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Ratnameyda Kania Tripati
"Penelitian bertujuan untuk memperoleh isolat dan identitas aktinomisetes yang memiliki kemampuan selulolitik. Isolat-isolat aktinomisetes diperoleh dari lima sampel tanah di Sulawesi Selatan. Isolasi aktinomisetes dilakukan dengan metode Dry Heat (DH), Rehydration-Centrifugation (RC), dan Sodium Dodecyl Sulphate-Yeast Extract (SDS-YE) menggunakan medium Humic Acid-Vitamins Agar (HVA). Pengujian kemampuan aktinomisetes dalam mendegradasi selulosa dilakukan dengan penapisan menggunakan medium Carboxy Methyl Cellulose (CMC), dan pengukuran aktivitas enzim selulase dilakukan dengan metode Dinitrosalicylic Acid (DNS). Lima isolat dengan kemampuan selulolitik tinggi diidentifikasi berdasarkan data sekuen parsial gen 16S rRNA. Pada penelitian ini diperoleh sebanyak 41 isolat aktinomisetes, yang terdiri dari 21 isolat (metode DH), 11 isolat (metode RC), dan 9 isolat (metode SDS-YE). Sembilan belas dari 41 isolat menunjukkan kemampuan selulolitik. Hasil identifikasi menunjukkan kelima isolat aktinomisetes berasal dari genus Streptomyces. Kemiripan sekuen masing-masing isolat terhadap spesies terdekatnya adalah 99%. Isolat DH-BRT06-1 memiliki kemiripan sekuen terhadap Streptomyces chartreusis, DH-BRT06-3 dan DH-BRT06-6 terhadap Streptomyces parvulus, RC-BR03-2 terhadap Streptomyces sp., dan SDSYE-BT01-1 terhadap Streptomyces mutabilis.

The aims of this research were to obtain and identify actinomycetes with cellulolytic ability. Actinomycetes isolates were obtained from five soil samples of South Sulawesi by Dry Heat (DH), Rehydration-Centrifugation (RC), and Sodium Dodecyl Sulphate-Yeast Extract (SDS-YE) methods with Humic Acid-Vitamins Agar (HVA) as medium isolation. Carboxy Methyl Cellulose (CMC) medium was used for screening the cellulose degrading ability, and cellulase activity was measured by Dinitrosalicylic Acid (DNS) method. A total of 41 isolates were obtained from soil samples, they were consisted of 21 isolates (DH method), 11 isolates (RC method), and 9 isolates (SDS-YE method). Nineteen of 41 isolates showed cellulolytic ability. Five isolates with high celluloytic activity were identified based on 16S rRNA gene partial sequence data. Identification result showed five isolates were belong to genus Streptomyces. Homology similarities sequence from each isolate to their closest species were 99%. Isolate DH-BRT06-1 showed sequence similarities to Streptomyces chartreusis, DH-BRT06-3 and DH-BRT06-6 to Streptomyces parvulus, RC-BR03-2 to Streptomyces sp., dan SDSYE-BT01-1 to Streptomyces mutabilis."
