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Lukas Purbadi Murdiyarso
Pada masa remaja, seseorang mengalami perubahan fisik, kognitif, dan psikososial. Pada masa ini pula, sekolah merupakan pusat dari pengalaman individu dalam mengatur kegiatan sehari-hari. Bagi mereka, sekolah tidak hanya memberikan kesempatan untuk bersosialisasi, tetapi juga merupakan lingkungan yang memberikan kesempatan untuk mengasah keterampilan yang sudah dimiliki dan menguasai keterampilan baru. (Papalia, Olds, & Feldman, 2002). Regulasi diri pada seorang siswa merupakan hal yang penting agar ia dapat mencapai prestasi yang optimal. Regulasi diri menggambarkan kemampuan individu untuk beradaptasi terhadap lingkungan yang berbeda dan berubah-ubah (Zimmerman, 2000; Baumeister & Vohs, 2004 dalam Schmitz, et. al., 2007). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat efektivitas program intervensi yang berupa pengembangan keterampilan belajar untuk membentuk regulasi diri pada subyek yang berusia 14 tahun 3 bulan yang saat ini duduk di kelas I SMP. Program intervensi yang diberikan mengacu pada Self-Regulation Empowerment Program (SREP), khususnya empowerment (pemberdayaan) siswa dan keterampilan belajar yang mencakup keterampilan dalam melakukan perencanaan dan pengaturan waktu, pemahaman dan meringkas bacaan, membuat catatan, dan persiapan tes. Program ini berhasil memberikan pengetahuan mengenai cara belajar yang baru bagi subyek.

During adolescence, an individual experiences physical, cognitive, and psychosocial changes. In this period, school is the center of their experience in managing daily activities. For them, school not only provides opportunities to socialize, but also an environment that provides opportunity to hone skills they already possessed and master new skills. (Papalia, Olds, & Feldman, 2002). Self-regulation is important so they can achieve their optimal performance. Self-regulation represents individual's ability to adapt to different and changing environments (Zimmerman, 2000; Baumeister & Vohs, 2004 in Schmitz, et. al., 2007). This study examined the effectiveness of intervention programs such as development of learning skills to establish self-regulation in a subject aged 14 years and 3 months, currently in seventh grade. The intervention program is referring to Self-Regulation Empowerment Program (SREP) and focusing on student empowerment and learning skills, which include skills in planning and time management, text understanding and summarizing, note-taking, and test preparation. The program succeeded in providing new knowledge on how to learn a subject."
Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Fathya Artha Utami
Anak memiliki regulasi diri yang baik apabila ia mampu mengendalikan tindakannya. Pada usia prasekolah, kemampuan regulasi diri diharapkan sudah dikuasai oleh anak agar bisa berfungsi lebih baik pada kehidupan sehari-hari khususnya lingkungan sosial. Jika kemampuan ini terhambat, maka anak dapat menunjukkan berbagai permasalahan khususnya masalah perilaku dan menghambat berbagai aspek kehidupannya. Beberapa studi menemukan bahwa masalah regulasi dapat diminimalisir sedini mungkin melalui attachment yang positif dengan pengasuhnya. Sikap sensitif dan responsif orangtua berkontribusi terhadap secure attachment anak yang berdampak pada perkembangan regulasi dirinya. Pada kasus B, yang berusia 4 tahun 1 bulan, ia memiliki masalah regulasi diri sekaligus attachment dengan orangtua. Dalam menangani kasus tersebut, pada penelitian ini theraplay digunakan dengan melibatkan orangtua. Penelitian ini menggunakan single-case design. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa penerapan theraplay efektif dalam menangani masalah regulasi diri pada B yang terlihat dari perubahan perilaku B dalam kehidupan sehari-hari, penurunan skor perilaku pada profil CBCL, dan perubahan positif pada interaksi orangtua anak yang dilihat secara kualitatif dari MIM.

