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"Rotavirus causes 25?55% of all hospital admissions for diarrhea and approximately 611.000 deaths every year in developing countries. Clinically, it is not possible to recognize the diarrhea caused by rotavirus and other infections. To know a causative agent of rotavirus gastroenteritis, availability of an accurate diagnosis assay is necessary. Therefore, we developed real time RT-PCR assay (rRT-PCR) assay for confirmation of infections of Group A or C rotaviruses simultaneously. A total of 54 stool samples obtained from pediatric patients (< 5 years old) was used in this study. All
samples were tested for Group A rotavirus by Serological rapid test. Result of serological rapid test was compared with rRT-PCR assay to obtain the test accuracies of both assays. Result of this study showed that rates of positive testing for Group A rotavirus by serological rapid test and the rRT-PCR assay were 22.22% and 18.50%, espectively. Forty-two serology-negative specimens for Group A rotavirus were also PCR negative (100% specificity). Two serology-positive specimens for Group A rotavirus was rRT-PCR negative (confirmed by electrophoresis gel); therefore, rRT-PCR assay
represents the decrease of 3.70% in the number of specimens that are positive for Group A rotavirus. For Group C rotavirus, all tested samples were no rRT-PCR positive and the results need to be confirmed in the future. "
[Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia;Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia], 2010
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Angelyn Pricillya
"Leptospirosis merupakan penyakit akibat infeksi bakteri Leptospira spp. patogen yang umumnya terjadi di negara tropis dan subtropis serta memiliki karakteristik berupa gejala klinis yang kurang spesifik. Vektor dari penyakit tersebut adalah tikus maupun hewan peliharaan, seperti anjing dan sapi. Microscopic agglutination test (MAT) merupakan uji baku emas leptospirosis yang telah ditetapkan WHO. Akan tetapi, uji tersebut kurang sensitif di fase awal terjadinya infeksi dan memiliki prosedur yang rumit. Konfirmasi melalui metode real-time polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) dengan gen secY menggunakan darah utuh dan serum dapat dilakukan untuk pengembangan diagnosis leptospirosis. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mendeteksi gen secY pada sampel darah utuh dan serum pada pasien terduga leptospirosis yang meliputi pasien suspek dan probable di Klaten, Jawa Tengah dengan metode RT-PCR. Selain itu, penelitian ini juga bertujuan untuk membandingkan positivity rate hasil RT-PCR sampel darah utuh dan serum dari 111 pasien terduga leptospirosis di Klaten, Jawa Tengah. Metode penelitian ini meliputi isolasi DNA, kuantifikasi DNA, amplifikasi DNA dengan RT-PCR menggunakan probe dan pewarna ROX, serta analisis hasil RT-PCR. Hasil RT-PCR menunjukkan terdeteksinya gen secY pada sampel darah utuh dan serum, dengan positivity rate darah utuh sebesar 5,41% (6/111) dan serum sebesar 18,92% (21/111), sedangkan positivity rate pada pasien suspek adalah sebesar 19,51% (16/82) dan pada pasien probable sebesar 27,59% (8/29). Dengan demikian, darah utuh dan serum dapat digunakan untuk mendeteksi leptospirosis dengan RT-PCR menggunakan gen secY dengan serum sebagai sampel yang lebih sensitif dibandingkan darah utuh. Akan tetapi, perlu dilakukan upaya untuk meningkatkan kualitas metode deteksi, berupa proses ekstraksi, optimasi primer, maupun penggunaan gen pendamping. Selain itu, hasil RT-PCR tersebut juga dapat dikonfirmasi melalui analisis sekuens sebagai analisis lanjutan.

