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Ditemukan 14176 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Freddy Kusnady
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 1973
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Jaffee, Cabot L.
Reasing, Mass. : Addison-Wesley , 1970
368 JAF p
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Robby Yustisio Adhyaksono
"Dalam Putusan Penundaan Kewajiban Pembayaran Utang Nomor: 439/Pdt.Sus-PKPU/2020/PN Niaga Jkt. Pst tertanggal 09 Februari 2021 (Putusan PKPU), melalui dalil Tanggapan dari Termohon PT. Asuransi Jiwa Adisarana Wanaartha (Wanaartha Life) yang menyatakan bahwa terjadi kondisi force majeure akibat penyitaan yang dilakukan oleh pihak Kejaksaan Agung sehingga menimbulkan konflik yang terkesan tidak acuh terhadap kewajibannya sebagai perusahaan asuransi yang menanggung pertanggungan asuransi kepada nasabahnya dengan alasan adanya keadaan memaksa atau force majeure akibat penyitaan SRE milik Wanaartha Life oleh Kejaksaan Republik Indonesia untuk pembuktian dalam perkara Tindak Pidana Korupsi Nomor: 29/Pid.Sus-TPK/ 2020/PN.Jkt.Pst tertanggal 23 Oktober 2020 dengan Terdakwa Benny Tjokrosaputro (Putusan Tipikor). Diketahui hal tersebut diawali dengan permasalahan hukum antara Wanaartha Life dengan Benny Tjokrosaputro sebagai pemilik PT. Hanson International Tbk (Hanson), yang dimana Wanaartha Life melakukan transaksi jual-beli saham Hanson sebesar Rp45.000.000.000.- (Empat Puluh Lima Miliar Rupiah) sebanyak lembar saham atau sekitar 2 % (dua persen) komposisi kepemilikan saham Hanson. Transaksi jual-beli saham tersebut dilakukan menggunakan dana polis asuransi nasabahnya, hal ini dilakukan untuk mencari return kepada nasabahnya sebagaimana fungsi dan tujuan dari produk asuransi Unit Link. Dalam Putusan Tipikor, sebelum adanya transaksi jual-beli saham telah dilakukan Nominee Arrangement antara Benny Tjokrosaputro dan menunjuk Wanaartha Life sebagai pembeli saham, praktik tersebut dilarang untuk dilakukan dalam hukum positif Indonesia, dikarenakan pembelian saham hanya mengenal praktik jual-beli saham atas nama (aan opname) bukanlah saham atas tunjuk (aan toonder). Sehingga dalam thesis ini, dapat disimpulkan bahwa tindakan Wanaartha Life telah diawali dengan itikad buruk (bad faith) yang mengakibatkan gagal bayarnya Wanaartha Life terhadap nasabahnya.

The court’s decision Number: 439 .Sus-PKPU/2020/PN Niaga Jkt. Pst dated 09 February 2021 (PKPU Decision) has been used to delay a legal obligation to pay consumers by PT. Adisarana Wanaartha Life Insurance (Wanaartha Life) by arguing that the confiscation of its securities sub-accounts ("SRE") as the subject of the Corruption Crime case Number: 29/Pid.Sus-TPK/ 2020/PN.Jkt.Pst dated October 23, 2020 with the Defendant Benny Tjokrosaputro (Corruption Verdict) creates compelling circumstances namely force majeures. The case began with legal dispute between Wanaartha Life and Benny Tjokrosaputro as the owner of PT. Hanson International Tbk (Hanson), in which Wanaartha Life made transactions for buying and selling Hanson shares of Rp45,000,000,000.- (Forty Five Billion Rupiah) totaling 2,277,221,900 shares or approximately 2% (two percent) of the composition of Hanson's share ownership. The share buying and selling transactions are carried out using the customer's insurance policy funds, this is to seek returns to the customers according to the function and purpose of the Unit Link insurance product. In the Corruption Judgment as concerned, prior to the sale and purchase of shares, there was an agreement on a share upon appointment between a Nominee Arrangement between Benny Tjokrosaputro and appointed Wanaartha Life as the purchaser of shares. This practice is prohibited under the Indonesian positive law, because the purchase of shares only recognizes the practice of buying and selling shares on behalf (aanopname) is not a share upon appointment (aan toonder). Hence, this thesis argued that Wanaartha Life's actions started with bad faith which resulted in Wanaartha Life's failure to pay its customers."
