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New York: Facts on File Publications, 1986
973.927 IRA
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Fransisca Erine Rahmanita
Skripsi ini membahas tentang pengaruh citra perusahaan induk, citra perusahaan
cabang di negara lain, dan perceived consumer image dari majalah Cosmopolitan
terhadap pemilihan produk yang dilakukan oleh konsumen. Di dalam variabel
citra perusahaan induk, citra perusahaan cabang di negara lain, dan perceived
consumer image terdapat indikator-indikator yang berujung pada pemilihan
produk majalah Cosmopolitan oleh konsumen. Penelitian ini menghasilkan
kesimpulan bahwa citra perusahaan induk dan citra perusahaan cabang di negara
lain tidak berpengaruh secara langsung dalam pemilihan produk yang dilakukan
oleh konsumen, namun perceived consumer image merupakan faktor yang
berpengaruh secara signifikan pada pemilihan produk oleh konsumen. Pada
penelitian ini juga terdapat implikasi manajerial serta saran bagi penelitian
selanjutnya.;This study discusses the influence of firm?s home business unit image, firm?s
foreign business unit image, and perceived consumer image of Cosmopolitan
magazine for consumer?s product choices. In the firm?s home business unit image,
firm?s foreign business unit image, and perceived consumer image variables,
there are indicators that led to the consumer?s product choices on Cosmopolitan
magazine. This research resulted in the conclusion that the firm?s home business
unit image and firm?s foreign business unit image have no direct influence in the
consumer?s product choices, but perceived consumer image is a factor which
significantly influence the consumer?s product choices. In this study, there are
also managerial implications and suggestions for further research.;This study discusses the influence of firm?s home business unit image, firm?s
foreign business unit image, and perceived consumer image of Cosmopolitan
magazine for consumer?s product choices. In the firm?s home business unit image,
firm?s foreign business unit image, and perceived consumer image variables,
there are indicators that led to the consumer?s product choices on Cosmopolitan
magazine. This research resulted in the conclusion that the firm?s home business
unit image and firm?s foreign business unit image have no direct influence in the
consumer?s product choices, but perceived consumer image is a factor which
significantly influence the consumer?s product choices. In this study, there are
also managerial implications and suggestions for further research., This study discusses the influence of firm’s home business unit image, firm’s
foreign business unit image, and perceived consumer image of Cosmopolitan
magazine for consumer’s product choices. In the firm’s home business unit image,
firm’s foreign business unit image, and perceived consumer image variables,
there are indicators that led to the consumer’s product choices on Cosmopolitan
magazine. This research resulted in the conclusion that the firm’s home business
unit image and firm’s foreign business unit image have no direct influence in the
consumer’s product choices, but perceived consumer image is a factor which
significantly influence the consumer’s product choices. In this study, there are
also managerial implications and suggestions for further research.]"
Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"[Penurunan penjualan secara global pada tahun ini oleh McDonald?s selaku
salah satu pemimpin pasar dalam industri restoran cepat saji, serta adanya prediksi
bahwa jumlah gerai restoran cepat saji di Indonesia akan terus meningkat hingga
9.100 gerai di tahun 2017, mengindikasikan bahwa kompetisi dalam industri
restoran cepat saji kian memanas. Sekarang, kepuasan bukanlah satu-satunya
parameter untuk mengukur kesetiaan seorang konsumen terhadap sebuah restoran
cepat saji. Adalah kejenuhan konsumen, suatu faktor penting yang sampai saat ini
belum mendapatkan banyak perhatian dari restoran cepat saji yang ada.
Kejenuhan konsumen ini lah yang nantinya akan mendorong seorang konsumen
untuk mencari alternatif lain dan berpindah dari suatu merek tertentu. Penelitian
ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh frekuensi kunjungan, tingkat stimulasi
optimal, dan kontrol diri terhadap tingkat kejenuhan konsumen pada restoran
cepat saji. Sampel penelitian ini adalah orang-orang yang berkunjung ke sebuah
restoran cepat saji yang sama dalam periode waktu dua dan enam minggu. Data
diolah dengan metode Uji Chow dan Uji ANOVA Satu Arah. Hasil penelitian
menunjukkan bahwa frekuensi kunjungan tidak berpengaruh secara positif
terhadap tingkat kejenuhan konsumen, begitu juga dengan periode kunjungan.
