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Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2009
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Hamonangan, Dohary
"Penelitian ini membahas mengenai perlakuan pemotongan PPh Pasal 23 atas rangkaian transaksi yang dilakukan oleh freoght forwarding. Di dalam PER-178/PJ/2006, disebutkan bahwa jasa freight forwarding merupakan objek pemotongan PPh pasal 23, sedangkan menurut peraturan terbaru yaitu PER-70/PJ/2007, jasa freight forwarding tidak tedapat di dalam positive list objek PPh pasal 23, maka dari itu jasa freight forwarding bukan merupakan objek pemotongan PPh pasal 23.
Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah dengan pendekatan kuantitatif deskriptif. Jasa freight forwarding itu sendiri adalah rangkaian kegiatan mulai dari pengiriman barang sampai diterimanya barang tersebut, dan didalamnya terdapat beberapa jenis jasa. Termasuk di dalam rangkaian jasa freight forwarding tersebut, ada beberapa jasa yang merupakan positive list objek PPh pasal 23 mengacu pada PER-70/PJ/2007 yaitu seperti : jasa penyimpanan, jasa perantara, jasa pengepakan, jasa pembasmian hama yang banyak dilakukan oleh freight forwarding. Hal ini menimbulkan multitafsir bagi pelaksana maupun pengguna jasa freight forwarding atas beberapa rangkaian jasa freight forwarding karena adanya dispute diantara kedua peraturan tersebut.
Dari hasil penelitian peneliti, diketahui bahwa perlakuan pemotongan Pajak Penghasilan Pasal 23 khususnya atas bidang usaha yang bergerak di sektor jasa freight forwarding menunjukkan bahwa ketentuan peraturan perundangundangan perpajakan yang selama ini berlaku tidak selaras dengan asas-asas pemungutan pajak, khususnya asas kepastian hukum.

This research is tells about withhol treatment on Income Tax Article Art. 23 for transaction by the freight forwarding. In PER-178/PJ/2006, mentioned that freight forwarding sector is one of object from tax income article 23, but according to the newest regulation PER-70/PJ/2007, freight forwarding is not one of the positive list of the object tax income article 23.
In this research, author use the quantitative descriptive approach. The definition of freight forwarding services is a chain of activities and services starting from delivering goods until it reaches its destination. In freight forwarding services series also include several services that has become the positive list object from tax income article 23 according to PER-70/PJ/2007 such as storage, agent services, packaging and pest termination. The definition from two regulations mentioned above, cause so many interpretaion on the field on several services of freight forwarding, either by the executor or by the service-user of freight forwarding, they do not certain which regulation they should use.
From the research that author/writer do, discovered that witholding tax income article 23 shows that tax regulations that are valid nowadays are not liable enough with the certainty of law.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2008
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Alternative Policy in the Final Tax on Stock Sales Conducted Through Stock ExchangesBeginnings 1995, any gains received by any individual person or body corporate on stock sales which are conducted through stock exchanges have been subjected to a final tax of 0.1% of their gross value. The tax is withheld by the stock exchange, broker, or dealer concerned. In practice, this policy has caused problems due to the fact that the tax is conclusive in nature such that one cannot claim that the economic resources in the form of money or funds received from stock sales are revenue until any costs and/or expenses which may be incurred are taken into consideration. In addition, in a bearish market even taxpayers who have suffered capital losses must pay this tax. Such losses cannot be compensated for or refunded. However, in a bullish market the policy is found "favorable" as stock sellers are not subject to the maximum marginal tax rate of 30% but a final tax of a mere 0.1% of any capital gains they enjoy.
Discussion focuses on such things as the reasons for the introduction of the final tax, whether this tax meets the principles of justice, problems which arise from this tax and how to apply it to foreign taxpayers in connection with tax treaties.
In addition to the concept of income, particularly the accretion concept of income, four maxims, equality, certainty, convenience and economy, were employed to deal with such issues.
For this purpose, the author reviewed the final tax policy employing a descriptive and analytical method through both desk research and field research to gather the relevant data and information.
