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Oxford: Pergamon Press, 1989
R 333.8503 CON
Buku Referensi  Universitas Indonesia Library
Wang, K.P.
Boulder, Colorado: Westview Press, 1977
338.20951 WAN m
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Soetaryo Sigit
Jakarta : Department of Minessota , 1977
622 SOE m
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dian Eka Rahayu Sawitri
"Tesis ini membahas kebijakan clean and clear yang merupakan instrumen dalam menata izin usaha pertambangan mineral dan batubara yang sudah diterbitkan oleh Pemerintah Provinsi, Kabupaten/Kota. Dalam rangka menata izin usaha pertambangan pemerintah melaksanakan kegiatan Rekonsiliasi Nasional Data Izin Usaha Pertambangan yang terdiri dari inventarisasi, verifikasi dan klasifikasi. Output dari inventarisasi adalah tersedianya data KP/SIPD/SIPR yang sudah disesuaikan legalitas usaha pertambangannya menjadi IUP atau IPR. Sedangkan output dari verifikasi adalah klasifikasi IUP yang mendapat status Clean and Clean (dinyatakan tidak bermasalah atau tumpang tindih). Upaya Pemerintah dalam mengevaluasi IUP melalui kebijakan clean and clear harus diapresiasi dan didukung oleh semua pihak. Mengingat implikasi sertifikasi Clean and Clear berpengaruh terhadap kegiatan usaha pertambangan lainnya maka legalitas kebijakan Clean and Clear mutlak diperlukan. Keberadaan dasar hukum bagi tindakan pemerintah berguna untuk mencegah terjadinya penyalahgunaan wewenang. Oleh sebab itu kebijakan Clean and Clear perlu untuk dievaluasi dan diberi format hukum sesuai dengan ketentuan peraturan perundang-undangan.

This thesis describes about the clean and clear policy that is an instrument in managing the mining and coal license that has been issued by Provincial Government, District/City. In order to manage the mineral mining lisence the government commits National Reconciliation Data Mining License consists of inventarization, verification and classification.The inventarization's output is the availability of KP/SIPD/SIPR data that legality mining license has been adjusted into IUP or IPR. Meanwhile the verification's output is IUP classification that has been granted clean and clear status (declared has no problem or overlapping). The government's effort to evaluate IUP through clean and clear policy must be appreciated and supported from all of the parties. Considering the implication of clean and clear certification has an influence to the other mining activity, the legality of clean and clear policy is absolutely needed. Therefore clean and clear policies need to be evaluated and given a legal format in accordance with the provisions of the legislation."
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Januarista Amartya Dyasti
"Sukabumi merupakan salah satu wilayah yang memiliki potensi bijih timbal. Pada area penelitian terdapat endapan mineral skarn dengan host rock batugamping. Namun, karakteristik host rock batugamping dan tipe skarn belum diketahui. Kedua hal tersebut perlu diketahui untuk kepentingan penentuan zona prospek bijih. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi karakteristik batugamping di sekitar endapan skarn sehingga dapat diketahui tipe endapan skarn daerah penelitian. Penelitian menggunakan metode kuantitatif dan kualitatif pada analisis petrologi, petrografi, mineragrafi, pemodelan eksplisit, dan atomic absorption spectrometry (AAS). Karakteristik batugamping di sekitar endapan skarn terdiri dari parameter lithofasies, tingkat metamorfisme, jenis alterasi, jenis mineralisasi bijih, dan kadar bijih. Batuan yang ditemukan memiliki tiga kelompok, yaitu batugamping, metagamping, dan marmer. Lithofasies di sekitar endapan skarn terdiri dari wackestone, packestone, floatstone, rudstone, boundstone, litho-bioclastic limestone, dan marmer. Sementara itu, kelompok metagamping dan marmer mengalami metamorfisme dalam tiga tingkat, yaitu slighly metamorphed, moderately metamorphed, dan highly metamorphed. Batuan teralterasi progradasi dan retrogardasi. Mineral progradasi yang ditemukan didominasi klinopiroksen anggota aegirin, augit, hedenbergit, dan diopsid. Sementara alterasi retrogradasi menghasilkan mineral klorit, serpentin, epidot, amfibol, dan mineral bijih sulfida. Mineral bijih pada batuan terdiri dari pirit, pirhotit, sfalerit, dan galena dengan jenis mineralisasi fossil casted mineralization dan non-fossil casted mineralization dan kadar bijih didominasi unsur Pb dan Zn. Host rock mineralisasi bijih pada endapan skarn berupa boundstone dan unknown limestone facies yang paralel dengan boundstone. Mineralisasi pada fasies boundstone dikontrol oleh open space berupa moldic pore, sementara unknown limestone facies dikontrol oleh secondary pore. Endapan skarn daerah penelitian merupakan Pb-Zn skarn yang berada dalam posisi distal terhadap intrusi.

