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"Tujuan penelitian ini untuk memperoleh parameter komposisi tubuh yang dapat mendeteksi kecenderungan terjadinya MEP pada penderita PGK-ND. Penelitian dilakukan dengan rancangan potong lintang. Subyek penelitian terdiri dari 45 pasien PGK-ND dan 45 subyek sehat yang disepadankan jenis kelamin, usia, tinggi badan (TB) dan indeks massa tubuh (IMT). Status nutrisi dikelompokkan dalam status nutrisi kurang, normal dan lebih berdasarkan IMT, WHO, 1995. Secara antropometri massa bebas lemak (MBL), indeks-MBL (I-MBL), massa lemak (ML) dan persen ML pasien PGK-ND tidak berbeda bermakna dengan subyek sehat. Berdasarkan BIA didapatkan MBL, dan I-MBL pasien PGK-ND lebih rendah bermakna dibandingkan subyek sehat (p < 0,05). Massa bebas lemak (MBL), I-MBL dan ML pasien PGK-ND berbeda bermakna antara ketiga status nutrisi (p < 0,001). Nilai MBL, I-MBL dan ML mempunyai linearitas dengan klasifikasi status nutrisi berdasarkan uji trend analysis. Massa bebas lemak, I-MBL, ML dan persen ML PGK-ND tidak berbeda bermakna di antara ketiga stadium PGK.Terdapat derajat kesesuaian yang baik antara I-MBL dengan IMT untuk penilaian status nutrisi pasien PGK-ND. Dengan uji Receiver Operating Curve didapatkan titik potong I-MBL sebesar 14,23 kg/m2 untuk membedakan status nutrisi kurang dan baik. Penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa Indeks MBL dapat membedakan derajat status nutrisi pasien PGK-ND dan mempunyai korelasi dengan IMT. Indeks-MBL dapat digunakan sebagai prediktor untuk skrining status nutrisi pasien PGK-ND.

The aim of this study is to obtain body composition parameters for early detection of PEM in non dialysis CKD (ND-CKD) patients. The study was carried out using the cross sectional design. The subjects of the study consist of 45 ND-CKD patients and 45 healthy subjects matched for age, gender, height and body mass index (BMI). The nutritional status of patients and healthy subjects were classified based on BMI (WHO, 1995) into low, normal and high nutritional status groups. Fat free mass (FFM), FFM-index (FFM-I) and percentage of fat mass (FM percentage) in patients measured by anthropometric technique showed no significant difference with healthy subjects. Using the BIA method, FFM and FFM-I were significantly lower in the ND-CKD patients compared to the healthy subjects (p < 0,05). Significant difference in FFM, FFM-I, FM and FM percentage was observed between the patients with different nutritional status. (p < 0,001). Trend analysis statistical test showed that there is linear correlation of FFM, FFM-I and FM with nutritional status classification. FFM, FFM-I, FM and FM percentage in ND-CKD patients were not significantly different between the three stages of CKD. There was an acceptable degree of agreement between BMI with FFM-I for nutritional assessment in ND-CKD patients. The Receiver Operating Curve test showed the cut off points of FFM-I 14.23 kg/m2 to differentiate undernutrition and normal nutritional status in ND-CKD patients. This study showed FFM-I has good correlation with BMI and can be used to differentiate degrees of nutritional status in stage 3, 4 and 5 ND-CKD patients. FFM-I considered predictor parameters for nutritional status screening in ND-CKD patients. "
[Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, Universitas Tarumanagara. Fakultas Kedokteran], 2008
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Simanjuntak, Yogy
"TB is still major problem even though number of TB cases had been decline steadily due to discovery and continuing research of TB drugs since 1940 and also increasing of funding and attention to global TB problem. Indonesia is the third country in descending order of TB case numbers. It is considered as the third main cause of death after cardiovascular and respiratory diseases in this country. Several years ago, East Nusa Tenggara province had the highest incidence of sputum smear positive compared with other provinces in Indonesia. TB creates certain burdens in the community, initially in health and nutrition aspect, and