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Sutrasno Kartohardjono
"The study has been conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of the natural solvent from noni fruit for CO2 gas absorption from CH4 through hollow fiber membrane gas-liquid contactors. The solvent was made of 100 grams noni fruit per liter of water. In experiments, the solvent flowed to the shell side of the contactor, while the gas mixture flowed to the lumen fiber. The experimental results showed that mass transfer coefficients in the contactors increased with increasing liquid flow rate and decreasing number of fibers in the contactors. Mass transfer correlation indicated that the mass transfer in the contactor was dominated by turbulent flow. Hydrodynamics analysis of the contactors showed that at the same Reynolds number pressure drops increased with increasing packing density due to an increase in friction between fibers and water. The friction factor ratio data revealed that the fiber surface did not behave like a smooth pipe within the range of velocities in the experiments. Based on QI and Cussler coefficients, chemical absorption occurred during experiments, which might be indicated by the appearance of new compounds in the chemical analysis of the a queous extract from noni fruit after absorption."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2011
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Puspita Anggraeni Katili
"Kontaktor membran serat berongga dapat menutupi kerugian yang terjadi pada metode konvensional. Terdapat dua jenis konfigurasi aliran dari membran kontaktor serat berongga ini. Konfigurasi 1 ketika pelarut dialirkan ke bagian tube and gas di bagian shell, sedangkan konfigurasi 2 sebaliknya. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk menganalisis efektivitas antara dua konfigurasi tersebut dengan menggunakan larutan Triethanolamine 10% berat sebagai pelarut dan membran PVC. Hasil penelitian ini menyatakan bahwa konfigurasi 1 menghasilkan kinerja yang lebih baik dalam menyerap CO2 dibandingkan dengan konfigurasi 2. Penggunaan Triethanolamine sebagai pelarut menunjukkan kinerja yang kurang optimal, ditunjukkan dengan persentase CO2 yang terserap sekitar 1.98%.

The hollow fiber membrane contactor overcomes the disadvantages of the conventional method. There are two flow patterns: Case 1 operation where the liquid flows in tube and gas in shell. The case 2 operation where the liquid flows at shell side and gas at tube side. This study is conducted to analyze the effectiveness between both patterns using 10% weight of Triethanolamine as the solvent and PVC membrane. The result of this study: the case 1 provides more effective CO2 absorption performance rather than case 2. The use of triethanolamine shows suboptimal performance, because the maximum CO2 absorbed was 1.98%.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sutrasno Kartohardjono
"The study has been conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of the natural solvent from noni fruit for CO2 gas absorption from CH4 through hollow fiber membrane gas-liquid contactors. The solvent was made of 100 grams noni fruit per liter of water. In experiments, the solvent flowed to the shell side of the contactor, while the gas mixture flowed to the lumen fiber. The experimental results showed that mass transfer coefficients in the contactors increased with increasing liquid flow rate and decreasing number of fibers in the contactors. Mass transfer correlation indicated that the mass transfer in the contactor was dominated by turbulent flow. Hydrodynamics analysis of the contactors showed that at the same Reynolds number pressure drops increased with increasing packing density due to an increase in friction between fibers and water. The friction factor ratio data revealed that the fiber surface did not behave like a smooth pipe within the range of velocities in the experiments. Based on QI and Cussler coefficients, chemical absorption occurred during experiments, which might be indicated by the appearance of new compounds in the chemical analysis of the aqueous extract from noni fruit after absorption."
Depok: Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Indonesia, 2011
UI-IJTECH 2:2 (2011)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ivan Ardianto
"Ba0.5Sr0.5Co0.8Fe0.2O3-δ (BSCF) adalah jenis membran penting dalam separasi oksigen dikarenakan tingginya produk oksigen yang dihasilkan. Di dalam percobaan ini deposisi katalis nanopartikel dengan mengunakan kombinasi dari BSCF dan Paladium (Pd) dilakukan pada permukaan BSCF dengan tujuan menstabilkan efek jangka panjang dari katalis. Modifikasi meningkatkan fluks oksigen hingga 300% pada suhu 650 derajat Celcius dibandingkan dengan membran yang tidak dimodifikasi. Katalis BSCF-Pd juga mengakibatkan pengurangan peningkatan pada temperatur diatas 700°C dibandingkan dengan membrane modifikasi katalis komponen tunggal. Penyebab diperkirakan akibat pemuaian partikel BSCF yang menyebabkan berlapisnya partikel Pd yang mengurangi area aktif katalis dan menyebabkan area non aktif pada temperatur tinggi.