From the review, the author has found that the policy has caused injustice to taxpayers. Taking into consideration the ideals as set forth in the accretion concept of income or the S-N-S concept, an increase in economic capacity which forms an income serves as the net earnings which permit deduction from any costs which may be incurred and connected with the processes to gain, collect and maintain such an income. In addition, this increase must be capable of being measured and must not distinguish between the types of its source so that horizontal equity may be applied, equal treatment for the equals. In further addition, the policy employs a flat rate. As a result, small-scale taxpayers bear an equal rate to that born by large-scale taxpayers. Ideally, tax rates should reflect vertical equity In that the more income one enjoys the bigger tax burden he should bear, unequal treatment for the unequal.
Notwithstanding, tax authorities hold the sovereign tax power and have an interest in the supervision and securing tax receipt potential, in particular that from securities taxpayers. Notwithstanding its simplification effect on tax collection, the self-assessment system which has been introduced through the Income Tax Law has brought about technical problems in the reporting of capital gains on stock sales through annual returns.
In order to deal with the problems above, the author recommends revoking the charging of the final tax on stock sales and treating such sales as withholding tax objects instead. Hence, it is expected that tax authorities will not lose tax receipt potential at one time from stock transactions on stock exchanges and that taxpayers' concern with equity will be answered.
xii + 119 pages
Bibliography: 30 books, 11 official documents, several daily general newspapers (from the years 1970 up to and including 2001)
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2004
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Andreas Victor
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2008
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Parulian, Angelina Risma Lasma
"Transaksi derivatif merupakan instrument penting dalam dunia usaha untuk lindung nilai resiko, dan juga dapat digunakan untuk tujuan spekulasi. Kontrak berjangka adalah jenis yang paling umum dari transaksi derivatif. Perdagangan berjangka merupakan salah satu komponen penting bagi pembangunan ekonomi. Di Indonesia saat ini, penghasilan dari transaksi perdagangan berjangka dianggap sebagai pendapatan usaha, sehingga perhitungan pajaknya harus ditambah dengan penghasilan lainnya dan dikenakan pajak dengan tarif PPh Badan sebesar 25%. Penghasilan yang diperoleh dari transaksi derivatif yang diperdagangkan di bursa seharusnya dikenakan pajak final berdasarkan UU PPh Indonesia. Penelitian ini membahas ketentuan pajak penghasilan atas penghasilan dari transaksi derivatif berupa kontrak berjangka di bursa.
Tujuan dari penelitian yaitu menentukan ketentuan manakah yang paling tepat untuk diberlakukan, apakah final atau tidak final dan menganalisis ketentuan pajak yang berlaku saat ini berdasarkan asas ease of administration, dengan pertimbangan teoritis dan implementasinya. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif dengan desain deskriptif. Data kualitatif yang diperoleh melalui studi literatur dan wawancara mendalam. Peneliti menyimpulkan bahwa ketentuan PPh Final lebih tepat untuk diberlakukan.

Derivatives are essential instruments in business to hedge risk, but can also be used for speculative purposes. Futures contracts are the most common types of derivatives. Futures trading is one of important components for economic development. In Indonesia nowadays, income from futures trading is considered as a business income, so this will have to be added with other income and taxed at the 25% corporate income tax rate. Income derived from derivative transaction which traded on the exchange should be subject to final income tax based on Indonesian Income Tax Law. This study examines the income tax consequences of income derived from futures trading through the exchange.
The purpose of this study is to compare which the right tax regulation that should be applied to income from derivative transaction, final or non final and to analyze the current taxation rule about derivatives transaction against the principles of a good tax system (ease of administration), with theoritical considerations and implementations. This research is qualitative descriptive interpretive. The data were collected by means of depth interview and study some of literatures. The researcher concludes that final tax is applicable to income earned from derivative transaction.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Annisaa Imanda
"Seiring dengan pertumbuhan teknologi yang pesat, kebutuhan masyarakat akan teknologi semakin meningkat. Perdagangan melalui internet ataupun secara elektronis mulai digunakan. Kemajuan pesat tersebut sebaiknya dilengkapi dengan Ide-ide kreatif untuk menyediaan konten-konten menarik. Berkembangnya industri kreatif yang didukung oleh infrastruktur teknologi membuka peluang usaha baru yaitu content provider. Bisnis tersebut tentunya tidak terlepas dari pengenaan pajak, terutama PPN. Penelitian ini membahas perlakuan Pajak Pertambahan Nilai atas transaksi-transaksi yang dilakukan oleh content provider.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi transaksi-transaksi yang dilakukan oleh content provider yang kebanyakan transaksi download atas digitized goods, sehingga seringkali susah untuk diidentifikasi penyerahannya. Kemudian, hal ini akan menyangkut pengidentifikasiaan content provider sebagai PKP yang seringkali menjalankan usahanya melalui website (virtual office). Penentuan waktu dan tempat terutang pajaknya juga sama pentingnya untuk diidentifikasi. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif dengan tipe penelitian deskriptif. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan penelitian kepustakaan dan penelitian lapangan, dengan didukung wawancara mendalam.
Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa content provider merupakan Pengusaha Kena Pajak yang melakukan penyerahan barang dan jasa dalam ruang lingkup PPN.

The rapid growth of technology is followed by the rise of human need on technology. Electronic trade through internet is often carried out currently. Regarding those condition, trade should be complemented by creative idea, in order to provide some interesting content. The growing of creative industry, whose implementation is supported by technology infrastructure, sets off a new business field opportunity, which is content provider. In any case, tax will be imposed on that business, particularly Value Added Tax (VAT). This research is focused on the treatment of VAT toward transactions which are performed by content provider.
The purpose of this research is to identify transactions which are performed by content provider; most of them are download transactions (digitized goods). Therefore, some supplies are often hardly identified whether they are taxable supplies or not. Moreover, this is related to content provider's identification as a taxable person, as regards its business operation is often implemented through website (virtual office). The determination of time and place of consumption is important to be identified as well. This research was using qualitative approach with descriptive research. Researcher was using library research and field research and fully supported by in-depth interview in her collecting data methods.
The result of this research shows content provider is a taxable person who carries out taxable supplies in the term of VAT.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2008
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sitorus, Melinda Grace Yosefina
"Government needed more income to raise the national budget. They issued instruments to collect income from citizen through debt and foreign currency. Government released Governmental Bonds for domestic market, which sold in retail (ORI) and for international market in foreign currency. Government also presented a law execution regulation to give certainty for the consumers or the taxpayers.
Governmental Regulation Number 6 which published in 2002 distinguished the tax procedure for the bonds which imposed only on transactions tradable and reportable to the stock exchange. Income derived or taken from obligation transaction should be based on a global taxation. While, for the international bonds were given the facilities by the government. We would assume that there was an inequality between the bonds for domestic market and for international market. In global taxation, we should not differentiate the income by the source.
This research used a quantitative descriptive as the research method. The type and data collection techniques used (1) literature research including on various taxation regulations and another related documents and (2) field research using interviews with such related parties as tax academicians, government as issuer and regulator. They gave several opinion which created differences in equity perspective.
Government figured the debt as the best instrument to raise government income. They considered that attracting foreign investor by giving them tax facility was necessary to raise the budget. They named their policy as their budgeting and regulating function. But, we should notice that domestic investor might think the inequality of the tax burden.
Therefore, it was suggested to make a comprehensive and equal policy. Based on tax principle, that tax should be fair and equal. It became fair that tax imposed on the income earned from the same source (instrument) equally. If one of them was given the facility, so the other should be given the same facility."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2008
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Budy Pranowo Adi Nugroho
"Dalam Kontrak Production Sharing, hasil bagi seluruh kegiatan operasi penambangan minyak yang berupa minyak mentah, akan dibagi antara Pemerintah dengan Kontraktor dengan proporsi yang sudah ditentukan dalam kontrak. Bagian kontraktor (contractor's share) tersebut sudah termasuk pembayaran pajak. Bagian kontraktor akan selalu sama walaupun tarif pajaknya berubah.
Dalam aktivitasnya di Indonesia, sangat memungkinkan diperolehnya tambahan kemampuan ekonomis dari kegiatan dan modal atau asset yang dimiliki atau dikuasai oleh kontraktor, baik yang mempunyai kaitan langsung atau tidak langsung dengan kegiatan operasi penambangan minyak dan gas bumi dalam Kontrak Production Sharing. Tambahan kemampuan ekonomis tersebut menurut Undang-Undang Perpajakan adalah penghasilan yang harus dikenai pajak.