Selain itu, hasil penelitian juga menunjukkan bahwa semakin tinggi tingkat
stimulasi optimal dan kontrol diri seseorang, maka akan semakin jenuh pula ia
terhadap suatu restoran cepat saji.;The decrease of global sales value which was faced by McDonald?s as one
of the market leaders in fast food restaurant industry, and the prediction that fast
food outlets will keep growing to 9.100 outlets in 2017, indicates that competition
in fast food restaurants industry have become tougher than before. Nowadays,
satisfaction is not merely the measurement for consumer brand loyalty towards a
fast food restaurant. Consumer satiation is an important factor that hasn?t got
sufficient attention from the existing fast food restaurants. Consumer satiation is a
factor that would lure a consumer to seek for alternatives, and switch to another
brand. This research intends to analyze the effect of frequency of visit, optimal
stimulation level, and self control towards consumer satiation level in fast food
restaurants. The research sample includes people who visited the same fast food
restaurant in either two weeks or six weeks. The data is processed with Chow Test
method and One-Way ANOVA method. The result shows that frequency of visit
doesn?t have a positive effect towards consumer satiation level, nor period of
visit. Further, the result also shows that the higher optimal stimulation level and
self control an individual has, the higher consumer satiation s/he experiences., The decrease of global sales value which was faced by McDonald’s as one
of the market leaders in fast food restaurant industry, and the prediction that fast
food outlets will keep growing to 9.100 outlets in 2017, indicates that competition
in fast food restaurants industry have become tougher than before. Nowadays,
satisfaction is not merely the measurement for consumer brand loyalty towards a
fast food restaurant. Consumer satiation is an important factor that hasn’t got
sufficient attention from the existing fast food restaurants. Consumer satiation is a
factor that would lure a consumer to seek for alternatives, and switch to another
brand. This research intends to analyze the effect of frequency of visit, optimal
stimulation level, and self control towards consumer satiation level in fast food
restaurants. The research sample includes people who visited the same fast food
restaurant in either two weeks or six weeks. The data is processed with Chow Test
method and One-Way ANOVA method. The result shows that frequency of visit
doesn’t have a positive effect towards consumer satiation level, nor period of
visit. Further, the result also shows that the higher optimal stimulation level and
self control an individual has, the higher consumer satiation s/he experiences.]"
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dadang Hawari
Jakarta: Balai Penerbit Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2004
306.81 DAD l
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Gedung Daud
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 1991
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Wouk, Herman, 1915-2019
Boston: Little, Brown, 1985
813.54 WOU i
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
New York: New York University Press, 1979
355.73 ARM
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abdolah Tamher
"Pada masa pemerintah Reagan, Amerika dilanda kasus yang cukup kontroversial dengan kebijakan umum pemerintah di dalam menyikapi hubunganhubungannya dengan Negara-negara yang tidak sehaluan dengan ideologi Amerika. Kasus ini kemudian mencuat kepermukan dan lebih dikenal sebagai kasus Iran-Contra. Sikap pers Amerika cukup kritikal dalam menanggapi kasus ini. Seperti dipahami secara umum, sikap pers Amerika, tidak saja yang tercetak (surat kabar) maupun media elektronik (televisi) sama-sama tidak sejalan dengan apa yang ditempuh oleh Reagan, baik terhadap pemerintah Iran maupun terhadap pemerintah Nicaragua. Sementara opini public di Amerika ketika itu terpecah antara yang mendukung dan yang menentang. Inti persoalannya adalah bahwa pemerintah Reagan secara diam-diam telah menjual senjata ke Iran, yang sudah jelas-jelas bukan partner Amerika dalam politik globalnya. Hasil penjualan senjata tersebut digunakan oleh Reagan untuk membantu Nicaragua yang sedang terlibat dalam konflik lokal dengan pihak komunis. Sementara itu semua bantuan militer dan keuangan terhadap Contra adalah bertentangan dengan Boland Amendment. Apa yang dilakukan oleh Reagan terhadap Iran bisa membawa dirinya ke jalur impeachment, namun kemudian hal itu tidak terjadi pada diri Reagan. Walaupun pihak media sendiri ketika itu punya posisi yang tegas dengan mengkritik tindakan Reagan namun media ternyata punya alasan yang cukup kuat membenarkan Reagan, bahkan tokoh Oliver North dianggapnya sebagai pahlawan dalam hal ini. Media massa baik cetak maupun elektronik, selama pemerintahan Reagan berlaku lunak, tidak berarti media meninggalkan prinsip the watchdog unction nya terhadap pemerintah, akan tetapi Reagan ternyata punya cukup kebijakan yang strategis bagaimana membina hubungan baik dengan media. Dan ini berlainan dengan presiden-presiden Amerika sebelum dan sesudahnya. Sebagai kerangka pikir teoritik yang digunakan dalam tesis ini adalah meminjam teori pers libertarian yang dirintis oleh John Stuart Mill, John Milton dan John Locke. Filosofinya adalah bahwa media harus bertindak sebagai watchdog terhadap pemerintah dan mencari kebenaran. Disamping itu media bisa juga digunakan atau berfungsi sebagai alat politik. Walaupun control terhadap media bisa dilakukan, akan tetapi hanya untuk kasus-kasus tertentu saja dan control tersebut biasanya melalui lembaga peradilan, Namun yang paling penting adalah bahwa media dimiliki oleh swasta. Penelitian yang penulis lakukan ini menggunakan pendekatan penelitian kualitatif dengan analisis deskriptif. Data dan informasi yang peneliti gunakan adalah semuanya dalam bentuk data sekunder yang diperoleh dari sumber tertulis, buku-buku, dokumen dan terbitan-terbitan berkala seperti surat kabar, rnajalah maupun bentuk dokumen lainnya.
