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Azma Rosida
"Defisiensi besi merupakan keadaan dimana jumlah total besi tubuh berkurang yang bila berlanjut menyebabkan anemia defisiensi besi. Saat ini tersedia parameter immature reticulocyte fraction (IRF) yang menunjukkan fraksi retikulosit muda di sirkulasi yang bermanfaat menilai aktivitas eritropoiesis. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui korelasi IRF dengan kadar besi dan feritin serum, dan saturasi transferin, serta korelasi feritin dan hepsidin serum. Penelitian dengan desain penelitian potong lintang ini melibatkan 77 subyek remaja putri sekolah yang telah haid dan mendapat suplementasi besi oral 2 kali seminggu selama 12 minggu. Dilakukan pemeriksaan kadar hemoglobin, hitung retikulosit absolut, IRF, kadar besi, feritin, dan hepsidin serum serta saturasi transferin. Didapatkan korelasi bermakna dengan kekuatan sedang antara IRF dan kadar besi dan feritin serum, serta saturasi transferin (berturut-turut p<0,0001, r = -0,443; p = <0,0001, r = -0,439, dan p<0,0001, r = -0,423), dan antara kadar feritin dan hepsidin serum (p<0,001, r = 0,371). Dapat disimpulkan bahwa IRF memiliki hubungan bermakna dengan status besi tubuh.

Decreased total body iron will cause iron deficiency, which could end up to iron deficiency anemia. Currently, immature reticulocyte fraction (IRF) was introduced as a parameter to show young reticulocyte fraction in the circulation, as a useful tool to evaluate erythropoiesis activity. The aim of this study was to investigate the correlation between IRF with serum iron and ferritin concentrations, and with transferin saturation, and between serum ferritin with hepcidin concentration. A cross sectional study was conducted in Pramuka island involving 77 post-menarchal adolescent school girls, who had received twice weekly iron supplementation for 12 weeks. Serum concentrations of iron, ferritin, and hepsidin, haemoglobin concentration, transferin saturation, absolute reticulocyte count, and IRF were determined. There were significance correlations between IRF with serum iron and ferritin, concentrations, and with transferin saturation (p<0.0001, r = - 0.443; p<0.0001, r = -0.439 ; and p = <0.0001, r = -0.423, respectively), and between serum hepsidin and ferritin concentrations (p<0.001, r = 0.371). It can be concluded that IRF had significant correlation with iron status.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ni Putu Veny Kartika Yantie
"Latar belakang: Morbiditas akibat duktus arteriosus paten (DAP) pada neonatus cukup bulan (NCB) cukup tinggi. Peran prostaglandin E2 (PGE2), trombosit (immature platelet fraction, IPF), dan vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) pada penutupan DA secara fungsional dan anatomis pada NCB belum banyak diteliti. Patofisiologi terjadinya DAP dapat memengaruhi tata laksana farmakologi dini yang belum terstandardisasi pada NCB. Penggunaan obat antiinflamasi nonsteroid seperti ibuprofen dimungkinkan dapat menghambat jalur sintesis prostaglandin dengan efek samping minimal.
Tujuan: Mengkaji peran prostaglandin E2, VEGF, IPF, dan efek pemberian ibuprofen oral dalam proses penutupan DA pada NCB.
Metode: Penelitian dilakukan di rumah sakit (RS) Sanglah Denpasar, RS Prima Medika Denpasar, dan RS Umum Daerah Wangaya Denpasar, dalam periode Maret sampai Agustus 2015. Penelitian terdiri dari 2 desain, pertama desain potong lintang pada pasien dengan DAP dan tanpa DAP secara consecutive sampling dan desain kedua uji klinis acak terkontrol ganda pada pasien DAP usia ≥ 48 jam. Pasien dengan DAP kemudian dimasukkan dalam uji klinis, dilakukan randomisasi untuk diberikan perlakuan ibuprofen oral dosis hari pertama 10 mg/kg, hari kedua dan ketiga 5 mg/kg atau plasebo. Pemantauan hemodinamik dan efek samping obat dilakukan selama pemberian perlakuan. Pemeriksaan ekokardiografi, PGE2, VEGF, IPF, dan kreatinin dilakukan pada hari pertama dan keempat pascapemberian perlakuan.
Hasil: Terdapat 64 subjek yang diteliti pada desain pertama dan 32 subjek pada desain kedua. Rerata kadar PGE2 lebih tinggi pada kelompok dengan DAP dibanding tanpa DAP, sedangkan rerata kadar VEGF dan IPF tidak berbeda. Ibuprofen oral tidak terbukti menurunkan diameter DA pascaperlakuan, tidak terdapat perbedaan rerata diameter pada kedua kelompok. Terdapat hubungan positif sedang terhadap perubahan kadar PGE2 dengan perubahan diameter DAP pascaperlakuan. Tidak terdapat perubahan hemodinamik atau efek samping akibat pemberian ibuprofen oral atau plasebo pada NCB dengan DAP.
Simpulan: Tingginya kadar PGE2 terbukti berperan dalam patensi DA pada NCB. Ibuprofen oral dosis 10 - 5 - 5 mg/kgBB tidak mengecilkan diameter DAP.