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Mas Gunawan Haryanto
Enzim selulase banyak digunakan dalam berbagai industri seperti industri deterjen, bioethanol, pakan ternak, tekstil dan kertas. Akan tetapi saat ini kebutuhan enzim selulase paling banyak didapat dari impor. Salah satu bakteri penghasil enzim selulase adalah Eschericia coli BPPT-CC EgRK2. Bakteri hasil rekombinasi yang dapat memproduksi enzim protein endo- 𝜷-1,4-glukanase, diteliti di dalam kultur batch untuk ditentukan parameter-parameter kinetikanya seperti konstanta Michaelis-Menten (Km) dan kecepatan maksimum (Vmax). Eschericia coli BPPT-CC EgRK2 dikultur di dalam media cair Luria Bertani. Selanjutnya dilakukan purifikasi dan karakterisasi dari enzim selulase. Purifikasi menggunakan metode kromatografi penukar ion dan filtrasi gel setelah itu dianalisis aktifitas enzim dengan substrat carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC), kadar protein menggunakan metode Bradford, berat molekul menggunakan sodium deodecyl sulfate (SDS-PAGE) dan kinetika enzim menggunakan plot Michaelis-Menten. Hasilnya menunjukkan aktivitas enzim tertinggi adalah 3.114 U/ml dan konsentrasi selulase 0.723 mg/ml. Konstanta Michaelis-Menten (Km) dan kecepatan maksimum (Vmax) untuk hidrolisis substrat CMC adalah 0.314 μmol/ml and 3.511 μmol/ml/sec. Hasil dari analisis berat molekul selulase menggunakan metode SDS-PAGE adalah 58 kDa pada 7.5% stacking gel. Hasil dari penelitian ini membuktikan bahwa Eschericia coli BPPT-CC EgRK2 menjadi sebuah sumber terbarukan dari enzim selulase untuk aplikasi pada skala industrial

Cellulase enzymes are widely used in various industries such as detergent industry, bioethanol, animal feed, textile and paper. This research is focused on characterization cellulase enzyme from bacteria. One of the bacteria producing cellulase enzyme is Eschericia coli BPPT-CC EgRK2. Recombinant bacteria that can produce protein enzymes endo- β-1,4-glucanase. Eschericia coli BPPT-CC EgRK2 is cultured in 1 litre liquid medium Luria Bertani. Because the bacteria is intracellular, need sonication to break the cell to get the cellulase enzyme. Then purification with ion exchange chromatography and gel filtration to purified the enzyme. After that analyzed the enzyme activity with carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC) substrate at different concentration, protein content analysis using Bradford method, molecular weight analysis using sodium deodecyl sulfate (SDS-PAGE) and enzyme kinetics using Michaelis-Menten plot. This results showed the highest enzyme activity is 3.11 U/ml at 2% CMC and the cellulase concentration is 0.723 mg/ml. The Michaelis-Menten constant (Km) and maximum velocity (Vmax) for CMC substrate hydrolysis is 0.314 μmol/ml and 3.511 μmol/ml/sec. The results of cellulae enzyme molecular weight is 58 kDa using SDS-PAGE with 7.5% stacking gel. The result of this research have known that Eschericia coli BPPT-CC EgRK2 become a promising renewable source for cellulase enzyme for industrial application."
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Andiasti Nada Alifah
"Komposisi sampah terbesar di Indonesia adalah sampah organik yang dapat dikonversi menjadi sumber energi melalui metode insinerasi. Namun, pembakaran limbah organik secara langsung tidak stabil dan tidak efisien karena kadar airnya yang tinggi. Biodrying adalah teknik penghilangan kadar air dari limbah biomassa dengan bio-heat mikroba dan menghasilkan luaran berupa solid recovered fuel. Permasalahan utama biodrying adalah terbatasnya tingkat penurunan kadar air pada feedstock yang dipengaruhi oleh panas bio-heat dari degradasi senyawa organik oleh mikroba, seperti karbon kompleks, selulosa, hemiselulosa, dan protein di dalam materi biodrying. Penghilangan kadar air pada biodrying dapat ditingkatkan dengan penambahan katalis berupa enzim selulase untuk membantu laju degradasi feedstock organik dan meningkatkan suhu feedstock. Pada penelitian ini, enzim selulase ditambahkan dengan dosis yang berbeda-beda pada reaktor 1, 2, dan 3 sejumlah 0; 0,30; dan 0,45 gram. Feedstock pada reaktor terbuat dari sampah organik dengan kadar air awal sebesar 62 dan C/N rasio 29,50. Biodrying dilakukan dengan reaktor skala laboratorium selama 21 hari dan 5 hari tambahan sebagai usaha untuk menstabilkan feedstock. Parameter fisik, kimia, dan biologis feedstock diamati selama proses biodrying berlangsung, yang menunjukan bahwa kadar enzim selulase pada feedstock memiliki korelasi negatif dengan kadar volatile soild dan rasio C/N feedstock. Pada reaktor yang ditambahkan enzim selulase, terjadi peningkatan profil suhu yang signifikan dan pada reaktor 3 terjadi fase termofilik yang stabil selama 11 hari. Reaktor 2 dan 3 juga menghasilkan penurunan kadar air yang lebih tinggi, yaitu sebesar 26 dibandingkan dengan reaktor 1 sebesar 20 . Penambahan enzim selulase pada biodrying sampah organik juga menunjukan hasil yang positif pada solid recovered fuel yang dihasilkan ditinjau dari nilai kalor SRF reaktor 3 sebesar 3320 kkal/kg dibandingkan dengan reaktor 1 dan 2 sebesar 3174 dan 2838 kkal/kg.

