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Sagala, R. (Rotua) Valentina, 1977-
Bandung: Institut Perempuan, 2007
323.34 VAL m
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Siti Nurohmatiljanah Setiawan
"Penelitian ini berfokus kepada bagaimana kemudian kasus human trafficking yang menimpa tenaga kerja Wanita Indonesia dalam kontruksi patriarki di Mesir. Di mana pekerja migran perempuan Indonesia menjadi rentan ketika mereka berangkat ke negara yang tidak memiliki perlindungan hukum bagi dirinya, sehingga aspek ini kemudian menjadi aspek yang peneliti teliti dengan menggunakan pendekatan teori jaringan sosial, rational choise theory dan teori new economics of migration. Jenis penelitian adalah penelitian kualitatif dengan mengambil sumber melalui bukti-bukti empiris seperti wawancara dan studi literartur atau kajian Pustaka untuk memperkuat bahasan yang sedang diteliti serta pendekatan metodelogi fenomenologi.

This study focuses on the impact on cases of human trafficking involving Indonesian women workers within patriarchal construction in Egypt. Indonesian women migrant workers are being vulnerable when they migrate to an inadequate legal protection country to protect them. Consequently of that aspect, this study employs the postcolonial theory social networking, the rational choise theory, and the new economics of migration theory to analyze this phenomenon. The research employs qualitative methods by interviews and literature studies are carried out to bolster the argument discussed and phenomenological methodology."
Depok: Sekolah Kajian Stratejik dan Global Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Jakarta: Puslitbang Hukum dan Peradilan, Badan Litbang Diklat Kumdil, Mahkamah Agung RI, 2007
364.153 4 NAS
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Jakarta: Yayasan Obor Indonesia, 2006
305.4 TRA
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Hendrawan Saputra
"Dalam tindak pidana perdagangan anak, anak sebagai korban sangatlah dirugikan baik secara kejiwaan, fisik, dan mental. Seharusnya mereka mendapatkan perlindungan, pengawasan dan kasih sayang dari kedua orang tuanya dan orang-orang disekelilingnya. Sebelum ditetapkannya UUPA dan UUTPPO,sanksi pidana terhadap pelaku/traffickerperdagangan anak dengan menggunakan Kitab Undang-Undang Hukum Pidana (KUHP). Dengan ditetapkannya Undang-Undang tersebut telah memunculkan aspek-aspek hukum terhadap anak, khususnya bagi perlindungan hukum bagi korban perdagangan anak diantaranya bentuk perawatan medis, psikologis dan konseling termaksut penampungan dan pemulangan ke daerah asal korban, sanksi pidana yang lebih berat bagi pelaku/trafficker, serta mendapatkan ganti rugi/restitusi terhadap korban. Dengan menggunakan metode penelitian yuridis-empiris berupa studi kepustakaan yaitu meneliti dokumen berupa literatur buku-buku, peraturan-peraturan dan pedoman-pedoman, dan juga melakukan wawancara dengan narasumber. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menjawab permasalahan: perlindungan hukum dan penanggulangan terhadap tindak pidana perdagangan anak dalam peraturan perundang-undangan, praktek dalam penegakan hukum terhadap tindak pidana perdagangan anak, upaya dalam mengoptimalkan perlindungan hukum dan penanggulangan terhadap tindak pidana perdagangan anak. Terdapat sejumlah pasal didalam KUHP terhadap tindak pidana perdagangan anak, serta dalam UUPA dan UUTPPO kemudian memberikan Rehabilitasi, konseling, psikologis, dan pemberian retitusi/kompesansi terhadap korban, Praktek perlindungan hukum tindak pidana perdagangan anak Kepolisianmengeluarkan Peraturan Kapolri Nomor 10 Tahun 2007 Tentang Organisasi dan Tata Kerja Unit Pelayanan Perempuan dan Anak MABES POLRI membentuk Pelayanan Perempuan dan Anak (PPA) di Kepolisian Daerah (Propinsi), KPAI melakukan pengawasan terhadap kinerja penegak hukum, individu masyarakat, maupun institusi pemerintahan dalam penyelenggaraan perlindungan hukum terhadap anak dalam kasus tindak pidana perdagangan anak serta bekerjasama dengan instansi lembaga penegak hukum dan lembaga setingkat dengan KPAI. LPSK memberikan perlindungan hukum kepada saksi dan/atau korban(Perdagangan anak) seperti perlindungan fisik/non fisik dan penjagaan kepada saksi dan/atau korban (Perdagangan anak) sampai ke pengadilan, sedangkan gugus tugas TPPO Menko menetapkan Peraturan Menteri Koordinasi Bidang Kesejahteraan Nomor 25/KEP/MENKO/KESRA/VIII/2009 Tentang Pemberantasan Perdagangan Orang (PTPPO) dan Eksploitasi Seksual Anak (ESA) 2009-2014, dengan disusunnya RUU KUHP 2013 diharapkan memberikan perlindungan yang lebih baik terhadap korban perdagangan anak, baik secara konkret dimasa yang akan datang.