Children have a good self-regulation if he is able to control his actions. At preschool age, the ability of self-regulation is expected to be mastered by the child to function better in everyday life, especially social context. If this ability is hampered, then the child can indicate a variety of problems, especially problems of behavior and inhibit various aspects of life. Some studies found that regulatory issues can be minimized as early as possible through a positive attachment with a caregiver. Sensitive and responsive attitude of the parents contribute to the child's secure attachment which affect the development of the self-regulation itself. In the case of B, aged 4 years and 1 month, he has a problem with self-regulation at the same attachment parenting. In dealing with such cases, theraplay used in this study by involve parents. This study uses a single-case design. Results from this study indicate that the application of theraplay effective in addressing the problem of self-regulation in B seen from the behavior changes in everyday life, decrease behavioral scores on CBCL profile, and positive changes in parent-child interactions are seen qualitatively from MIM.
Depok: Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muthiah Ishmah Fauziyah
"Kondisi pandemi COVID-19 membuat para siswa memiliki potensi academic burnout
yang tinggi. Terlebih lagi dengan adanya kebijakan PJJ yang mengharuskan setiap siswa
atau mahasiswa harus dapat meregulasi dirinya dengan baik secara mandiri. Penelitian ini
bertujuan untuk melihat hubungan antara regulasi diri dan academic burnout pada
mahasiswa Fakultas Kedokteran tahun pertama dalam masa pandemi. Regulasi diri
diukur menggunakan Short Self-Regulation Questionnaire (SSRQ) yang berjumlah 31
item, sedangkan academic burnout diukur menggunakan Maslach Burnout Inventory -
Student Survey (MBI-SS) yang berjumlah 15 item. Partisipan penelitian ini adalah 211
mahasiswa Fakultas Kedokteran tahun pertama dengan rentang usia 16-21 tahun. Hasil
penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa regulasi diri berperan sebagai prediktor yang
signifikan (r(209) = -0.55, p < 0.001) dan berkontribusi sebesar 30.25 % terhadap
academic burnout mahasiswa Fakultas Kedokteran tahun pertama dalam masa pandemi.
Ketika individu dapat meregulasi dirinya dengan baik, maka individu cenderung dapat
mengatasi academic burnout yang dirasakannya. Penelitian ini memberikan implikasi
bahwa kemampuan regulasi diri mahasiswa perlu mendapat perhatian agar mahasiswa
dapat mengatasi academic burnout yang dihadapinya sehari-hari.

The conditions of the COVID-19 pandemic make students have high potential for
academic burnout. Moreover, with the PJJ policy that requires every student or college
student to be able to regulate themselves well independently. This study aims to examine
the relationship between self-regulation and academic burnout among first-year medical
students in the pandemic period. Self-regulation is measured using the Short Self-
Regulation Questionnaire (SSRQ) which uses 31 items, while academic burnout is
measured using the Maslach Burnout Inventory - Student Survey (MBI-SS) which is
determined by 15 items. Participants in this study were 211 first-year medical students
ranging in age from 16-21 years. The results of this study indicated that self-regulation
was a significant predictor (r(209) = -0.55, p < 0.001) and contributed 30.25% to the
academic burnout of first-year medical students in the pandemic period. When individuals
can regulate themselves well, they tend to be able to overcome the academic burnout.
This research implies that students' self-regulation abilities should be improved so that
students can overcome the academic burnout they face on a daily basis.
Depok: Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Jannah Maryam Ramadhani
Keberadaan figur alternatif menarik cenderung menjadi ancaman bagi terbinanya sebuah hubungan yang romantik. Penelitian eksperimen ini bertujuan untuk membuktikan peran regulasi diri melalui pengkondisian deplesi dan non-deplesi pada partisipan dengan orientasi seksual yang berbeda, yaitu 61 heteroseksual Studi 1 dan 65 homoseksual Studi 2 ketika dihadapkan pada figur alternatif menarik yang maskulin dan feminin. Hasil kedua studi menunjukkan bahwa pengaruh pengkondisian deplesi dan non-deplesi tidak menunjukkan perbedaan pemilihan antara figur menarik yang maskulin dan feminin dan orientasi seksual partisipan. Status relasi partisipan dan lamanya hubungan yang dijalani tidak berpengaruh signifikan terhadap kecenderungan untuk memilih figur alternatif lain yang maskulin maupun feminin. Temuan penelitian yang signifikan dalam penelitian ini adalah mengenai preferensi kemenarikan yang menunjukkan bahwa laki-laki heteroseksual akan cenderung memilih figur alternatif feminin, sebaliknya perempuan heteroseksual akan cenderung memilih figur alternatif maskulin.Kata kunci: preferensi kemenarikan, regulasi diri, orientasi seksual.

