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Ditemukan 1969 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Eri Suherman
The construction and excitation circuit of carbon dioxide laser 616 mm long is described. The dependence of the pulse emission energy on the energy supplied to the discharge, the pressure and composhdon gaseous mixture is presented. The emission energy is 1-2 Joules. The emission pulse isexpected to cover range from 100 ns - 200 ns."
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Hasibuan, Rafian Nauli
The carbon dioxide laser is one of the most versatile types on the marked today. It emits infrared radiation between 9 and 11 micrometer (μm) either at a single line selected by the user or on the strongest line in untuned cavities. It can produce continuous output power output powers ranging from well under 1W for scientific applications to many kilowatts for material working.
It can generate pulses from the nanosecond to millisecond regimes. Custom made CO2 lasers have produced continues beams of hundreds of kilowatts for military laser weapon research (Hecht 1984) or nanosecond long pulses of 40 kilo joules (kj) for research in laser induced nuclear fusion (Los Alamos National Laboratory 1982).
This versatility comes from the fact that there are several distinct types of carbon dioxide lasers. While they share the same active medium, they have important differences in internal structure and more important to the user in lunch oral characteristic. In theory the structural variations could range over a really continuous spectrum, but manufactures have settled on a few standard configurations which meet most user needs. This users see several distinct types, such as waveguide, low power sealed tube, high power following gas, and pulsed transversely excited CO2 lasers.
On TEA lasers discharge instabilities make continuous wave operation impractical at gas pressures above about 100 torr (13,3 MPa). How everit is possible to produce pulses lasting tens of nanosecond to microseconds. Such lasers are called transversely excited atmospheric (TEA) lasers because they operate at or near atmospheric pressure, although same times the term is applied to pulsed transversely excited CO2 lasers which operate at higher or lower pressures. The TEA lasers prime attraction of high power per unit volume of laser gas and have fairly complex power requirements because of the nature of their pulsed operation. Typically same energy in the form of electrons or ultraviolet photons is discharged into the laser gas slightly before the main pulse to make it possible to obtain higher output power. In this thesis, basic theory of the Carbon dioxide laser are presented in section II.
Section III descibe Optical Transducer. Section IV contains the characterization of carbon dioxide laser with the results and graphs.
Finally some conclusion regarding our discussion are summarized in section V."
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Wahyu Setia Budi
A compact, simple and low-cost transversely excited atmospheric (TEA) pressure ultraviolet nitrogen laser {337 nm) has been designed and constructed employing the conventional Blumlein circuit. The measured energy of the output pulse of 337 nm is around 80 -J at 25 kV of charging voltage and l atm operating gas pressure. The beam divergence is found to be 7.7 mrad horizontally and 1.5 mrad vertically. The energy output decreases slightly with increasing gas pressure and gas flow rate, while the beam divergence is relatively stable with respect to the same operating parameters."
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
A. Rizal Siswantoro
"Banyak penelitian yang menunjukan kemampuan laser untuk proses fabrikasi Beberapa tahun terakhir teknologi laser telah dicoba diaplikasikan untuk pembuatan microchannel untuk menigkatkan efisiensi waktu pembuatan microchannel. Karena microchanel memerlukan kepresisian tinggi maka perlu diperhatikan aspek aspek yang mempengaruhi output laser yaitu model laser jenis laser dan material yang digunakan. Pada penelitian ini digunakan laser CO2 software MATLAB dan ANSYS Parameter Desaign Language APDL dengan material acrylic untuk analisis microchannel. Analisis yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah analisis dalam tingkat mikro dengan memperhatikan parameter daya kecepatan dan diameter laser beam. Distribusi yang digunakan di sini adalah distribusi gauss yang menghasilkan grafik distribusi intensitas dan distribusi temperatur Kedua distribusi ini ditunjukan pada arah x y dan z. Data hasil dari simulasi Matlab digunakan sebagai pembanding dengan data hasil eksperimen Setiap grafik dianalisis secara seksama dan dilihat nilai temperature telah mencapai titik lebur dari acrylic.