Background: Serious morbidity impact due to patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) in full-term neonates remains high. The functional role of prostaglandin E2 (PGE2), platelet (immature platelet fraction, IPF), and vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) has not been studied in the closure mechanism of ductus arteriosus (DA). Understanding of pathophysiology of PDA may influence early pharmacological treatments, which have not been standardized in full-term neonates. The use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs such as ibuprofen can be beneficial as a pharmacological agent in enhancing the closure of PDA with minimal adverse effects.
Objectives: To evaluate the role of prostaglandin E2, VEGF, IPF, and the effect of oral ibuprofen in the process of DA closure in full-term neonates.
Methods: This study was conducted in Sanglah General Hospital, Prima Medika Hospital, and Wangaya Hospital Denpasar. The study consisted of two designs, the first was cross-sectional design in subjects with and without PDA using consecutive sampling and the second was double blind randomized controlled trial in full-term infant aged ≥ 48 hours. Subjects with PDA were randomized to oral ibuprofen and placebo administration, in which ibuprofen was given consecutively 10 - 5 - 5 mg/kg. All subjects underwent echocardiography, PGE2, VEGF, and IPF assays. Hemodynamics monitoring was evaluated during trial and adverse effect due to ibuprofen was recorded by measuring urine volume and plasma creatinine level.
Results: From March to August 2015, there were 64 subjects recruited for the first design and 32 subjects in the second design. The mean level of PGE2 was higher significantly in the group with PDA than non PDA group, while the mean levels of VEGF and IPF showed no difference. In the second design, oral ibuprofen showed no effect in reducing DA diameter after treatment. There were no differences in mean diameter of DA in both groups before and after treatments. There was moderate positive relationship between levels of PGE2 and the change of PDA diameter. There were neither hemodynamic changes nor adverse effect due to the administration of oral ibuprofen or placebo.
Conclusions: A high level of PGE2 appears to play a pivotal role in DA patency of full-term neonates. Administration of oral ibuprofen in 10 - 5 - 5 mg/kg schedule could not induce PDA closure in full-term neonates.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Melita Adiwidjaja
"Defisiensi besi adalah defisiensi mikronutrien yang paling sering ditemui. Jika tidak diobati, dapat menyebabkan anemia defisiensi besi dan gangguan kognitif, terutama pada anak usia sekolah, yang ireversibel. Diagnosis defisiensi besi rumit, tidak praktis, dan mahal. Organisasi AAP merekomendasikan RET-He sebagai pemeriksaan laboratorium untuk skrining defisiensi besi. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mencari nilai batasan RET-He untuk skrining status besi pada anak usia 6 – 18 tahun. Studi ini merupakan studi potong lintang terhadap 207 anak sehat usia 6 - 18 tahun di Indonesia. Penelitian ini mencari nilai batasan RET-He untuk skrining status besi, kemudian dibandingkan dengan hemoglobin, mean corpuscular volume, feritin, dan saturasi transferin. Kurva ROC dikerjakan untuk menentukan nilai batasan RET-He untuk skrining status besi dengan menggunakan IBM SPSS versi 22. Pemeriksaan RET-He mendapatkan nilai batasan ≤ 30,3 pg (sensitivitas 100%, spesifisitas 19,7%, NDN 100%, NDP 5,4%) untuk skrining deplesi besi; nilai batasan RET-He ≤ 28,9 pg (sensitivitas 78,9%, spesifisitas 56,2%, NDN 92,2%, dan NDP 28,9%) untuk defisiensi besi; dan nilai batasan RET-He ≤ 27 pg (sensitivitas 75%, spesifisitas 80%, NDN 98,1%, dan NDP 18,7%) untuk anemia defisiensi besi. Peneliti menarik kesimpulan bahwa RET-He dapat digunakan sebagai parameter skrining defisiensi besi dengan nilai batasan ≤ 28,9 pg. Skrining untuk anemia defisiensi besi dapat menggunakan RET-He dengan nilai batasan ≤ 27 pg, namun harus dilakukan dengan parameter lain, seperti Hb. Pemeriksaan RET-He dengan nilai batasan ≤ 30,3 pg tidak dapat digunakan untuk skrining deplesi besi.

Iron deficiency (ID) is the most common micronutrient deficiency in the world. Left untreated, ID will lead to iron deficiency anemia (IDA) and other irreversible consequences. Screening iron deficiency is complex, impractical, and expensive. The AAP recommended RET-He as an alternative laboratory examination to screen ID. The objective is to find RET-He cut-off value to screen for iron status in healthy children, aged 6 – 18 years old. This study is a cross-sectional study of 207 children aged 6 – 18 years old in Indonesia. RET-He was compared with hemoglobin, mean corpuscular volume, ferritin to assess iron status in children. Receiver operating curve was performed to determine the optimal cut-off value for RET-He using IBM SPSS 22. Reticulocyte hemoglobin equivalent with cut-off value ≤ 30.3 pg was established to screen iron depletion (100% sensitivity, 19.7% specificity, 100% NPV, 5.4% PPV); meanwhile RET-He ≤ 28.9 pg to screen iron deficiency (78.9% sensitivity, 56.2% specificity, 92.2% NPV, 28.9% PPV); and RET-He ≤ 27 pg to screen IDA (75% sensitivity, 80% specificity, 98.1% NPV, 18.7% PPV). The researcher concluded that RET-He can be used as an iron deficiency screening parameter with a cut-off value ≤ 28.9 pg. Screening for IDA with RET-He ≤ 27 pg need to be done with other parameters, such as Hb. RET-He ≤ 30.3 pg cannot be used for iron depletion."