The existence of interesting alternative figures tends to be a threat to the establishment of a romantic relationship. This experimental study aims to prove the role of self regulation through depletion and non depletion conditioning in participants with different sexual orientations, 61 heterosexuals Study 1 and 65 homosexuals Study 2 when confronted with attractive, masculine and feminine alternative figures. The results of both studies show that the effect of depletion and non depletion conditioning does not indicate a difference in selection between the masculine and feminine attractive figures and the participant 39 s sexual orientation. The status of the participant rsquo s relations and the duration of the relationship undertaken did not significantly influence the tendency to choose other alternate figures that were both masculine and feminine. The research findings that are significant in this study are about the attractiveness preferences that show that heterosexual men will tend to choose feminine alternative figures, otherwise heterosexual women will tend to choose alternative masculine figures.Keywords preferences of attractiveness, self regulation, sexual orientation "
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sarumaha, Rahmat Satria Valentino
"Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat peran self-regulated learning terhadap student engagement pada siswa atlet di Sekolah Khusus Olahragawan Ragunan DKI Jakarta. Partisipan penelitian ini adalah 96 siswa atlet di Sekolah Khusus Olahragawan Ragunan DKI Jakarta yang berada pada jenjang pendidikan SMA dengan rentang usia 15 sampai 18 tahun. Data yang diperoleh diolah menggunakan metode kuantitatif, variabel self-regulated learning diukur dengan Academic Self-Regulated Learning Scale (A-SRL-S) dan variabel student engagement diukur menggunakan Student Engagement Scale (SES). Hasil analisis regresi linear menunjukkan bahwa self-regulated learning (F = 65.417, p < .05) dapat memprediksi student engagement dengan R² = .404 artinya 40% varians skor student engagement dapat dijelaskan oleh self-regulated learning. Hasil penelitian ini memperjelas arah hubungan peran self-regulated learning terhadap student engagement adalah positif. Semakin tinggi skor self-regulated learning yang diperoleh partisipan maka semakin tinggi juga skor student engagement partisipan.

This study aims to examine the role of self-regulated learning on student engagement in student athletes at the Ragunan Special School for Athletes, Jakarta, Indonesia. The participants of this study were 96 high school level student athletes at the Special School for Athletes in Ragunan, Jakarta, Indonesia with an age range of 15 to 18 years. The data obtained were processed using quantitative methods, self-regulated learning variables were measured using the Academic Self-Regulated Learning Scale (A-SRL-S) and student engagement variables were measured using the Student Engagement Scale (SES). The results from the linear regression analysis showed that self-regulated learning (F = 65,417, p < .05) could predict student engagement with R² = .404, meaning that 40% of the variance in student engagement scores could be explained by self-regulated learning. The results of this study clarify that the relationship between the role of self-regulated learning and student engagement is positive. The higher the self-regulated learning score obtained by the participants, the higher the participant's student engagement score."
Depok: Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Deni Fazri
"Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat pengaruh pengaruh self-regulated learning siswa atlet terhadap performa non akademik di Sekolah Khusus Olahragawan Ragunan DKI Jakarta. Partisipan penelitian ini adalah siswa atlet yang bersekolah di SKO Ragunan DKI Jakarta yang berjumlah 43 siswa. Penelitian ini menggunakan alat ukur The Self- Regulated Learning yang disusun oleh Toering dkk. (2011) untuk mengukur selfregulated learning yang terdiri dari 6 dimensi, planning, self-monitoring, effort, selfefficay, evaluation, dan reflection. Selain itu, penelitian ini menggunakan Sport Success Scale (SSS) untuk mengukur performa non akademik olahraga pada siswa atlet yang disusun oleh Mousavi dan VaezMousavi (2015). Hasil utama dari analisis regresi linear dalam penelitian ini (F = 51.75, p < 0,05) dengan R² = 0,558 yang berarti terdapat pengaruh self-regulated learning terhadap performa non akademik sebesar 55,8%. Berdasarkan hasil analisis tersebut bahwa terdapat pengaruh self-regulated learning yang signifikan terhadap performa non akademik, sehingga hipotesis alternatif dalam penelitian ini diterima.