Hasil simulasi ini menunjukan distribusi panas menggambarkan area pemotongan dari laser yang menunjukan kedalaman lebar dan seberapa curam grafik pada bidang xz. Kecuraman grafik ini menunjukan pengaruh kecepatan dari laser terhadap kekasaran. Dari simulasi ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa daya lebih berpengaruh terhadap lebar dibandingkan terhadap kedalaman. Semakin cepat pergerakan laser maka hasil pemotongan akan semakin kasar APDL digunakan untuk mengetahui distribusi temperatur pada material acrylic dan pengaruh diameter beam. Hasil penelitian ini diharapkan bisa dijadikan acuan jika ingin melakukan rekontruksi pada mesin laser CO2.

Many studies had showed the ability of the laser to the fabrication process. In recent years laser technology has been applied to make microchannel and to improve the efficiency of making microchannel. Because microchannel need high precision it is necessary to consider the aspects that influences the output laser wich are laser models laser types and materials that used. This study uses CO2 laser MATLAB and APDL with acrylic material for microchannel analysis. This study uses the analysis of the micro level that takes into account the parameter of power speed laser beam diameter and uses the gauss distribution that produces graphs of intensity and temperature distribution. The two distribution is shown in the direction of x y and z.
The results of Matlab simulation used as comparison with the machining data. Each graphs is analyzed carefully and observed the value of the temperature has reached the melting point of acrylic or not. This simulation shows the heat distribution that describes the area of laser cutting either the depth or width and also how steep the graphs in the plane xz does. The steepness of graphs show the influence of the laser velocity on roughness. From this simulation it can be concluded that power has more influence the width than the depth. The faster the movement of the laser the more roughness will be produced APDL is used to determine the temperature distribution in acrylic material and the influence of beam diameter. Therefore the result is expected to be a reference to the reconstruction of the CO2 laser machine.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
TELAAH 31:1 (2013)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sekar Andhira Puteri
"Adanya permasalahan mengenai tingkat emisi CO2, menyebabkan meningkatnya kesadaran untuk mengurangi emisi CO2 dengan penelitian untuk mengembangkan teknologi Carbon Capture, Storage, and Utilization (CCSU). Dikarenakan sumber magnesium silicate melimpah dan mudah untuk ditemukan di dunia, magnesium silicate digunakan untuk mengurangi emisi CO2dengan menangkap dan menyimpan CO2 menggunakan carbon capture storage (CCS). Pada penelitian ini, magnesium silicate diberikan perlakuan leaching untuk memulihkan kandungan unsur magnesiumnya. Filtrat hasil proses leachingakan digunakan untuk proses karbonasi dengan penambahan NH3 dan diinjeksikan oleh tekanan gas CO2. Perlakuan karbonasi menggunakan temperatur sebagai variabel bebas dengan variasi 30, 40, dan 50oC. Karakterisasi yang dilakukan yaitu pengujian X-ray Diffraction (XRD), X-Ray Fluorescence (XRF), Scanning Electron Microscope – energy dispersive X-ray (SEM–EDS), dan Inductively coupled plasma-optical emission spectrometry (ICP-OES) yang bertujuan untuk mengetahui morfologi mikrostruktur permukaan dan kandungan senyawa yang dihasilkan dari percobaan. Dari proses karbonasi didapatkan bahwa semakin tinggi temperatur proses karbonasi menghasilkan peningkatan konsentrasi unsur magnesium pada endapan yang dihasilkan. Pada proses karbonasi yang diinjeksi CO2 dengan penambahan NH3 membentuk senyawa hydromagnesite (Mg5(CO3)4(OH)2·4H2O), magnesium carbonate (MgCO3), dan calcium carbonate (CaCO3).

