This study is aimed at analyzing the difference in performance between private banks and state banks within the period of 2009 to 2013. The sample used is 4 private banks and 4 state banks selected based on their size within the industry. The performance is measured by relevant financial ratios, namely loan to deposit ratio (LDR), non performing loan (NPL), return on assets (ROA), return on equity (ROE), operating expenses against operating income, net interest margin (NIM ), capital adequacy ratio (CAR) and net open position. The results show that there is no difference in performance between the state banks and private banks based on LDR, NPL, ROA, Operating expense against operating income , NIM, CAR, and net open position. The only variable shows performance difference between the state and private banks is ROE . "
Servicescape merupakan salah satu aspek yang berpengaruh terhadap niat konsumen untuk mengunjungi bank. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh servicescape terhadap pleasure-feeling konsumen, pengaruh pleasure-feeling terhadap revisit intention, pengaruh servicescape terhadap perceived service quality, pengaruh perceived service quality terhadap revisit intention, dan pengaruh perceived service quality terhadap pleasure-feeling. Data dalam penelitian ini berasal dari data primer melalui penyebaran kuesioner menggunakan sampel sebanyak 171 responden dan kuesioner menggunakan skala Likert 1-7. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan servicescape berpengaruh signifikan terhadap pleasure-feeling, pleasure-feeling berpengaruh signifikan terhadap revisit intention. Servicescape berpengaruh signifikan terhadap perceived service quality. Perceived service quality tidak berpengaruh terhadap revisit Intention. Untuk berpengaruh signifikan terhadap revisit intention, servicescape harus dimediasi oleh pleasure-feeling dan perceived service quality. Perceived service quality berpengaruh signifikan terhadap pleasure-feeling. Penelitian di dalam jurnal terdahulu meneliti hubungan di antara variabel tersebut dan hasil penelitian menunjukkan adanya hubungan yang signifikan di antara variabel tersebut. Penelitian sebelumnya menggunakan variabel moderasi, namun hasil penelitian terdahulu memiliki kesamaan dengan hasil penelitian ini.
Servicescape is one aspect which influences of consumer’s intention to visit the bank. The purpose of this study is to analyze the influence of servicescape to consumer’s pleasure-feeling, influence of pleasure-feeling to revisit intention, influence of servicescape to perceived service quality, influence of perceived service quality to revisit intention, and influence of perceived service quality to pleasure-feeling. Data in this study has been generated from primary source through the questionnaire which has been distributed to 171 respondent and the questionnaire has been using Likert Scale 1-7. The results show that servicescape influences pleasure-feeling significantly, pleasure-feeling influences revisit intention significantly. Servicescape influences perceived service quality significantly. Perceived service quality does not influence revisit intention. To be able influences revisit intention significantly, servicescape should be mediated significantly by pleasure-feeling and perceived service quality. Perceived service quality influences pleasure-feeling significantly. Previous journal study has examined the relationship between these variables and expressed significant relationship between them. Previous study have been using moderated variable, but the results of previous study have no differences with the current study.