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rhyno Febriyanto
"Latar belakang: Remaja merupakan kelompok risiko tinggi defisiensi besi. Adanya obesitas pada remaja meningkatkan risiko defisiensi besi disebabkan perbedaan pola asupan dan inflamasi kronis derajat rendah.
Tujuan: Mengetahui status besi remaja usia 15 -17 tahun dengan obesitas.
Desain penelitian: Penelitian potong lintang pada remaja usia 15 ? 17 tahun di dua SMU Jakarta Pusat pada bulan September ? November 2015. Subjek dibagi 2 kelompok berdasar indeks massa tubuh (IMT). Subjek obes bila IMT≥P95 dan non-obes bila IMT ≥P5 -
Hasil penelitian: Diperoleh 100 subyek yang memenuhi kriteria inklusi dan eksklusi. Berdasarkan indeks massa tubuh (IMT) diperoleh 52 subjek obes dan 48 subjek non-obes. Tidak terdapat perbedaan bermakna secara statistik proporsi defisiensi besi dan anemia defisiensi besi pada kelompok obes dan non-obes (9,6% vs 16,7%; p=0,295). Tidak terdapat perbedaan bermakna asupan besi total kelompok obes dan non-obes ( 8 (2,6 ? 95,9) mg/hari vs 10 (1,8 ? 83,4) mg/hari; p=0,188). Persentase asupan besi heme kelompok obes lebih tinggi dibandingkan kelompok non-obes ( 31 (0,0 ? 95,6)% vs 20 (15,2 ? 100,0)%; p=0,029).
Simpulan: Tidak terdapat perbedaan bermakna secara statistik proporsi defisiensi besi dan anemia defisiensi besi remaja usia 15 ? 17 tahun dengan obes dan non-obes. Tidak terdapat perbedaan rerata asupan besi remaja usia 15 - 17 tahun dengan obes dan non obes.

Background. Adolescent period is high risk group of iron deficiency. Obesity can increase the risk of iron deficiency. It was caused by low iron intake and low grade chronic inflammation.
Objective. To assess whether obese adolescents, who often have poor dietary habits, are at increased risk of iron deficiency.
Methods: Cross-sectional study on adolescence 15 to 17 years old in Senior High School in Central Jakarta between September to November 2015. Subject was divided into 2 groups based on body mas index (BMI). Obese group if BMI ≥P95 and non-obese group if BMI ≥P5 -
Results. There are 100 subjects that meet the inclusion and exclusion criteria. There was no significance difference proportion of iron deficiency and iron deficiency anemia between obese and non-obese group (9,6% vs 16,7%; p=0,295). Both groups did not significantly differ in total iron intake ( 8 (2,6 ? 95,9) mg/day vs 10 (1,8 ? 83,4) mg/ day; p=0,188). Obese groups have higher heme iron intake than non-obese groups ( 31 (0,0 ? 95,6)% vs 20 (15,2 ? 100,0)%; p=0,029).
Conclusion. Proportions of iron deficiency and iron deficiency anemia were same in both adolescence group. There was no difference in iron intake in obese and non-obese adolescence."
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Kartika Sari Widuri
Latar belakang: Anemia defisiensi besi ADB pada usia 9-12 bulan dapat berdampak pada kualitas hidup anak di masa depan. Asupan zat besi, pemacu dan penghambat absorpsi besi memengaruhi kadar besi tubuh. Penelitian mengenai status zat besi dan hubungannya dengan zat pemacu dan penghambat absoprsi dalam asupan diet pada bayi usia 9 ndash;12 bulan yang disertakan dengan analisis asupan diet belum banyak dilakukan di Indonesia. Tujuan: Mengetahui prevalens gangguan status besi dan mengetahui hubungan status gizi dan kecukupan asupan besi harian terhadap kejadian defisiensi besi pada bayi usia 9-12 bulan. Metode: Studi potong lintang pada Juli 2017-Januari 2018 di Posyandu kecamatan Tanah Abang dan Jatinegara. Asupan zat besi, pemacu absorpsi besi dan penghambat absorpsi besi dinilai dengan metode food record dan diolah dengan program NutriSurvey . Subyek menjalani pengukuran antropometri dan pengambilan sampel darah darah perifer lengkap, LED, dan feritin serum . Data diolah dengan uji Pearson Chi Square dan kejadian gangguan status besi ditampilkan dalam prevalens. Hasil: Terdapat 82 subyek usia 9-12 bulan berpartisipasi dalam penelitian. Prevalens defisiensi besi sebesar 12,2 , dan ADB sebesar 26,8 . Tidak terbukti ada hubungan antara kecukupan asupan besi harian dengan gangguan status besi [p=0,064; PR=2,1 0,193-1,178 ] dan status gizi kurang dengan gangguan status besi [p=0,444; PR=0,729 0,307-1,731 ]. Terdapat perbedaan bermakna antara asupan harian besi total p=0,002 , besi heme 0,017 , kalsium p=0,006 , dan seng p=0,042 antara kelompok defisiensi besi dan non-defisiensi besi.Simpulan: Prevalens defisiensi besi dan ADB pada bayi usia 9-12 bulan berturut-turut adalah 12,2 dan 26,8 . Tidak terbukti ada hubungan antara status gizi dan kecukupan asupan besi harian dengan gangguan status besi, namun terdapat perbedaan bermakna antara asupan harian besi total, besi heme, kalsium, dan seng antara kelompok defisiensi dan non-defisiensi besi pada populasi bayi usia 9-12 bulan.

