ABSTRAKSalah satu isu krusial dalam pembangunan pendidikan di Indonesia adalah
kesenjangan akses pendidikan antar kabupaten/kota. Pelaksanaan desentralisasi
yang bertujuan mendekatkan pelayanan publik ke masyarakat diharapkan
membuat akses pendidikan tingkat kabupaten/kota menjadi lebih baik. Penelitian
ini membahas pengaruh alokasi anggaran pemerintah terhadap perbaikan akses
pendidikan menengah kabupaten/kota di Sulawesi Utara, diukur dengan angka
partisipasi kasar (APK) dan angka partisipasi murni (APM). Analisis
ekonometrika data panel 15 kabupaten/kota di Sulawesi Utara, periode 2010-
2012, menunjukkan beberapa hal. Pertama, anggaran pemerintah melalui
anggaran fungsi pendidikan berpengaruh signifikan dan positif terhadap
peningkatan APK dan APM. Kedua, dana transfer berupa DAU hanya
berpengaruh meningkatakan akses pendidikan melalui APK, tidak pada APM.
Ketiga, kemandirian fiskal kabupaten/kota tidak berpengaruh dalam
meningkatkan akses pendidikan menengah daerahnya. PDRB per kapita sebagai
cerminan kapasitas ekonomi masyarakat menunjukkan berpengaruh signifikan dan
positif terhadap peningkatan APK dan APM. Namun demikian pengaruh variabelvariabel
yang signifikan terhadap perbaikan akses pendidikan menengah sangat
kecil. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa dampak alokasi anggaran pemerintah maupun
pertumbuhan ekonomi, terhadap perbaikan akses pendidikan menengah
kabupaten/kota relatif kecil.
ABSTRACTOne of the crucial issues in the development of education in Indonesia is
education access gap between kabupaten/kota. The implementation of
decentralization which aims to bring the public service to the community is
expected to make access to education at the kabupaten/kota for the better. This
study discusses the effect of government budget allocation towards improving
access secondary education kabupaten/kota in North Sulawesi, measured by the
gross enrollment rate (GER) and net enrollment ratio (NER). Econometric
analysis of panel data of 15 kabupaten/kota in North Sulawesi, 2010-2012 show
several things. First, the government budget through the budget of the education
functions show significant and positive impact on the improvement of GER and
NER. Second, the transfer of funds in the form of DAU affects only increase the
access to education through the GER, not to NER. Third, fiscal independency of
kabupaten/kota have no effect in improving access to secondary education in
those area. GDP per capita as a reflection of the economic capacity of the
community showed significant and positive impact on the improvement of GER
and NER. However, the variables which significantly effect the improvement of
access to secondary education is very small. This shows that the impact of
government budget allocation and economic growth, improved access to
secondary education kabupaten/kota is relatively small.;One of the crucial issues in the development of education in Indonesia is
education access gap between kabupaten/kota. The implementation of
decentralization which aims to bring the public service to the community is
expected to make access to education at the kabupaten/kota for the better. This
study discusses the effect of government budget allocation towards improving
access secondary education kabupaten/kota in North Sulawesi, measured by the
gross enrollment rate (GER) and net enrollment ratio (NER). Econometric
analysis of panel data of 15 kabupaten/kota in North Sulawesi, 2010-2012 show
several things. First, the government budget through the budget of the education
functions show significant and positive impact on the improvement of GER and
NER. Second, the transfer of funds in the form of DAU affects only increase the
access to education through the GER, not to NER. Third, fiscal independency of
kabupaten/kota have no effect in improving access to secondary education in
those area. GDP per capita as a reflection of the economic capacity of the
community showed significant and positive impact on the improvement of GER
and NER. However, the variables which significantly effect the improvement of
access to secondary education is very small. This shows that the impact of
government budget allocation and economic growth, improved access to
secondary education kabupaten/kota is relatively small., One of the crucial issues in the development of education in Indonesia is
education access gap between kabupaten/kota. The implementation of
decentralization which aims to bring the public service to the community is
expected to make access to education at the kabupaten/kota for the better. This
study discusses the effect of government budget allocation towards improving
access secondary education kabupaten/kota in North Sulawesi, measured by the
gross enrollment rate (GER) and net enrollment ratio (NER). Econometric
analysis of panel data of 15 kabupaten/kota in North Sulawesi, 2010-2012 show
several things. First, the government budget through the budget of the education
functions show significant and positive impact on the improvement of GER and
NER. Second, the transfer of funds in the form of DAU affects only increase the
access to education through the GER, not to NER. Third, fiscal independency of
kabupaten/kota have no effect in improving access to secondary education in
those area. GDP per capita as a reflection of the economic capacity of the
community showed significant and positive impact on the improvement of GER
and NER. However, the variables which significantly effect the improvement of
access to secondary education is very small. This shows that the impact of
government budget allocation and economic growth, improved access to
secondary education kabupaten/kota is relatively small.]"