Leptospirosis is a disease caused by infection with pathogenic Leptospira spp. bacteria that commonly occurs in tropical and subtropical countries and has characteristics in the form of less specific clinical symptoms. The vectors of the disease are rats and domestic animals, such as dogs and cattle. Microscopic agglutination test (MAT) is the WHO gold standard test for leptospirosis. However, the test is less sensitive in the early phase of infection and has a complicated procedure. Confirmation through real-time polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) method with secY gene using whole blood and serum can be done for the development of leptospirosis diagnosis. The aim of this study is to detect secY gene in whole blood and serum samples of presumed leptospirosis patients including suspected and probable patients in Klaten, Central Java using RT-PCR method. In addition, this study also aimed to compare the positivity rate of RT-PCR results of whole blood and serum samples from 111 presumed leptospirosis patients in Klaten, Central Java. The method of this research includes DNA isolation, DNA quantification, DNA amplification by RT-PCR using ROX probes and dyes, and analysis of RT-PCR results. RT-PCR results showed the detection of secY gene in whole blood and serum samples, with a positivity rate in whole blood is 5.41% (6/111) and in serum is 18.92 (21/111), meanwhile the positivity rate in suspected patients is 19.51% (16/82) and in probable patients is 27.59% (8/29). Thus, whole blood and serum can be used to detect leptospirosis by RT-PCR using the secY gene with serum as the more sensitive sample than whole blood. However, efforts need to be made to improve the quality of the detection method, in the form of the extraction process, primer optimization, and the use of companion genes. In addition, the RT-PCR results can also be confirmed through sequence analysis as a follow-up analysis."
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Via Ekawati
"Latar Belakang : COVID- 19 disebabkan SARS-COV-2. WHO menerbitkan protokol pemeriksaan laboratorium untuk deteksi virus menggunakan metode real time RT-PCR dari spesimen swab nasofaring dan orofaring. Metode ini cukup invasif. Diperlukan tehnik pemeriksaan yang relatif aman dan nyaman untuk pasien. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat efetivitas swab bukal sebagai alternatif pemeriksaan SARS-COV-2.
Metode : Studi uji diagnostik ini dilaksanakan sejak tahun 2020 - 2021, mengambil spesimen swab nasofaring, swab orofaring dan swab bukal dari pasien positif COVID- 19. Dilakukan optimasi, ekstraksi RNA virus dan real time RT-PCR .
Hasil Penelitian : Hasil studi mengumpulkan 68 spesimen dari pasien COVID-19. Hasil uji nasofaring, orofaring dan bukal positif adalah 24 spesimen. Hasil uji nasofaring dan orofaring positif dengan uji bukal negatif adalah 23 spesimen. Berdasarkan nilai Ct < 20 dan Ct <25, hasil kesesuaian positif dan negatif adalah 100%. Nilai Ct < 30 hasil kesesuaian positif 85,3 % dan negatif adalah 100%. Nilai Ct < 40 , hasil kesesuaian positif 51,1 % dan negatif adalah 100%. 
Kesimpulan : Swab bukal dapat digunakan sebagai pemeriksaan alternatif pada pemeriksaan SARS- CoV-2.

Background: COVID-19 caused by the SARS-COV-2 virus. WHO published protocol for the detection of the virus using the real time RT-PCR from nasopharyngeal and oropharynx swab specimens. This method is invasive. Required an examination technique that is relatively safe and comfortable. This study aims to see the effectiveness of the buccal swab as an alternative to the SARS-CoV-2 examination.
Methods: This diagnostic test study from 2020 to 2021, specimens of nasopharyngeal, oropharyngeal and buccal swabs from COVID-19. Specimens underwent an optimization, viral RNA extraction and real time RT-PCR.
Result : This study collected 68 specimens from COVID- 19 patients. The results of positive nasopharyngeal, oropharynx and buccal tests were 24 specimens. The results of a positive nasopharynx and oropharynx test with a negative buccal test were 23 specimens. Based on the values ​​of Ct < 20 and Ct < 25 , the results of positive agreement and negative are 100%. The value of Ct < 30 and Ct < 40  results in a positive agreement are 85.3% and 51,1 %. The negative  results are 100%.