Background Iron deficiency anemia IDA in 9 12 month old babies could affect their quality of life. Intake of iron containing food, enhancer and inhibitor of iron absorption affects iron body level. Study about iron profile and its correlation with enhancers and inhibitors of iron absorption in baby rsquo s daily dietary intake whose analyzed by food record method is still infrequent in Indonesia. Aim To measure the prevalence of iron deficiency and IDA and to know the correlation of nutritional status and adequacy of daily iron intake with iron deficiency status in 9 12 month old babies. Methods A cross sectional study was conducted on July 2017 January 2018 in Posyandu in Tanah Abang and Jatinegara district. Dietary iron intake, enhancer and inhibitor were obtained using a 3 day food record method and analyzed with NutriSurvey program. Subjects underwent anthropometry measurement. Complete blood count, ESR, and ferritin serum were also examined. Results A total of 82 babies aged 9 12 months were studied. Prevalence of iron deficiency and IDA were 12,2 and 26,8 . There were no evidence of relationship between adequacy of daily iron intake p 0,064 and undernourished condition p 0,444 with iron deficiency status. There were statistically significant differences in total iron p 0,002 , heme iron p 0,017 , calcium p 0,006 , and zinc p 0,042 daily intakes between iron deficiency group and non iron deficiency group.Conclusion The prevalence of iron deficiency and IDA were 12,2 and 26,8 . There were no evidence of relationship between adequacy of daily iron intake nor undernourished condition with iron deficiency status. There were statistically significant differences in total iron, heme iron, calcium, and zinc daily intakes between iron deficiency group and non iron deficiency group in 9 12 month old babies."
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dara Indira Diniarti
"Latar belakang: Sindrom nefrotik (SN) idiopatik merupakan penyakit glomerulus dengan proteinuria akibat peningkatan permeabilitas glomerulus. Transferin merupakan salah satu protein yang keluar di urin dan dapat mengganggu homeostasis besi. Keadaan ini dapat menyebabkan defisiensi besi dan anemia defisiensi besi (ADB).
Tujuan: Mengetahui perbedaan status besi, transferin urin, proporsi defisiensi besi dan ADB pada pasien SN idiopatik aktif dan remisi.
Metode: Penelitian potong lintang pada pasien SN idiopatik aktif dan remisi usia 1-18 tahun di RSCM. Pengukuran status besi menggunakan Hb,MCV, MCH, Ret-He, SI, TIBC, ferritin, dan saturasi transferin. Pengukuran transferin urin menggunakan metode enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA).
Hasil: Terdapat 65 subyek, dengan 32 pasien SN idiopatik aktif dan 33 pasien remisi. Kadar SI antara kelompok aktif dan remisi adalah 60,7±33,5 µg/dL dan 84,6±35,3 µg/dL (p<0,05). Kadar TIBC antara kelompok aktif dan remisi adalah 220±90,7 µg/dL dan 309,4(±47,7) µg/dL (p<0,05). Kadar transferin urin antara kelompok aktif dan remisi adalah 435,3(7,7-478,4) ng/mL dan 23,4 (0-358) ng/mL (p<0,05). Proporsi defisiensi besi dan ADB pada kelompok aktif adalah 7(21,9%) dan 5 (15,6%) subyek, sedangkan pada kelompok remisi adalah 4(12,6%) dan 1(3%) subyek. Perbedaan proporsi tersebut tidak bermakna (p=0,04; RR 2,47; IK95% 0,98-6,23).
Kesimpulan: Kelompok SN idiopatik aktif memiliki nilai SI dan TIBC yang rendah serta transferin urin yang tinggi. Proporsi defisiensi besi dan ADB pada kelompok SN idiopatik aktif lebih tinggi walaupun tidak bermakna secara statistik.

Background: Idiopathic nephrotic syndrome (NS) is a common glomerular disease in children, which cause increased glomerular permeability resulting in proteinuria. Transferrin is one of the protein that is excreted in the urin, thus disturbing iron homeostasis and may lead to iron deficiency (ID) or iron deficiency anemia (IDA).
Objective: To know the differences in iron status, urinary transferrin, and the proportion of ID and IDA in children with active and remission idiopathic NS.
Methods: A cross-sectional design study was conducted on patients with active and remission idiopathic NS aged 1-18 years at RSCM. Measurement of iron status using Hb, MCV, MCH, Ret-He, SI, TIBC, ferritin, and transferrin saturation. Measurement of urinary transferrin using enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA).