Sebagai kesimpulan dari penelitian ini intinya adalah bahwa :
Dalam kasus Iran-Contra hubungan pers dengan pemerintah tidak harmonis, karena kedua belah pihak mempunyai kepentigannya sendiri-sendiri. Pers di Amerika tidak berorientasi kepada politik pemerintah, artinya ia bukan atas pemerintah bahkan secara eksterm, pers merupakan lawan pemerintah, disamping itu juga pers Amerika banyak dipengaruhi oleh faktor lingkungan sosialnya, sehingga posisinya cukup kuat untuk lebih mengutamakan kepentingan publik ketimbang kepentingan pemerintah. Dalam kasus Iran-Contra pers ketika itu mengalami kesukaran di dalam mengungkapkan kasus tersebut. Hal ini disebabkan karena penyidik irrdeperrderrl councel (Lawrence Walsh) tetap menuntut agar tuduhan dapat dikenakan dakwaan. Kasus Iran-Contra bukanlah kesalahan konstitusional akan tetapi hanyalah kesalahan procedural, dan yang hanya merupakan penyimpangan dari prinsip check and halaces yang terjadi akibat dari adanya patriotisme yang tinggi yang melekat pada diri Presiden Reagan dan pembantu-pembantunya di NSC untuk membela sebagai apa yang mereka anggap sebagai kepentingan Amerika di Amerika Tengah di Teluk Persi termasuk Sandra Amerika yang disekap di penjara Lebanon.

In the era of Reagan regime, America experience rather, controversially, government general policy in responding their relations with other countries being not line with America's ideology. Then, this case had emerged and more be recognized as Iran-Contra case. Press of America responded -such case more critically. As public speaking, press of America is not as printing media solely, but also electronic mass media (television) had not agreed with what had been attained by Reagan, either with Iran or to Nicaragua governments. Meanwhile public opinion in America had been separated among pro and contra opinion at that's time. The core of problem is that secretly, Reagan regime had sold weapons to Iran being not American's partner in global politic actually. The revenue from those selling had been used for helping Nicaragua who involve in local conflict with communists. At moment, all military and financial assistances against Contra is contradicted with Boland Amendment. What had been implemented by Reagan with Iran it may bring his self to impeachment line, nevertheless, it had not occurred to Reagan. Although self mass media has prompt position by criticizing Reagan's commitment, but, really, more strongly, mass media has self opinion to justify Reagan, even, the figure of Oliver North had been recognized as hero in this case. In the era of Reagan's regime, mass media both printing and electronic had treated softly, and media had leaven their principle of Watchdog with government, but, sufficiently, in reality Reagan had strategic policy how to build good relation with media. And it is contradicted with other America's presidents previously or thereto. As theoretical frame used in this thesis is libertarian press theory pioneered by John Swart Mill, John Milton and John Locke. Philosophically, mass media should act as watchdog with government for seeking out the truth. As well as mass media may be used or functioned as political means. Although, control against mass media may be realized, but, it just for certain cases and usually, it is conducted by press' s trial, Most importantly, mass media is owned by private sector. The research conducted by author herein use qualitative research and descriptive analysis approaches. Data and information used by researcher all of them in secondary data obtained from written resources those are : books, documents, periodical publishing such as news papers, magazine or other documents.
As conclusion from this research essentially, as follows :
In Iran-Contra case the relations among press and government had not been harmony, both parties had had selves interests. America' s press had not been oriented to government policy, it means it is not government's means but extremely, press of America is government's opposition unless it had been influenced by some social environment factors, so that, rather, its position is strong to prioritize publics interests than government one. In Iran-Contra case at that's time press had had trouble in revealing such case. It is caused by independent council investigator (Lawrence Walsh) remain prosecute in order to sue it. Iran-Contra case is not constitutional failure, but, solely, it is only as procedural one and deviating from check and balance principle occurred as result of the high patriotism own by President Reagan and his assistants at NSC for defending what they assume as America's interest at Center America at Persian Gulf including American's hostage seized at Lebanon's jail.
Jakarta: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 2005
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Knauth, Oliver D.
Washington D.C.: Nasional Planning Association, 1960
327.73 KNA u
Buku Teks SO  Universitas Indonesia Library
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