Conclusion : Buccal swab can be used as an alternative test for SARS-CoV-2 examination.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rizka Ariani
"Demam akut yang disertai gejala mirip demam Dengue nyeri kepala, nyeri sendi, ruam, perdarahan perifer seperti mimisan, ptekie adalah gejala yang paling sering dikeluhkan oleh pasien. Gejala-gejala tersebut seringkali diakibatkan infeksi arbovirus yang sangat endemik di Indonesia sebagai negara tropis. Deteksi agen penyebab infeksi tersebut sangat diperlukan untuk penatalaksanaan yang tepat. Studi ini melakukan uji optimasi untuk deteksi molekuler virus penyebab demam mirip demam Dengue, meliputi DENV, ZIKV, WNV, JEV, YFV, CHIKV, dan Hantavirus menggunakan RT PCR. Primer pada studi ini dirancang menggunakan perangkat lunak online Primer-BLAST dari NCBI dan primer-primer tersebut memenuhi kriteria untuk reaksi RT PCR. Kontrol positif pada real time RT-PCR menggunakan DNA sintetik yang dirancang sesuai dengan amplicon target virus. DNA sintetik sepanjang 1.047 pasang basa dirancang untuk digunakan pada virus ZIKV, JEV, YFV, WNV, CHIKV, dan Hantavirus. Suhu penempelan optimum pada primer-primer adalah 600C kecuali primer flavivirus universal yaitu 560C. Limit deteksi primer JEV mencapai 4.355 salinan DNA setiap reaksi real time RT PCR. Tidak terdapat reaksi silang maupun positif palsu pada sampel RNA DENV serotipe 2 maupun pada sampel orang sehat yang digunakan pada studi ini. Sebagai kesimpulan, studi ini menghasilkan primer dan protokol real time RT-PCR yang berpotensi untuk dikembangkan lebih lanjut untuk digunakan dalam uji diagnostik pada sampel pasien demam akut menyerupai gejala demam Dengue.

Acute fever with Dengue like fever symptoms headache, rash, joint pain, perifer bleeding like ptechie, rinhorrhea is general symptoms that often being complained by patient. Usually the etiology agent of the symptoms are arbovirals which are endemic in Indonesia as a tropical country. In this case, molecular detection is very important to confirm the etiology of disease for prompt and adequate management. This study optimized viral molecular detection as an etiology agent for Dengue like fever symptoms using real time RT PCR. The viruses that were investigated were DENV, ZIKV, WNV, JEV, YFV, CHIKV, and Hantavirus. Primer were designed used Primer BLAST software from NCBI. Those primers fulfilled the good primer requirements and could be used in real time RT PCR reaction. Synthetic DNA with 1.047 base pairs was designed based on amplicon target to be used as control positive for ZIKV, JEV, YFV, WNV, CHIKV, and Hantavirus. The optimal annealing temperature for all primers were at 600C except for flavivirus universal primer was at 560C. The limit of detection of JEV primer was 4355 copies DNA per reaction. Cross reactivity between all primers with DENV serotype 2 RNA and healthy person sample were not found. This study still need RNA viruses as negative or positive control and clinical sample to determine the sensitivity and specificity. As a conclusion, this study provided primers and real time RT PCR protocol that potentially be further developed as diagnostic tools for patient with Dengue like fever symptoms. "
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Metty Ariani
"Penelitian ini mengembangkan metode deteksi spesies babi (Sus scrofa) pada sampel daging campuran menggunakan automasi ekstraksi DNA magLEAD gC. DNA dianalisis menggunakan PCR dan TaqMan probe RT-PCR dengan primer spesifik untuk gen Cytochrome c oxidase I (COI), Cytochrome b (Cytb), dan NADH5 dehydrogenase 5 (ND5). Hasil menunjukkan bahwa ekstraksi DNA otomatis menghasilkan konsentrasi DNA 129,4–388,5 ng/μL pada daging mentah dan 66,4–89,5 ng/μL pada bakso dengan rasio kemurnian A260/A280 dan 260/A230 > 1,8. Primer COI, Cytb dan ND5 dapat mendeteksi DNA babi. PCR dan RT-PCR in vitro menunjukkan ketiga primer hanya mendeteksi DNA babi. Efisiensi amplifikasi RT-PCR primer COI, Cytb, dan ND5 adalah 144,14% (R2=0,982), 88,05% (R2=0,998), dan 81,25% (R2=0,997) dengan batas deteksi 0,0001 ng/μL, 0,001 ng/μL, dan 0,001 ng/μL. Primer/probe Cytb dan ND5 mendeteksi bakso dengan campuran daging babi hingga 0,1% (w/w).