Result: There were 65 study subjects, with 32 patients with active idiopathic NS and 33 subjects were in remission.The SI levels between the active and remission groups were 60.7±33.5 g/dL and 84.6±35.3 g/dL (p<0.05). The TIBC levels between the active and remission groups were 220±90.7 g/dL and 309.4(±47.7) g/dL (p<0.05). The median of urinary transferrin levels between the active and remission groups were 435.3(7.7-478.4) ng/mL and 23.4 (0-358) ng/mL (p<0.05). The proportions of ID and IDA in the active group were 7(21.9%) and 5(15.6%) subjects, while in the remission group were 4(12.6%) and 1(3%) subjects. Nonetheless the difference were not statistically significant (p=0.04; RR 2.47; CI95% 0.98-6.23).
Conclusion. Active idiopathic NS had significant lower values of SI and TIBC, and higher urinary transferrin levels. The proportion of ID and IDA in the active group was higher, although not significant.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Yustina Anie Indriastuti
"Anemia is the main micronutrient deficiency problem among adolescent school girls in Indonesia. Anemia due to iron deficiency often coexists with zine deficiency. Iron and zinc have anlagonistic interaction. Therefore, it was appropriate ratio of iron-zinc supplementation.
The study was aimed to investigate the different ratios of iron-zinc supplementation Fe: Zn = 2: 1 and Fe: Zn = 4: 1 on improving the iron and zinc status and eventually reduction of the morbidity of anemic adolescent school girls compared to iron supplementation alone.
A randomized, double blind community trial was conducted among anemic adolescent school girls (10-12 years old). Selection of subjects was conduted in two steps. Firstly, 238 girls (out of 1358 girls), with hemoglobin concentration level < 115 g/L using Hemocue were recruited and given antihelminthic drug (500 mg mebendazole as a single dose). Secondly, those who had hemoglobin concentration < 120 g/L using Cell Dyn from venous blood one week after deworming (n+133) were enrolled into the study.
The 133 subjects were assigned randomly to one of the three groups for daily iron-zinc supplementation for 12 weeks with: Group 1 (n=45): iron (60 mg/day), Group 2 (n=45): iron and zinc (30 mg and 15 mg/day) or group 3 (n=43): iron and zinc (60 mg and 15 mg/day).Supplement intake was supervised at base line, weight and height were measured and the available iron and zinc intake from diet was estimated using a model modified from WHO/FAO and Murphy, based on the data 24-hour Food Recall and Food Frequency Questionnare. Iron (hemoglobin/Hb, serum ferritin/SF, serum transferrin receptor/TfR, zinc protoporphyrin/ZPP, Mean Corpuscular Volume/MCV, Red-cell Distribution Width/RDW, body iron/BI) and zinc (serum zinc/SZ) status and supplementation. Morbidity status of diarrhea and Acule Respiratory Infection (ARI) were recorded weekly. The phagocytes cell and Cell-Mediated Immunity were measured only for 50% of the subjects.
Results and Discussion
By the end of the supplementation, most indicators of iron status were increased significantly in all subjects both they took iron supplementation with or without zinc, and the proportion of iron deficiency anemia reduced. Iron supplementation alone or iron-zinc improved zinc status. The proportion of zinc deficiency was sinificantly reduced only among subjects who took iron-zinc supplementation with the ratio of Fe: Zn =2: 1. which was significantly lower compared to the other two groups at the end of supplementation. In iron/zinc 2 : 1 group, no subject had iron deficiency anemia and zinc deficiency after 12 weeks of supplementation, which suggested that iron-zinc supplementation with the ration of Fe: Zn = 2 : 1 had reduced both iron deficiency anemia and zinc deficiency.
In this study, iron deficiency among anemic school girls was due to insufficiency of iron in red blood cell, and iron or iron-zinc supplementation for 12 weeks had less benefit to increase iron status. The possibility; of hemoglobinopathies such as thalassemia trait affecting adolescent girls in this study should be considered as several studies indicated that the prevalence of tlinlassemia trait among the same population in Indonesia is high.
Iron deficiency also occurred at the storage level, which increased and reached the normal value with iron or iron-zinc supplementation. At the end of supplementation, the mean value of most indicators of iron status in all groups did not reach the normal value (such as Hb < 120 g/L, ZPP > 40 umol/mol heme, MCV <2 80 fL, RDW > l4%), perhaps the 12-weeks of iron supplementation was not long enough to fulfill iron for the 120 erythrocyte life cycle.
lt seems, that the competition between iron and zinc occurred both at the storage level and the erythrocyte formation, and iron-zinc supplementation with the ratio of Fe: Zn = 2: 1 had minimal interaction as the improvement of both iron and zinc status was higher compared to the other groups. Most anemic adolescent school girls in this study had low available iron and zinc intake from the diet, with low intake of enhancers and high intake of inhibitors, which is not enough to promote either iron or zinc absorption from the supplements.