The largest waste composition in Indonesia is organic waste, which can be converted into alternative energy sources with various method, including incineration. However, direct combustion of organic waste is not efficient in terms of cost and energy due to the high moisture content in organic waste. Biodrying is a technique that optimizes moisture content removal of biomass waste with bio heat produced by microbes rsquo metabolism in feedstock. It also produces solid recovered fuel as an output. One of the main problems on biodrying is the limitation of moisture content removal on feedstock. The moisture content removal process is affected by bio heat that is produced from the degradation of organic compounds such as carbon complex, cellulose, hemi cellulose, and protein by microbes in biodrying material. Moisture content removal on biodrying could be enhanced by adding catalyst, such as cellulase enzyme, to help degrade the feedstock, thus simultaneously enhance the temperature of the feedstock. On this research, cellulase enzyme added with various dosages as much as 0 0,3 and 0,45 gram to the first, second, and third reactor. The feedstock was made from organic waste with moisture content and C N ratio adjsusted to 62 and 29,50. Biodrying was done in laboratory scaled reactors in 21 days and 5 days addition to stabilize the feedstock. Physical, chemical, and biological parameters were examined during biodrying process. The result showed that cellulase enzyme level during the process has negative correlation with volatile solid and C N ratio on the feedstock. Temperature profile increase was obtained in reactors with enzyme addition. Moreover, the third reactor exhibits more stable and longer thermophilic phase that lasted for 11 days. Enzyme addition also positively influenced moisture content removal, in which the reactors with enzyme addition successfully reached 26 moisture content removal while reactor without enzyme addition only reached 20 . Additionally, cellulase enzyme addition also resulted in higher calorific value of SRF produced from biodrying as shown in SRF produced from the third reactor that reached 3320 kkal kg. Meanwhile, calorific values of SRF from the first and second reactor are 3174 kkal kg and 2838 kkal kg."
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dia Septiani
"Brazilin sebagai salah satu komponen aktif dalam kayu secang memiliki beragam kegunaan dan khasiat, yakni sebagai pewarna tekstil, pewarna alami makanan, dan media pengobatan herbal. Telah dikembangkan metode ekstraksi ramah lingkungan pada kayu secang sebagai alternatif penggunaan pelarut organic. Salah satunya adalah dengan penambahan enzim dalam proses ekstraksi yaitu dengan metode ekstraksi berbantu enzim (enzyme assisted-extraction/ EAE). Tujuan penelitian adalah meningkatkan kadar brazilin dan memperoleh kondisi optimum untuk ekstraksi brazilin dari kayu secang dengan enzim selulase kapang yang dibandingkan dengan metode refluks. Kandidat enzim selulase aktivitas tertinggi diproduksi dengan membandingkan hasil selulase kultivasi kapang Aspergillus niger UICC371, Trichoderma reesei IPBCC, dan campuran kedua isolat (1:1) dalam medium carboxymethyl cellulose cair. Serbuk kayu secang diekstraksi dengan enzim selulase hasil kultur cair dan selulase komersial masing-masing ditambahkan ke dalam pelarut akuabides pada variasi kondisi ekstraksi: konsentrasi enzim (2,0; 4,0; 6,0%); suhu ekstraksi (45, 50, 55℃); dan waktu esktraksi (1, 2, 3 jam). Desain variasi optimasi menggunakan respon permukaan (RSM)- BoxBehnken menghasilkan 15 kondisi perlakuan. Analisis brazilin menggunakan Kromatografi Cepat Kinerja Tinggi (KCKT) dengan fase gerak asetonitril : 0,3% asam asetat dalam air (14,5 : 85,5) selama 13 menit pada panjang gelombang 280 nm. Selulase kapang Aspergillus niger UICC371 aktivitas tertinggi (0,467 U/mL) dan selulase Aspergillus niger komersial dalam metode EAE menghasilkan kondisi optimum ekstraksi pada konsentrasi enzim 6,0% dan suhu 50℃. Penambahan selulase dalam ektraksi mampu meningkatkan kadar brazilin mencapai 5,014% dibandingkan metode refluks. Kondisi optimum berdasarkan anlisis RSM untuk konsentrasi enzim adalah 6,0%, suhu ekstraksi 50℃, dan waktu ekstraksi 1 jam.

