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Yudhi Setiawan
"Pengaruh pemherian Vaksin BCG dari heherepa penelitian di luar daa dalam negeri mengbasilkan angka yang herbeda (hervariasi antara 0"/o - 80%). Diheherapa negara maju seperti di Amerilre pemherian vaksinasi BCG peda heyi tidak lagi merupekan kebijakan yang harus dilaksanakan. Tetapi di heherape Negara berkembang, salah salunya Indonesia, kebijakan pemherian vaksinasi BCG pada bayi masih merupakan lkegiatan yang rutin dan harus dilaksanakan, karena masib tingginya prevalensi Tuberkulosis di Indonesia (110 pe.r 100.000 penduduk. Depkes R.12008).
Penelitian ini menggunakan data sekunder dengan desain kasus kontrol, herlekasi di Rwnah Saldt Umum Pnsat Dr.Mohammad Hoesin Palembang tabnn 2008-2009. Kasus daa kontrol adalah anak herumur 1-5 tahun daa herdomisili di Kota..Palembang,. Sumber data diambil dari register poly rawat jalan Rwnah Sak!t tersebut terdiri dari kasus 67 balita daa kontrol 268 bslita.
Faktor yang mempengarubi timbulnya kejadian Tuherkulosis Pnru balita sangat banYuk. tetapi karena yang digunakan adalah data sekunder sehingga penelidaa ini terbstas oleb heherapa variable saja, seperti status imunisasi, umur, beret bsdan lahir, jenis kelarnin, penyakit penyerta daa imunosupresan. Status imunisasi BCG dilihat berdasarken ada tidaknya KMS + Scar, KMS saja, Scax saja, Klaim orang tua, dan tidak imunisasi.
Hasil analisis mnltivarlate pada hahungan status imunisasi dangan lrejadian tubereulosis paru berdasarkan status imunisasi Pasti (KMS+Scax), imunisasi mungkin (KMS saja, Scar saja dan Klahn orang tus saja) memberiken nilai OR= 4,19 (95 C. I; 2,10- 8,34) deagun variahle confounding Berat Badan Lahir.
Hasil penelitian ini memberiken masukan kepeda pemerintah bebwa program imunisasi BCG pada bayi masih diperiuken. Kareoa basil yang didapatke.n bebwa batita yang tidak diheri imunisasi BCG akao herisiko 4,19 kali untuk terjangkit Tuberkulosis Paru dibandingkan balita yang mendapat imunisasi.

Some researches, nationally or internationally, in regard to the impact of BCG immunization have revealed different result; vary with range from 00/e to 80G/o. In some developed countries, such as USA, the policy of the BCG immunization for infants is no longer a compulsory. But. in many developing countries like Indonesia, the policy of the BCG immunization for the infants is still a routine activities and should be obliged to because of the tuberculosis prevalence in Indonesia is still in high figure (110 per !00 000 people, R1 MOH, 2008).
The study is using a secondary data with a case control design of Dr. Mohammad Hosein Central General (MHCG) Hospital of Palembang at the year 2008-2009. Children under -five; age 1 to 5 years old, who are living in Kota Pal em bang are being the case and the controL Data acquired from the registration of out-patient at the clinic of the MHCG Hospital, and there are 67 children under-five as the case and 268 as the control.
There are many factors- influencing the incidence of lung tuberculosis of the children under-five, but as the study is using secondary data, the study only have limited variables1 such as immunization status, age, birth weight; sex. opportunistic infection, and immunosuppressant. The BCG immunization status can be look at several conditions, i.e. present of the Growth Card (KMS/GC) and the scar, the Growth Card only, the scar, parent's claim. and being not immunized.
The multivariate analysis found that there is relationship betWeen immunization status and the incidence ofiung tuberculosis based on the immunization status, which can be definite status (HC +scar), possible status (GC only, scar only, and parent's claim) is giving an OR: 4.19 (95% C.!: 2.0- 8.34) with birth weight as the confounding variable.
The study result is expected to give an input to the government that the BCG immunization program fur children under-five is still needed in lndonesia As it is. found that un-immunized children will have a risk 4.19 times on acquiring lung tuberculosis in compare to those children who received BCG immunization.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2009
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Prasetyo Widhi Buwono
"Latar Belakang : Infeksi sering didapatkan pada pasien kenker nasofaring yang menjalani kemoterapi. Infeksi disebabkan oleh rusaknya barier fisik karena efek kemoterapi atau efek kemoterapi yang akan menurunkan imunitas tubuh,Infeksi pasca kemoterapi akan menunda kemoterapi berikutnya, akibatnya respon kemoterapi menjadi tidak optimal.