The reduction of the proportion ol' subjects suffering from ARI was the highest among subjects who took either iron alone (3l.1% to 6.7%) compared to those who took iron- zinc supplement with ratio 2: 1 (1 7.3% to l1.l%) or iron-zinc supplement with ratio 4: 1(16.3 % to l4%), indicating that iron alone reduced morbidity status in tenn of Acute Respiratory Infection (ARI). However, adding zinc to iron supplements with ratio 2: 1 scents to improve the specific immune response of anemic adolescent school girls, as shown that the ratio of CD-4/CD-S was slightly increased among subjects who took iron-zinc supplement with the ratio of Fe: Zn= 2: 1.
Conclusions and Recommendations
lt was concluded, that both iron deficiency anemia (22%) and zinc deficiency (15.8%) were problems in the study area. Iron deficiency and hemoglobinopathies such as that assemia trait might be the causes of anemia among adolescent school girls. A daily 30 mg iron and 15 mg zinc supplementation among anemic adolescent schools girls for 12 weeks improved iron and zinc status and reduced iron deficiency anemia and zinc deficiency. Iron supplementation alone increased iron status, while adding zinc to iron supplementation protected the adverse effect of iron on decreasing zinc status.
The competition between iron and zinc might occur in the role of both nutrients for erythrocytes formation as well-as at storage level, and supplementation with the ratio of Fe: Zn = 2: 1 had minimal interaction on improving bot.h iron and zinc status. As most of the anemic adolescent school girls had inadequate iron and zinc intake from the diet, the deficiencies of other micronutrients such as; vitamin A, folic acid and vitamin B12 should also be considered as the causes of anemia.
Combined iron-zinc supplementation with the ratio of Fe: Zn = 2: 1 was appropriate on reducing the risk of anemic adolescent school girls suffering from Acute Respiratory Infection, however the mechanism of both iron and zinc on enhancing immune system could not clearly be shown from the results of this study.
It is recommended to establish an iron-zinc supplementation program with ratio of 2: 1 through the existing channel of school health program to alleviate iron de iciency anemia and zinc deficiency 'among adolescent girls. Research cum action prioritized is to explain the contribution of bioavailability iron and zinc intake from the diet including increase the enhancers and minimize the inhibitors to the absorption of iron-zinc supplementation with ratio of Fe: Zn = 2: 1. The possibility of hemoglobinopathies such as thalassemia trait, as the cause of anemia needs further investigations."
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2005
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Yustina Anie Indriastuti
"Anemia is the main micronutrient deficiency problem among adolescent school girls in Indonesia. Anemia due to iron deficiency often coexists with zine deficiency. Iron and zinc have anlagonistic interaction. Therefore, it was appropriate ratio of iron-zinc supplementation. Objective The study was aimed to investigate the different ratios of iron-zinc supplementation Fe: Zn = 2: 1 and Fe: Zn = 4: 1 on improving the iron and zinc status and eventually reduction of the morbidity of anemic adolescent school girls compared to iron supplementation alone. Methodology randomized, double blind community trial was conducted among anemic adolescent school girls (10-12 years old). Selection of subjects was conduted in two steps. Firstly, 238 girls (out of 1358 girls), with hemoglobin concentration level < 115 g/L using Hemocue were recruited and given antihelminthic drug (500 mg mebendazole as a single dose). Secondly, those who had hemoglobin concentration < 120 g/L using Cell Dyn from venous blood one week after deworming (n+133) were enrolled into the study. The 133 subjects were assigned randomly to one of the three groups for daily iron-zinc supplementation for 12 weeks with: Group 1 (n=45): iron (60 mg/day), Group 2 (n=45): iron and zinc (30 mg and 15 mg/day) or group 3 (n=43): iron and zinc (60 mg and 15 mg/day).Supplement intake was supervised at base line, weight and height were measured and the available iron and zinc intake from diet was estimated using a model modified from WHO/FAO and Murphy, based on the data 24-hour Food Recall and Food Frequency Questionnare. Iron (hemoglobin/Hb, serum ferritin/SF, serum transferrin receptor/TfR, zinc protoporphyrin/ZPP, Mean Corpuscular Volume/MCV, Red-cell Distribution Width/RDW, body iron/BI) and zinc (serum zinc/SZ) status and supplementation. Morbidity status of diarrhea and Acule Respiratory Infection (ARI) were recorded weekly. The phagocytes cell and Cell-Mediated Immunity were measured only for 50% of the subjects. Results and Discussion By the end of the supplementation, most indicators of iron status were increased significantly in all subjects both they took iron supplementation with or without zinc, and the proportion of iron deficiency anemia reduced. Iron supplementation alone or iron-zinc improved zinc status. The proportion of zinc deficiency was sinificantly reduced only among subjects who took iron-zinc supplementation with the ratio of Fe: Zn =2: 1. which was significantly lower compared to the other two groups at the end of supplementation. In iron/zinc 2 : 1 group, no subject had iron deficiency anemia and zinc deficiency after 12 weeks of supplementation, which suggested that iron-zinc supplementation with the ration of Fe: Zn = 2 : 1 had reduced both iron deficiency anemia and zinc deficiency. In this study, iron deficiency among anemic school girls was due to insufficiency of iron in red blood cell, and iron or iron-zinc supplementation for 12 weeks had less benefit to increase iron status. The possibility; of hemoglobinopathies such as thalassemia trait affecting adolescent girls in this study should be considered as several studies indicated that