Brazilin has been known as one of active phytoconstituent from sappanwood that mainly present as textile colouring agent, food colouring, and herbal medicine purposes. Further extraction method in brazilin has been developed due to obtain maximum level of brazilin in sappanwood (Caesalpinia sappan L.) without organic solvent. Enzyme-assisted extraction (EAE) methods are currently one of the few types of methods in order to achieving that outcome. The following study aims to enhance brazilin level in sappanwood by achieving an EAE optimum condition by addition fungi cellulase compare to reflux extraction method. The cellulase candidates with highest activity are produced by compare the monoculture of fungi cellulase of Aspergillus niger UICC371, Trichoderma reesei IPBCC, and mixedculture (1:1) in carboxymethyl cellulose broth media. Sappanwood are extracted with fungi cellulase from submerged-fermentations production and commercial enzymes in aquabidest through multiple variation conditions: enzyme concentrations (2,0; 4,0; 6,0%); temperature (45, 50, 55℃); and time (1, 2, 3 hrs). The optimization are provided by response surface method-BoxBehnken design which form 15 different conditions. The brazilin level analysis carried out through High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) with asetonitril : 0,3% acetic acid in water (14,5 : 85,5) as eluents, for 13 mins in 280 nm wavelengths. The following study showed that cellulase from self-culture Aspergillus niger UICC371 are produced the highest activity (0,467 U/mL) and has been used in sappanwood-EAE method compare to commercial Aspergillus niger cellulase. The optimum condition of sappanwood-EAE methods were in 6,0% enzyme concentration and 50℃ temperature extraction which provide an increase in brazilin content up to 5,014% compare to reflux method. Response surface method for this EAE method were suggested in optimum condition by using 6,0% concentration enzyme at 50℃ for 1 hr time extraction.
Depok: Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Inas Sharfina Rahmah
Biodrying merupakan proses MBT Mechanical-Biological Treatment yang dapat mengurangi kadar air sampah organik menggunakan panas dari hasil penguraian mikroorganisme. Namun, kandungan nutrisi kompleks di dalamnya dapat memperlambat aktivitas mikroorganisme tersebut, sehingga penambahan aditif berupa enzim selulase perlu dilakukan. Selain itu, biodrying diketahui menghasilkan produk akhir yang hanya terbio-stabilisasi sebagian. Maka dari itu, penelitian ini dilakukan untuk menganalisis pengaruh penambahan enzim selulase terhadap dinamika populasi mikroorganisme, keterkaitannya dengan perubahan suhu, kadar air, dan zat organik berupa VS/volatile solid , dan pengaruhnya terhadap bio-stabilisasi. Penelitian ini dilakukan melalui penambahan enzim selulase dengan rasio 0:1:1,5 ke tiga reaktor berbeda yaitu R1, R2, dan R3. Hasilnya, R3 memiliki rata-rata suhu tertinggi 46,95 C , pengurangan kadar air tertinggi 26 serta penurunan kadar VS tertinggi kedua 25 . Selain itu, R3 dapat menghasilkan nilai kadar air terendah 36 dan nilai kalor berkualitas RDF Kelas 4 >2.400 kal/g dalam waktu tercepat 19 dan 14 hari . Jumlah dan pertumbuhan mikroorganisme nilai k reaktor 3 juga merupakan yang tertinggi. Namun, R3 menghasilkan bio-stabilitas terendah yang tidak memungkinkan produknya untuk melalui kegiatan pasca-operasional dengan durasi yang lama serta produknya tidak sesuai digunakan untuk aplikasi lahan.