This study developed a method to detect pig species (Sus scrofa) in mixed meat samples using automated DNA extraction with the magLEAD gC. DNA was analyzed using PCR and TaqMan probe RT-PCR with specific primers for the genes Cytochrome c oxidase I (COI), Cytochrome b (Cytb), and NADH5 dehydrogenase 5 (ND5). Results showed that automated DNA extraction produced DNA concentrations of 129.4–388.5 ng/μL in raw meat and 66.4–89.5 ng/μL in processed meatballs with purity ratios A260/A280 dan 260/A230 > 1.8. The COI, Cytb and ND5 primers could be used to detect pig DNA. In vitro PCR and RT-PCR showed that all three primers only detected pig DNA. The RT-PCR amplification efficiency for COI, Cytb, and ND5 primers were 144,14% (R2=0,982), 88,05% (R2=0,998), dan 81,25% (R2=0,997) with detection limits of 0.0001 ng/μL, 0.001 ng/μL, and 0.001 ng/μL. The Cytb and ND5 primers/probes detected meatballs with pig meat content as low as 0.1% (w/w)."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2024
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Tubagus Mohamad Kurniadi
"Latar Belakang. SARS-CoV-2 menimbulkan beban yang sangat besar pada masyarakat, sistem ekonomi dan kesehatan di seluruh dunia. Berbagai langkah diambil untuk mengendalikan penyebarannya. Langkah – langkah tergantung pada diagnosis yang tepat waktu dan akurat dari orang yang terinfeksi virus. Penyebaran COVID-19 yang cepat, deteksi virus yang cepat dan tepat memegang peranan penting untuk mengendalikan infeksi dan membantu pasien untuk mencegah perkembangan penyakit lebih lanjut. Metode real-time reverse transcriptase-PCR (rRT-PCR) sangat dianjurkan untuk deteksi SARS-CoV-2 sebagai uji kualitatif spesifik dan sederhana. Selain metode menggunakan rRT-PCR, telah terdapat metode dengan pendekatan yang berbeda untuk mendeteksi SARS-CoV-2. Salah satu metode tersebut adalah VereCoVTM yang memiliki cara kerja berdasarkan teknik PCR dan hibridisasi, namun performa dari VereCoVTM masih belum diketahui.
Tujuan. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui kesesuaian dan kaitannya dengan gejala klinis menggunakan uji VereCoVTM dengan rRT-PCR dalam mendeteksi SARS-CoV-2.
Metode. Penelitian ini menggunakan consecutive sampling. Sampel penelitian yaitu sampel swab nasofaring dan orofaring yang diambil kemudian dianalisis di Laboratorium Mikrobiologi Klinik Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia. Analisis data menggunakan Kappa Cohen. Selanjutnya, dilakukan analisis data kesesuaian hasil pemeriksaan kedua uji pada pasien dengan gejala dan pasien tanpa gejala.