the prevalence of tlinlassemia trait among the same population in Indonesia is high. Iron deficiency also occurred at the storage level, which increased and reached the normal value with iron or iron-zinc supplementation. At the end of supplementation, the mean value of most indicators of iron status in all groups did not reach the normal value (such as Hb < 120 g/L, ZPP > 40 umol/mol heme, MCV <2 80 fL, RDW > l4%), perhaps the 12-weeks of iron supplementation was not long enough to fulfill iron for the 120 erythrocyte life cycle. lt seems, that the competition between iron and zinc occurred both at the storage level and the erythrocyte formation, and iron-zinc supplementation with the ratio of Fe: Zn = 2: 1 had minimal interaction as the improvement of both iron and zinc status was higher compared to the other groups. Most anemic adolescent school girls in this study had low available iron and zinc intake from the diet, with low intake of enhancers and high intake of inhibitors, which is not enough to promote either iron or zinc absorption from the supplements. The reduction of the proportion ol' subjects suffering from ARI was the highest among subjects who took either iron alone (3l.1% to 6.7%) compared to those who took iron- zinc supplement with ratio 2: 1 (1 7.3% to l1.l%) or iron-zinc supplement with ratio 4: 1(16.3 % to l4%), indicating that iron alone reduced morbidity status in tenn of Acute Respiratory Infection (ARI). However, adding zinc to iron supplements with ratio 2: 1 scents to improve the specific immune response of anemic adolescent school girls, as shown that the ratio of CD-4/CD-S was slightly increased among subjects who took iron- zinc supplement with the ratio of Fe: Zn= 2: 1 Conclusions and Recommendations lt was concluded, that both iron deficiency anemia (22%) and zinc deficiency (15.8%) were problems in the study area. Iron deficiency and hemoglobinopathies such as that assemia trait might be the causes of anemia among adolescent school girls. A daily 30 mg iron and 15 mg zinc supplementation among anemic adolescent schools girls for 12 weeks improved iron and zinc status and reduced iron deficiency anemia and zinc deficiency. Iron supplementation alone increased iron status, while adding zinc to iron supplementation protected the adverse effect of iron on decreasing zinc status. The competition between iron and zinc might occur in the role of both nutrients for erythrocytes formation as well-as at storage level, and supplementation with the ratio of Fe: Zn = 2: 1 had minimal interaction on improving bot.h iron and zinc status. As most of the anemic adolescent school girls had inadequate iron and zinc intake from the diet, the deficiencies of other micronutrients such as; vitamin A, folic acid and vitamin B12 should also be considered as the causes of anemia. Combined iron-zinc supplementation with the ratio of Fe: Zn = 2: 1 was appropriate on reducing the risk of anemic adolescent school girls suffering from Acute Respiratory Infection, however the mechanism of both iron and zinc on enhancing immune system could not clearly be shown from the results of this study. It is recommended to establish an iron-zinc supplementation program with ratio of 2: 1 through the existing channel of school health program to alleviate iron de iciency anemia and zinc deficiency 'among adolescent girls. Research cum action prioritized is to explain the contribution of bioavailability iron and zinc intake from the diet including increase the enhancers and minimize the inhibitors to the absorption of iron-zinc supplementation with ratio of Fe: Zn = 2: 1. The possibility of hemoglobinopathies such as thalassemia trait, as the cause of anemia needs further investigations."
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2005
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Veronika Petri Andriani
"Ekuivalen hemoglobin retikulosit menggambarkan banyaknya besi dalam retikulosit yang akan digunakan dalam proses pembentukan hemoglobin. Pada alat Sysmex parameter tersebut dikenal sebagai Ret-He. Namun demikian, saat ini parameter tersebut belum digunakan secara rutin di Indonesia. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mendapatkan nilai cut off, sensitivitas dan spesifisitas Ret-He untuk penilaian status besi pada pasien penyakit ginjal kronik dengan hemodialisis. Desain penelitian potong lintang, terdiri dari 120 subyek PGK dengan hemodialisis. Dilakukan pemeriksaan hematologi lengkap, Ret-He serta pemeriksaan besi serum dan unsaturated iron binding capacity (UIBC) untuk menghitung nilai saturasi transferin. Penentuan nilai cut off Ret-He berdasarkan kurva receiver operating characteristic (ROC) dengan saturasi transferin sebagai baku emas. Untuk penilaian status besi, didapatkan nilai cut off Ret-He 30,3 pg dengan sensitivitas 81,6% dan spesifisitas 76,8% . Parameter Ret-He dapat digunakan sebagai alternatif untuk penilaian status besi pasien penyakit ginjal kronik dengan hemodialisis.

Hemoglobin reticulocyte equivalent represent the iron content in the reticulocyte that will be used in hemoglobinization process. In Sysmex hematology analyzer this parameter known as Ret-He. However, this parameter has not been routinely used in Indonesia. The objective of this study is to determine cut-off, sensitivity and specificity of Ret-He to assess iron deficient state in chronic kidney disease patients undergoing hemodialysis. One hundred and twenty patients undergoing hemodialysis were included in the study. Complete blood count, Ret-He and transferin saturation were determined. The receiver operating characteristic curve were demonstrated to obtain the cut off value of Ret-He. In 30.3 pg Ret-He cut off point, the sensitivity and spesificity to assess iron deficient state were 81.6% and 76.8% respectively. Ret-He can be used as an alternative parameter to assess iron deficient state in chronic kidney disease patients undergoing hemodialysis."