Biodrying as an MBT Mechanical Biological Treatment process is used to reduce moisture content in organic solid waste with bio heat produced by microbial degradation. Therefore, presence of microorganisms in the process becomes crucial as they may also bio stabilize the waste. On the other hand, organic waste contains complex nutrients that may slow down microbial activities, and hence an additive, in the form of cellulase enzyme, is needed for the process. Therefore, this study aims to analyze the effect of cellulase enzyme addition on microbial population dynamics, changes in temperature, moisture content, and organic content, and the effect of microbial population dynamics on bio stabilization in the biodrying process. This was done by adding different amounts with a 0 1 1,5 ratio of cellulase enzyme to each of three laboratory scale biodrying reactors R1, R2, and R3. The highest temperature profile was reached by R3, along with the highest and second highest reduction in MC moisture content 26 and VS volatile solid content 25 respectively. R3 also reached its lowest MC 36 and Class 4 RDF specification 2.400 cal g the fastest 19 and 14 days . In addition, R3 had the highest mean of microbial population with the highest mean growth rate k . However, it produced the lowest bio stability of the product. Hence it would not be able to undergo a long term period post treatment and be used for land application. "
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Vasko Ruseimy
"Penggunaan bahan bakar fosil oleh manusia menimbulkan ancaman serius, yaitu jaminan ketersediaan bahan bakar fosil untuk beberapa dekade mendatang dan polusi akibat emisi pembakaran bahan bakar fosil ke lingkungan. Kesadaran terhadap ancaman tersebut telah mengintensifkan berbagai riset yang bertujuan menghasilkan sumber-sumber energi alternatif yang berkelanjutan dan lebih ramah lingkungan. Salah satu energi alternatif yang relatif murah ditinjau aspek produksinya dan relatif ramah lingkungan adalah pengembangan bioetanol dari limbah kertas yang banyak mengandung lignoselulosa. Penelitian pembuatan etanol dari kertas intinya adalah dengan proses Sakarafikasi dan Fermentasi Serentak (SSF). Enzim selulase dan yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae digunakan untuk hidrolisis dan fermentasi dalam proses SSF tersebut. PH yang digunakan adalah pH 5 karena pada penelitian konversi etanol sebelumnya pH 5 adalah pH optimum. Proses SSF dilakukan dengan waktu inkubasi selama 6, 12, 24, 36, 48, 72, 96 jam. Aktifitas yang digunakan adalah 0,2; 0,3; dan 0,5gr. Sebelum dilakukan proses hidrolisis dan fermentasi perlu adanya proses Pada penelitian ini jenis limbah kertas yang diuji adalah hanya limbah kertas HVS bertinta, HVS kosong dan kertas koran. Penelitian konversi limbah kertas menjadi etanol dengan dengan menggunakan enzim selulase yang akan dilakukan diharapkan mampu membantu riset-riset selanjutnya dan dikembangkan ke arah komersial untuk mendukung konservasi energi dan penggunaan energi alternatif bioetanol sebagai pensubstitusi minyak bumi yang ketersediaannya mulai terbatas, serta diharapkan limbah-limbah khususnya limbah kertas yang menjadi permasalahan bagi beberapa Negara dapat tertangani dengan baik. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa etanol tidak dapat dihasilkan tanpa enzim selulase. Pada kertas HVS kosong kandungan selulosanya adalah sekitar 60,5 %, pada HVS bertinta kandungan selulosanya adalah sekitar 58,3 %, dan pada kertas koran kandungan selulosanya sekitar 49,1%. Pada kertas HVS bertinta, HVS kosong dan kertas koran diperoleh konsentrasi etanol tertinggi berturut-turut 1238,9 ppm, 669 ppm, 1428 ppm.