Di dalam Kontrak Production Sharing dengan bentuk Joint Operating Body (PSC-JOB), Pertamina mempunyai partisipasi kepemilikan (Pertamina Participating Interest) pada operasi Kontraktor dengan perbandingan sebesar 50 : 50. Dengan adanya partisipasi kepemilikan tersebut, Pertamina ikut menanggung biaya-biaya yang diperlukan dalam operasi di suatu Wilayah Kerja Pertambangan yang dikerjakan bersama antara Kontraktor dan Pertamina. Karena Pertamina belum bisa melaksanakan kewajiban pendanaan untuk keperluan operasi tersebut, maka Kontraktor akan menalangi terlebih dahulu seluruh biaya operasi yang menjadi tanggung jawab Pertamina. Apabila atas Wilayah Kerja Pertambangan yang dioperasikan bersama tersebut sudah berproduksi, maka Pertamina akan mengembalikan biaya operasi yang menjadi tanggung jawabnya dalam bentuk minyak mentah (crude oil) ditambah dengan sejumlah tambahan minyak mentah. Sejumlah tambahan minyak mentah yang diberikan kepada kontaktor sebagai kompensasi atas menalangi dana operasi yang menjadi tanggung jawab Pertatnina inilah yang dalam Kontrak Production Sharing disebut uplift.
Dalam pelaksanaan di lapangan masih terjadi perbedaan pendapat antara Pemerintah (Direktorat Jenderal Pajak) dengan Kontraktor mengenai perlakuan perpajakan atas uplift. Kontraktor tidak bersedia dikenakan pajak atas uplift dengan alasan bahwa uplift tersebut tidak ada hubungannya dengan operasi perminyakan (petroleum operation) dan bukan merupakan insentif bagi Kontraktor. Alasan lain yang dikemukakan oleh Kontraktor atas ketidaksetujuannya dikenakan pajak atas uplift adalah berdasarkan kontrak. hasil minyak yang diperoleh Kontraktor adalah sudah termasuk pajak (include tax). Di pihak Direktorat Jenderal Pajak sendiri masih terjadi perdebatan mengenai perlakuan pajak penghasilan yang tepat atas uplift. Hal inilah yang menjadi permasalahan pokok dalam penelitian ini.
Teori yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah teori tentang penghasilan dan tipe penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah deskriptif analisis. Pemilihan tipe ini didasarkan atas pertimbangan bahwa tujuan yang ingin dicapai dalam penelitian ini adalah untuk meneliti apakan uplift memenuhi konsep penghasilan berdasarkan Undang-undang Pajak Penghasilan, dan apabila memenuhi konsep penghasilan bagaimanakah perlakuan perpajakan yang tepat atas uplift tersebut serta menganalisis permasalahan yang akan dihadapi dalam implementasi perlakuan perpajakan di lapangan. Sedangkan Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah melalui studi kepustakaan dan studi lapangan dengan melakukan wawancara.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa uplift memenuhi konsep penghasilan berdasarkan Undang-undang Pajak Penghasilan. Sedangkan perlakuan perpajakan yang tepat atas uplift adalah dikenakan pajak berdasarkan basis netto dengan tarif pajak sesuai dengan tarif Pasal 17 Undang-undang Pajak Penghasilan karena timbulnya uplift terdapat hubungan efektif kegiatan usaha kontraktor sebagai bentuk usaha tetap di Indonesia, maka uplift merupakan bagian dari business income dan suatu bentuk usaha tetap. Hasil penelitian juga menunjukkan bahwa penghasilan atas uplift merupakan potensi pajak dari sektor minyak dan gas bumi yang belum tergali karena berdasarkan mekanisme pembagian hasil berdasarkan kontrak, uplift belum dimasukkan sebagai penghasilan yang dikenakan pajak. Kendala dalam dalam mengenakan pajak atas uplift karena adanya peraturan khusus (lex specialis) berupa Keputusan Menteri Keuangan yang mengatur ketentuan formal dan material yang masih berlaku sarnpai sekarang.