Tujuan : Mendapatkan data status imunitas selular primer dan sekunder, pasca kemoterapi neoajuvan 3 siklus, data kekerapan infeksi dan perbandingan kekerapan infeksi pada pasien KNF stadium lanjut yang mendapatkan kemoterapi neoadjuvan 3 siklus pada pasien kanker nasofaring stadium lanjut, antara yang imunitas selular menurun dan yang tidak menurun.
Metode : Penelitian one group before and after observasional, 1 kelompok tanpa kontrol selama 3 bulan di gedung A lantai 8 RSCM, juli ndash; september 2015.Penurunan rerata jumlah lekosit, netrofil, CD4 , CD8, kejadian infeksi dianalisis bivariat dengan uji T berpasangan atau uji Mann Whitney.Penelitian ini juga melihat kekerapan kejadian infejsi post kemoterapi neoadjuvan.Penelitian ini menggunakan tingkat kemaknaan 0,005, interval kepercayaan 95.
Hasil : Tidak ada penurunan status imunitas selular primer, lekosit p=0,356 dan netrofil p=0,289.Terdapat penurunan status imunitas selular sekunder, CD 4 P=0,002, CD 8 P=0,001, dengan ratio CD 4 /CD 8 tidak berubah rerata CD 4 sudah rendah sejak sebelum kemoterapi.Mukositis oral dan pneumonia merupakan infeksi yang kerap didapatkan. CD4 yang rendah pada kelompok sebelum kemoterapi meningkatkan potensi infeksi selama dan sesudah kemoterapi neoadjuvan.Penurunan imunitas seluler sekunder nilai rerata jumlah CD4 berhubungan dengan peningkatan kejadian infeksi pasca siklus ke 2 p=0,016.
Kesimpulan : Tidak terdapat penurunan imunitas selular primer dan didapatkan penurunan imunitas selular sekunder pada pasien karsinoma nasofaring stadium lanjut yang menjalani kemoterapi neoadjuvan 3 siklus.Pada pasien dengan penurunan imunitas selular sekunder terdapat peningkatan kejadian infeksi mukositis oral dan pneumonia CD 4 yang rendah merupakan prediktor kejadian infeksi. Penurunan imunitas selular sekunder hanya akan meningkatkan kejadian infeksi pasca siklus ke 2 kemoterapi neoadjuvan.

Background: The infections especially in a the oropharynx often get on cancer patients nasopharyngeal .One of the causes of infection include breakdowns physical mucous barier because the tumor growth or because the effects of chemotherapy and radiation .Chemotherapy and radiation will result in side effects namely the inflammation and ulceration mouth and the oropharynx mucous called mukositis oral.selama endure chemotherapy, besides mukositis oral, infections of the also often found .Chemotherapy resulted in an emphasis on cell production immune response that result in the lekopenia with rob possibilities infection become larger.
The purpose: To asess of immunity cellular status on advanced stage nasaofaringeal patient to get 3 cycle neoadjuvan chemotherapy and assess the incident lung infection and tumor area after undergoing 3 cycle neoadjuvan chemotherapy.
The methode: Research one group before and after observational use 1 group without control. The research was done during the three months in the building a floor 8 Ciptomangunkusumo Hospital juli september 2015. The Data on the background respondents will be analyzed by a sort of descriptive set by using analysis univariat.hubungan between chemotherapy neoadjuvan and an immune response cellular will be analyzed bivariat by test wilcoxon sign rank test. In this research also be seen the proportion of the infection before pre and post chemotherapy neoadjuvan .This research using level evidence 0.05 to the interval trust 95.
Results: From 17 subject of research , 12 subjects 70,6 is laki laki , women made up subjects 29,4 .Median age patient is 46,7 , 10 patients 58,8 less than median age , 7 patients 42,2 more of age median.stadium 4a obtained on 4 patients 23,5 patients , while stadium 4 b obtained on 13 patients 76,5 .Seen from the infection after chemotherapy neoadjuvan 9 subjects 52,8 never would have experienced infection , 8 subjects 47,2 experienced infection. Looks the relationship between chemotherapy neoadjuvan 3 cycle in immunity cellular p 0,007 on cds 4 and p 0,005 on cds 8 , the immunity cellular decline in the infection look after chemotherapy neoadjuvan cycle to 2 p 0,016 on cds 4 while after cycle to 3 not seen the relationship between chemotherapy neoadjuvan 3 cycle in the infection .Count of leukosit and lymphocytes cannot be used to predict a decrease in an immune response cellular after undergoing 3 cycle neoadjuvan chemotherapy.