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia , 2022
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Magee, John H.
Homewood: Richard D. Irwin, Inc., 1955
368 Mag g
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Magee, John H.
Illinois: Richard D. Irwin,Inc., 1964
368 Mag g
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Bickelhaupt, David L. (David Lynn)
Homewood, Illinois: Richard D. Irwin, 1983
368 BIC g
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Jacklin Praycilia Thomas
Tesis ini membahas mengenai masalah-masalah hukum penerapan hak subrogasi perusahaan asuransi umum dalam asuransi pengangkutan barang melalui laut. Tesis ini mempunyai 2 dua pokok permasalahan. Pertama, bagaimana penerapan hak subrogasi oleh Perusahaan Asuransi Umum kepada Pengangkut dan keterkaitannya dengan Putusan Mahkamah Pelayaran. Kedua, bagaimana keterikatan Perusahaan Asuransi Umum, PT Asuransi AXA Indonesia, dalam perjanjian Pengangkutan yang dibuat antara Pengangkut dengan Tertanggung. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian yuridis normatif. Tujuan dari hak subrogasi adalah untuk mencegah Tertanggung memperoleh ganti kerugian ganda dan mencegah Pengangkut tidak mempertanggungjawabkan perbuatannya yang menyebabkan kerugian bagi Tertanggung. Dalam menerapkan hak subrogasinya, Perusahaan Asuransi Umum dapat mengajukan gugatan perbuatan melawan hukum ke pengadilan negeri yang berwenang dalam jangka waktu 1 satu tahun setelah penyerahan barang atau setelah hari seharusnya barang muatan itu diserahkan oleh Pengangkut. Penerapan hak subrogasi oleh Perusahaan Asuransi Umum dihambat dengan adanya pandangan dan pendapat mengenai adanya putusan Mahkamah Pelayaran dan keterikatan Perusahaan Asuransi Umum pada perjanjian Pengangkutan. Adanya Putusan Mahkamah Pelayaran dapat menjadi keuntungan dan juga hambatan dalam penerapan hak subrogasi oleh Perusahaan Asuransi Umum. Perusahaan Asuransi Umum tidak terikat pada perjanjian Pengangkutan karena perusahaan asuransi bukanlah pihak dalam perjanjian Pengangkutan yang memberikan janji. Hal ini ditinjau dari asas pacta sunt servanda dan asas kepribadian. Dengan demikian, Putusan Pengadilan Negeri Jakarta Barat No. 499/PDT.G/2015/PN.JKT.BRT jo. Putusan Pengadilan Tinggi DKI Jakarta No. 257/PDT/2016/PT.DKI merupakan suatu kekeliruan karena General Average tidak terjadi dan PT Asuransi AXA Indonesia tidak terikat pada Perjanjian Pengangkutan.

This Thesis discussed legal issues of implementation of the right of subrogation of general insurance company in marine cargo insurance. This thesis has 2 two problems. First, how the impact of the decision of the Admiralty Court against implementation of right of subrogation by General Insurance Company in Marine Cargo Insurance. Second, the linkage of General Insurance Company, PT Asuransi AXA Indonesia on Contract of Carriage made by carrier and insured. This research used in juridical normative. The purposes of the right of subrogation are to prevent the insured get double indemnity and to prevent Carrier from not be responsible for his actions caused the loss for insured. In order to implement the right of subrogation, the General Insurance Company could submit tort lawsuit to the authorized District Court within a period of 1 one year after delivery of goods or after the day should be delivered goods by Carrier. The implementation of right of subrogation inhibited by view and opinion about the existance of the Decision of Admiralty Court and the linkage of General Insurance Company on Contract of Carriage. The Decision of Admiralty Court can be advantage and obstacle to implement right of subrogation by General Insurance Company. General Insurance Company is not bound by the Contract of Carriage because General Insurance Company is not the party of Contract of Carriage. It is based on the principle of pacta sunt servanda and principle of personality. Therefore the Decision of West Jakarta District Court No. 499 PDT.G 2015 PN.JKT.BRT jo. The Decision of DKI Jakarta High Court No. 257 PDT 2016 PT.DKI is a oversight because General Average did not occur and PT Asuransi AXA Indonesia is not bound by Contract of Carriage.Keywords right of subrogation, marine cargo insurance, contract of carriage. "
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi laba perusahaan asuransi kerugian di Indonesia. Gambaran kinerja perusahaan asuransi tercermin dari tingkat keberhasilan mengelola risiko yang dilihat dari besarnya keuntungan serta tingkat keberhasilan mengelola dana yang, dapat dilihat dari tingkat hasil investasi yang diperoleh.