Hasil. Perbedaan positivity rate antara VereCoVTM dan rRT-PCR sebesar 68% menunjukkan bahwa VereCoV™ memberikan hasil negatif palsu. Jika disandingkan terhadap data hasil rRT-PCR, maka ambang batas deteksi VereCoVTM setara dengan nilai Ct<32 atau setara dengan 118 salinan RNA. Tidak dijumpai reaksi silang dengan beberapa mikroorganise. Konsistensi antara kedua uji ditunjukan oleh koefisien Kappa (=0,609). Hal ini menggambarkan kesesuian yang moderate atau sedang. Analisis lebih lanjut menunjukkan bahwa kesesuaian kedua pemeriksaan meningkat pada pasien yang bergejala (90%), sebaliknya menurun pada pasien tanpa gejala (76,5%). VereCoVTM lebih sesuai digunakan untuk mendeteksi SARS-CoV-2 pada pasien yang bergejala. Hasil negatif pada VereCoVTM tidak dapat mengesampingkan kemungkinan infeksi COVID-19, sehingga perlu pemeriksaan lebih lanjut untuk mendukung diagnosis yang tepat.
Kesimpulan. VereCoV™ lebih cocok untuk mendeteksi SARS-Cov-2 pada pasien yang bergejala. VereCoVTM tidak menunjukan adanya reaksi silang dengan beberapa mikroorganisme, yang terdapat pada saluran pernapasan.

Background. SARS-CoV-2 places an enormous burden on society, economic systems and health around the world. Various steps were taken to control its spread. These steps depend on timely and accurate diagnosis of the person infected with the virus. The rapid spread of COVID-19, rapid and precise detection of the virus play an important role in controlling infection and helping patients to prevent further disease progression. The real-time reverse transcriptase-PCR (rRT-PCR) method is highly recommended for the detection of SARS-CoV-2 as a simple and specific qualitative test. In addition to the method using rRT-PCR, there have been methods with different approaches to detect SARS-CoV-2. One of these methods is VereCoVTM which has a working method based on PCR and hybridization techniques, but the performance of VereCoVTM is still unknown.
Aim. The aim of the study was to determine the suitability and relation to clinical symptoms using the VereCoVTM test with rRT-PCR in detecting SARS-CoV-2.
Method. This study used consecutive sampling. The samples of the study was swab samples of the nasopharynx and oropharynx which were taken and analyzed at the Clinical Microbiology Laboratory, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Indonesia. Data was then analyze using Kappa Cohen. Furthermore, the data analysis of the suitability of the results of the two tests was carried out in patients with symptoms and patients without symptoms.
Results. The difference in positivity rate between VereCoVTM and rRT-PCR of 68% indicates that VereCoV™ gives a false negative result. When compared to the rRT-PCR data, the VereCoVTM detection threshold is equivalent to a Ct value <32 or equivalent to 118 copies of RNA. No cross reactions were found with some microorganisms. Consistency between the two tests is indicated by the Kappa coefficient (= 0.609). This describes a moderate or moderate fit. Further analysis showed that the concordance of the two examinations increased in symptomatic patients (90%), on the contrary decreased in asymptomatic patients (76.5%). VereCoVTM is more suitable for detecting SARS-CoV-2 in symptomatic patients. A negative result on VereCoVTM cannot rule out the possibility of COVID-19 infection, so further tests are needed to support a correct diagnosis.
Summary. VereCoV™ is more suitable for detecting SARS-Cov-2 in symptomatic patients. VereCoVTM did not show any cross-reactivity with some microorganisms, which are present in the respiratory tract.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Serologic assays are commonly used for screening (ELISA) and for confirmation (Western blot) of HIV-1 infection; however, both assays have potentially yielded the false-positive or false-negative results. In this study, a diagnostic RTPCR assay as an alternative test for detection of HIV-1 was developed. Forty-six plasma specimens from highly risky groups, who visited a voluntary counseling and testing for HIV (VCT) in Sanglah Clinic of General Hospital, Denpasar, Bali, were tested by RT-PCR assay with specific primers for Pol region of HIV-1 genome. The results of the RT-PCR tests were then compared with those of serologic tests to obtain the sensitivity and specificity of RT-PCR assay.