Saran yang diberikan berdasarkan penelitian ini adalah seyogyanya ada harmonisasi antara ketentuan perpajakan dengan ketentuan teknis dalam kontrak dan peraturan pelaksanaan yang mengatur ketentuan formal dan material perpajakan dalam pelaksanaan kontrak, dan menerbitkan penegasan mengenai pelakuan perpajakan atas uplift serta mengganti Keputusan Menteri Keuangan yang mengatur ketentuan formal pemenuhan kewajiban pajak Kontraktor Production Sharing.

According to the law of Natural Oil and Gas in a Production sharing contract in Indonesia, the total production of all oil-mining operations, which is crude oil, is to be shared between the Government and the contractor with agreed proportion as outlined in the contract The contractor's share includes tax and it will remain the same even though the tax tariff would change.
In Indonesia, it is possible to get an economical added value from the activity conducted and from the capital or the assets owned or dominated by the contractor, which are either directly or not-directly involved in the natural oil and gas mining operation in the Production Sharing contract. According to the Tax Law and Regulations, the economical added value is considered as a taxable income.
According to the Production Sharing Contract - Joint Operating Body (P SC-JOB), Pertamina holds the participating interest of the contractor's operation with 50:50 proportion/comparison. Therefore, Pertamina is also responsible for the operational costs that may occur in the oil field, where they conduct the activity together. Should Pertamina is not able to take the financial responsibility during the operation; the contractor may give them an advance on the operational costs. Once the mine produces oil, Pertamina will then be responsible to pay all advances back to the contractor in a form of crude oil production plus some additional crude oil. This additional crude oil is compensation from Pertamina given to the contractor for giving them advances. In the Production Sharing Contract term, this compensation is called Uplift.
In the implementation in the field, there is a dispute over the tax for uplift between the Government (in this case is the Directorate General of Tax) and the contractor. Contractor refuses to pay tax on uplift because according to them, uplift has nothing to do with the petroleum operation and it is not an incentive either. In addition, according to the contract, the oil production received by the contractor is including tax. While in the Directorate General of Tax itself, there are also pros and cons about what most suitable income tax that should be charged to uplift. This is the main topic of this research.
The type of research used here is descriptive analysis. The consideration of using this type is to find out whether Uplift complies with the income concept according to the Income Tax Regulation. If so, then what would be the most suitable tax assessment for uplift, also, the analysis of the problem that may occur during implementation. The data of this research was collected from book references and through interview in the field.
Research showed that uplift complies with the income concept according to the Income Tax Regulation (Law). The most suitable tax assessment on uplift is a net basis tax with tariff as outlined in the Article 17 of Income Tax Regulation. Since the uplift occurred as a result of an effective activity conducted by the contractor as a fixed business in Indonesia, therefore, uplift is considered as part of the business income of a fixed business.
Research also showed that the income of uplift is potency for tax from natural oil and gas, which have not been explored yet, because, according to the sharing contract mechanism, uplift is not yet included in the taxable income roll. The problem is because there is a special rule (lex specialist) that still valid, that is Finance Ministerial Decree about formal regulation and material.
Based on the research, it is suggested that there should be a harmony between the tax and technical regulations in the contract and the implementation regulations that should outline the formal policy as well as the tax. Also, to issue a regulation about tax on uplift and to replace the existing Finance Ministerial Decree about the tax responsibility of a contractor in the Production Sharing contract.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2004
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Oclines, Yolanda
"Laporan ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis dua skema pembayaran yang dirancang oleh perusahaan klien atas transaksi franchise Transaksi franchise ini menimbulkan sejumlah biaya yang harus dilunasi sehingga perlu dilakukan klasifikasi atas masing masing biaya untuk keperluan penerapan perjanjian penghindaran pajak berganda Beberapa biaya dikategorikan sebagai business profit royalti atau cost Implikasi perpajakan timbul atas sejumlah pembayaran tersebut Business profit akan dikenai pajak di Swedia dan 10 PPN Luar Negeri royalti akan dikenai pajak 15 dan 10 PPN Luar Negeri dan cost dikenai pajak 10 PPN Luar Negeri Semua analisis akan mengacu kepada peraturan perpajakan domestik Indonesia dan perjanjian penghindaran pajak berganda antara Indonesia dengan Swedia.

