"Skripsi ini membahas pengaruh pengungkapan kegiatan corporate social
responsibility perusahaan dalam berbagai dimensi terhadap cost of equity pada sektor
industri infratruktur, utilitas, dan transportasi di Indonesia. Dengan menggunakan 18
sampel perusahaan pada sektor industri ini, ditemukan bahwa pengungkapan kegiatan
corporate social responsibility perusahaan dalam beberapa dimensi memiliki
hubungan yang signfikan dan negative terhadap cost of equity perusahaan. Dalam
penelitian, digunakan pula variabel-variabel kontrol ukuran perusahaan, rasio book to
market perusahaan, dan variabel dummy tahun sejak diperlakukannya UU Perseroan
Terbatas tentang kegiatan tanggung jawab sosial dan lingkungan.
This study analyses the effects of corporate social responsibility disclosure fromseveral perspectives towards cost of equity for firms in the utility, infrastructure, andtransportation industry sector in Indonesia. Using 18 firms in this industry sector as asample, it is found that corporate social responsibility disclosure for firms from someperspectives have significant and negative relationships with firm cost of equity. Inthis study, several control variables are used, which are firm size, firm book to marketratio, and year dummy variable since the UU Perseroan Terbatas about firmcorporate social responsibility was implemented in Indonesia."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2013