Sukabumi is one of the areas that has lead ore potential. In research area, there is skarn mineral deposit with limestone as host rock. However, the characteristics of the limestone host rock and the type of skarn are not yet known. These two things need to be known for the purpose of determining the ore prospect zone. This research aims to identify the characteristics of limestone around the skarn deposits so that the type of skarn deposits in the study area can be identified. The research uses quantitative and qualitative methods in petrological, petrography, mineragraphy, explicit modeling, and atomic absorption spectrometry (AAS). The characteristics of limestone around skarn deposits consist of lithofacies, metamorphism level, alteration type, ore mineralization type, and ore grade. The rocks found have three groups, namely limestone, meta-limestone, and marble. Lithofacies around skarn deposits consist of wackestone, packestone, floatstone, rudstone, boundstone, litho-bioclastic limestone, and marble. Meanwhile, the metalimestone and marble groups have three levels of metamorphism, there are slighly metamorphed, moderately metamorphed, and highly metamorphed. The limestone is impacted by prograde and retrograde altered rock. The prograde minerals found were dominated by clinopyroxene members of aegirin, augite, hedenbergite, and diopsid. While retrogradation alteration produces chlorite, serpentine, epidote, amphibole, and sulfide ore minerals. The ore minerals in the rock consist of pyrite, pyrrhotite, sphalerite, and galena with the type of mineralization fossil casted mineralization and non-fossil casted mineralization and the ore grade is dominated by Pb and Zn elements. The host rock of ore mineralization in skarn deposits is boundstone and unknown limestone facies that is parallel to the boundstone. Mineralization in the boundstone facies is controlled by open space in the form of a moldic pore, while the unknown limestone facies is controlled by a secondary pore. The skarn deposit in the study area is a Pb-Zn skarn which is in a position distal to the intrusion."
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
M.T. Zen
Jakarta: Yayasan Obor Indonesia , 1984
333.7 ZEN s
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
New York: United Nations, 1991
R 553.73 UNI a
Buku Referensi  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ahmad Redi
"Pertambangan mineral dan batubara merupakan salah satu kegiatan usaha yang menguras sumber daya alam yang begitu masif dan memiliki dampak kerusakan dan pencemaran lingkungan yang tinggi. Sebagai upaya untuk mendorong akan kegiatan usaha pertambangan mineral dan batubara dapat dikendalikan agar terselenggaranya fungsi pelestarian lingkungan hidup maka dikenalkanlah kebijakan hukum instrumen ekonomi lingkungan dalam Undang-Undang Nomor 32 Tahun 2009 tentang Perlindungan dan Pengelolaan Lingkungan Hidup. Namun demikian, instrumen ekonomi lingkungan hidup dalam undang-undang tersebut belumlah dianggap ideal bagi kegiatan usaha pertambangan mineral dan batubara yang berkelanjutan, sehingga dalam Undang-Undang Nomor 11 Tahun 2020 tentang Cipta Kerja (UU CK) diaturlah berbagai instrumen ekonomi lingkungan di sektor pertambangan mineral dan batubara, yaitu pengenaan royalti 0% (nol persen) bagi pelaku usaha pertambangan yang mengembangan dan memanfaatkan batubara, seperti untuk Dimethyl Ether (DME) dan Synthetic Natural Gas (SNG). Selain itu, diatur pula mengenai pengenaan pertambangan batubara sebagai barang kena pajak penghasilan (PPN) 10% (sepuluh persen). Penelitian ini melakukan kajian terdapat pelaksanaan kebijakan instrumen ekonomi lingkungan setelah ditetapkan UU CK dengan studi kasus di PT Bukit Asam Tbk. Tujuan penelitian ini ialah untuk menguji efektifitas kebijakan instrumen ekonomi lingkungan. Metode penelitian ini yaitu metode kualitatif dengan analisis data deksriptif-analitis. Hasil penelitian ini pengenaan royalti 0% (nol persen) bagi pelaku usaha pertambangan yang mengembangan dan memanfaatkan batubara dan pengenaan pertambangan batubara sebagai barang kena pajak penghasilan (PPN) 10% (sepuluh persen) belum efektif, serta PT Bukit Asam hanya menerapkan sebagian instrumen ekonomi lingkungan model perencanaan pembangunan dan kegiatan ekonomi, pendanaan lingkungan, dan insentif/disinsentif.