The results of this study showed that the RT-PCR assay could detect 17 (sensitivity: 65.4%) of 26 serologically positive specimens and was unexpectedly able to detect 2 (specificity: 90%) of 20 serologically negative specimens. Thus, the RT-PCR assay developed in this study is potential to be used as an alternative test, even though there are numerous aspects, particularly the sensitivity, that need to be improved in further research."
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2009
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Tujuan Diagnosis cepat dan spesifik seperti uji RT-PCR sangat diperlukan dalam usaha meminimalisasi penyebaran infeksi HIV-1. Oleh karena itu, dalam studi ini dikembangkan uji RT-PCR yang spesifi k terhadap gen gag HIV-1 sebagai target diagnosis. Metode Uji RT-PCR dievaluasi terhadap 46 spesimen yang diperoleh dari voluntary counseling and testing for HIV(VCT) di Rumah Sakit Umum Pmerintah (RSUP) Sanglah, Bali. Untuk mendapatkan sensitivitas dan spesifi tas uji, hasil uji RT-PCR dibandingkan dengan hasil serologi yang umum digunakan di Indonesia. Hasil Uji RT-PCR dapat mendeteksi 21dari 26 spesimen yang positif uji serologi dan memberikan 19 hasil uji negatif dari 20 spesimen yang negatif uji serologi. Satu spesimen menunjukkan hasil positif dengan RT-PCR tetapi negatif dengan uji serologi. Hasil tersebut kemungkinan menggambarkan hasil yang sebenarnya saat uji serologi tidak dapat mendeteksi infeksi HIV-1. Selain itu, lima spesimen yang positif uji serologi menunjukkan hasil negatif dengan RT-PCR yang diduga disebabkan oleh batas deteksi uji RT-PCR yang rendah. Kesimpulan Uji PCR-RT yang dikembangkan dalam studi ini berpotensi digunakan sebagai uji alternatif untuk mendeteksi infeksi HIV-1 dengan 80.0% sensitivitas dan 95.0% spesifisitas.

Aim A spesifi c and rapid diagnosis such as RT-PCR asay is the most needed to minimize transmission of HIV-1 infection. Therefore, in this study we developed the RT-PCR assay that was spesifi c against the gag gene of HIV-1. Methods The developed RT-PCR assay was evaluated against 46 specimens that were obtained from voluntary counseling and testing for HIV (VCT) in Rumah Sakit Umum Pemerintah (RSUP) Sanglah, Bali. To get the sensitivity and specificity of RT-PCR assay, the results of assays were compared with the results of commercially serologic tests that were commonly used in Indonesia. Results The RT-PCR assay could detect 21 of 26 serologic test-positive specimens and showed 19 negative results of 20 serologic test-negative specimens. There was one specimen that was positive in RT-PCR but negative in serologic assay which might depict a true yield at particular condition when the serologic assay was unable to detect. Five serologic positive-test specimens were negative by RT-PCR that was possibly caused by low detection level of the assay. Conclusion The RT-PCR assay is potential to be used for the detection of HIV-1 infection with a sensitivity and specificity of 80.8% and 95.0% respectively."
[Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia], 2010
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Fera Ibrahim
"Background: real-time RT-PCR was recommended by WHO for COVID-19 diagnosis. The cycle threshold (Ct) values were expected to have an association with clinical manifestation. However, the diagnostic modalities such as quantitative molecular detection and virus isolation were not yet available for the routine test. This study has been conducted to analyze the relationship between the Ct values of qualitative rRT-PCR and the clinical manifestation and to describe the factors determining the result. Methods: from March to April 2020, specimens were sent to our laboratory from different healthcare centers in Jakarta. The patient's characteristic and clinical manifestation were extracted from the specimen's epidemiology forms. The specimens extracted and tested using rRT-PCR, and the Ct value were collected. The data were analyzed using the appropriate statistic test.
