Besarnya potensi minyak sawit atau crude palm oil (CPO) Indonesia mendorong percepatan produksi biodiesel sebagai bahan bakar nabati (biofuel). Kebijakan pemerintah Indonesia untuk meningkatkan konsentrasi penerapan biodiesel melalui program pencampuran biodiesel dengan bahan bakar solar telah mengejutkan industri makanan dan oleokimia. Hal ini terlihat dari kenaikan harga minyak goreng sawit domestik yang diduga karena kenaikan persentase pencampuran (blending rate) biodiesel yang ditetapkan pemerintah. Beberapa kebijakan terkait industri kelapa sawit ditengarai memicu guncangan yang terjadi, sehingga diperlukan evaluasi lebih lanjut untuk menganalisis dampak yang terjadi antara kebijakan peningkatan pencampuran biodiesel dengan alokasi CPO untuk pangan atau minyak goreng. Analisis pada kebijakan kelapa sawit menggunakan model sistem dinamis dengan hasil simulasi yang menunjukkan kenaikan persentase blending rate hingga 100% sesuai target pemerintah dinilai tidak memungkinkan tanpa adanya dukungan kebijakan DMO dan kebijakan lain yang dapat menjaga alokasi CPO untuk pangan atau minyak goreng sawit.
The large potential of Indonesia's Crude Palm Oil (CPO) is driving the acceleration of biodiesel production as biofuel. The Indonesian government's policy to increase the concentration of biodiesel application through a blending program of biodiesel with diesel fuel has taken the food and oleochemical industries by surprise. This can be seen from the increase in the price of domestic palm cooking oil which is allegedly due to the increase in the blending rate of biodiesel set by the government. Several policies related to the palm oil industry are suspected of triggering these shocks, so further evaluation is needed to analyze the impact that occurs between the policy of increasing the blending of biodiesel and the allocation of CPO for food or cooking oil. Analysis on palm oil policy using a dynamic system model with simulation results showing an increase in the blending rate percentage to 100% according to the government's target is considered impossible without the support of DMO policies and other policies that can maintain CPO allocations for food or palm cooking oil.
"Transesterifikasi adalah reaksi kimia yang digunakan untuk mengubah minyak hewani menjadi biodiesel yang dapat digunakan. Pada penelitian ini, bahan bakar biodiesel disintesis dari lemak sapi dalam reaktor menggunakan katalis CaO yang disintesis dari cangkang telur bebek. Katalis CaO berbasis limbah disintesis dari cangkang telur bebek melalui proses kalsinasi pada suhu 900 OC selama 2 jam. Transesterifikasi dilakukan pada suhu 55 OC pada 6 sampel dengan variasi penggunaan jumlah katalis (1.5 wt%, 6.5 wt%, dan 10 wt%) serta variasi katalis CaO komersial dan limbah. Katalis yang disintesis dari cangkang telur itik menghasilkan kadar Kalsium Oksida (CaO) sebesar 93.2%. Hasil pengujian sampel terbaik diperoleh untuk biodiesel dengan katalis 6.5% berbahan dasar limbah dan 10% katalis komersial. Untuk biodiesel dengan katalis berbasis limbah 6.5%, rendemen 90.75%, densitas 855.1 kg/m3, viskositas 5.73 mm2/cst, keasaman 1.69 mg-KOH/g, dan bilangan yodium 30.87 g-I2/100g. Untuk biodiesel dengan katalis berbasis limbah 10%, rendemen 90.81%, densitas 860.5 kg/m3, viskositas 6.52 mm2/cst, keasaman 2.03 mg-KOH/g, dan bilangan yodium 27.51 g-I2/100g. Angka keasaman standar tidak tercapai dimana maksimumnya adalah 0.5 mg-KOH/g.
Transesterification is a chemical reaction used to convert animal oils into usable biodiesel. In this study, biodiesel fuel was synthesized from beef tallow in a reactor using a CaO catalyst which also synthesized from duck eggshells. Waste-based CaO catalyst synthesized from duck eggshells through a calcination process at 900 OC for 2 hours. Transesterification carried out at a temperature of 55 OC on 6 samples with variations in the use of the amount of catalyst (1.5 wt%, 6.5 wt%, and 10 wt%) as well as variations of commercial and waste based CaO catalysts. The catalyst synthesized from duck eggshells obtained a yield of 93.2% amount of Calcium Oxide (CaO). The synthesized biodiesel also tested for its chemical and physical properties to fulfill the Indonesian National Standard (SNI). The best sample test results were obtained for biodiesel with 6.5% catalyst from waste-based and 10% catalyst from commercial. For biodiesel with 6.5% waste-based catalyst, 90.75% yield, 855.1 kg/m3 density, 5.73 mm2/cst viscosity, 1.69 mg-KOH/g acidity, and 30.87 g-I2/100g iodine number. For biodiesel with 10% waste-based catalyst, 90.81% yield, 860.5 kg/m3 density, 6.52 mm2/cst viscosity, 2.03 mg-KOH/g acidity, and 27.51 g-I2/100g iodine number. The standard acidity number is not reached where the maximum is 0.5 mg-KOH/g.