then followed by other human aspects including economy and social. It is, therefore, eradicating TB in an effective and efficient way becomes a very emerging issue on TB treatment strategy. Since TB is an immune-related disease, hence, enhancing the immune system might be considered as an important strategy to be considered on TB treatment. Zinc, vitamin A and a new discovered protein, leptin, take a part on that issue. A cross sectional study was conducted with a main objective of investigating the relationship between nutritional and leptin status of new diagnosed pulmonary TB disease with the disease severity in selected districts of East Nusa Tenggara province, Indonesia. This research report is divided into three parts. Part 1 includes comprehensive reviews on the background of the study, literature review, problem statement and rationale, objective, hypotheses, conceptual framework and variable indicator matrix. Part 2 wraps up the manuscript for publication, entitled "Micronutrients and Leptin status Are Associated with the Radiological Features Among New Diagnosed Pulmonary Tuberculosis Patients." It is written and formatted based on author's guideline of the Journal of Nutrition. Part 3 covers the supporting documents including detailed methodology and other result, author's guideline of the journal, questionnaire, ethical approval, informed consent, official permit letter, references and curriculum vitae. It is expected that the results of this study may contribute to the body of knowledge about the severity of TB that reflects the specific profile of nutritional status (body fat, BMI, MUAC and micronutrient status) and plasma leptin. Furthermore, it will serve as reference data for further investigations, better interventions and treatments on active pulmonary TB patients."
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2005
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Mira Yulianti
"Latar belakang. CAPD merupakan modalitas dialisis yang berkembang di Indonesia. Status nutrisi dianggap sebagai salah satu faktor yang mempengaruhi kesintasan pasien CAPD. Indonesia belum memiliki data mengenai status nutrisi pasien CAPD, serta faktor-faktor yang berkorelasi dengan status nutrisi pada kelompok pasien tersebut.
Tujuan. Mengetahui faktor-faktor yang berkorelasi dengan status nutrisi pada pasien CAPD.
Metode. Penelitian potong lintang dilaksanakan di poliklinik CAPD RSCM dan RS PGI Cikini bulan Desember 2012 sampai Mei 2013. Status nutrisi dinilai dengan Malnutrition Inflammation Score. Inflamasi didapatkan dari pemeriksaan hsCRP. Asidosis metabolik didapatkan dari pemeriksaan HCO3 vena. Asupan energi dan protein harian didapatkan dari analisis food record dengan menggunakan program FP2. Usia dan lama menjalani CAPD didapatkan dari kartu identitas dan rekam medis. Analisis bivariat dilakukan dengan metode Pearson atau Spearman/Kendall. Analisis tidak dilanjutkan ke analisis multivariat karena distribusi status nutrisi sebagai variabel tergantung tidak normal.
Hasil. Dari 44 subjek penelitian, didapatkan 75% subjek penelitian memiliki status nutrisi baik. Rerata usia 48,4+12,6 tahun. Median lama menjalani CAPD adalah 20,5 bulan (2-94 bulan) dan median kadar hsCRP sebesar 2,8 mg/L (0,2-204,2 mg/L). Rerata kadar HCO3 sebesar 25,2+2,3 mEq/L. Rerata asupan energi adalah 37,3+ 9,3 kkal/kg/hari dan rerata asupan protein 1,0+ 0,3 gram/kg/hari. Faktor inflamasi berkorelasi dengan status nutrisi pada pasien CAPD (r=0,433; p=0,003).
Simpulan. Faktor yang berkorelasi dengan status nutrisi pada pasien CAPD adalah inflamasi. Korelasi antara usia, lama menjalani CAPD, asupan energi dan protein serta asidosis metabolik dengan status nutrisi belum dapat dibuktikan pada penelitian ini.

Background. CAPD is a developing dialysis modality in Indonesia. Nutritional status is considered as one of determinant factor in CAPD patients survival. There is no data regarding nutrional status and correlated factors with nutritional status in CAPD patients in Indonesia.
Objectives. To know correlated factors with nutritional status in CAPD patients.