Penelitian ini menggunakan data sekunder yang diperoleh dari Data Perusahaan Asuransi Nasional pada Direkloral Asuransi Departemen Keuangan yang disajikan dalam lndonesian Insurance Directory dengan periode penelitian lahun 2000 sampai dengan 2004.
Penelitian ini mengangkat dua Model Regresi Penelitian yaitu Model l menggunakan variabel bebas Premi Reasuransi Keluar, Rasio Klaim Bruto, Yield to lnvestment (YOI) dan Risk Base Capital (RBC) dan variabel bebas Laba Perusahaan Asuransi Kerugian. Sedangkan Model ll, yaitu dengan menambahkan variabel dummy pada persamaan regresi Model I. Variabel dummy pertama yang dimasukan adalah tentang jenis perusahaan asuransi (BUMN Swasta dan Patungan) dan variabel dummy yang kedua adalah ukuran tingkat kesehatan perusahaan asuransi yang direpresentasikan oleh batas minimum pencapajn RBC 120%, berdasarkan Keputusan Menteri Keuangan No. 481/KMK.07/1999.
Pengujian adanya pelanggaran asumsi klasik, dilakukan pada Model I dengan menggunakan OLS (Ordinary Least Square), sedangkan pengujian terhadap hipotesis penelitian baik Model I maupun Model II dengan menggunakan PLS (Pooled Least Square).
Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa variabel bebas Premi Reasuransi Keluar (REASS). Rasio Klaim Bruto (RKB), Yield to Investment (YOI) dan Risk Based Capital (RBC) berpengaruh secara signifikan terhadap Laba Perusahaan Asuransi, dengan tingkat R-squared sebesar 0.2875S0. Semenlara itu dari hasil pengujian, penggunaan Model II ternyata lebih baik dari Model I, terbukti dari nilai Adjusted R-squared Model II yaitu 0.427537 lebih besar jika dibandingkan dengan Model I yaitu 0.264873. Berdasarkan pengujian one-tail, ternyata hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa Hipotesis pengaruh Premi Reasuransi Keluar dan Rasio Klaim Bruto tidak terbukti berpengaruh negatif terhadap Laba Perusahaan, sedangkan hipotesis pengaruh YOI dan RBC terbukti berpengaruh positif terhadap Laba Perusahaan. Selain itu, penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa pengaruh jenis perusahaan antara BUMN dan non BUMN (Swasta dan Patungan) terbukti signifikan, demikian pula dengan penentuan tingkat batas minimum RBC juga berpengaruh secara signifikan tehadap Laba Perusahaan Asuransi.
Penelitian ini memperlihatlcan bahwa variabel-variabel bebas yang dipergunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu : Premi Reasuransi Keluar (REASS), Rasio Klaim Bruto, (RKB) Yield to Investment (YOI) dan Risk Based Capital (RBC) mempunyai pengaruh yang konsisten baik pada Model I maupun Model II, dan kesemua variabel bebas tersebut menunjukkan pengaruh positif terhadap Laba Perusahaan. Selain itu, berhasil pula diidentifikasi bahwa variabel Rasio Klaim Bruto ternyata merupakan variabel yang paling mempengaruhi Laba Perusahaan Asuransi jika dibandingkan dengan variabel bebas lainnya.
Saran untuk pengembangan lebih lanjut dari penelitian ini adalah menggunakan variabel-variabel lain baik dari sektor industri asuransi sendiri maupun sektor makro perekonomian nasional dan global.

The objective of this research is to obtain factors affecting the general insurance?s profit in Indonesia. By using secondary data taken from Indonesian Insurance issued by Insurance Directorate of Finance Department from 2000 to 2004. Performance of insurance company can be indicated by effectiveness of risk management of the large of profit and effectivness fund management of yield on investment.
This research apply 2 (two) models of regression , Model I uses independent variable consisting of outward reinsurance premium, gross claim ratio, yield on investment (YOI) and risk base capital (RBC) whereas profit of the insurance companies as dependent variable. Model II of this research is by inserting dummy variable at regression equation of Model I. The first dummy variable includes the kind of insurance company (state owned enterprise, private company and joint venture company) and the second dummy variable is measurement ofthe insurance company's solvability which is represented by minimum level of 120% ratio RBC pursuant to decree of ministry of finance No. 481/KMK.07/1999.
