"Hingga kini, Korea Utara telah melakukan pelanggaran terhadap hukum internasional yang mencakup tindakan terorisme, pelanggaran HAM, dan pengembangan senjata nuklir. Berbagai metode penyelesaian sengketa secara damai telah dilakukan, termasuk berbagai bentuk dialog antar negara, namun upaya-upaya tersebut tidak membuahkan hasil. Beberapa negara kemudian memutuskan untuk menjatuhkan sanksi ekonomi terhadap Korea Utara secara unilateral, dan selanjutnya menjatuhkan sanksi yang dikoordinasikan oleh Resolusi Dewan Keamanan PBB dengan dasar Pasal 41 Piagam PBB. Skripsi ini akan membahas metode-metode yang digunakan dalam penyelesaian konflik antar negara, praktik-praktik penggunaan sanksi ekonomi dalam penyelesaian konflik antar negara, dan implementasi kedua hal tersebut dalam penyelesaian konflik Korea Utara.
Until now, North Korea has been reported on several international law violations, including terrorism, human rights violation and nuclear proliferation. While a considerable amount of peaceful methods had been taken, including various negotiations, they are to no avail. Several countries then decided to impose economic sanctions unilaterally, and some has been coordinated by United Nations Security Council Resolutions collectively with the basis of United Nations Charter Article 41. Ideally, with this much amount of sanctions that have been done perpetually and ubiquitously, it should have given some significant effects to the ending process of this conflict. This thesis will analyze the legal methods of settling conflicts between states, the practices of economic sanctions to resolute conflicts between states, and the implementation of those methods and precedent cases to the North Korea conflict."