Methods. A cross sectional study was conducted in CAPD clinic at Cipto Mangunkusumo and Cikini Hospital during December 2012 until May 2013. Nutritional status was determined by Malnutrition Inflammation Score, inflammation by hsCRP and metabolic acidosis by vein HCO3. DEI and DPI were determined by food record analysis by using FP2 program. Age and dialysis vintage were based on identity card and medical record. Statistical analysis was performed by using Pearson or Spearman/Kendall methods. Multivariat analysis can't be done in this study because of the distribution abnormality of nutritional status as independent variable.
Results. Out of 44 subjects, the nutritional status of 75% subjects was found good. Mean age was 48.4+12.6 years old. Dialysis vintage median was 20.5 (2-94) months and hsCRP level median was 2.8 (0.2-204.2) mg/L. Mean HCO3 level was 25.2+2.3 mEq/L. Mean DEI was 37.3+9.3 kcal/kg/d and mean DPI was 1.0+0.3g/kg/d. Inflammation is correlated with nutritional status in CAPD patients (r=0.433 ; p=0.003).
Conclusion. Factors that correlated with nutritional status in CAPD patients is inflammation. Correlation between age, dialysis vintage, DEI, DPI and metabolic acidosis with nutritional status can not be determined yet in this study.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Tran Thi Thanh Tam
"As part of CRONOS , this study, with cross-sectional design, aimed to observe nutritional and health status and some of their determinants, both nutritional and non-nutritional, of free-living elderly and middle-aged people in poor area of Ho Chi Minh city, Vietnam. Data on dietary intake, anthropometry, socio-economic psychological stains and health assessment were collected hom 100 Vietnamese elderly men and women between 60-74 years and 100 middle-aged men and women aged 35-44 years old living during 2 months January and February, 1996 in village 2, district 4, Ho Chi Minh city, Vietnam.
Findings of this study showed that both age groups had low energy and nutrient intakes assessed by single 24-hour recall. Median energy intakes were 8.2 MJ and 4 MJ for middle-aged and elderly rwpectively, which was suggested to be due to real energy intake deficiency in study population and underrestimation in the recalls.
Anthropometric Endings demonstrated that the elderly had lower nutritional status as compared to the middle-aged (40% of elderly versus 26% of middle-aged were classified as chronic energy deficiency). This study also confirmed that the Vietnamese elderly had higher prevalence of abdominal fairness than their younger conterparts, as evidenced by having higher abdomen-to-hip ratio.
Socio-economic and psychological data suggested that Vietnamese elderly received both socio-economic and psychological support nom family substantially. Only one third of elderly people self-perveived health as good. Discrepancy between self-reported hypertension and observed hypertension suggested that medical care in the elderly population is not of concern. High prevalence of hypertension (40%) and smoking (78%) indicated that Cardiovascular disease risk factors merits consideration in the geriatric care System in Vietnam."
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 1996
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Annisa Nursita Angesti
"Air merupakan zat gizi penting yang dibutuhkan oleh tubuh. Kekurangan cairan tubuh dapat menimbulkan kondisi dehidrasi sehingga menyebabkan penurunan performa fisik, kognitif dan mental termasuk tingkat konsentrasi. Kondisi dehidrasi tidak hanya terjadi pada anak-anak dan dewasa, tetapi juga pada remaja. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian cross sectional untuk mengetahui hubungan status gizi dan faktor lainnya dengan status hidrasi pada remaja di 3 SMA di Kota Bekasi tahun 2013. Data yang dikumpulkan meliputi status hidrasi, status gizi, pengetahuan air dan dehidrasi, asupan air, kebiasaan minum, aktivitas fisik dan karakteristik responden (jenis kelain, usia, jumlah uang saku).