This study aims to examine the effect of student athlete self-regulated learning on nonacademic performance at the Ragunan Special School for Athletes, DKI Jakarta. The participants of this study were student athletes who attended SKO Ragunan DKI Jakarta, totaling 43 students. This study uses a measuring instrument The Self-Regulated Learning compiled by Toering et al (2011) to measure self-regulated learning which consists of 6 dimensions, planning, self-monitoring, effort, self-efficacy, evaluation, and reflection. In addition, this study uses the Sport Success Scale (SSS) to measure non-academic sports performance in student athletes compiled by Mousavi and VaezMousavi (2015). The main result of linear regression analysis in this study (F = 51.75, p <0.05) with R² = 0,558 which means that there is an effect of self-regulated learning on non-academic performance of 55.8%. Based on the results of the analysis that there is a significant effect of self-regulated learning on non-academic performance, so the alternative hypothesis in this study is accepted."
Depok: Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ruly Sulis Handayani
"Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk melihat hubungan antara materialisme dan selfregulation pada remaja. Materialisme didefinisikan sebagai keyakinan yang dianut seseorang tentang seberapa pentingnya kepemilikan barang di dalam hidupnya (Richins & Dawson, 1992). Self-regulation didefinisikan sebagai kemampuan individu untuk mengembangkan, mengimplementasikan, dan secara fleksibel memonitor perilaku yang sudah direncanakan untuk meraih tujuannya (Kanfer, 1970). Responden penelitian adalah 146 remaja di Jabodetabek. Materialisme diukur dengan menggunakan MVS Short Form oleh Richins (2004a). Self-regulation diukur dengan dengan menggunakan Short Form Self-Regulation Questionnaire (Carey, Neal, dan Collins, 2004). Hasil utama penelitian menunjukkan terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara materialisme dan self regulation (r= -.205, p<0.05). Nilai coefficient of determination (Rsquare) r2= 0.042 atau sebesar 4.2% sehingga dapat diinterpretasikan bahwa variasi skor materialisme 4.2% dapat dijelaskan dari skor self-regulation. Sedangkan 95.8% sisanya dapat dijelaskan oleh faktor-faktor individu selain faktor self-regulation.

This research was conducted to find the correlation between self-regulation and materialism among adolescent. Materialism is defined as a centrally held belief about the importance of possessions in one?s life (Richins & Dawson, 1992). Selfregulation is defined as the ability to develop, implement, and flexibly maintain planned behaviour in order to achieve one?s goals (Kanfer, 1970). Participants of this research were adolescent in Jabodetabek area, with amounts 146 people. Materialism was measured using MVS Short Form by Richins (2004a). Selfregulation was measured using Short Form Self-Regulation Questionnaire (Carey, Neal, dan Collins, 2004). The main result of this research shows that there is significant relationship between materialism and self-regulation, (r= -.205, p<0.05). Coefficient of determination score (R square) r2= 0.042 or indicate that 4.2% materialism score variation can be explained by self-regulation score. Another 95.8% can be explained from another individual factors except selfregulation.
Depok: Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Putu Widiastiti Giri
Siswa dengan underachievement pada pelajaran Matematika menunjukkan adanya prestasi yang lebih rendah dari potensi yang sesungguhnya dimiliki. Kesenjangan antara prestasi dan potensi siswa ini disebabkan oleh rendahnya regulasi diri dalam belajar Matematika. Penerapan Self Regulation Empowerment Program SREP merupakan salah satu alternatif untuk meningkatkan regulasi diri dalam belajar yang diberikan secara individual. Penelitian yang berdesain single subject experimental study ini bertujuan untuk menguji efektivitas SREP dalam meningkatkan regulasi diri dalam belajar sekaligus prestasi Matematika pada siswa dengan underachievement di SMP. Data diperoleh melalui alat ukur Motivated Strategies and Learning Questionnaire MSLQ , Self Regulated Learning SRL Microanalysis, dan tes prestasi Matematika. Melalui pengujian statistik yaitu reliability change index RCI disertai dengan analisis kualitatif, diketahui bahwa SREP dapat memberikan peningkatan signifikan pada regulasi diri dalam belajar RCI = 3.07, p 6 menurut Perels, Dignath, Smith, 2009 pada siswa dengan underachievement pada siswa SMP. Ketika dilakukan follow up, siswa menggunakan aplikasi dari tahapan regulasi diri dalam belajar tidak hanya di pelajaran Matematika, tetapi juga pelajaran lainnya seperti IPA, IPS, Bahasa Indonesia dan Bahasa Inggris.

