Karnain Asyhar
"Potret keberhasilan Walikota Bogor dalam memacu pertumbuhan pada beberapa aspek pembangunan merupakan fenomena keberhasilan kepemimpinan yang patut diarnati. Namon, masih terdapat permasalahan transportasi di Kota Bogor yangperiu mendapat perhatian banyak pihak.
Penelitian ini berljuan untuk: (a) menganalisis kepemimpinan Walikota Bogor dalam penangguiangan masalah transportasi di Kota Bogor, (b) mengidentifikasi dan menganalisis partisipasi masyarakat dalam proses penanggulangan masalah transportasi di Kota Bogor.
Untuk mengana!isis Kepemimpinan Walikota Boger dan Partisipasi Masyarakat datam Penanggulangan Masa!ah Transportasi, penulis menggunakan .analisis kualitatif dengan pendekatan fenomenologi. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan wawancara, penulusuran data, dan observasi Japangan. rnfonnan yang menjadi narasumber daiam pene!it1an ini adalah unsur DPRD Kota Bogor, Dinas Perhubungan, Telekomunikasi, dan Infonnatika Kota Bogor, Masyarakat Transportasi Indonesia, Organda, dan masy.arakat penggunajasa angkutan umum.
Hasil penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa dengan pendekatan kebljakan, program, dan indikator kinerja penanggulangan masalah transportasi di Kota Bogor, Kepemimpinan Walikota Bogor belum berhasil rnenanggulangi petmasalahan transporta
Portrait of success in Bogor Mayor spur growth in some aspects of the development of leadership ls a phenomenon that deserves success observed. However, there are problems of transportation in the city of Bogor that require attention to many parties.
This study aims to: (a) analyze the leadership of Mayor of Bogar in tackling the problem of transportalion in the city of Bogar, (b) identify and analyze community participation in the process of handling the probJem of transportation in the city of Bogor.
To analyze the Mayor of Bogor Leadership and Community Participation in tackling transport issues, the author uses a qualitative analysts approach fenomenologi. Coilecting data is done with the interviewsthe search data, and field observations. Informants in this research is the elements of DPRD Kota Bogor, Department of Transportation, Telecommunication. and Infonnatlon City of Bogar, Indonesia Transportation Society, Organda, community service user and public transport.
Results of this research concluded that the approach to policies, programs, and performance indicators of transportation problems in the city of Bogor. Bogar Mayor Leadership can not successfully tackle the problems of transportation in the city of Bogor completely. Based on the analysis of the Leadership Cailange practices (Kouzes and Posner, 2004), authors found that the Mayor of Bogar Leadership have a prominent practice in: inspiring a shared vision, challenging the..."