Status hidrasi diukur menggunakan grafik warna urin, status gizi dengan antropometri, dan asupan air dengan food recall 2x24 jam. Pengetahuan air dan dehidrasi, kebiasaan minum, aktivitas fisik dan karakteristik responden (jenis kelain, usia, jumlah uang saku) diukur menggunakan kuesioner.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan dari 153 total responden terdapat 62,7% remaja yang mengalami dehidrasi. Faktor yang berhubungan secara bermakna adalah status gizi, pengetahuan air dan dehidrasi, asupan air, kebiasaan minum, jenis kelamin, dan usia. Proporsi remaja yang mengalami dehidrasi lebih tinggi pada remaja yang memiliki status gizi lebih, berpengetahuan air dan dehidrasi yang rendah, memiliki asupan air yang rendah, berjenis kelamin laki-laki dan berusia 16 tahun. Diperlukan perhatian atau upaya lebih untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan dan praktik mengenai gizi seimbang termasuk pentingnya memenuhi kebutuhan cairan tubuh.

Water is an important nutrient required for the body. Loss of water can lead dehydration and decrased physical, mental, and cognitive performance. Dehydration not only occurs in childresn and elderly, but also in adolescents. The study was a cross sectional design to determine the relation between of nutritional status and other factors to hydration status of 3 senior high school?s student at Bekasi 2013. Data include hydration status, nutritional status, knowledge of water and dehydration, water intake, drinking habits, physical activity, and characteristic of subjects (sex, age and amount of pocket money).
Hydration status was measured by urine color graph, nutritional status by anthropometri, and water intake by 2x24 hours food recall. Knowledge of water and dehydration, drinking habits, physical activity, and characteristic of subjects (sex, age and amount of pocket money) was measured by questionnare.
With 153 subjects this study showed 62,7% of adolescents are dehydration. Factor associated are nutritional status, knowledge of water and dehydration, water intake, drinking habits, sex and age. However, dehydration higher at overnutrition adolescents, low level of knowledge, low of water intake, bad habit of drinking, male, and 16 years old. Required more attention and effort to improve knowledge and practical about nutrition balanced included the important fluid balance.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sandra Fikawati
Pola konsumsi vegetarian menunjukkan peningkatan popularitas yang signifikan. Indonesia Vegetarian Society mencatat peningkatan pesat jumlah anggotanya dari 5.000 orang (1998) menjadi 500.000 (2010). Ibu vegetarian dikuatirkan memiliki status gizi prahamil yang lebih rendah dan berisiko memiliki outcome kehamilan yang rendah yaitu status gizi bayi lahir dan cadangan lemak ibu untuk menyusui rendah. Studi ini bertujuan menganalisis pengaruh vegetarian dan nonvegetarian terhadap status gizi ibu, durasi ASI predominan, dan pertumbuhan bayi selama periode 0-6 bulan. Studi dengan desain kohort longitudinal dilakukan di lima kota di Indonesia (Jakarta, Surabaya, Pontianak, Palembang dan Pekanbaru) dengan populasi vegetarian usia subur terbanyak. Sejumlah 85 ibu-bayi berhasil diikuti selama 6 bulan postpartum.. Berdasarkan data 24 HR food recall, ibu vegetarian secara bermakna mengkonsumsi energi, protein, dan lemak lebih rendah namun karbohidrat lebih tinggi dibandingkan ibu nonvegetarian. Dalam hal zat gizi mikro, ibu vegetarian mengkonsumsi vitamin B12 dan Zn lebih rendah secara signifikan dibandingkan ibu nonvegetarian. Konsumsi saat laktasi pada kedua kelompok signifikan lebih rendah daripada konsumsinya saat hamil. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa vegetarian tidak mempengaruhi durasi ASI predominan. Konsumsi energi ibu laktasi mempengaruhi durasi ASI predominan pada kelompok nonvegetarian. Secara keseluruhan tidak ada perbedaan IMT postpartum kedua kelompok selama 6 bulan (p value=0,306), tetapi setelah dikontrol durasi ASI predominan (24 minggu) ada perbedaan bermakna (p value=0,047) pada penurunan BB ibu postpartum. Pada kelompok vegetarian faktor yang paling mempengaruhi IMT ibu postpartum adalah IMT postpartum 0 bulan (bulan ke-1 dan ke-2) dan IMT prahamil (bulan ke-3 hingga ke-6), sedangkan pada kelompok nonvegetarian adalah IMT postpartum 0 bulan (bulan ke-1 hingga ke-5) dan durasi ASI predominan (bulan ke-6). Pertumbuhan BB bayi ibu vegetarian lebih tinggi dari nonvegetarian secara bermakna (p value=0,009), tetapi kedua kelompok memiliki PB yang tidak berbeda (p value=0,235). Setelah