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"Latar belakang: Sitologi aspirasi jarum halus merupakan metode yang efektif dan aman dalam menilai lesi kelenjar liur. Gambaran morfologi yang bervariasi serta sitomorfologik yang saling tumpang tindih, mengakibatkan sulitnya dalam mendiagnosis lesi kelenjar liur. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui akurasi diagnostik dan menganalisa gambaran sitomorfologik aspirasi lesi kelenjar liur.
Metode: Dilakukan penelusuran sediaan sitologik lesi kelenjar liur tahun 2005-2009 pada arsip Departemen Patologi Anatomik FKUI/RSCM. Didapatkan 107 kasus sitologi lesi kelenjar liur, dan dilakukan pemeriksaan ulang. Terdapat 7 kasus dieksklusi karena sediaan tidak layak baca. Dilakukan pula penelusuran sediaan histopatologiknya dan dikorelasikan dengan sediaan sitologik. Uji diagnostik diaplikasikan pada 39 kasus berpasangan sitologi-histopatologik.
Hasil: Kasus lesi kelenjar liur dari tahun 2005-2009 berjumlah 100 kasus, diantaranya 27 kasus negatif, delapan kasus inkonklusif dan 65 kasus lesi neoplastik. Pada 39 kasus berpasangan, empat belas kasus diantaranya memiliki diagnosis berbeda, dengan 3 kasus negatif palsu, satu kasus positif palsu. Secara keseluruhan dalam membedakan lesi malignant atau non-malignant didapatkan sensitivitas 82,35%, spesifisitas 95,45%, NPV 87,5% dan PPV 93,34%.
Kesimpulan: Penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa akurasi diagnostik sitologi lesi kelenjar liur sangat bervariasi, dengan sensitivitas 82,35% dan spesifisitas 95,45% dalam membedakan lesi malignant atau non-malignant; sekalipun tidak dapat menegakkan diagnosis definitif, namun tetap dapat membantu klinisi dalam tata laksana kasus.

Background: Fine-needle aspiration (FNA) is an effective and safe procedure for analyzing salivary gland lesions. Various morphological and overlapping cytomorphology features can bring difficulty in diagnosis of the salivary gland lesions. This study aimed to evaluate the diagnostic accuracy of fine needle aspiration cytology of salivary glands lesions.
Methods: There were 107 cases of cytology and 39 cases of histopathology of salivary gland lesions collected and reviewed from the archives of Anatomical Pathology Department, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Indonesia / Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital from 2005-2009. Seven cases of cytology were excluded, due to unsatisfactory specimens. Diagnostic test was applied to analyze the 39 pairs of cytology-histopathology cases.
Results: There were 100 cases of salivary gland lesions cytology obtained, consisted of 27 negatives, eight cases inconclusive and 65 cases of neoplastic lesions. Of the 39 pair cases, fourteen cases showed result discrepancies between cytology and histopathology, with 3 false-negative cases and 1 false-positive case. The sensitivity and specificity of cytology analysis in differentiating malignant from non-malignant lesions were 82.35%, and 95.45% respectively, NPV 87.5% and PPV 93.34%.
Conclusion: This study showed diagnostic accuracy of FNA cytology salivary gland lesions was varied, with 82.35% sensitivity and 95.45% specificity in differentiating malignant from non-malignant hence this information can still be used for case management."
[Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia], 2012
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Tri Damayanti
"Latar Belakang: Di Indonesia, prevalensi kanker pada anak usia 0-14 tahun sekitar 0,4 per mil, dengan Leukemia Limfositik Akut (LLA) merupakan yang tertinggi. Kemoterapi fase induksi dan konsolidasi merupakan terapi untuk mengeliminasi sel kanker dengan efek samping penurunan laju alir dan pH saliva. Efek samping timbul pada hari ke 5-10 setelah kemoterapi dan berlangsung selama 7-14 hari.
Tujuan: Menganalisis pengaruh probiotik Lactobacillus casei terhadap laju alir dan pH saliva pada anak penderita LLA yang sedang menjalani kemoterapi, sebelum dan setelah berkumur probiotik.
