ABSTRAKTingkat keamanan Pangan Jajanan Anak Sekolah (PJAS) yang masih
rendah dan tingginya persentase Kejadian Luar Biasa (KLB) keracunan akibat
PJAS di lingkungan SD, merupakan masalah serius karena terkait dengan
pembangunan sumber daya manusia Indonesia. Social Change Campaign?
Gerakan Aksi Nasional dengan taktik promosi keamanan PJAS menggunakan
model proses komunikasiS-M-C-R-E. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk
mengetahui apakah taktik promosi keamanan pangan yang dilakukan pada siswa SD
(R) mempunyai hubungan terhadap sikap memilih PJAS yang aman (E) yang
terkait dengan variable kompetensi Penyuluh (S), pesan yang bersifat attention,
comprehension, acceptance (M) dan kesadaran memilih PJAS yang
aman setelah mendapat diseminasi pesan melalui beragam saluran komunikasi (C).
Atas dasar ini diajukan model teoritis yaitu communication competency theory,
reinforcement theory dan teori umum bagi Social Change Campaign dan 3 hipotesis
untuk diuji dengan metode analisis multivariate.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa taktik promosi keamanan pangan mempengaruhi
sikap memilih PJAS yang aman dan ketiga variable tersebut dapat menjadi tolak ukur
dalam mengevaluasi outcomes sikap dari suatu Social Change Campaign karena ketiga variabel tersebut berpengaruh signifikan terhadap sikap.
ABSTRACTLow safety level of food consumed by school children and high
percentage of food poisoning outbreak among elementary school children are
serious problems since they are related to the human resources development in
Indonesia. Social Change Campaign ? National Act Movement through promotion
strategy of the food consumed by school children was conducted by using S-M-CR-
E as communication process model. This study was aimed to analyze whether
the promotion strategy for the food safety, which was addressed to the elementary
schoolchildren (R), had association with attitude to choose safe food consumed by
school children (E) which was related to educator competence variable (S), to
message with such characteristic as attention, comprehension, acceptance (M),
and to awareness in choosing safe food consumed by school children after
receiving message which has been disseminated via various communication
channels (E). Based on these problems, it was proposed a theoretical model, i.e.
communication competency theory, reinforcement theory, and general theory for
Social Change Campaign; and also three hypotheses to be tested by using
multivariate analysis method.
The study results showed that food safety promotion strategy influenced
the attitude to choose safe food consumed by school children and those three
variables could be used as criteria or standard in evaluating outcomes from a
Social Change Campaign since those three variables have significant impact to
attitude changes"