The test on the anomaly of classical assumption in Model I using OLS (Ordinary Least Square) whereas the testing of the research hyphotesis either Model I or Model II utilising PLS (Pooled Least Square).
The result of research showed that Simultaneously outward reinsurance premium, gross claim ratio, yield on investment and risk based capital have impact significantly for the profit of the general insurance company at R-squared 0.287580 Meanwhile, model ll is better than Model I. This can be proved by the value of Adjusted R-squared model II at 0.427537 which is bigger than model I at 0.264873 Based on the one tails test showing that hyphotesis on the impact of outward reinsurance premium and gross claim ration can not be proved negatively toward the profit of the company, whereas the impact of yield on investment and risk base capital has impact positively to the company?s profit. Meanwhile, this research also showed there are impacts on the kind of the insurance company between state insurance company enterprises and non-state insurance company entreprises significantly as well as RBC towards the profit ofthe insurance company.
This research identifies the four dependent variables i.e. outward reinsurance premium, gross claim ratio, yield on investment (YOI) and risk base capital (RBC) is consistent for Model I and Model II respectively. These variables again showing positive impact on the profit ofthe company. The variable of gross claim ratio is the highest Factors affecting the profit of the company compared with the other factors.
Suggestion for the further research is using several variables into the models either insurance industry or national and global macroeconomic factors."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2006
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sarah Afifah
Salah satu opsi manajemen risiko bagi perusahaan asuransi adalah dengan
membagi atau mentransfer risiko yang ditanggungnya kepada perusahaan
asuransi lain, yang disebut reasuransi. Konsep reasuransi ini memberikan banyak
keuntungan bagi perusahaan asuransi, sekaligus membebani perusahaan dengan
biaya tertentu. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui faktor yang
memengaruhi kebutuhan jasa reasuransi pada perusahaan asuransi di Indonesia
dengan melihat aspek loss ratio, gearing ratio, tingkat debt to equity ratio,
volatilitas biaya klaim, volatilitas hasil investasi, jenis organisasi, dan konsentrasi
lini pertanggungan perusahaan. Dari hasil penelitian kepada perusahaan asuransi
kerugian sebanyak 64 perusahaan dari tahun 2010-2013, dapat ditarik kesimpulan
bahwa kebutuhan reasuransi: sebanding dengan tingkat loss ratio, volatilitas biaya
klaim, gearing ratio, dan ukuran perusahaan; berbanding terbalik dengan DER;
berbanding terbalik dengan derajat konsentrasi lini pertanggungan, dan
dipengaruhi oleh jenis organisasi perusahaan.

An option for risk management in insurance company is to transfer or divide their
risk to other insurance company, this called reinsurance. The concept of
reinsurance is very helpful for insurance company with some benefits, yet causes
some expenses. This study aimed to analyze what factors influence the demand of
reinsurance in Indonesia by considering loss ratio, gearing ratio, debt to equity
ratio, claim cost volatility, investment return volatility, organizational form, and
business concentration. From the study of 64 insurance company in Indonesia
during 2010 ? 2013, it can be concluded that the need of reinsurance is: in line
with degree of loss ratio, claim cost volatility, gearing ratio, and company?s asset;
inversely with DER and business concentration; also influenced by organizational
form.;An option for risk management in insurance company is to transfer or divide their
risk to other insurance company, this called reinsurance. The concept of
reinsurance is very helpful for insurance company with some benefits, yet causes
some expenses. This study aimed to analyze what factors influence the demand of
reinsurance in Indonesia by considering loss ratio, gearing ratio, debt to equity
ratio, claim cost volatility, investment return volatility, organizational form, and
business concentration. From the study of 64 insurance company in Indonesia
during 2010 ? 2013, it can be concluded that the need of reinsurance is: in line
with degree of loss ratio, claim cost volatility, gearing ratio, and company?s asset;
inversely with DER and business concentration; also influenced by organizational
form.;An option for risk management in insurance company is to transfer or divide their
risk to other insurance company, this called reinsurance. The concept of
reinsurance is very helpful for insurance company with some benefits, yet causes
some expenses. This study aimed to analyze what factors influence the demand of
reinsurance in Indonesia by considering loss ratio, gearing ratio, debt to equity
ratio, claim cost volatility, investment return volatility, organizational form, and