Metode Penelitian: Penelitian ini merupakan uji eksperimental klinis yang dilakukan pada 11 partisipan anak penderita LLA yang sedang menjalani kemoterapi fase induksi dan konsolidasi. Pemeriksaan klinis status oral dan wawancara mengenai adanya mulut kering juga dilakukan. Pengambilan sampel saliva dilakukan pada pagi hari antara pukul 09.00-11.00 WIB, sebelum dan setelah berkumur probiotik selama 7 dan 14 hari. Setiap partisipan diinstruksikan untuk berkumur probiotik selama 2x30 detik, pagi dan malam, selama 14 hari. Analisis data menggunakan GLM Repeated Measure karena data terdistribusi normal (p<0,05), untuk membandingkan laju alir dan pH saliva sebelum dan setelah berkumur probiotik selama 7 hari hingga 14 hari.
Hasil: Sebanyak 11 partisipan, 9 (81,8%) LLA berisiko tinggi, dan risiko standar 2 (8,2%), 7 (63,6%) partisipan memiliki keluhan mulut kering. Sebelum berkumur probiotik, laju alir dan pH saliva masing-masing adalah 0,56±0,17 dan 6,79±0,22. Setelah 14 hari berkumur probiotik, hasil menunjukkan peningkatan yang signifikan pada laju alir saliva menjadi 0,9±0,28 (p<0,05), sedangkan pH saliva meningkat namun tidak signifikan menjadi 6,99±0,51 (p>0,05).
Kesimpulan: Berkumur probiotik selama 14 hari secara signifikan dapat meningkatkan laju alir saliva dan meningkatkan serta menjaga kestabilan pH saliva pada anak penderita LLA yang sedang menjalani kemoterapi.

Background: In Indonesia, prevalence of cancer in children aged 0-14 years is around 0.4 per mil, and Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia (ALL) is the highest. Induction and consolidation chemotherapy phase were therapy to eliminate cancer cells with side effects of decreasing salivary flow and salivary pH. Side effects appear
on day 5-10 after chemotherapy and last for 7-14 days.
Objective: To analyze effect of probiotics Lactobacillus casei on salivary flow and pH in children with ALL undergoing chemotherapy, before and after probiotics gargling.
Methods: A randomized clinical trial was conducted on 11 participants children with ALL on induction and consolidation phases in chemotherapy. Clinical examination of the oral status and interview regarding the presence of dry mouth were also done. Saliva samples were collected in the morning between 09.00-11.00 a.m., before and after 7 and 14 days probiotics gargling. Each participant was
instructed to gargle probiotics for 2x30 secs, morning and night, for 14 days. Data analysis using GLM Repeated Measure because the data was normally distributed (p<0.05).
Results: A total of 11 participants, 9 (81.8%) were ALL high risk, and standard risk 2 (8.2%), 7 (63.6%) participants had dry mouth sensation. Before gargling probiotics, salivary flow and salivary pH were 0.56±0.17 and 6.79±0.22, respectively. After 14 days of probiotics gargling, results showed significant increase in salivary flow to 0.9±0.28
(p<0.05), while salivary pH changed unsignificantly to 6.99±0.51 (p>0.05).
Conclusion: Probiotics gargling for 14 days can significantly increase salivary flow and improve stability of salivary pH in children with ALL undergoing chemotherapy.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Although various proteins and some electrolytes have been measured in human saliva, Iittle systematic data about the changes of Zn, Cu and Fe in salivary glands have been obtained. In order to obtain such data concentration of Zn, Cu and Fe in sub-mandible, sub-lingual and parotids grand were measured by X-Ray Fluorecent. The data obtained confirmed after the Wistar rats had received restraint stress within 15-60 minutes experiment. The results shows that after 30 minutes concentration Zn, Cu and Fe in sub-mandible gland were increase while concentration Zn and Fe in sub-lingual gland significantly increase (p<0,001) and minutes concentration Zn, Cu and Fe in parotids gland were significantly increase within 60 minutes restrain stress (p<0,001). This result suggested that the changes on concentration Zn, Cu and Fe In salivary glands have linked to oral saliva ecosystem under physiological stimuli, and than the Zn, Cu and Fe are accumulates in the salivary glands during saliva enzyme activities."