Conclusions: Immune response decreased on advanced stage nasopharynx carcinoma patient are undergoing 3 cycle neoadjuvan chemotherapy neoadjuvan 3 . The Decreased of cellular immune response has played of increased infection in the lung and tumor area post 2 cycle neoadjuvan chemotherapy.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ndaru Andri Damayanti
"Introduction: Constant exposure to a variety of microorganisms in domestic environment plays an important role in the shaping of individual immune response mechanism, which can affect one's susceptibility to the diseases. The aim of the study to get an understanding how the exposure of microorganisms in the the different area where the people living might give a contribution to the profile and the regulation of the immune respons after stimulated to malaria, vaccine BCG and oxLDL antigents in PBMC and whole blood cultures, and to evaluate the character of T reg as a mediator to suppress the cell proliferation.
Methode: It is an in vitro experimental study performed at Laboratorium Terpadu, Faculty of Medicine Univertas Indonesia, Jakarta in 2013 2014. As a model of infectious diseases is used pathogenic antigents such as Plasmodium falciparum infected red blood cells malaria and bacille calmette gu rin BCG vaccine, and as a modell of inflammatory disease is used non a patonegic antigen, low density lipoprotein LDL . Whole blood cultures is done for 80 blood samples to know how the regulation of immune respons from people living a rural populatin. PBMC cultures is also done to explore macrophages after stimulated to malaria, BCG and LDL. PHA stimulated to the PBMC culture with and without T reg cells to evaluate the character of T reg. T regulatory cells perhaps play the important roles to suppress the immune respons to microorganisms was also done.
Results: The profile of the immune respons of the people living in the unslum area is significantly more inflamatif than that in the slum area. The ratio of pro anti inflammation cytokines TNF IL 10 of the people living in the unslum area is significantly higher than that in the slum area. This is marked by increasing of oxLDL accumulationis that is the important point of the low protection to oxLDL of the people living in the unslum area p 0.01 . T regulatory cell may suppress the proliferation in the PBMC culture for the people living in the slum area marked by increasing not only the expression of IL 10 cytokines but also the sum of T regulatory sells p 0.01 significantly.
Conclusion: The immune respons of the people living in the unslum area is more inflamatif and responsive to malaria, BCG vaccine and oxLDL. The character of macrophage of the people living in the slum area is marked by the low ratio of pro anti inflammation cytokines TNF IL 10 to malaria, BCG vaccine and oxLDLstimulations. T regulatory cell may suppress the proliferation in the PBMC culture for the people living in the slum."
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sari Purnama Hidayat
"Bahan pangan darurat BPPT merupakan makanan padat gizi berbentuk biskuit yang dikemas secara tertutup untuk dikirimkan ke tempat-tempat bencana alam. Dalam bahan pangan tersebut terkandung polifenol yang telah terbukti secara invitro dapat meningkatkan respon imun. Untuk dapat mengaplikasikan dalam kehidupan masyarakat, bahan ini perlu melalui uji eksperimental hewan coba terlebih dahulu.
Uji eksperimental yang dilakukan terhadap 30 ekor mencit yang dibuat lapar. Setelah dua minggu berada dalam kondisi kelaparan, enam ekor mencit diambil datanya, mencit lainnya kemudian dibagi ke dalam dua kelompok perlakuan, yaitu kelompok yang diberi produk pangan darurat BPPT dan kelompok yang diberi imunomodulator Phyllanthus niruri, suatu produk imunomodulator yang telah di pasarkan di Indonesia. Enam mencit dari masingmasing kelompok diperiksa setelah mendapat perlakuan selama dua dan empat minggu.
Pada penelitian ini tidak ditemukan perbedaan yang bermakna (p>0,05) pada perbandingan perubahan jumlah leukosit, limfosit, netrofil segmen, dan jumlah IgG total antara mencit yang mendapat asupan pangan darurat BPPT dengan mencit yang mendapat asupan Phyllanthus niruri baik selama dua dan empat minggu. Oleh sebab itu, peneliti menyimpulkan bahwa produk pangan darurat BPPT memiliki efek yang sama baiknya dengan Phyllanthus niruri dalam meningkatkan respon imun mencit kelaparan dengan indikator jumlah leukosit, perubahan hitung jenis, dan jumlah IgG total setelah pemakaian dua maupun empat minggu.

BPPT emergency food is nutrient-rich cookies which are packaged in a closed session to be sent to places of natural disasters. This product contains polyphenol that has been shown to enhance immunity response in in-vitro experimentation. In order to be applicable in public life, this product needs to be experimented on animals.
Experimental tests were conducted on thirty mice which were made to be hungry. After two weeks in a state of starvation, six mice were taken to be examined, while the rest were divided into two groups, one group was given BPPT emergency food and the other group was given Phyllanthus niruri, an immunomodulator which has been marketed in Indonesia. After two weeks, six mice from each group were taken for examination and the rest were examined two weeks after the first test.