Ba0.5Sr0.5Co0.8Fe0.2O3-δ (BSCF) is a prominent membrane material in oxygen separation exhibiting high rate of oxygen permeation. Surface modification using a combination of BSCF and Palladium (Pd) nanoparticles was carried on BSCF hollow fibres for stabilising long term performance enhancement. Modification improved the oxygen permeation flux up to 300% at 650oC compared to unmodified membrane. BSCF-Pd coating had reduced enhancement capabilities at temperatures above 700°C compared to single component coated membranes which hypothesized due to thermal growth of the BSCF particles causing overlapping of the Pd particles, reducing available catalytic surface area and generating non-conducting regions in the membrane at higher temperatures."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nattadon Pannucharoenwong
The productivity of water treatment through distillation method was studied by varying the size of the zinc heat absorber in a solar-based distillation unit. An additional zinc heat absorber was proposed to improve the efficiency of the distillation unit. This research investigates the usage of zinc heat absorber with size 10 to 90% of water surface area. The temperature at various locations inside the distillation unit was monitored throughout the operation in order to obtain data necessary for the equation engineering solver method, which was conducted to calculate the efficie orber that is 10% of the water area produced 1.43 liters of condensed product per day providing efficiency of 25.99%. The efficiency reduced significantly to 15.02% when the size
of the heat absorber was increased to 90%. "
Pathum Thani: Thammasat University, 2019
670 STA 24:2 (2019)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Ketersediaan bahan bakar minyak bumi yang tidak terbarukan memaksa manusia untuk sumber energi alternatif. Saat ini minyak bumi mendominasi untuk sumber utama bahan bakar untuk motor bakar. Energi yang terbarukan merupakan salah satu solusi untuk menghadapi persoalan ini. Salah satu sumber energi yang terbarukan adalah Bioethanol.
Dalam penelitian ini, dilakukan rancang bangun compact destilator dengan memanfaatkan gas buang dari motor bakar sebagai alat utama pengolahan etanol. Tujuannya adalah ingin menghasilkan produk etanol layak menjadi bahan bakar yaitu etanol dengan kadar diatas 90%. Oleh karena itu dilakukan pembuatan dan pengujian alat destilator yang kemudian dapat di aplikasikan ke motor bakar statik. Bioethanol yang diproses adalah bioethanol low grade kadar 10%, 20%, 30%, dan 40 % yang di jadikan umpan balik destilator.
Dari hasil penelitian didapatkan volume output bioethanol dan konsentrasi dari bioethanol outputnya. Berdasarkan pengujian di dapat waktu operasi minimum sebesar 12 menit dengan debit aliran output 18,20 ml/menit. Dari penelitian didapatkan konsentrasi distilat sangat bergantung dengan waktu operasi. Semakin lama waktu operasi maka semakin kecil komposisi etanol pada distilat.

The availability of petroleum fuels in the worldwide which are not renewable force people to find alternative energy sources. Currently petroleum dominated for the main source of fuel for combustion engine. The renewable energy is one solution to deal with this issue. One source of renewable energy is Bioethanol.
In this research, a compact design compact distilator to utilize gas from the motor fuels as a primary tool of ethanol processing. The goal is to produce decent products into fuel ethanol is ethanol with a concentration above 90%. Therefore carried out the manufacture and testing destilator tool which can then be applied to static engine. Bioethanol The bioethanol is processed low grade levels of 10%, 20%, 30%, and 40 % are made in destilator feedback.
From the results, the output volume of bio-ethanol and bio-ethanol concentration of output. Based on testing to the minimum operating time of 12 minutes with the output flow rate 18,20 mL/minute. This research has shown the concentration of distillate quite dependent on the time of surgery. The longer operating time, the smaller the composition of ethanol in the distillate.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2010
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muhammad Iqbal
"Telah dilakukan penelitian mengenai analisis efisiensi termal pada proses distilasi low grade bioetanol pada bulan Maret hingga Juni 2010. Penelitian tersebut bertujuan untuk mengetahui jumlah kalor yang diterima oleh bioethanol, sehingga dapat diketahui efisiensinya. Hal tersebut penting sebagai pertimbangan untuk penelitian lebih lanjut mengenai pengintegrasian portable mini distillator pada mesin statis dan dinamis.
Untuk mengetahuhi jumlah kalor yang diserap oleh bioetanol serta efisiensi termal portable mini distillator, maka dilakukan pengujian berdasarkan variasi konsentrasi (40%, 50%, 60%, dan 65%) dan variasi volume (300 ml, 400 ml, dan 500 ml) bioetanol.
Hasil yang diperoleh menunjukkan bahwa efisiensi termal berkorelasi negatif terhadap konsentrasi sampel, namun berkorelasi positif terhadap volume sampel. Sementara itu, efisiensi termal menunjukkan rentang 13% hingga 22%, tergantung dari komposisi variabel dan konsentrasi bioetanol.

