirmed the relationship between transition of diets and gut inflammation marker in obese children. Our study aimed to investigate the association between dietary pattern and fecal calprotectin level in preschool children. A cross sectional study was conducted in 101 children with body mass index (BMI) Z-score > 1 SD and median 2.26 (1.61, 3.43) SD using validated semi quantitative food frequency questionnaires whereas dietary patterns were revealed by principal component analysis. We found 66% children had fecal calprotectin levels > 50 µg/g. The fecal calprotectin level correlated with BMI Z score (p=0.05, r=1.89). Major dietary patterns were revealed: healthy pattern (p=0.132), western pattern (p=0.555), staple pattern (p=0.541) and milk pattern (p=0.534) and multivariate analysis showed no significant association with fecal calprotectin even after full adjustment for age, sex, sedentary physical activity, BMI Z score, fat intake and total fibre intake. Our findings acknowledged the insignificant association diet with gut inflammation marker had been observed due the baseline characteristic BMIZ score of the children more contribute to the elevated of fecal calprotectin level. Further investigations are warranted with a specific inflammatory food approach using a combination of marker gut inflammation."
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Birry Karim
"Latar belakang: Inflamasi memegang peranan penting dalam IMA-EST, terutama kejadia cedera reperfusi. Kolkisin merupakan sediaan obat anti inflamasi, yang dapat menekan inflamasi saat terjadi cedera reperfusi. Kami menilai keefektivan dari pemberian kolkisin pada pasien IMA-EST yang menjalani IKPP dalam menekan cedera reperfusi.
Metode: Penelitian ini merupakan uji klinis, tersamar ganda, dengan plasebo, yang dilakukan multisenter di dua rumah sakit di Jakarta dengan fasilitas IKPP dari Desember 2022 hingga April 2023. Pasien IMA-EST yan menjalani IKPP diberikan dosis muat kolkisin 2 mg, kemudian dosis pemeliharaan 2x0,5 mg selama 2 hari, dan amilum pada kelompok plasebo. Pasien diamati kejadian cedera reperfusi berupa TIMI flow, kejadian aritmai, syok dan aritmia akibat reperfusi.
Hasil: Sebanyak 77 subyek IMA-EST dengan rerata usia 55.2 ± 9.9 tahun menjalani IKPP. 37 subyek mendapat kolkisin, 40 subyek mendapat placebo. Kebanyakan subjek ialah laki-laki (77.5%), menderita 3 vessel disease (44,1%), oklusi di LAD ( 53,2%). Pemberian kolkisin tidak berhasil menurunkan kejadia cedera iskemia reperfusi (51.5% vs. 42.4%; p = 0.437). Analisi komorbiditas ( hipertensi, gagal ginjal, diabetes mellitus, dan obesitas) dan hasil angiografi ( jumlah pembuluh darah coroner yang sakit, diameter pembuluh darah, dan lokasi penyumbatan yang menyebabkan IMA-EST) tidak berhasil menunjukkan kemaknaan secara statistic. Kejadian efek samping sama pada kedua kelompok (21.6% vs. 15%).
Kesimpulan: Pemberian kolkisin pada pasien IMA-EST yang menjalani IKPP tidak berhasil menurunkan kejadian cedera reperfusi.

Background: Inflammation plays a role in ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI), especially in reperfusion injury (RI). Colchicine, an anti-inflammatory drug, can suppress inflammation during RI. We assessed the effectiveness of administering colchicine to STEMI patients undergoing primary percutaneous coronary intervention (PPCI) in suppressing RI events.
Methods: This study was a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial conducted in a multicenter manner at two hospitals in Jakarta with IKPP facilities from December 2022 to April 2023. STEMI patients that underwent PPCI received 2 g of colchicine as a loading dose and a maintenance dose of 0.5 g every 12 hours for two days or amylum at a similar dose. Patients were observed for RI events (low-flow thrombolysis in myocardial infarction (0–2) during angiography procedure, reperfusion arrhythmia, cardiogenic shock, or persistent chest pain).
Results: Seventy-seven STEMI patients with a mean age of 55.2 ± 9.9 years underwent PPCI. Of these patients, 37 received colchicine, and 40 received a placebo. Most subjects were male (77.5%), suffered three-vessel disease (44.15%), and occlusion in left anterior descending coronary artery (53.24%). Colchicine was found to fail to reduce the incidence of ischemia-RI (51.5% vs. 42.4%; p = 0.437). Analysis of comorbidities (hypertension, chronic kidney disease, diabetes mellitus, and obesity) and angiography results (vessel disease, lesion diameter, and culprit artery) failed to demonstrate a statistical difference in RI. Side effects were similar in the colchicine and placebo groups (21.6% vs. 15%).