In the crime of child trafficking, child as a victim is harmed either psychological, physical, and mental. They should have get the protection, control and affection from both parents and the people around them.Prior to the enactment of the BAL and UUTPPO, criminal sanctions against perpetrators / traffickers Of Child Trafficking was using the Criminal Code (Criminal Code). With the enactment of the Act has led to the legal aspects of the child, particularly the legal protection for victims of trafficking Such Asmedical treatment, psychological counseling and referred to the shelter and repatriation of victims to their hometown, more severe criminal sanctions for perpetrators / traffickers, as well as the redress/ restitution to the victim. By using the method of a juridical-empirical study of literature that examined the documents in the form of literature books, regulations and guidelines, as well as conducting interviews with sources. This study aims to answer the problems: legal protections and countermeasures against child trafficking crime in legislation, practice in law enforcement against child trafficking crime, in an effort to optimize the legal protection and countermeasures against the crime of trafficking in children. There are a number of articlesin the Criminal Code against the crime of trafficking in children, as well as articles of criminal sanctions for perpetrators /traffickers in BAL and UUTPPOSuch Asmedical treatment, psychological counseling and referred to the shelter and repatriation of victims to their hometown, more severe criminal sanctions for perpetrators / traffickers, as well as the redress/ restitution to the victim, Police Chief issued Regulation No. 10 Year 2007 on the Organization and Work of Women and Children's Services Unit. Police Headquarter established Women and Children Services(PPA) at the Regional Police (province), KPAI to supervise the performance of law enforcement, individual communities, and government agencies in the implementation of the legal protection of children in cases Of Child Trafficking and cooperate with law enforcement agencies and with institutionsin the same level withWitness and Victim Protection Agencies (LPSK) protectionof physical/non-physicalandsafeguardstowitnessand/orvictim(Trafficking) goes to courtwhile the task force of TPPO sets by Coordinating Minister for People’s Welfare with RegulationNo.25/KEP/MENKO/KESRA/VIII/2009 ByOn Combating Trafficking in Persons (PTPPO) and Exploitation Child Sexual (ESA) from 2009 to 2014, with the formulation of the Criminal Code Bill 2013 is expected to provide better protection to victims of child trafficking,both in concrete terms in the future.
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Human trafficking, woman and children, in Indonesia keep growing and continuously happened. The fast growing figure can be saw since many case handled by Direktorat I Unit Ill Keamanan/Trans Nasional People Smuggling and Trafficking bareskrim Mabes Polri during year 2000-2005.
Modus operandi, as a method of crime known from cases handled, always change following the situation and condition of transportation and regulation. In this thesis, writer try to explore any method or modus operandi use by the offender to committed their crime. 5 cases are take to be analyze in this thesis. All cases has similarity and same characteristic base on offender, victim and it crime profile. All leads to kind of transnational organize crime.
Research method use in this research is qualitative approach. Which conducted by doing documentation gathering, interview and observation to the research object which is Bareskrim Mabes Polri. What became the object of research is how Polri handle all case which categorize to trafficking activity.
At the conclusion, this research see that trafficking conduct with many method and modus operandi. Each case has unique and different character. That make even Police should be more careful when dealing with such case since many aspect are need to be consider in handling it. Many factors might influence the process of cases handling by the police. One of the major factor is regulation it self. Presently there still no regulation defining trafficking as a crime. Even Trafficking law it self is still under legislation process and yet to be use as a prosecution law. That is why this paper like to recommend to government and DPR to approve the trafficking law as soon as possible."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2005
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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