The use of fossil fuel by humans threatens serious problems for the future such as the availability of fossil fuel for further decades and pollution to the environment by emissions from the burning of fossil fuel. Awareness of these problems has increased the intensity of research to produce an alternative energy resource that is both sustainable and environmentally friendly. One example of a sustainable alternative energy resource that is relatively cheap and environmentally friendly is the development of bio-ethanol from waste paper that contains large amounts of lignocelluloses. The point of this research deals with the production of ethanol from paper using the simultaneous process of saccharification and fermentation (SSF.) The Cellulose enzyme and Saccharomyces cerevisiae were used to hydrolyse and ferment during the SSF process. The pH level used was pH 5 because previous research on ethanol conversion had shown that pH 5 is the optimum level. The SSF process was done with an incubation period of 6, 12, 24, 36, 48, 72, and 96 hours. The activity used was 0.2, 0.3, and 0.5gr. Before the hydrolyse and fermenting processes are done we need another process (''') For this research the type of waste paper tested was HVS paper with ink, blank HVS paper and newspaper. Research about converting waste paper to ethanol using the cellulose enzyme will hopefully be used to help future research and commercial development to support energy conservation and the use of the alternative bio-ethanol as a substitute for a limited supply of oil. Also we hope that garbage specifically waste paper which has become a problem for so many countries can be handled in a positive way. The results of this research show that blank HVS paper's cellulose content is around 60.5%, HVS paper with ink has a cellulose content of 58.3% and with newspapers the content is around 49.1%. In regards to blank HVS paper, HVS paper with ink, and newspaper, the highest ethanol concentration in succession is 1238.9ppm, 669 ppm, and 1428 ppm."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia;, 2008
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Lina Putri Ariyani
Enzim selulase digunakan secara luas dalam berbagai industri, namun hampir 99% kebutuhan enzim domestik dipenuhi oleh impor. Salah satu biomassa lignoselulostik yang memiliki potensi tinggi produksi selulase adalah Tandan Kosong Sawit (TKS) karena kandungan selulosanya mencapai 41,3 – 46,5% (w/w). Metode konvensional untuk produksi enzim selulase adalah menggunakan jamur, namun diketahui bahwa bakteri juga dapat memproduksi enzim selulase dengan laju yang lebih cepat. Dalam penelitian ini dikaji bagaimana produksi enzim selulase oleh isolat BPPTCC-RK2 dan rekombinan EgRK2 dengan melakukan penentuan waktu inkubasi, suhu operasi dan pH optimum. Didapat bahwa waktu untuk produksi terbesar selulase untuk kedua jenis isolat adalah 24 jam, dengan pH dan suhu optimum untuk rekombinan EgRK2 adalah 7 dan 40 C. Setelah ekstraksi enzim, diperoleh nilai pH dan suhu optimum untuk selulase dari BPPTCCRK2 sebesar 6,5 dan 50 C, sementara selulase dari EgRK2 adalah sebesar 6,5 dan 60 C. Nilai Km dan Vmax selulase dari BPPTCC-RK2 untuk degradasi CMC adalah sebesar 0,021% dan 1,631 mol.ml-1min 1 dan dari rekombinan EgRK2 adalah sebesar 0,097% dan 2,739 mol.ml-1min-1. Sementara, nilai Km dan Vmax selulase pada degradasi TKKS adalah sebesar 0,704% dan 0,943 mol.ml-1min-1 untuk BPPTCC-RK2 dan 0,26% dan 1,934 mol.ml-1min-1 untuk rekombinan EgRK2.