dikontrol durasi ASI predominan (24 minggu) tidak ada perbedaan pertumbuhan BB dan PB bayi pada kedua kelompok, namun weight loss ibu vegetarian lebih besar (p value=0,047). Faktor yang paling mempengaruhi BB bayi kelompok vegetarian adalah jenis kelamin bayi (bulan ke-1 sampai ke-6), dan pada kelompok nonvegetarian adalah BBL bayi (bulan ke-1 dan ke-2), jenis kelamin (bulan ke-3), dan IMT ibu postpartum 0 bulan (bulan ke-4 hingga ke-6). Faktor yang paling mempengaruhi pertumbuhan PB bayi kelompok vegetarian adalah jenis kelamin bayi (bulan ke-1 hingga bulan ke-5) dan PBL (bulan ke-6), pada kelompok nonvegetarian adalah PBL (bulan ke-1 hingga ke-4) dan jenis kelamin bayi (bulan ke-5 dan ke-6).
Hasil penelitian ini mendukung kebijakan pemberian ASI eksklusif 6 bulan, baik pada vegetarian dan nonvegetarian, dengan didukung program gizi dan konsumsi yang cukup pada periode laktasi. Penting menyebarluaskan informasi konsumsi energi dan zat gizi yang cukup pada masa laktasi serta peran aktif pemerintah untuk melakukan suplementasi energi dan zat gizi bagi ibu laktasi. Ibu vegetarian juga perlu mengkonsumsi suplemen zat gizi mikro seperti vitamin B12 dan Zn pada saat laktasi.

Numbers of vegetarian has increased significantly in recent years. Indonesia Vegetarian Society recorded an increase of its member from 5000 in 1998 to 500000 in 2010. Vegetarian mothers were known to have lower pre-pregnancy nutritional status and posing a greater risk to have lower pregnancy outcomes including lower nutrional status of infant at birth and lower maternal fat stores for lactation. This study aimed at analyzing the effect of vegetarian diet on maternal nutritional status, duration of predominant breastfeeding, and infant growth in the period of 0-6 months postpartum. This study is a longitudinal cohort design and conducted in five cities in Indonesia (Jakarta, Surabaya, Pontianak, Palembang and Pekanbaru) with high population of vegetarian childbearing age women. A number of 85 mother-infant pairs consisted of 42 vegetarian and 43 non-vegetarian were followed until 6 month postpartum period. Based on 24 HR food recall, vegetarian mothers consumed lower intakes of energy, protein, and fat but higher intake of carbohydrate. Vegetarian mothers had significant lower intakes of vitamin B12 and zinc. In both groups, nutrient intakes during lactation were significantly lower than intakes during pregnancy. This study shows that vegetarian diet had no influence on predominant breastfeeding duration, but among non-vegetarian mothers, energy intakes during lactation did affect duration of pre-dominant breastfeeding. Overall, no difference was found for 6 months postpartum BMI between the two groups (p value=0.306). However, after controlled by predominant breastfeeding of 24 weeks, significant difference was found for weight loss during postpartum period (p value=0.047). Among vegetarian mothers, the most influencing factor affecting maternal postpartum BMI was 0 month postpartum BMI (affecting BMI 1- and 2-month postpartum), and pre-pregnancy BMI (affecting BMI 3-month postpartum BMI onward). Among non-vegetarian mothers, the most influencing factor affecting maternal postpartum BMI was 0 month postpartum BMI (affecting BMI 1- to 5-month postpartum) and duration of predominant breastfeeding (affecting BMI 6-month postpartum). Weight growth of infants of vegetarian mothers was higher than that of non-vegetarian mothers (p value=0.009), but no difference was found for infant length growth (p value=0.235). After controlled by predominant breastfeeding of 24 weeks, the difference on infant growth were disappeared. However vegetarian mothers had significantly greater weight loss (p value=0.047). Among vegetarian mothers, the most influencing factor affecting infant weight was infant?s sex (affecting infant weight at month 1 to 6 after birth) while among non-vegetarian mothers was infant birthweight (affecting infant weight at month 1 and 2 after birth), infant?s sex (affecting infant weight at month 3 after birth), and maternal 0 month postpartum BMI (affecting infant weight at month 4 to 6 after birth). The most influencing factor affecting infant length among vegetarian mothers was infant?s sex (affecting infant length at month 1 to 5 after birth) and length at birth (affecting infant length at month 6 after birth), while among non-vegetarian mothers the most influencing factor was infant length at birth (affecting infant length at 1 to 4 after birth) and infant?s sex (affecting infant length at 5 and 6 month after birth.