Research emphasized on the analysis of thermal efficiency in low grade bioethanol distillation process had conducted on March until June 2010. This research aims to observe the amount of heat reserved by bioethanol, therefore it will show the thermal efficiency. It is important as consideration in advanced research concerned in how to integrate the portable mini distillator (PMD) on static and dynamic engine.
In order to know the amount of heat reserved by bioethanol and the thermal efficiency of PMD, we have to do some test based on variations in concentration (40%, 50%, 60%, 65%) and volume (300 ml, 400 ml, 500 ml) of bioethanol.
The result indicates that the thermal efficiency has a negative correlation with bioethanol concentration, but has a positive correlation of sample volume. meanwhile the thermal efficiency indicates in range from 13% to 22% that depends on variable composition and bioethanol concentration.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2010
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Telah dilakukan isolasi minyak atsiri daun surian (Toona sureni (Bl.) Merr) dengan metoda destilasi uap air. Hasil
destilasi berwarna kuning kecoklatan, bau yang sangat menyengat dengan rendemen rata-rata 0,23%. Analisis GC-MS
memperlihatkan beberapa senyawa terpenoid (turunan naftalen) yang cocok dengan spektrum. Salah satunya adalah
copaene (C15H24) dengan berat molekul (m/z = 204). Krim dasar dari formulasi Rajin et al., memberikan krim yang
stabil dalam penyimpanan dengan warna putih pucat dan pH yang netral. Penambahan minyak atsiri pada krim dasar
menyebabkan terjadinya perubahan warna dan aroma krim. Kestabilan krim juga mulai terganggu pada komposisi
minyak atsiri 10%

Isolation of volatile oil of leaf surian (Toona sureni(Bl.) Merr.) have been done by distillation
aqueous vapour method. Distillation result had the chocolate
colored and stinging aroma,
and rendement
was 0.23%.
GC-MS analysis shown of some compound of terpenoid (naftalen derivated) which correspondence to mass spectrum.
One of them is copaene (C15H24), m/z = 204. Cream based of Rajin et al. formula giving stable cream, white coloured
and neutral pH. Volatile oil of surian leaf in cream based cause color and aroma cream were changed. Cream stability
also was annoyed at oil of atsiri 10%"
[Direktorat Riset dan Pengabdian Masyarakat UI;Universitas YARSI. Fakultas Kedokteran;Universitas YARSI. Fakultas Kedokteran, Universitas YARSI. Fakultas Kedokteran], 2011
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Althaira Anjani
"Penyakit jerawat merupakan sebuah kondisi kulit yang umum yang ditandai dengan folikel rambut yang tersumbat, tidak hanya mempengaruhi penampilan fisik tetapi juga mempengaruhi kepercayaan diri individu. Metode diagnostik yang maju sangat penting untuk menentukan tingkat keparahan jerawat, yang dapat membimbing strategi pengobatan yang efektif. Penelitian ini memperkenalkan pendekatan inovatif untuk mengklasifikasikan tingkat keparahan jerawat pada citra wajah menggunakan Diagnostic Evidence Distillation yang memanfaatkan multi teacher knowledge distillation. Studi ini meningkatkan model single teacher konvensional dengan menggabungkan beberapa arsitektur teacher, memungkinkan transfer pengetahuan yang lebih kuat dan akurat ke student model. Penulis mengembangkan dan menguji model yang mengintegrasikan Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) dengan kerangka kerja multi teacher untuk meningkatkan akurasi prediktif. Pendekatan yang dilakukan menggabungkan secara unik diagnostic evidence dengan teknik deep learning untuk mengoptimalkan proses klasifikasi. Evaluasi dilakukan menggunakan dataset ACNE04, yang dianotasi menurut kriteria Hayashi, memastikan representasi komprehensif dari berbagai tingkat keparahan jerawat. Hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa model multi teacher knowledge distillation mencapai akurasi yang lebih unggul dibandingkan model single teacher sebelumnya, dengan peningkatan akurasi menjadi 90.00%, melampaui benchmark sebelumnya sebesar 86.06%. Ini menunjukkan kemajuan signifikan dalam klasifikasi otomatis tingkat keparahan jerawat. Studi penulis tidak hanya memberikan kemajuan metodologis dalam bidang pemrosesan gambar medis tetapi juga berkontribusi pada penilaian tingkat keparahan jerawat yang lebih akurat dan dapat diandalkan, berpotensi meningkatkan hasil pengobatan dan perawatan pasien.

Acne is a common skin condition characterized by clogged hair follicles, affecting not only physical appearance but also an individual's self-confidence. Advanced diagnostic methods are crucial for determining the severity of acne, which can guide effective treatment strategies. This research introduces an innovative approach to classifying the severity of acne in facial images using Diagnostic Evidence Distillation that utilizes multi teacher knowledge distillation. This study enhances the conventional single teacher model by integrating multiple teacher architectures, allowing for a more robust and accurate knowledge transfer to the student model. The authors developed and tested a model that integrates a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) with a multi-teacher framework to improve predictive accuracy. The approach uniquely combines diagnostic evidence with deep learning techniques to optimize the classification process. The evaluation was conducted using the ACNE04 dataset, annotated according to the Hayashi criteria, ensuring a comprehensive representation of various acne severities. The results show that the multi-teacher knowledge distillation model achieves superior accuracy compared to the previous single-teacher model, with an improved accuracy of 90.00%, surpassing the previous benchmark of 86.06%. This indicates significant advancement in the automated classification of acne severity. The authors' study not only provides methodological advancement in the field of medical image processing but also contributes to more accurate and reliable assessments of acne severity, potentially enhancing treatment outcomes and patient care."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2024
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"The isotherm adsorptions of Cu2+ ions in aqueous slutions by cross-linked chitosan-cellulose composite membranes were investigated...."
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
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