Cellulase enzyme is widely used in industries, however almost 99% of Indonesia industrial enzyme demands is fulfilled by imports. One of the lignocellulosic biomass which has pretty high cellulose content is Oil Palm Empty Fruit Bunch (OPEFB), which reaches up to 41,3 – 46,5% (w/w). The conventional method for cellulase production is by utilizing fungi, but it is known that cellulase also can be produced by bacteria with higher production This research examined how was the production of cellulase enzyme by Bacillus amyloliquefaciens BPPTCCRK2 and EgRK2 recombinant by varying incubation time, operating temperature and medium pH. It was known that the optimum time for cellulase production by both isolates was 24 hours, with optimum pH and temperature of 7 and 40 C respectively. After enzyme extraction, the optimum pH and temperature of cellulase were obtained, with the value of 6,5 and 50 C for BPPTCC-RK2 and 6,5 and 60 C for EgRK2 recombinant. Km and Vmax value for CMC degradation were 0,021% and 1,631 mol.ml-1min 1 for BPPTCC-RK2 and 0,097% and 2,739 mol.ml-1min-1 for EgRK2 recombinant. Meanwhile, Km and Vmax value for OPEFB degradation were 0,704% and 0,943 mol.ml-1min-1 for BPPTCC-RK2 0,26% and 1,934 mol.ml-1min-1 for EgRK2 recombinant.
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nadya Saffira
"Pengoperasian bioreaktor landfill dengan resirkulasi air lindi sudah banyak digunakan untuk mempercepat stabilisasi sampah. Namun, komposisi sampah di Indonesia didominasi oleh sampah organik yang merupakan material lignoselulosa yang sulit terdegradasi. Dalam upaya untuk mempercepat proses degradasi lignoselulosa tersebut dilakukan penambahan enzim selulase. Enzim selulase merupakan enzim yang dapat mengatalisasi proses dekomposisi selulosa dan polisakarida lainnya. Penelitian dilakukan dengan dua kondisi; pengoperasian resirkulasi air lindi dengan penambahan enzim selulase dan pengoperasian resirkulasi air lindi saja sebagai kontrol. Penambahan enzim selulase menghasilkan penurunan kandungan organik dalam sampah secara signifikan yang ditunjukkan dengan penurunan parameter volatile solid.
Hingga akhir penelitian penurunan volatile solid pada reaktor dengan penambahan enzim dan reaktor kontrol masing-masing adalah 24,23 dan 10,72. Penambahan enzim selulase juga dilaporkan menghasilkan penurunan kandungan selulosa sampah yang signifikan 24,60 w/w dan 18,40 w/w untuk kontrol. Penurunan sampah pada bioreaktor lebih besar dengan penambahan enzim 32,67 dibandingkan dengan kontrol 19,33. Proses stabilisasi sampah ditinjau dengan konstanta laju penurunan parameter rasio selulosa dan lignin lebih cepat dicapai dengan penambahan enzim 0,014 hari-1 dibanding dengan kontrol 0,002 hari-1.

Landfill bioreactor with leachate recirculation is known to enhance waste stabilization. However, the composition of waste in Indonesia is comprised by organic waste which is lignocellulosic materials. Lignocellulosic materials are considered to take a long time to degrade under anaerobic condition. In order to accelerate the degradation process, enzyme addition is ought to do. Cellulase enzyme is an enzyme that can catalyze cellulose and other polysaccharide decomposition processes. The experiment was performed on 2 conditions leachate recirculation with cellulase addition and recirculation only as control. The addition of cellulase is reported to be significant in decreasing organic content which is represented by volatile solid parameters.