The result found no significant difference (p> 0.05) on changes number of leukocytes, lymphocytes, neutrophils segments, and total IgG between mice that received BPPT emergency food and mice that received Phyllanthus niruri after being treated for two and four weeks. Therefore, researchers concluded that the BPPT emergency food products has similar effect with Phyllanthus niruri in enhancing starving mice immunity response, indicated by the number of leukocytes, differential count of leukocyte, and total amount of IgG.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2011
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ago Harlim
Pendahuluan: Di Indonesia belum ada penelitian tentang injeksi silikon dan komplikasinya, walaupun kasusnya banyak. Patogenesis granuloma silikon masih belum jelas. Beberapa penelitian mengemukakan peran sel T dan sitokin, namun belum ada yang meneliti tentang toleransi imun.
Metode: Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif analitik meliputi rancangan potong lintang membandingkan 3 kelompok, yaitu 31 jaringan granuloma dan 31 kulit submental pasien dengan suntikan silikon di dagu (kasus) dan 37 kulit normal (kontrol), terhadap gambaran klinis, histopatologis, dan respons imun melalui ekspresi sitokin TNF-a, IFN-g, IL-10, enzim IDO, serta sel Treg (CD4+CD25+); Penelitian eksperimental membiakkan darah penuh kasus dan orang normal, pada RPMI, dan RPMI yang distimulasi PHA, dan silikon. Dilanjutkan dengan mengukur kadar sitokin TNF-a, IFN-g, IL-10 dan IDO supernatan biakan darah. Penelitian dilakukan di klinik spesialis JMB, FMIPA, FKUI, FKUNAIR, dan lembaga Eijkman, tahun 2012 - 2014.
Hasil Penelitian: Sebanyak 31 pasien granuloma akibat suntikan silikon di dagu umumnya datang berobat 12,5 tahun setelah penyuntikan, perubahan bentuk dagu terjadi pada tahun ke-4, perubahan warna pada tahun ke-5. Kadar sitokin proinflamasi di supernatan biakan darah lebih tinggi pada pasien granuloma daripada normal. Terdapat korelasi bermakna antara TNF-a di supernatan biakan darah dengan ekspresi TNF-a di jaringan granuloma. Enzim IDO, Treg, IL-10 di kulit submental berkorelasi bermakna dengan sitokin di granuloma. Sitokin anti inflamasi berperan pada kulit submental. Rasio TNF-a/IL-10 di supernatan biakan darah berkorelasi terbalik dengan ekspresi sel Treg di granuloma, membuktikan fungsi Treg sebagai toleransi imun, bekerja melalui IL-10. Enzim IDO di granuloma berkolerasi bermakna dengan rasio TNF-a/IL-10 di supernatan biakan darah dan Treg kulit submental.
Simpulan: Enzim IDO bekerja sama dengan fungsi sel Treg dalam toleransi imun pada granuloma akibat suntikan silikon. TNF-a di supernatan biakan darah dan sitokin anti inflamasi di kulit submental dapat dijadikan prediktor untuk menilai respons imun yang terjadi akibat suntikan silikon.;

Background: There is no study on silicone injections and its complications in Indonesia, yet, although the number of cases increased. The pathogenesis of silicone granulomas is still unclear. A few studies have been made to investigate the role of T cells and cytokines, however, none investigates the role of immune tolerance.
Method: An analytical descriptive study encompassing cross sectional research was designed to compare 3 groups of 31 granuloma tissue and 31 submental skin of the patients with silicone injection in the chin (case) and 37 normal skin (control) on the clinical pictures, histopathological features and immune response through the expression of TNF-a, IFN-g, IL-10 cytokines, IDO enzyme, and Treg cells (CD4+CD25+). The experimental study cultured whole blood of the case and control patients and measured the level of TNF-a, IFN-g, IL-10 cytokines and IDO enzyme. The study was conducted in JMB specialist clinics, FMIPA, FKUI, FKUA, and Eijkman foundation from the year 2012 to 2014.
Result: Thirty one patients with granuloma caused by silicone injection in the chin commonly seek medical advice 12.5 years after the injection, the chin shape changed on the fourth year and the skin color changed on the fifth year. Patients with granuloma had higher level of proinflammatory cytokines in their blood cultured supernatant. There was a significant correlation between TNF-a in blood cultured supernatant with the expression of TNF-a in the granuloma tissue. IDO enzyme, Treg cells, IL-10 in the submental skin significantly correlated with the cytokines in the granulomas. Anti inflammatory cytokines played a role on the submental skin. The ratio of TNF-a/IL-10 in blood cultured supernatant reversely correlated with the expression of Treg cells in the granuloma, demonstrating the function of Treg cells as an immune tolerance working through IL-10. IDO enzyme in the granulomas significantly correlated with the ratio of TNF-a/IL-10 in blood cultured supernatant and Treg in the submental skin.
Conclusion: IDO enzyme collaborates with Treg cells in the immune tolerance caused by silicone injection. TNF-a in blood cultured supernatant and anti inflammatory cytokines in the submental skin can be utilized as predictors to assess the resulting immune response due to silicone injection.
