"[Penelitian ini menelaah fenomena personal branding pada media sosial yang saat ini marak terjadi. Beberapa orang dari kalangan bukan selebritas mampu membangun brand yang kuat pada dirinya sehingga seseorang tersebut menjadi selebritas media sosial. Pada konsep personal branding sendiri apa yang dilakukan pada diri seseorang ditujukan untuk membangun kredibilitas yang baik, sehingga menjadi daya tarik bagi orang lain. Dengan tingginya kredibilitas seseorang, akan berdampak pada kemampuannya menjadi komunikator yang baik
pada sebuah iklan, sehingga akan mempengaruhi brand awareness produk yang diiklankan. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dengan metode analisis regresi, yang menggunakan sosok Andra Alodita sebagai kasus penelitian dan followers Andra Alodita sebagai responden penelitian. Penelitian ini menggunakan 100 orang responden dengan metode pemilihan purposive sampel. Hasil penelitian ini menemukan bahwa terdapat pengaruh yang signifikan dan positif antara personal branding Andra Alodita dengan pembentukan kredibilitas Andra Alodita sebagai seorang endorser. Selain itu juga ditemukan bahwa kredibilitas Andra Alodita sebagai endorser mampu membangun Brand Awareness pada produk Cotton Ink di benak followers akun instagram Andra Alodita.;This research aims to analyze personal branding phenomenon through social
media. Many people we have barely known before are able to build their strong personal branding through social media so that they could become famous person. Quite few names appear as social media celebrity with tremendous followers (phrase for people who follow someone’s account). Their success brought them benefit, as advertiser. However, personal branding concept itself is to build good credibility, so they can attract public attention. Better credibility creates better product awareness to the brand product they promote. Based on that background, this research is focused to find link between personal
branding someone has been built to their credibility as an endorser, so it would create brand product awareness. This research using quantitative approachregression analysis method, choosing Andra Alodita as research subject and her followers as respondents. Survey had been spread to 100 respondents using purposive sample method.
This research shown significant and positive link between Andra Alodita’s personal branding and her credibility as a product endorser. Thus, her credibility positively create product awareness (Cotton Ink brand in this research) in her followers’ mind., This research aims to analyze personal branding phenomenon through social
media. Many people we have barely known before are able to build their strong
personal branding through social media so that they could become famous
person. Quite few names appear as social media celebrity with tremendous
followers (phrase for people who follow someone’s account). Their success
brought them benefit, as advertiser. However, personal branding concept itself is
to build good credibility, so they can attract public attention. Better credibility
creates better product awareness to the brand product they promote.
Based on that background, this research is focused to find link between personal
branding someone has been built to their credibility as an endorser, so it would
create brand product awareness. This research using quantitative approachregression
analysis method, choosing Andra Alodita as research subject and her
followers as respondents. Survey had been spread to 100 respondents using
purposive sample method.
This research shown significant and positive link between Andra Alodita’s
personal branding and her credibility as a product endorser. Thus, her credibility
positively create product awareness (Cotton Ink brand in this research) in her
followers’ mind]"
Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2015