The volatile solid reduction in the cellulase augmented reactor and control reactor was 17,86 and 7,90, respectively. Cellulase addition also resulted in the highest cellulose reduction 24,50 w w and 18,40 w w cellulose reduction, respectively. Settlement of the landfill in a bioreactor with enzyme addition 32,67 is reported to be higher than the control 19,33. Stabilization of landfill review by the decreasing rate constant of the cellulose and lignin ratio parameter was more rapidly achieved by the enzyme addition 0,014 day 1 compared to control 0,002 day 1.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dian Hendrayanti
"Untuk memperoleh koleksi kekayaan hayati Nostoc Indonesia dilakukan isolasi mikroflora tanah dari beberapa lahan persawahan di wilayah di Jawa, Bali, dan Sulawesi Selatan. Isolat-isolat yang tumbuh cepat diidentifikasi secara morfologi dan molekuler mengunakan sekuen parsial dari gen 16S rRNA. Walaupun hubungan kekerabatan antar isolat belum sepenuhnya dapat dijelaskan, pohon filogeni yang dihasilkan dari analisis sekuen mendukung identifikasi secara morfologi bahwa isolat-isolat yang diteliti berbeda jenis. Uji coba 6 strain Nostoc , dalam bentuk inokulum tunggal,
sebagai sumber nitrogen untuk padi dilakukan. Sebanyak 2 g biomasa basah dari masing-masing strain Nostoc diinokulasi ke dalam pot-pot yang telah berisi 3 tanaman padi. Percobaan dilakukan di rumah kaca selama 115 hari.
Secara statistik (ANOVA;α= 0.05) hanya strain GIA13a yang mempengaruhi panjang akar dan jumlah bulir padi bernas.

In order to collect Indonesian Nostoc, isolation of soil microflora from several paddy fields in West Java, Bali, and
South Celebes was carried out. Fast-growing isolates of
Nostoc were selected to describe and perform molecular
identification using partial sequences of 16S rRNA. The results showed that partial sequences of 16S rRNA could not resolve the phylogeny of the isolates. However, it supported the morphological studies that recognize isolates as different species of Nostoc. Potential use of Nostoc as a nitrogen source for paddy growth was carried out using six
strains as single inoculums. A total biomass of 2 g (fresh weight) for each strain was inoculated, respectively, into the
pot planted with three paddy plants. This experiment was conducted in the green house for 115 days. Statistical analyses
(ANOVA;α= 0.05) showed that of six strains tested in this study, only strain GIA13a had influence on the augmentation of root length and the total number of filled grains."
[Direktorat Riset dan Pengabdian Masyarakat UI;Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia;Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, Universitas Indonesia], 2012
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Misri Gozan
"The bioetanol development from biomass bases of lignocellulose like bagasse is one of alternative energy which has potential to be applied in Indonesia. Beside of raw material source that is so many in our country, the process is also environmentally friendly. Conversion of bagasse becomes etanol using Simultaneous Sacharification and Fermentation (SSH technology by cellulose and cellobiase enzyme had been done on this research. Sacharification process or hydrolysis process, cellulose enzyme will break cellulose polymer becomes glucose whereas cellobiose enzyme will break cellobiose becomes glucose.
Then, glucose through fermentation is changed to etanol by using yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The variations include pH of system that is pH 4' ; 4,5 and 5, HCI addition low concentrated HCI at pH 5 with variation of concentration that is 0,5 % and I %, also variation of sample at pH 5 where bagasse without pretreatment is compared with bagasse which had been done pretreatment by using fungi Lentinus edodes for 4 weeks.
The result shows that the use of cellulose and cellobiase enzyme with system optimum condition pH 5 produce etanol concentration is higher than using only cellulose enzyme at the same pH condition. For substrate concentration 50 g/L, on the use of cellulose and cellobiase, the highest etanol concentration which is produced bagasse without pretreatment is 5,62 g/L or li,24 % from bagasse. On HCI addition, the highest etanol concentration is produced by concentration HCI i % with amount 6,52 g/L or 13,04 % from bagasse. With bagasse L. edodes and P. ostreatus 6 weelts, the highest etanol concentration that is 6 86 g/L and 6,50 g/L or 13, 72% and l2,99% from bagasse. It also shows that HCl addition low concentrated and pretreatment by white rot fungi L. edodes and P. ostreatus can increase the etanol quantity that is produced from bagasse conversion.
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
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