Journal of Dentistry Indonesia, 2003
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Tivania Wiradinata
Mucocele adalah lesi jinak yang terdapat pada mukosa mulut dan merupakan gangguan yang sering terjadi pada kelenjar saliva minor. Mucocele termasuk dalam 17 lesi yang sering terjadi pada rongga mulut yang disebabkan oleh trauma dan obstruksi pada kelenjar saliva. Mucocele dapat terjadi pada berbagai kelompok usia, namun pada umumnya terjadi pada anak-anak, remaja, dan dewasa muda. Penelitian mengenai distribusi dan frekuensi mucocele perlu dilakukan untuk mengetahui epidemiologi dari mucocele, sehingga dapat memberikan informasi berupa prognosis dan kesuksesan perawatan berdasarkan kondisi yang dialami oleh pasien di Rumah Sakit Umum Pusat Nasional (RSUPN) Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo periode 2016-2017. Penelitian ini menggunakan studi deskriptif retrospektif dengan menggunakan rekam medik pada pasien di RSUPN Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo. Analisis 8 kasus mucocele berdasarkan umur, jenis kelamin, jenis pekerjaan, lokasi terjadinya lesi, ukuran lesi, kondisi lesi, etiologi, jenis perawatan, dan kasus rekurensi. Sebagian besar pasien berumur 11-20 tahun (37,5%) dengan pekerjaan sebagai pelajar (50%). Rasio antara pasien laki-laki dan perempuan adalah 1:3. Lesi paling banyak ditemukan pada bibir bawah (50%) dengan ukuran 6-10 mm (50%) dalam keadaan yang tidak pecah. Etiologi berasal dari trauma dan kebiasaan menggigit bibir. Pilihan perawatan yang sering dilakukan adalah eksisi, yaitu sebanyak 4 kasus. Terdapat 4 kasus rekurensi pada mucocele setelah dilakukan perawatan.

Mucocele is a benign lesion found in the oral mucosa and it is a disorder that often occurs in minor salivary glands. Mucoceles are included in 17th common lesions in the oral cavity caused by trauma and obstruction in the salivary glands. Mucocele can occur in various age groups but usually in children, adolescents, and young adults. Research on the distribution and frequency of mucocele needs to be done to determine the epidemiology of mucocele, so it can provide the information of prognosis and success of treatment based on the conditions that experienced by patients at National Hospital Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo from 2016-2017. The method of this research is retrospective descriptive study from medical records of National Hospital Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo patients. 8 cases of mucocele was analyzed based on age, gender, occupation, location of the lesion, size of lesion, condition of lesion, etiology, type of treatment, and recurrence cases. Most of the patients were 11-20 years old (37.5%) and most of them were students (50%). The ratio between male and female patients is 1:3. Most of the lesions are found in the lower lip (50%) in sizes 6-10 mm (50%) in a non-ruptured condition. The etiology of mucocele are trauma and lip biting habits. The choice of treatment that is often done in 4 cases of mucocele is excision. There were 4 cases of recurrence in mucocele after treatment."
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Metawati Tarmidi, author
"Saliva is essential for preservation of oral health. It aids in preparation of the initial food bolus, assist in taste and swallowing, and lubricates the oral mucosa. In addition it has antiviral, antifungal, and antibacterial properties. Consequently, salivary gland dysfunction can lead to complaints of oral dryness (xerostomia). Diseases of the thyroid gland, hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism, and their treatment have also been suggested to cause salivary gland dysfunction. In addition head and neck radiation therapy, treatment for head and neck cancers can cause irreversible salivary gland function. This case study, reported one patient with thyroid cancer in which the thyroid gland has been removed and received head and neck radiation therapy."
[Jurnal Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia, Journal of Dentistry Indonesia], 2002
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Risqa Rina Darwita
"The Zinc (Zn) concentration was determined from salivary gland of Wistar King A (WKA) rats. The salivary glands are divided in to sub-lingual, sub-mandible and parotis. The Zn concentration was determined within 15-60 minutes of restraint stress. Concentration of Zn in sub-mandible, parotis and sub-Lingual glands was significantly higher (p<0.001) than in the control group. Further more at Zinc concentration in sub-mandible gland at 30 min restraint stress was increase (p<0.001), and decrease significantly at 49 min by restraint stress. By the way, Zn concentration in parotis gland was increase significantly (p<0.0001) after 60 min restraint stress. The results suggest that Zn is linked to oral saliva under physiological stimuli, and that Zn accumulates in the salivary gland during salivary enzyme activity."