The existence of problems regarding CO2 emission levels has led to increased awareness to reduce CO2 emissions with research to develop Carbon Capture, Storage, and Utilization (CCSU) technology. Because the source of magnesium silicate is abundant and easy to find in the world, magnesium silicate is used to reduce CO2 emissions by capturing and storing CO2 using carbon capture storage (CCS). In this study, magnesium silicate was treated with a leaching process to recover magnesium content. The leaching filtrate will be used for the carbonation process with the addition of NH3 and injected with CO2 gas pressure. The carbonation treatment uses temperature as an independent variable with variations of 30, 40 and 50oC. The characterization carried out was testing X-ray Diffraction (XRD), X-Ray Fluorescence (XRF), Scanning Electron Microscope-energy dispersive X-ray (SEM–EDS), and Inductively coupled plasma-optical emission spectrometry (ICP-OES) which aims to determine the morphology of the surface microstructure and the content of the experimental compounds. From the carbonation process it is known that the higher the temperature of the carbonation process results in an increase in the concentration of the element magnesium in the resulting precipitate. In the carbonation process, CO2 is injected with the addition of NH3 to form hydromagnesite (Mg5(CO3)4(OH)2·4H2O), magnesium carbonate (MgCO3), dan calcium carbonate (CaCO3)."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Washington, D.C.: United States Department of Energy, 1985
665.89 ATM
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Amsterdam: Elsevier , 2004
546.681 2 CAR
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Garindra Muhammad Maro
"Proses ekstraksi zat padat dapat dilakukan menggunakan fluida karbon dioksida dalam keadaan superkritis yang juga disebut sebagai supercritical fluid extraction (SCFE). SCFE membutuhkan properti tertentu dari zat padat yang hanya dapat didapat melalui penelitian laboratorium, sehingga memakan waktu dan biaya. Sebelumnya sudah dibuat sebuah model yang dapat menggambarkan perilaku zat padat dalam proses SCFE. Studi ini bertujuan untuk memperbaharui model tersebut menggunakan data yang lebih baru, serta membandingkan akurasi model yang lama dengan yang studi ini hasilkan. Dari evaluasi simulais, didapat korelasi baru dengan average absolute deviation (AALD) sebesar 25, nilai yang jauh lebih besar dibandingkan dengan korelasi dari studi sebelumnya, sehingga korelasi dengan data yang sudah diperbaharui tidak seakurat yang sebelumnya dalam memprediksi kelarutan zat padat dalam karbon dioksida superkritikal.

Extraction of solid compounds can be done using supercritical carbon dioxide, which is also known as Supercritical Fluid Extraction (SCFE). SCFE requires certain properties to be known that can only be obtained from laboratory experiments, thus requiring time and expense. Previously a model has been created that can illustrate the behavior of solids in an SCFE process. This study aims to update the model by using more recent data, and compare the accuracy of the old model and the one produced by this study. The result is a new correlation with an AALD of 25, much bigger than the correlation produced by the previous study, therefore making it much more inaccurate at predicting solid solubility in supercritical carbon dioxide."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Sistem pemonitor konsentrasi relatif karbon dioksida dalam ruangan berbasis sensor gas TGS4161 telah berhasil dibuat. Sistem ini dikendalikan dengan menggunakan mikrokontroler ATmega128. Mikrokontroler digunakan untuk mengatur keseluruhan sistem. Salah satu fungsi mikrokontroler adalah untuk mengolah GGL yang dihasilkan sensor menjadi satuan ppm. Pada sistem ini, konsentrasi CO² dihitung dengan cara menghitung perubahan relatif output sensor pada pengukuran saat ini dengan output sensor pada udara bersih (dianggap 400 ppm CO²). Proses konversi ke dalam satuan ppm dilakukan dengan menggunakan hubungan linear antara ∆GGL dengan konsentrasi CO² pada skala logaritmik. Dengan demikian perhitungan konsentrasi absolut karbon dioksida tidak dapat dilakukan. Sistem ini mampu menghitung konsentrasi relatif karbon dioksida dari 400 ppm sampai 10.000 ppm. Hasil perhitungan kemudian ditampilkan dengan menggunakan LCD 2x16. Sistem yang dibuat ini dilengkapi dengan data logger untuk menyimpan data-data yang dibaca oleh mikrokontroler. Data-data ini disimpan ke dalam microSD card sehingga dapat diolah lebih lanjut menggunakan PC. Sistem ini juga berfungsi sebagai kontrol ventilasi udara secara otomatis.

An indoor carbon dioxide monitoring system has been successfully constructed using a TGS4161 gas sensor. This system is controlled using ATmega128 microcontroller. Microcontroller used to control the whole system. One of the task is for converting EMF which is produced by a sensor into ppm unit. In this system, the CO² concentration is calculated by measuring the relative change of sensor output at the measuring point from sensor output in clean air (assumed to be 400ppm of CO²). Conversion into ppm unit is done by using relationship between ∆EMF and CO² gas concentration on a logarithmic scale. Thus, absolute concentration measurement can not be done. This system is able to calculate the relative concentration of carbon dioxide from 400 ppm to 10,000 ppm. Calculation results are then displayed using 2x16 LCD. This system is equipped with data logger to store the data read by microcontroller. The data can be stored in microSD card for further processing using PC. This system also can be used as automatic ventilation control."
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2009
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
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