business concentration. From the study of 64 insurance company in Indonesia
during 2010 ? 2013, it can be concluded that the need of reinsurance is: in line
with degree of loss ratio, claim cost volatility, gearing ratio, and company?s asset;
inversely with DER and business concentration; also influenced by organizational
form.;An option for risk management in insurance company is to transfer or divide their
risk to other insurance company, this called reinsurance. The concept of
reinsurance is very helpful for insurance company with some benefits, yet causes
some expenses. This study aimed to analyze what factors influence the demand of
reinsurance in Indonesia by considering loss ratio, gearing ratio, debt to equity
ratio, claim cost volatility, investment return volatility, organizational form, and
business concentration. From the study of 64 insurance company in Indonesia
during 2010 ? 2013, it can be concluded that the need of reinsurance is: in line
with degree of loss ratio, claim cost volatility, gearing ratio, and company?s asset;
inversely with DER and business concentration; also influenced by organizational
form.;An option for risk management in insurance company is to transfer or divide their
risk to other insurance company, this called reinsurance. The concept of
reinsurance is very helpful for insurance company with some benefits, yet causes
some expenses. This study aimed to analyze what factors influence the demand of
reinsurance in Indonesia by considering loss ratio, gearing ratio, debt to equity
ratio, claim cost volatility, investment return volatility, organizational form, and
business concentration. From the study of 64 insurance company in Indonesia
during 2010 ? 2013, it can be concluded that the need of reinsurance is: in line
with degree of loss ratio, claim cost volatility, gearing ratio, and company?s asset;
inversely with DER and business concentration; also influenced by organizational
form., An option for risk management in insurance company is to transfer or divide their
risk to other insurance company, this called reinsurance. The concept of
reinsurance is very helpful for insurance company with some benefits, yet causes
some expenses. This study aimed to analyze what factors influence the demand of
reinsurance in Indonesia by considering loss ratio, gearing ratio, debt to equity
ratio, claim cost volatility, investment return volatility, organizational form, and
business concentration. From the study of 64 insurance company in Indonesia
during 2010 – 2013, it can be concluded that the need of reinsurance is: in line
with degree of loss ratio, claim cost volatility, gearing ratio, and company’s asset;
inversely with DER and business concentration; also influenced by organizational
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Pientha Glenys Amanti
"Penelitian ini analisis efisiensi perusahaan Asuransi Umum di Indonesia periode 2014-2015 sebagai akibat kebijakan mengenai rekapitalisasi modal inti perusahaan asuransi yang tertera pada Peraturan OJK Otoritas Jasa Keuangan 67/POJK.05/2015. Metode yang digunakan adalah Data Envelopment Analysis ndash; model CCR dan BCC dengan orientasi output untuk melihat nilai efisiensi masing- masing perusahaan dari waktu ke waktu. Perusahaan asuransi yang diteliti adalah asuransi umum berjumlah 70 perusahaan. Variabel input yang digunakan adalah beban operasional dan ekuitas, sedangkan variabel output yang digunakan adalah hasil underwriting dan hasil investasi.
Dari hasil nilai skala efisiensi, yaitu gabungan antara CCR dan BCC, diperoleh terdapat 7 perusahaan yang efisien pada tahun 2014 dan 5 perusahaan yang efisien pada tahun 2015. Berdasarkan nilai skala efisiensi yang ditunjukkan, terdapat perbedaan rata-rata efisiensi perusahaan pada tahun 2014 dengan tahun 2015. Hal ini mengindikasikan bahwa kebijakan yang dikeluarkan OJK tentang penaikan dana modal inti mendorong perusahaan lebih efisien.

This study analyzes the efficiency of General Insurance companies in Indonesia for the period 2014 2015 as a result of the policy on recapitalization of insurance company 39 s core capital as stated in the OJK Regulation 67 POJK.05 2015. The method used is Data Envelopment Analysis CCR and BCC model with output orientation to see the efficiency value of each company from time to time. Insurance companies studied are general insurance amounted to 70 companies. The input variables used are operational expenses and equity capital, while the output variables used are underwriting and investment returns.
From the value of efficiency scales, ie, a combination of CCR and BCC, there are 7 efficient companies in 2014 and 5 efficient companies by 2015. Based on the value of the efficiency scale shown, there is a difference in the average efficiency of the company in 2014 with the year 2015. This indicates that the OJK 39 s policy of raising core capital funds encourages companies to be more efficient.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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