[Jurnal Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia, Journal of Dentistry Indonesia], 2002
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Yuniarosa Widya Kusuma
"Latar BelakangPrevalensi penyalahguna narkotika di Indonesia mencapai 3,8-4,2 juta jiwa. Derajat keasaman dan kapasitas dapar saliva dapat menjadi parameter kesehatan gigi dan mulut. Masih terbatasnya penelitian yang menggambarkan derajat keasaman dan kapasitas dapar saliva pada penyalahguna narkotika di Indonesia.
Tujuan: Mengetahui profil derajat keasaman (pH) dan kapasitas dapar saliva pada penyalahguna narkotika.
Metode Penelitian: Penelitian ini merupakan studi potong lintang dengan desain penelitian deskriptif yang dilakukan melalui studi pada 203 orang residen di Balai Besar Rehabilitasi Badan Narkotika Nasional Lido - Jawa Barat. Analisis saliva dilakukan dengan Saliva-check buffer kit merk GC.
Hasil Penelitian: 69,0% residen memiliki pH saliva tanpa stimulasi normal, 95,6% residen memiliki pH saliva terstimulasi normal, dan 48,3% residen memiliki kapasitas dapar saliva rendah.
Pembahasan: Penelitian ini memperlihatkan nilai pH saliva dengan rerata normal, namun kapasitas dapar saliva cenderung rendah, dimungkinkan karena kapasitas dapar saliva tidak hanya ditentukan oleh pH saliva saja. Berbagai faktor yang turut berperan dalam kinerja kapasitas dapar saliva diantaranya: sistem dapar protein, fosfat, dan karbonat, laju aliran saliva, aktivitas karbonik anhidrase VI, maupun kondisi kelenjar saliva. Hal ini membutuhkan penelitian lebih lanjut.
Kesimpulan: Residen Balai Besar Rehabilitasi BNN memiliki profil pH saliva tanpa stimulasi dan terstimulasi kategori rerata normal, sedangkan profil kapasitas dapar saliva kategori rerata rendah.

The prevalence of drug abuse in Indonesia reached 3.8 to 4.2 million people. The salivary pH and buffering are some of oral health parameters. There are limited research describing salivary pH and buffering capacity in drug abusers in Indonesia.
Objective: To determine the salivary pH and buffering capacity in drug abusers.
Methods: It was a cross-sectional study with descriptive research design through a study conducted in 203 residents of Rehabilitation Center of the National Narcotics Agency Lido - West Java. Salivary samples were analyzed using GC saliva-check buffer kit.
Results: 69.0% of residents had normal unstimulated salivary pH, 95.6% of residents had normal stimulated salivary pH, while 48.3% of residents had a relatively low salivary buffering capacity.
Discussion: This study showed that the BNN residents had normal salivary pH values, but tend to had low buffering capacity, possibly because the salivary buffering capacity not solely determined by the salivary pH. There are various factors that contribute to buffering capacity of saliva, including the protein, phosphate, and carbonate buffering system, salivary flow rate, the activity of carbonic anhydrase VI, and salivary gland condition. This still needs further research.
Conclusion: Residents of Rehabilitation Center of the National Narcotics Agency Lido - West Java showed had normal unstimulated and stimulated salivary pH, while having low salivary buffering capacity.
Depok: Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Raisa Hanifah
"Latar Belakang: Protein saliva dapat melekat pada permukaan gigi dan membentuk pelikel. Pelikel tersebut dapat menyebabkan terjadinya perlekatan bakteri, seperti Streptococcus mutans dan Solobacterium moorei yang merupakan bakteri gram positif. Perlekatan bakteri pada pelikel selanjutnya menyebabkan terjadinya kolonisasi bakteri yang akan membentuk biofilm. Konsentrasi protein saliva pada rongga mulut dapat bervariasi pada setiap individu. Keadaan ini dapat pula mengakibatkan pembentukan biofilm mengalami perubahan.