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
William Cheng
"Latar belakang. Anak dengan penyakit jantung bawaan (PJB) berisiko mengalami defisiensi besi dan anemia defisiensi besi (ADB) karena peningkatan kebutuhan besi akibat hipoksia kronik. Diagnosis defisiensi besi pada anak PJB sianotik mengalami tantangan karena terdapat polisitemia dan inflamasi. Reticulocyte hemoglobin equivalent (Ret-He) adalah parameter status besi yang baru dan andal, tetapi belum terdapat nilai potong untuk evaluasi status besi anak PJB sianotik.
Tujuan. Mengetahui peran dan menentukan nilai potong Ret-He untuk diagnosis defisiensi besi dan ADB pada anak PJB sianotik.
Metode. Penelitian ini merupakan uji diagnostik terhadap 59 anak PJB sianotik usia 3 bulan-18 tahun di RSCM dan RSAB Harapan Kita. Pengambilan darah dilakukan untuk menilai parameter hematologis (hemoglobin, hematokrit, mean corpuscular volume, mean corpuscular hemoglobin) dan biokimiawi status besi standar (feritin serum, saturasi transferin) sebagai baku emas untuk menentukan status besi, kemudian dibandingkan dengan nilai Ret-He. Kurva receiveing operating characteristic (ROC) dikerjakan untuk menentukan nilai potong Ret-He untuk diagnosis defisiensi besi dan ADB.
Hasil. Median usia subjek adalah 23(3-209) bulan dengan lelaki 52,5% (n=31). Didapatkan status besi normal 27/59 (45,8%), defisiensi besi 8/59 (13,5%), dan ADB 24/59 (40,7%). Nilai potong Ret-He untuk defisiensi besi adalah 28,8 pg dengan sensitivitas 75%, spesifisitas 85,2%, NDP 60%, NDN 92%, dan AUC 0,828. Nilai potong Ret-He untuk ADB adalah 28,15 pg dengan sensitivitas 75%, spesifisitas 88,9%, NDP 85,7%, NDN 80%, dan AUC 0,824. Parameter Ret-He tetap memerlukan pemeriksaan hemoglobin dalam mendiagnosis ADB. Pada anak PJB sianotik, defisiensi besi dapat ditegakkan dengan nilai Ret-He <28,8 pg dengan hemoglobin >16,5 g/dL. Anemia defisiensi besi dapat ditegakkan dengan nilai Ret-He <28,15 pg atau Ret-He 28,15-28,8 pg dengan hemoglobin <16,5 g/dL.
Kesimpulan. Reticulocyte hemoglobin equivalent dapat digunakan untuk mengevaluasi status besi anak PJB sianotik dengan nilai potong < 28,8 pg untuk defisiensi besi dan <28,15 pg untuk ADB.

Background: Pediatric cyanotic heart disease (CHD) has a significant risk developing iron deficiency and iron deficiency anemia (IDA) due to chronic hypoxia. Diagnostic challenge occurs as polycythemia and inflammation happened. Reticulocyte hemoglobin equivalent (Ret-He) is a new and reliable parameter for iron status evaluation. However, there is no previous study regarding cut-off value in pediatric CHD population.
Objective: To evaluate the role of Ret-He and to determine cut-off points in diagnosis of iron deficiency and IDA in pediatric CHD.
Methods: A diagnostic study of 59 children aged 3 months to 18 years with CHD in Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital and Harapan Kita Women and Children’s Hospital. The hematological parameters (hemoglobin, hematocrite, mean corpuscular volume, mean corpuscular hemoglobin) and biochemical parameters for iron status (serum ferritin, transferrin saturation) evaluated to determine iron status and then compared to the Ret-He levels. The receiver operating characteristic (ROC) analysis was done for Ret-He cut-off points.
Result: The median age of the subjects was 23(3-209) months-old with 52.5% male (n=31). Normal iron status was found in 27 (45.8%) subjects, iron deficiency in 8 (13.5%) subjects, and IDA 24 (40.7%) subjects. The Ret-He cut-off point for iron deficiency is 28.8 pg (sensitivity 75%, specificity 85.2%, PPV 60%, NPV 92%, and AUC 0.828). The Ret-He cut-off point for IDA is 28.15 pg (sensitivity 75%, specificity 88.9%, PPV 85.7%, NPV 80%, and AUC 0.824). The usage of Ret-He should be accompanied by hemoglobin. In this population, iron deficiency could be diagnosed with Ret-He <28.8 pg with hemoglobin >16.5 g/dL. While IDA could be diagnosed with Ret-He <28.15 pg or Ret-He 28.15-28,8 pg with hemoglobin <16.5 g/dL.
Conclusion. Ret-He could be used as a parameter of iron status in pediatric CHD with a cut-off value <28.8 pg for iron deficiency and <28.15 pg for IDA.
Depok: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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