Results of this study supports 6 months exclusive breastfeeding policy for both vegetarian and non-vegetarian, but necessitates nutrition and food consumption related programs during lactation period. It is important to spread information on the importance of adequate energy and nutrient intakes during lactation. Government should take an active role toward supplementation program for lactating mothers. Vegetarian mothers are to balance their diet during lactation period by taking micro-nutrient supplementation such as vitamin B12 and zi
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sari Novita Dewi
"Prevalensi gizi lebih terus meningkat setiap tahunnya. Gizi lebih memiliki dampak serius bagi perkembangan penyakit tidak menular dan produktifitas. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui gambaran prevalensi gizi lebih dan faktor risiko dominan penyebab gizi lebih pada dewasa usia 20-59 tahun di Pusdiklat Buddhis Maitreyawira Jakarta. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan desain studi cross-sectional pada 157 responden. Pengambilan data dilakukan pada bulan April-Mei 2015 dengan metode purposive sampling. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan prevalensi gizi lebih di lokasi penelitian sebesar 28%.
Dari hasil analisis bivariat diketahui adanya hubungan bermakna antara gizi lebih dengan jenis diet, usia, status pernikahan, aktivitas fisik, pengetahuan gizi, asupan energi dan asupan lemak (p value < 0,05). Walaupun tidak bermakna secara statistik, responden dengan status gizi lebih cenderung memiliki skor kualitas diet yang rendah. Dari hasil analisis multivariat dengan uji regresi logistik ganda, diketahui asupan energi merupakan faktor dominan gizi lebih (OR = 19,743) pada dewasa setelah dikontrol variabel usia, jenis kelamin, status pernikahan, aktivitas fisik, pengetahuan gizi, asupan karbohidrat, asupan protein, asupan lemak dan kualitas diet. Perlu dilakukan intervensi kepada pihak terkait di lokasi penelitian untuk mengurangi dan mengatasi kejadian gizi lebih.

Prevalence of overnutrition increased over year. Overnutrition had serious impact to development of non communicable disease and decrease productivity. This purpose of this study was to describe the prevalence of overnutrition and to find which of the risk factor is the dominant factor that is related to overnutrition in adult 20-59 years old at Pusdiklat Buddhis Maitreyawira Jakarta. This study was conducted with cross-sectional study design with 157 respondents. The data were collected during April-May 2015 with purposive sampling method. The results showed that overnutrition prevalence was 28%. Although there was no significant relationship between diet quality and overnutrition, overweight/obese respondent tend to have lower diet quality score than another.
From bivariate analyses, there were significant relationship between overnutrition and vegetarian diet, age, marital status, physical activity, nutritional knowledge, energy intake, and fat intake (p value = 0,05). From multivariate analyses, we found that energy intake as a dominant factor which cause overnutrition in adult (OR = 19,743) after controlled with age, gender, marital status, physical activity, nutritional knowledge, carbohydrate intake, protein intake, fat intake and diet quality. Therefore, intervention to the related side at study location should be done to decrease and overcome overnutrition.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Eman Sumarna
"The purpose of the study was to compare the nutritional status of children receiving supplementary food from the high and low performing health centers in East Sumba District, Indonesia.