Tujuan: Menetapkan pengaruh pajanan protein saliva asal kelompok dewasa terhadap pembentukan biofilm dual-species Streptococcus mutans dan Solobacterium moorei.
Metode: Pembentukan biofilm dual species Streptococcus mutans dan Solobacterium moorei diuji menggunakan uji crystal violet, OpenCFU dan total plate counting pada 3 jenis konsentrasi protein saliva yang berbeda.
Hasil: Dari ketiga uji yang dilakukan, tidak terdapat perbedaan bermakna secara statistik antara pembentukan biofilm yang dimediasi oleh protein saliva berdasarkan konsentrasi yang berbeda.
Kesimpulan: Pembentukan biofilm dual-species Streptococcus mutans dan Solobacterium moorei tidak dipengaruhi oleh konsentrasi protein saliva.

Background: Salivary proteins can attach to the surface of the teeth and form pellicles. These pellicles can cause the attachment of bacteria, such as Streptococcus mutans and Solobacterium moorei which are a gram-positive bacteria. The attachment of bacteria to the pellicle can causes bacterial colonization which will form a biofilm. The concentration of salivary protein in the oral cavity can vary for every person. This situation can also lead a change in biofilm formation.
Objective: To determine the effect of adult salivary protein exposure on biofilm formation of dual-species Streptococcus mutans and Solobacterium moorei.
Methods: The biofilm formation of dual-species Streptococcus mutans and Solobacterium moorei was tested using crystal violet, OpenCFU and total plate counting at three different salivary protein concentrations.
Result: From the three tests performed, there was no statistically significant difference between the biofilm formation mediated by salivary protein based on different concentrations.
Conclusion: Biofilm formation of dual-species Streptococcus mutans and Solobacterium moorei does not affected by the concentration of salivary proteins.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Raisa Cecilia Sarita
Latar belakang Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology FNAC adalah teknik yang cepat murah dengan komplikasi yang minimal untuk mendiagnosis tumor tulang FNAC memiliki kapasitas untuk membedakan lesi jinak dan ganas Namun masih banyak kontroversi tentang penggunaan FNAC sebagai salah satu alat diagnostik tumor tulang seperti keterbatasan FNAC di sisi teknik dan cara interpretasi Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi akurasi FNAC sebagai salah satu prosedur preoperasi diagnosis tumor tulang Metode Sampel diambil dari arsip rekam medis pasien curiga tumor tulang yang diperiksa dengan FNAC dan histopatologi di Departemen Patologi Anatomi FKUI RSCM dari tahun 2011 sampai 2014 Uji diagnostik dilakukan untuk mengetahui sensitivitas spesifisitas PPV NPV dan akurasi dari FNAC Hasil Terdapat 78 pasien kasus curiga tumor tulang yang diperiksa dengan FNAC dan Histopatologi di Departemen Patologi Anatomi FKUI RSCM pada tahun 2011 ndash 2014 Empat puluh sembilan kasus dilaporkan tumor tulang ganas dengan 5 kasus diskrepansi subtipe ganas dan 20 kasus tumor tulang jinak dengan 1 kasus diskrepansi subtype jinak Selain itu terdapat 8 kasus negatif semu dan 1 kasus positif semu Secara keseluruhan hasil yang didapatkan adalah sensitivitas 86 spesifisitas 95 2 PPV 98 NPV 71 4 dan akurasi sebesar 88 5 Kesimpulan Penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa FNAC memiliki kualitas yang baik untuk mendiagnosis tumor tulang dibuktikan dengan tingginya angka sensitivitas dan spesifisitas 86 dan 95 2 FNAC dapat memberikan diagnosis yang akurat jika diikuti dengan pengambilan spesimen yang baik data klinis dan radiologi yang lengkap

Background Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology FNAC is a rapid inexpensive minimum invasive technique with less complication in diagnosing bone neoplasm FNAC is able to differentiate between neoplasm and non neoplasm cases However there are still many controversies regarding the usage of FNAC as a diagnostic approach of bone neoplasm such as the limitations of FNAC technique and interpretation This research aims to evaluate the accuracy of FNAC as one of diagnostic approach in preoperative or diagnosing bone neoplasm Method Samples were obtained from archives of medical records data of patients who clinically suspected