;Background: There is no study on silicone injections and its complications in Indonesia, yet, although the number of cases increased. The pathogenesis of silicone granulomas is still unclear. A few studies have been made to investigate the role of T cells and cytokines, however, none investigates the role of immune tolerance.
Method: An analytical descriptive study encompassing cross sectional research was designed to compare 3 groups of 31 granuloma tissue and 31 submental skin of the patients with silicone injection in the chin (case) and 37 normal skin (control) on the clinical pictures, histopathological features and immune response through the expression of TNF-a, IFN-g, IL-10 cytokines, IDO enzyme, and Treg cells (CD4+CD25+). The experimental study cultured whole blood of the case and control patients and measured the level of TNF-a, IFN-g, IL-10 cytokines and IDO enzyme. The study was conducted in JMB specialist clinics, FMIPA, FKUI, FKUA, and Eijkman foundation from the year 2012 to 2014.
Result: Thirty one patients with granuloma caused by silicone injection in the chin commonly seek medical advice 12.5 years after the injection, the chin shape changed on the fourth year and the skin color changed on the fifth year. Patients with granuloma had higher level of proinflammatory cytokines in their blood cultured supernatant. There was a significant correlation between TNF-a in blood cultured supernatant with the expression of TNF-a in the granuloma tissue. IDO enzyme, Treg cells, IL-10 in the submental skin significantly correlated with the cytokines in the granulomas. Anti inflammatory cytokines played a role on the submental skin. The ratio of TNF-a/IL-10 in blood cultured supernatant reversely correlated with the expression of Treg cells in the granuloma, demonstrating the function of Treg cells as an immune tolerance working through IL-10. IDO enzyme in the granulomas significantly correlated with the ratio of TNF-a/IL-10 in blood cultured supernatant and Treg in the submental skin.
Conclusion: IDO enzyme collaborates with Treg cells in the immune tolerance caused by silicone injection. TNF-a in blood cultured supernatant and anti inflammatory cytokines in the submental skin can be utilized as predictors to assess the resulting immune response due to silicone injection.
, Background: There is no study on silicone injections and its complications in Indonesia, yet, although the number of cases increased. The pathogenesis of silicone granulomas is still unclear. A few studies have been made to investigate the role of T cells and cytokines, however, none investigates the role of immune tolerance.
Method: An analytical descriptive study encompassing cross sectional research was designed to compare 3 groups of 31 granuloma tissue and 31 submental skin of the patients with silicone injection in the chin (case) and 37 normal skin (control) on the clinical pictures, histopathological features and immune response through the expression of TNF-a, IFN-g, IL-10 cytokines, IDO enzyme, and Treg cells (CD4+CD25+). The experimental study cultured whole blood of the case and control patients and measured the level of TNF-a, IFN-g, IL-10 cytokines and IDO enzyme. The study was conducted in JMB specialist clinics, FMIPA, FKUI, FKUA, and Eijkman foundation from the year 2012 to 2014.
Result: Thirty one patients with granuloma caused by silicone injection in the chin commonly seek medical advice 12.5 years after the injection, the chin shape changed on the fourth year and the skin color changed on the fifth year. Patients with granuloma had higher level of proinflammatory cytokines in their blood cultured supernatant. There was a significant correlation between TNF-a in blood cultured supernatant with the expression of TNF-a in the granuloma tissue. IDO enzyme, Treg cells, IL-10 in the submental skin significantly correlated with the cytokines in the granulomas. Anti inflammatory cytokines played a role on the submental skin. The ratio of TNF-a/IL-10 in blood cultured supernatant reversely correlated with the expression of Treg cells in the granuloma, demonstrating the function of Treg cells as an immune tolerance working through IL-10. IDO enzyme in the granulomas significantly correlated with the ratio of TNF-a/IL-10 in blood cultured supernatant and Treg in the submental skin.
Conclusion: IDO enzyme collaborates with Treg cells in the immune tolerance caused by silicone injection. TNF-a in blood cultured supernatant and anti inflammatory cytokines in the submental skin can be utilized as predictors to assess the resulting immune response due to silicone injection.
