ABSTRAKLarutan KI 2% digunakan sebagai larutan utama yang dioksidasi untuk
menghasilkan iodine sebagai indikator terbentuknya agen pengoksidasi. Jumlah
iodine yang terbentuk dianalisa melalui metode analisis titrasi iodometri. Kondisi
operasi proses yang paling memengaruhi yakni besar lubang diameter discharge
injektor dan laju alir sirkulasi. Semakin kecil diameter lubang, efektifitas
pembentukan agen pengoksidasi semakin meningkat, pada diameter 4 mm
menghasilkan agen pengoksidasi sebesar 7,188 x 10-5 mol/L, diameter 5 mm
menghasilkan 6,563 x 10-5, dan diameter 6 mm menghasilkan 5,000 x 10-5.
Semakin besar laju alir maka cavitation number semakin kecil sehingga proses
kavitasi semakin efisien dan pembentukan agen pengoksidasi semakin optimum.
ABSTRACT2% KI solution is used as the main solution is oxidized to produce iodine as an
indicator of the establishment of oxidizing agents. Amount of iodine formed was
analyzed by iodometric titration method. Operating conditions that most affect the
process is the hole diameter of the discharge injector and the circulation flow rate.
The smaller the diameter of the hole more effectiveness on the establishment of
oxidizing agents increases, the diameter of 4 mm produces oxidizing agents of
7.188 x 10-5 mol / L, diameter 5 mm yield 6.563 x 10-5, and a diameter of 6 mm
produces 5.000 x 10-5. The greater the flow rate so that the smaller the cavitation
number the more efficient the process of cavitation and the formation of the
optimum oxidizing agent."