of bone neoplasm and undergo FNAC Histopathology in Anatomical Pathology Department FKUI RSCM from 2011 to 2014 Following this the diagnostic test will be conducted in order to obtain the sensitivity specificity PPV NPV and accuracy of FNAC Results There are 78 patients of bone neoplasm were undergo Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology and Histopathology examination from the archives Anatomical Pathology Department in 2011 to 2014 Forty nine cases were reported as malignant bone neoplasm with 5 discrepancy type and 20 cases were benign with 1 discrepancy type Furthermore there were 8 false negative cases and 1 false positive case The sensitivity specificity positive predictive value PPV negative predictive value NPV accuracy were 86 95 2 98 71 4 and 88 5 respectively Conclusions FNAC shows a good quality as one of diagnostic approach in bone neoplasm as can be seen in a high sensitivity and specificity 86 and 95 2 in this study FNAC of bone neoplasm might give a highly accurate diagnosis if accompanied by a high quality of technique sampling adequate specimen clinical and radiologic assistance "
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Raisa Cecilia Sarita
Latar belakang : Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology FNAC adalah teknik yang cepat, murah, dengan komplikasi yang minimal untuk mendiagnosis tumor tulang. FNAC memiliki kapasitas untuk membedakan lesi jinak dan ganas. Namun FNAC memiliki keterbatasan di sisi teknik dan cara interpretasi.Tujuan : mengevaluasi akurasi FNAC sebagai salah satu prosedur preoperasi diagnosis tumor tulang. Metode : Sampel diambil dari arsip rekam medis pasien curiga tumor tulang yang diperiksa dengan FNAC dan histopatologi di Departemen Patologi Anatomi FKUI/RSCM dari tahun 2011 sampai 2014. Uji diagnostik dilakukan untuk mengetahui sensitivitas, spesifisitas, PPV, NPV, dan akurasi dari FNAC. Hasil : Terdapat 78 pasien kasus curiga tumor tulang yang diperiksa dengan FNAC dan Histopatologi di Departemen Patologi Anatomi FKUI/RSCM pada tahun 2011 ndash; 2014. Empat puluh sembilan kasus dilaporkan tumor tulang ganas dengan 5 kasus diskrepansi subtipe ganas dan 20 kasus tumor tulang jinak dengan 1 kasus diskrepansi subtype jinak. Selain itu, terdapat 8 kasus negatif semu dan 1 kasus positif semu. Secara keseluruhan, hasil yang didapatkan adalah sensitivitas 86 , spesifisitas 95.2 , PPV 98 , NPV 71.4 , dan akurasi sebesar 88.5 .Kesimpulan : Penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa FNAC memiliki kualitas yang baik untuk mendiagnosis tumor tulang, dibuktikan dengan tingginya angka sensitivitas dan spesifisitas 86 dan 95.2 .

Background Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology FNAC is a rapid, inexpensive, minimum invasive technique with less complication in diagnosing bone neoplasm. FNAC is able to differentiate between neoplasm and non neoplasm cases. However, there are limitations of FNAC technique and interpretation.Aim to evaluate the accuracy of FNAC as one of diagnostic approach in preoperative or diagnosing bone neoplasm.Method Samples were obtained from archives of medical records data of patients who clinically suspected of bone neoplasm and undergo FNAC Histopathology in Anatomical Pathology Department FKUI RSCM from 2011 to 2014. The diagnostic test will be conducted in order to obtain the sensitivity, specificity, PPV, NPV, and accuracy of FNAC.Results There are 78 patients of bone neoplasm were undergo Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology and Histopathology examination from the archives Anatomical Pathology Department in 2011 to 2014. Forty nine cases were reported as malignant bone neoplasm with 5 discrepancy type and 20 cases were benign with 1 discrepancy type. Furthermore, there were 8 false negative cases, and 1 false positive case. The sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value PPV , negative predictive value NPV , accuracy were 86 . 95.2 . 98 , 71.4 , and 88.5 respectively.Conclusions FNAC shows a good quality as one of diagnostic approach in bone neoplasm as can be seen in a high sensitivity and specificity 86 and 95.2 in this study. "
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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