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Luriana Nur Pratiwi
"Imunisasi mencegah 2-3 juta kematian anak di dunia akibat penyakit infeksi seperti difteri, tetanus, pertusis, dan campak sehingga imunisasi merupakan salah satu upaya intervensi kesehatan masyarakat yang paling berhasil dan cost-effective, terutama bagi negara berkembang. Indonesia telah berhasil mencapai Universal Child Immunization (UCI) namun berdasarkan data WHO pada Weekly Epidemiological Record (No.46, 2011, 86, 509-520, 11 November 2011), Indonesia masih menempati peringkat ke-4 di dunia untuk undervaccination children dalam cakupan imunisasi DPT. Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu untuk
mengetahui gambaran imunisasi dasar lengkap dan faktor-faktor yang
berhubungan dengan status imunisasi dasar lengkap pada balita berusia 12-23 bulan di Indonesia tahun 2010, dengan menganalisis data Riskesdas 2010. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada bulan Juni tahun 2012 dan desain penelitian yang digunakan yaitu cross sectional, dengan populasi ibu yang memiliki balita usia 12-23 bulan di Indonesia tahun 2010. Hasil dianalisis secara univariat dan bivariat dengan uji chi square, independent sample T-test, dan regresi logistik. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa proporsi imunisasi dasar pada balita usia 12-23
bulan di Indonesia tahun 2010 sebesar 36,8%. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, dapat diketahui bahwa 8 variabel dinyatakan berhubungan secara statistik, yaitu daerah tempat tinggal, pendidikan ibu, pendidikan ayah, kunjungan neonatus, periksa kehamilan K4 ibu, penimbangan berat badan balita ke pelayanan kesehatan, penolong persalinan ibu, dan kepemilikan KMS/buku KIA/catatan kesehatan
lainnya. Diperlukan upaya dan peran serta aktif berbagai pihak untuk
meningkatkan cakupan imunisasi dasar lengkap pada balita di Indonesia.

Immunization prevent 2-3 millions child mortality in the world caused by
infectious disease such as diphteria, tetanus, pertusis, and measles, furthermore immunization is one of the most succsessful and cost-effective intervention in public health. In 1990, Indonesia ever reached Universal Child Immunization (UCI), however in Weekly Epidemiological Record of WHO (No.46, 2011, 86, 509-520, November 11th, 2011), Indonesia still in rank 4 for undervaccination children of three doses DTP vaccine in the world. Research objective is to know description and factors related to complete basic immunization in children under
five age 12-23 months in Indonesia in 2010 by analyzing data of Riskesdas 2010. Research was done in June, 2012 and design of this study is cross sectional, with mothers who have children under five age 12-23 months in Indonesia at 2010 as its population. Data was analyzed in univariate and bivariate using chi square test, independent sample T-test, and logistic regression. Result indicates that prevalence of complete immunization in children under five age 12-23 months in
Indonesia at 2010 is 36.8%. Result from the study shows 8 significant relationship between living area, education of mother, education of father, neonatal care, antenatal care, under five child?s weight measurement, childbirhts helper, and ownership of child health report. Active participation from various parties is needed to increase the prevalence of complete basic immunization status in Indonesia."
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2012
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dini Andriani Pramitasari
Nama : Dini Andriani PramitasariProgram Studi : Kajian Administrasi Rumah SakitJudul : Analisis Waktu Tunggu Pada Pasien yang Menjalani Radioterapidi Rumah Sakit Dr. Mohammad Hoesin PalembangLatar Belakang: Peningkatan jumlah kanker menyebabkan peningkatan akankebutuhan pelayanan kanker. Tatalaksana pada waktu yang tepat akanmemberikan hasil pengobatan yang optimal. Waktu tunggu radioterapi dapatmenggambarkan kualitas pelayanan rumah sakit.Tujuan: Mengetahui waktu tunggu radioterapi pada pasien kanker serviks, kankerpayudara, dan kanker nasofaring serta faktor pasien dan manajemen yang dapatmempengaruhi.Metode: Studi kohort retrospektif dengan mengumpulkan data melalui rekammedik pasien kanker serviks, kanker payudara, dan kanker nasofaring yangdirujuk ke Sub Radioterapi RSMH sejak Januari 2015. Waktu tunggu dihitungsejak ada hasil patologi anatomi hingga mulai radioterapi. Studi dilanjutkandengan analisis kualitatif pada faktor manajerial yaitu sarana prasarana, sumberdaya manusia, rencana perbaikan, regulasi/ kebijakan, dan anggaran terhadapadanya waktu tunggu