ABSTRAKIndustri petrokimia beroperasi sepanjang jam, durasi kerja tanpa henti selama operasi
normal, terlebih pada kegiatan turn around, program pemeliharaan yang harus sesuai
target dan tepat waktu. Pada pelaksanaan turn around jumlah jam kerja diperpanjang
tidak seperti hari biasanya, hal ini dapat mengakibatkan personil terganggu dengan
kuantitas tidur, kualitas tidur dan sleep hygiene individu, kondisi seperti ini
mengakibatkan potensi kelelahan akut, mengurangi performance dan berpotensi
meningkatnya jumlah kejadian kecelakaan kerja. Penelitian analitik dengan desain
cross-sectional ini bertujuan mengetahui pola dan gambaran kuantitas tidur, kualitas
tidur, durasi kerja pada tenaga kerja turn around terhadap potensi kelelahan kerja akut.
Penelitian ini menggunakan beberapa alat pengumpulan data yaitu: kuesioner,
tensimeter, thermogun dan alat actigraph fitbit. Analisis data menggunakan uji beda
mean dan uji chi square. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan terdapat hubungan antara
variable kuantitas tidur (p value = 0,001; OR = 0,115), kualitas tidur (p value = 0,030;
OR = 8,143), dan durasi kerja (p value = 0,013; OR = 5,769) dengan variable potensi
kelelahan kerja akut, penelitian ini terbukti dengan hasil pengukuran actigraph fitbit
dengan rata-rata tidur 235 menit atau setara dengan 3 jam 55 menit serta durasi kerja
yang lebih dari 12 jam setiap harinya selama kegiatan turn around.
ABSTRACTThe petrochemical industry is a 24‐hour a day industry, and thus at very high risk for
having employees who feel fatigued and could potentially make mistakes as a result,
especially in turnaround project, this systematic activities and able to complete
maintenance program which is on-time and targeted. In the turn around project, the
number of working hours is prolonged. It causes the employees experiencing problems
in sleep quantity, quality and individual sleep hygiene. The condition produces an acute
fatigue, less performance, and probably increases the number of accidents in the
workplace. An analitic research using cross-sectional design has a purpose to find out
the cycle and description of quantity and quality of sleep, working duration of turn
around employees to the potential of acute working exhaustion. This research use some
data collecting tools, namely: questionnaires, tension meter, thermogun and actigraph
fitbit. The data analysis used mean different test and chi square test. The result of this
research showed that there was a relationship between sleep quantity variable (p value
= 0.001; OR = 0.115) sleep quality (p value = 0,030; OR = 8,143) and working duration
(p value = 0.013; OR = 5.769) with the variable of acute working fatigue tendency. This
research, using actigraph fitbit measurement, proved that the average of sleep was 235
minutes or similar with 3 hours 55 minutes and the daily working duration was more
than 12 hours during the turn around operation."