Results: from 339 positive results, the mild to moderate case was 176 (52%) and the severe cases was 163 (48%). Female was dominant in the mild to moderate cases (58%), while the male was prevalent in the severe cases (60%). The median age for mild to moderate case was 35 years old and severe cases was 49 years old. Statistical analysis found relationship between both group with gender (p = 0.001) and age (p < 0.001), but not with the Ct value. Conclusion: many variables in specimen sampling and processing could affect the Ct value result. In addition, the disease's severity was depended with the host immune response, regardless the number of virus. There was suggested no significant difference between the Ct values of mild-moderate and severe COVID-19, and thus should not be loosely interpreted."
Jakarta: University of Indonesia. Faculty of Medicine, 2021
610 UI-IJIM 53:1 (2021)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Gita Fajri Gustya
"Pendahuluan: Gastroenteritis atau diare merupakan penyebab utama mortalitas anak di bawah usia 5 tahun dengan mortalitas lebih tinggi pada gizi buruk. Namun, protokol WHO sebagai pedoman tata laksana justru menunjukkan dampak yang buruk pada pasien anak gizi buruk. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat hubungan antara status gizi dengan profil hemodinamik setelah terapi cairan pada gastroenteritis akut.
Metode: Penelitian ini merupakan studi potong lintang dengan data sekunder dari RSCM dan RS Pasar Rebo sejak Februari hingga Oktober 2020 meliputi pasien anak di bawah 5 tahun gastroenteritis akut dengan terapi cairan intravena. Pengukuran profil hemodinamik menggunakan USCOM pada sebelum dan sesudah terapi. Analisis data melalui SPSS versi 20 dengan uji t berpasangan dan uji t independen.
Hasil: Nilai DO2 sebelum (318 ± 122,860 vs 169,4 ± 57,315 mL/min, p=0,021) dan sesudah (287 ± 66,338 vs 180,9 ± 30,284 mL/min, p=0,005) terapi cairan intravena pada pasien dengan status gizi buruk lebih rendah. Nilai CO juga berbeda secara bermakna sebelum terapi cairan (2,2 ± 0,63770 vs 1,4 ± 0,45222 L/min, p=0,041). Namun, tidak terdapat perbedaan bermakna pada perubahan profil hemodinamik kedua kelompok status gizi.
Kesimpulan: Tidak terdapat perbedaan bermakna pada profil hemodinamik antara status gizi baik/kurang dengan gizi buruk. Protokol terapi cairan WHO tidak berdampak buruk pada gizi buruk. Namun, penelitian ini memiliki jumlah sampel yang sedikit.

Background: Acute gastroenteritis or diarrhea is one of the main causes of death in children under 5 years, with higher mortality in children with severe malnutrition. However, WHO protocol of intravenous therapy had been associated with worse outcome in severe malnutrition. This study aims to explain the association between nutritional status and hemodynamic profile after intravenous fluid therapy in acute gastroenteritis.
Methods: This study is a cross-sectional study from secondary data in RSCM and RS Pasar Rebo from February to October 2020 and included children under 5 years suffered from acute gastroenteritis with intravenous fluid therapy. Hemodynamic profile is measured using USCOM before and after intravenous fluid therapy. Data were analyzed using SPSS ver 20 with paired t-test and independent t-test.
Results: Patients with severe malnutrition has lower DO2 before (318 ± 122,860 vs 169,4 ± 57,315 mL/min, p=0,021) and after (287 ± 66,338 vs 180,9 ± 30,284 mL/min, p=0,005) intravenous fluid therapy. The value of CO is also lower in severe malnutrition before intravenous fluid therapy (2,2 ± 0,63770 vs 1,4 ± 0,45222 L/min, p=0,041). However, our study did not find significant change in hemodynamic profile in both groups.
Conclusion: There is no association between nutritional status and hemodynamic profile after rehydration therapy in pediatric gastroenteritis. WHO protocol of intravenous fluid therapy did not harm pediatric patients with severe malnutrition. However, our study included very small number of patients.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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