radioterapi.Hasil: Terdapat 180 pasien kanker yang dimasukan dalam penelitian, denganmasing-masing kanker berjumlah 60 pasien. Median waktu tunggu radioterapikanker serviks adalah 131 hari. Median waktu tunggu radioterapi kanker payudaraadalah 144,5 hari. Median waktu tunggu radioterapi kanker nasofaring adalah 224hari. Analisis bivariat dilakukan terhadap variabel-variabel pasien dan didapatkantidak ada hubungan yang bermakna secara statistik terhadap waktu tunggu p>0,05 . Hasil observasi, wawancara mendalam dan telaah dokumen/ teorididapatkan bahwa keterbatasan sarana prasarana, kurangnya jumlah sumber dayamanusia, ketiadaan regulasi, dan keterbatasan anggaran mempengaruhi adanyawaktu tunggu radioterapi.Kesimpulan: Waktu tunggu radioterapi masih panjang dan belum memilikistandar, baik untuk kanker serviks, kanker payudara, dan kanker nasofaring.Diperlukan koordinasi dari berbagai profesi terkait onkologi untuk mendiskusikandan memutuskan waktu optimal pelayanan kanker, khususnya dalam bentuk timmultidisiplin kanker. Pemenuhan kesenjangan antara kebutuhan dan ketersediaanalat radiasi dan sumber daya manusia dapat menjadi solusi untuk mengurangiwaktu tunggu radioterapi.Kata kunci:Faktor Demografi, Kanker Nasofaring, Kanker Payudara, Kanker Serviks,Radioterapi, Waktu Tunggu

Name Dini AndrianiStudy Program Healthcare AdministrationTitle Analysis of Waiting Time in Patients UndergoingRadiotherapy at Dr. Mohammad Hoesin PalembangGeneral HospitalBackground Increasing number of cancers caused an increase in the need forcancer services. Treatment in the appropriate time will give an optimal result.Radiotherapy waiting time can describe the quality of hospital services.Aim to describe radiotherapy waiting time in cervical cancer, breast cancer, andnasopharyngeal cancer and to examine patient factors and managerial factorsassociated with waiting time.Methods restrospective cohort study conducted by collecting data from medicalrecord for cervical cancer, breast cancer, and nasophryngeal cancer which arereferred to Radiotherapy unit since January 2015. Wait time is define as sinceanatomical pathology confirmed of cancer until start of the first radiotherapy. Thisstudy then continued using qualititative analysis in managerial factors, such asinfrastructure, human resources, plan of improvement, regulation, and funding.Result there was 180 cancer patients, with each cancer is 60. The medianRadiotherapy waiting time for cervical cancer, breast cancer, and nasopharyngealcancer is 131 days, 144,5 days, and 224 days consecutively. There is noassociation between patients demographic characteristics age, education, workingstatus, stage of cancer, domicile, and comorbidities with wait time. From indepthinterviews, observation, and literature review, it is known that shortage ofinfrastructure and medical equipment, human resources, no regulation, andlimitation of budgeting influenced the wait time.Conclusion radiotherapy wait time is still too long and have no standard forcervical cancer, breast cancer, and nasopharyngeal cancer. Coordination betweenall oncologists is needed to discuss the optimal time for cancer services. One ofthe solutions to decrease wait time is by fulfillment between needs and demand ofradiotherapy tools and human resources.Key words Breast Cancer, Cervical Cancer, Demographic Factor, Nasopharyngeal Cancer,Radiotherapy, Waiting time"
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Athaya Yumni Ridianti
"Pneumonia merupakan penyakit menular dari manusia ke manusia lain melalui udara yang umumnya disebabkan oleh Streptococcus pneumoniae. Indonesia menempati posisi ke-7 di dunia dengan kasus kematian balita akibat pneumonia dan diare terbanyak pada tahun 2020 dengan 5,6 kematian per 1000 kelahiran hidup. Kota Jakarta Timur menempati posisi ke-2 di Provinsi DKI Jakarta dengan jumlah kasus pneumonia balita terbanyak. Tujuan: Mengetahui hubungan antara status imunisasi, pemberian ASI eksklusif, status gizi buruk dan BBLR dengan kejadian pneumonia pada balita di 10 kecamatan di Kota Jakarta Timur tahun 2022 dengan data bulanan. Hasil: Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan cakupan status imunisasi memiliki hubungan yang signifikan di Kecamatan Kramat Jati (p = 0,034; r = 0,613), cakupan pemberian ASI eksklusif memiliki hubungan yang signifikan di Kecamatan Cakung (p = 0,021; r = –0,655), cakupan status gizi buruk memiliki hubungan yang tidak signifikan di 10 kecamatan (p = 0,069 – 0,957; r = –0,018 – 0,542) dan cakupan BBLR memiliki hubungan yang tidak signifikan di 10 kecamatan (p = 0,070 – 0,923; r = –0,031 – 0,520).