Assessment of all 15 health centers was the first stage to determine the performance level using input output process approach, and 568 selected households from two performance categories was the second stage to investigate nutritional status. A Scoring system was used to determine the performance level, and anthropometry was used to assess nutritional status. SPSS 10.0 and Epilnfo 6.04b were used for data analyses. The study was conducted from February to March 2001.
All input-process-output and personnel capability variables between the two performance levels were significantly different. The supplementary feeding package fulfilled optimally the standard requirement, but the method and frequency of distribution did not The prevalence of malnutrition was significantly different between the two performance levels.
Lack of transportation and small number of personnel might have influenced the improper nutrition service management.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2001
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Juliawati Utoro, supervisor
The present study investigated the relationship of nutritional status and work productivity of Indonesian female industrial workers who engaged in light activity. Anthropometrics, hemoglobin (Hb), work productivity, physical activity and several socioeconomic data were collected from 230 female cigarette industrial workers.
Nutritional assessment of studied population showed that the average body mass index of studied population was 19.55 ± 2.33 kg/mz, which 41.3% of the workers were under nutrition which indicated by BMI below 18.5 kg/m2 and 40.4% were anemic while 13.9% of them were under nutrition and anemic.
BMI showed a significant quadratic regression with work productivity (p<0.05). A classification for chronic energy deficiency (CED) using BMI of 18.5 as a cutoff point was related to the functional parameter of work productivity. Workers whose BMI below 18.5 kg/m2 had work productivity about four percent lower than those whose BMI above 18.5. Female workers whose BMI ranged of 18.5 --22.5 kg/re had the highest work productivity among others.
Analysis of variance showed that anemic workers had significantly lower work productivity than the non-anemic workers (p<0.01). The anemic workers produced about five percent less output than the non-anemic workers. There was a linear regression between work productivity and hemoglobin level.
Multiple regression analysis showed that increases in Hb levels, lean body mass and experience were significantly associated with increased work productivity (p<0.01).
This study concluded that Hb, BMI and LBM were significantly related with work productivity. The better nourished workers as determined by BMI, LBM, and Hb levels were more productive than under-nourished workers also the more experienced workers had higher work productivity than the less-experienced workers.
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Maria Catharina Phan Ju Lan
Most poverty prevalence in developing countries is found among people living in rural areas, which depend on agricultural activities as their main source of livelihood (Suryana, 1992, Kuhonta, 1986).
This study assessed the overall condition of the rural community in Pasaman (Jambak and Sarik village) and Sawahlunto/Sijunjung (SP I and SP IV village) district regarding to the poverty and nutritional situation by using an adapted Rapid Rural assessment method which was called RAPID: Rapid Nutritional Assessment for Community Based Poverty Alleviation Projects in Developing Countries, developed by GTZ. The method consists of interviewing key persons, focus group discussion, observation and height measurement of school children (6-9 years old).
Other method to diagnose and analyze the nutritional situation of risk group is a nutritional survey. Interview and anthropometrics measurement of fewer than five children and the mother were done in this method.
A poor state of nutrition and health also leads to lower productivity and reduces the availability of food at the household level, which now forms a vicious cycle. The availability of food can describe the food security status of the household. This study also attempted to look into the main problems of food security on rural community by using food security questionnaire developed by SEARCA (South East Asian Regional Center for Agriculture). The result of interviewing the mothers by this method revealed that current food security status in Jambak and Sarik was better than SP I and SP IV while SP IV was worse than SP I. The similar result was found by other two methods.
RAPID method described the overall condition of the study area in a short time. This method also collected preliminary information on the nature and importance of poverty and nutritional problem, and supply of the resources of the study area. However this method insufficient to describe the relationship between nutritional problem and its determinant factor.
Baseline survey gave the extent of the nutritional problem in the area, nevertheless this method needed some resources; fund, personnel, equipments and time.
Food security method assessed the extent of food security problems in the area, however in this study, it was proved that the questionnaire was not fully applicable, therefore further analyses based on SEARCA method could not be completely applied."
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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