Conclusion: Colchicine administration in STEMI patients undergoing PPCI failed to reduce RI.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2024
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Harits Adi Putra
"Inflamasi lambung (gastritis) merupakan salah satu penyakit dengan prevalensi yang cukup tinggi di Indonesia. Inflamasi tersebut dapat terjadi akibat proses infeksi atau noninfeksi. Jika tidak ditangani dengan baik, dapat terjadi komplikasi ulkus, perforasi, dan perdarahan lambung. Terapi farmakologi untuk gastritis belum cukup efektif karena terdapat risiko efek samping dan interaksi obat. Hal tersebut mendorong berbagai penelitian untuk menelusuri potensi zat lain sebagai antiinflamasi. Ekstrak kulit delima diketahui mengandung asam elagat dan elagitanin yang telah terbukti mampu menghambat inflamasi di sejumlah organ. Belum terdapat studi mengenai efek ekstrak kulit delima terhadap inflamasi di lambung, khususnya delima yang tumbuh di Indonesia.
Penelitian dilakukan dengan menggunakan 25 mencit yang terbagi menjadi lima kelompok. Mencit pada kelompok Kontrol Negatif, Dosis-1 (diberikan ekstrak 240 mg/KgBB), Dosis-2 (diberikan ekstrak 480 mg/KgBB), dan Kontrol Positif (diberikan asam elagat 26 mg/KgBB) diinduksi dengan DSS 2% sebanyak tiga siklus. Gambaran histopatologi (pewarnaan hematoxylin-eosin) mukosa lambung diamati pada sepuluh lapang pandang tiap preparat.
Uji statistik menyatakan terdapat pengaruh signifikan ekstrak kulit delima terhadap infiltrasi sel radang (p= 0,001) dengan dosis 480 mg/KgBB, hiperplasia (p= 0,002) dengan dosis 240 mg/KgBB dan 480 mg/KgBB, serta displasia (p= 0,002) dengan dosis 480 mg/KgBB. Namun, tidak terdapat pengaruh signifikan ekstrak kulit delima terhadap angiogenesis (p= 0,114). Efek ekstrak kulit delima terjadi karena kandungan asam elagat dan elagitanin yang menghambat jalur inflamasi NF-κB sehingga terjadi penurunan ekspresi sitokin dan mediator inflamasi.
Penelitian lebih lanjut untuk mengetahui dosis optimal, toksisitas, dan uji klinis dibutuhkan untuk memastikan efikasi serta keamanan suplementasi ekstrak kulit delima.

Gastric inflammation (gastritis) is one of the most prevalent disease in Indonesia. The etiologies are infection and noninfection factors. If not treated adequately, there can be complications, such as gastric ulcer, perforation, and bleeding. However, pharmacological treatments for gastritis have some risks of side effects and drug interactions. Many studies are conducted to discover potential of another substances as anti-inflammatory agents which have less side effects and drug interactions. Pomegranate peel extract contains ellagic acid and ellagitannin which have been proven to inhibit inflammation in some organs. Nevertheless, there has been no study proving its efficacy in inhibiting gastric inflammation.
This research used 25 mice which are divided into five groups. Mice in four groups consists of Negative Control, Dosage-1 (given the extract at a dose 240 mg/KgBW), Dosage-2 (given the extract at a dose of 480 mg/KgBW), and Positive Control (given ellagic acid at a dose of 26 mg/KgBW) were induced by DSS 2% in three cycles. Histopathological preparations were observed in ten microscopic fields (each slides) to examine the dependent variables.
There are significant differences in the amount of leukocyte infiltration (p= 0,001) at a dose of 240 mg/KgBW, hyperplasia (p= 0,002) at doses of 240 mg/KgBW and 480 mg/KgBW, and dysplasia (p = 0,002) at a dose of 240 mg/KgBW. However, there is no significant effect of pomegranate peel extract to the amount of angiogenesis (p= 0,114). It has anti-inflammatory effect because of the ellagic acid and ellagitannin contents inhibit the NF-κB inflammatory pathway which down regulate the inflammatory cytokines and mediators expressions.
Further researches to discover the optimal dose, toxicity, and clinical trials are necessary to ensure the efficacy and safety of pomegranate peel extract supplementation.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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