neumonia is a disease transmitted from human to other humans through the air which is generally caused by Streptococcus pneumoniae. Indonesia occupies the 7th position in the world with the most under-5 mortality cases due to pneumonia and diarrhea in 2020 with 5.6 deaths per 1000 live births. East Jakarta City occupies the 2nd position in DKI Jakarta Province with the highest number of cases of pneumonia under five. Objective: To determine the relationship between immunization status, exclusive breastfeeding, malnutrition status and LBW with the incidence of pneumonia in toddlers in 10 sub-districts in East Jakarta City in 2022 with monthly data. Results: The results of this study showed that coverage of immunization status had a significant relationship in Kramat Jati District (p = 0.034; r = 0.613), coverage of exclusive breastfeeding had a significant relationship in Cakung District (p = 0.021; r = –0.655), coverage of malnutrition status had an insignificant relationship in 10 sub-districts (p = 0.069 – 0.957; r = –0.018 – 0.542) and LBW coverage had an insignificant relationship in 10 sub-districts (p = 0.070 – 0.923; r = –0.031 – 0.520"
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Mathilda Albertina
"Latar Belakang: Pada tahun 2001-2005, angka kejadian penyakit-penyakit yang dapat dicegah dengan imunisasi meningkat. Berdasarkan data WHO-UNICEF, angka kelengkapan imunisasi, yang digambarkan dengan cakupan imunisasi campak, adalah 78% di tahun 2005. Namun, angka cakupan imunisasi campak belum tentu tepat dalam menggambarkan kelengkapan imunisasi dasar.
Tujuan: Untuk mengetahui kelengkapan imunisasi dasar, alasan ketidaklengkapan imunisasi dasar, karakteristik orangtua (pendidikan orangtua, pekerjaan orangtua, pendapatan keluarga), pengetahuan serta sikap orangtua terhadap imunisasi, dan hubungan antara karakteristik, pengetahuan dan sikap orangtua dengan kelengkapan imunisasi dasar pada anak balita di Poliklinik Ilmu Kesehatan Anak RS. Cipto Mangunkusumo (RSCM).
Metode: Penelitian cross-sectional dengan wawancara melalui kuesioner pada orang tua yang membawa anak balita di Poliklinik Ilmu Kesehatan Anak RS. Cipto Mangunkusumo pada tanggal 04-14 Maret 2008.
Hasil: Dari 76 sampel, 65,8% anak balita memiliki status imunisasi dasar yang lengkap dan 34,2% lainnya tidak lengkap. Jenis imunisasi yang paling banyak tidak lengkap adalah hepatitis B (17,1%). Alasan ketidaklengkapan imunisasi antara lain anak sakit (66,7%), orangtua tidak tahu jadwal imunisasi (18,5%), vaksin habis (7,4%), orangtua lupa (3,7%), dan tidak ada Pekan Imunisasi Nasional (3,7%). Tidak ada hubungan yang signifikan secara statistik antara pendidikan orangtua, pekerjaan orangtua, pendapatan keluarga, pengetahuan serta sikap orangtua terhadap imunisasi dengan kelengkapan imunisasi dasar anak balita.
Kesimpulan: Kelengkapan imunisasi dasar anak balita di Poliklinik Ilmu Kesehatan Anak RSCM adalah 65,8%. Ketidaklengkapan imunisasi paling banyak disebabkan karena anak sakit (66,7%). Tidak didapatkan hubungan antara faktor orangtua dengan kelengkapan imunisasi dasar anak balita di Poliklinik Ilmu Kesehatan Anak RSCM.

Introduction: From the year 2001 to 2005, number of vaccine-preventable diseases was increased. According to WHO-UNICEF, this number, which regards the coverage of measles immunization, is 78% in 2005. However, the coverage number of measles immunization does not necessarily accurate in representing the number of complete basic immunization.
Objective: To explore complete of basic immunization on children under five year old at Pediatric Clinic in Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital (RSCM), the underlying reasons of incomplete basic immunization, parent's characteristics (educational background, occupation, family income, knowledge and attitude toward immunization) and relationship between parent's characteristic and the completeness of basic immunization.
Method: Cross-section study with questionnaire guided interview to parents who brought underfive children to pediatric clinic in Cipto Mangunkusumo National Hospital (RSCM) on 04?14 March 2008.
Result: From 76 samples, 65,8% children have complete basic immunization and 34,2% others have incomplete basic immunization. The most incomplete type of immunization is Hepatitis B (17,1%).The reasons for these children to have incomplete basic immunization were due to sickness occuring concurrently with the immunization schedule (66.7%), parents' unawareness of the immunization schedule (18.5%), insufficient amount of vaccine supply (7.4%), parents not recalling of giving their children immunization (3.7%), and the absence of National Immunization Week or PIN (3.7%). There is no statistically significant relationship between the parent's educational background, occupation, family income, knowledge and attitude toward immunization and complete of basic immunization on children under age five at RSCM's Pediatric Clinic.
Conclusion: Complete basic immunization on children under five years old at RSCM's Pediatric Clinic reached 65.8%. The reason of incomplete basic immunization was mostly due to sickness happening concurrently with the immunization schedule (66.7%). There was no relation between parent's characteristisc and the completeness of basic immunization on children under age five at RSCM's Pediatric Clinic.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2009
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Innate and adaptive immunity play important roles in immunosurveillance and tumor destruction. This book discusses recent progress in innate immunity and Treg cells, and the regulation of innate immunity through Toll-like receptor (TLR) signalling."
New York: Springer, 2012
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