The purpose of this report is to analyze two payment schemes designed by client rsquo s company for franchise transaction There are several payments arose from franchise transaction so it is necessary to classify each payment for the need of tax treaty implementation Several payments are categorized as royalty business profit or cost There are tax implications from these payments Business profit is taxed in Sweden and subject to 10 VAT Offshore royalty is subject to 15 tax rate and 10 VAT Offshore and cost is subject to 10 VAT Offshore All analysis are based on domestic taxation regulation in Indonesia and tax treaty between Indonesia and Sweden."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Danarti Putri Satiti
"Penelitian ini menganalisis penentuan jenis penghasilan yang timbul dari pembayaran penghasilan yang dilakukan perusahaan di Indonesia yaitu PT. PGAS Telekomunikasi Nusatara (PGASCOM) kepada perusahaan-perusahaan asing di Singapura. Permasalahan yang dikaji dalam penelitian ini adalah penggolongan jenis penghasilan atas penghasilan dari transaksi sewa kabel fiber optik dan pengadaan akses internet yang dibayarkan PGASCOM ke Singapura, serta perlakuan perpajakan yang harus diterapkan oleh PGASCOM atas pembayaran penghasilan tersebut. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan teknik pengumpulan data berupa studi literatur dan studi lapangan dengan wawancara mendalam.
Hasil penelitian menujukkan bahwa terdapat perbedaan interpretasi di lapangan dalam menafsirkan ketentuan yang berlaku yaitu P3B Indonesia-Singapura sehingga terdapat jenis penghasilan yang berbeda-beda atas penghasilan sewa kabel fiber optic, yaitu Immovable Property, Royalty, dan Business Income. Berdasarkan analisis yang dilakukan, jenis penghasilan yang paling tepat untuk kedua transaksi tersebut ditinjau dari P3B Indonesia-Singapura adalah jenis business income. Perusahaan-perusahaan asing Singapura tersebut tidak melakukan kegiatan usaha di Indonesia melalui suatu Bentuk Usaha Tetap, Oleh karena itu Indonesia tidak memiliki hak pemajakan sehingga PGASCOM juga tidak memiliki kewajiban perpajakan atas penghasilan yang dibayarkannya tersebut.
Untuk menghindari adanya interpretasi yang berbeda- berbeda maka diperlukan hukum yang lebih pasti mengatur mengenai kriteria-kriteria jenis penghasilan yang terdapat di dalam P3B, misalnya melalui penerbitan Surat Edaran atau mereformasi Undang-Undang Perpajakan. PGASCOM (Wajib Pajak) pun harus lebih aktif dengan mengajukan surat permohonan penegasan ke DJP mengenai hal-hal terkait penentuan jenis penghasilan ataupun perlakuan perpajakan yang harus diterapkan untuk menghindari masalah-masalah di lapangan yang dapat menimbulkan kerugian.

This undergraduate thesis analyzes the determination of income arising from the payment of income by the company in Indonesia, PT. PGAS Telekomunikasi Nusatara (PGASCOM) to foreign companies in Singapore. The problems examined in this research is the classification of income from the lease of fiber optic cable and income from the purchase of internet access paid by PGASCOM to Singapore’s companies, also the implications of tax treatment applied by PGASCOM for such income. This research uses qualitative approach with literature study and field research method for data collecting.
The results show that there are different interpretations in the field of interpreting the income types for the lease of fiber optic cable on Tax Treaty, such as the Immovable Property, Royalty, and Business Income. Based on the analysis, the determination of income arising from both transactions in terms of Tax Treaty Indonesia-Singapore is Business Income. Singapore companies do not conduct business activities in Indonesia through a Permanent Establishment, therefore Indonesia does not have taxing rights so PGASCOM does not have any tax liability of the payment of such income.
To avoid different interpretations, it requires a specific regulation to adjust the characterization of income contained in Tax Treaty, for example, through the issuance of Circular or reform the Tax Act. PGASCOM (as taxpayer) has to be more active by submitting a confirmation requested letter on matters related to the determination of income or tax treatment that should be applied, to avoid some problems in the field that can cause some loss.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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