Students with underachievement in Mathematics had actual achievement that falls below their potential achievement. This kind of discrepancy could be caused by their self regulated learning. Self Regulation Empowerment Program SREP intervention was an alternative way to enhance self regulated learning. This single subject experimental study aimed to determine the effectiveness of SREP in enhancing both self regulated learning and Mathematics achievement for student with underachievement in middle school. The data was collected by using Motivated Strategies and Learning Questionnaire MSLQ , Self Regulated Learning SRL Microanalysis, and Mathematics achievement test and analyzed by using reliability change index RCI and qualitative method of analysis. The result showed that SREP was able to enhance self regulated learning significantly RCI 3.07, p 6 based on Perels, Dignath, Smith, 2009 for students who have underachievement in middle school. Follow up data showed that students also has applied stages of self regulated learning not only in Mathematics but also in other school subjects such as science, social science, Bahasa, and English."
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Andi Sazkia Najma Mufidah
"Universal Design Learning (UDL) menjadi salah satu upaya dalam memenuhi hak pendidikan bagi Mahasiswa Berkebutuhan Khusus (MBK). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat peran regulasi diri dosen terhadap praktik Universal Design Learning (UDL) di Perguruan Tinggi Indonesia. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan metode kuantitatif yang melibatkan 249 partisipan dalam penelitian non-eksperimental. Variabel praktik UDL diukur menggunakan Inclusive Teaching Strategies Inventory (ITSI) versi Bahasa Indonesia, sedangkan variabel Regulasi Diri diukur menggunakan Teachers Self-Regulation Scale (TSRS). Adapun analisis yang digunakan adalah analisis regresi linear sederhana dalam menguji hipotesis. Hasil menunjukan terdapat peran yang signifikan dari regulasi diri terhadap praktik UDL F(1,253) = 20.23, p <0,001), R2= 0.245. Berdasarkan hasil tersebut, dapat disimpulkan bahwa semakin tinggi tingkat regulasi diri dosen, maka semakin tinggi pula tingkat praktik UDL dalam praktik pengajarannya.

Universal Design Learning (UDL) is one of the way to fulfill the educational rights of Students with Special Needs. This research aims to understand the role of Lecturer’s self-regulation in the implementation of Universal Design Learning (UDL) in Indonesian Higher Education. This research was conducted using quantitative methods, involving 249 participants in non-experimental research. The UDL practice variable was measured using the Indonesian version of the Inclusive Teaching Strategies Inventory (ITSI), while the Self-Regulation variable was measured using the Teachers Self-Regulation Scale (TSRS).In this research, we used simple linear regression analysis to test the hypothesis. The result showed that there is a significant role of self-regulation on UDL practice F(1,253) = 20.23, p <0.001), R2= 0.245. From the result it can be said that the higher level of lecturer’s self-regulation, results in the higher level of UDL implementation in their teaching practice."
Depok: Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2024
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sammeck, Jan
"[The idea of self-regulation as an instrument capable of mitigating socially undesirable practices in industries, such as corruption, environmental degradation, or the violation of human rights, is receiving substantial consideration in theory and practice. By approaching this phenomenon with the theory of the New Institutional Economics, Jan Sammeck develops an analytical approach that points out the critical mechanisms which decide about the effectiveness of this instrument. By integrating theory with practical examples of self-regulation, this study highlights the necessity to look at the institutional incentives of an industry, in order to come to a sound judgement about the feasibility and effectiveness of this instrument in a given situation., The idea of self-regulation as an instrument capable of mitigating socially undesirable practices in industries, such as corruption, environmental degradation, or the violation of human rights, is receiving substantial consideration in theory and practice. By approaching this phenomenon with the theory of the New Institutional Economics, Jan Sammeck develops an analytical approach that points out the critical mechanisms which decide about the effectiveness of this instrument. By integrating theory with practical examples of self-regulation, this study highlights the necessity to look at the institutional incentives of an industry, in order to come to a sound judgement about the feasibility and effectiveness of this instrument in a given situation.]"
Wiesbaden: [Gabler Verlag, ], 2012
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
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