Mineral and coal mining is one of the business activities that drains natural resources so massively and has a high impact on environmental damage and pollution. In an effort to encourage mining and coal business activities to be controlled so that the function of environmental conservation can be implemented, a policy on environmental economic law instruments was introduced in Law Number 32 of 2009 concerning Environmental Protection and Management. However, the environmental economic instruments in the law are not yet considered ideal for sustainable mineral and coal mining business activities, so Law Number 11 of 2020 concerning Job Creation (UU CK) regulates various environmental economic instruments in the mineral and coal mining, namely the imposition of a 0% (zero percent) royalty for mining business actors who develop and utilize coal, such as for Dimethyl Ether (DME) and Synthetic Natural Gas (SNG). In addition, it also regulates the imposition of coal mining as income taxable goods (VAT) 10% (ten percent). This study examines the implementation of the environmental economic instrument policy after the CK Law was enacted with a case study at PT Bukit Asam Tbk. The purpose of this study was to examine the effectiveness of the environmental economic policy instrument. This research method is a qualitative method with descriptive-analytical analysis of the data. The results of this study are the imposition of 0% (zero percent) royalties for mining business actors who develop and utilize coal and the imposition of coal mining as income taxable goods (VAT) 10% (ten percent) has not been effective, and PT Bukit Asam only applies some economic instruments. environmental development planning model and economic activity, environment, and incentives/disincentives."
Jakarta: Sekolah Ilmu Lingkungan Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ramandha Cipta Putra Fikri
Pertambangan mineral dan batuan merupakan salah satu sektor strategis dalam perekonomian dunia. Nilai guna yang tinggi serta diharuskannya suatu perusahaan tambang untuk menetap dalan jangka waktu yang lama di dalam wilayah suatu negara menjadikan sektor ini menjadi sangat strategis baik secara ekonomi maupun politik. Sektor pertambangan mineral dan batuan seperti layaknya pertambangan migas, umumnya masih dikuasai oleh MNCs dan perusahaan pertambangan dari negara maju, sementara sumber daya mineral dan batuan mayoritas berada pada negara berkembang yang miskin teknologi. Hal ini menciptakan suatu kondisi dimana negara berkembang sering merasa dirugikan dengan kondisi dimana mereka hanya dapat memproduksi barang tambang mentah dan diharuskan membeli kembali hasil olahan dari barang tambang mentah yang berasal dari negara mereka. Hal ini pula yang membuat banyak negara berkembang mengeluarkan kebijakan yang bercorak resource nationalism guna mengejar kepentingan ekonomi maupun kepentingan politik.
Indonesia merupakan salah satu negara penghasil komoditas tambang mineral dan batuan yang cukup besar. Sedikitnya dua puluh komoditas tambang mineral dan batuan diproduksi oleh Indonesia. Namun sebagaimana negara berkembang lain, sektor pertambangan mineral dan Batuan Indonesia masih didominasi oleh MNCs dan perusahaan pertambangan Asing. Hal yang mengejutkan kemudian dilakukan oleh Pemerintah Indonesia dimana pada periode tahun 2009 hingga tahun 2014, pemerintah Indonesia mengeluarkan kebijakan yang bercorak resource nationalism. Pergeseran kebijakan ini menjadi suatu hal yang menarik dimana sebelumnya kebijakan di sektor tersebut cenderung bercorak liberalis. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui penyebab dilakukannya pergeseran kebijakan di sektor pertambangan mineral dan batuan Indonesia menuju penerapan prinsip-prinsip resource nationalism pada periode tersebut.

Mineral and ores mining is one of the most strategic sectors in world economy. High value of usage and the obligation of the mining companies to stay in other country's sovereign territory for a long period of time makes this sector very strategic economically and politically. Mineral and ores mining just like oil and gas mining, is usually dominated by MNCs and mining companies from the developed countries, while the mineral and ores resources is often located in developing countries that are lacking in technology to exploit it. This creates condition where the developing countries often feels at disadvantages, because they can only produce the raw materials, and in return they have to purchase the processed products which originally made from the raw materials from their own countries. This also causes many developing countries create policies that are associated with resource nationalism to pursue economic ends and also political ends.
Indonesia is one of the biggest mineral and ores commodities producing countries. At least twenty kind of mineral and ores commodities are produced by Indonesia. However, just like many other developing countries, mineral and ores mining sector in Indonesia is still dominated by MNCs and foreign mining companies. In the period between 2009 and 2014, Indonesian government created some shocking policies in their mineral and ores mining sector that associated with resource nationalism. This political shift towards more resource nationalist policies is interesting to observe because previously mineral and ores mining policies in Indonesia is considered to be more liberal. This research aims to analyze what causes the shift on indonesian mineral and ores mining sector towards resource nationalism on that period;Mineral and ores mining is one of the most strategic sectors in world economy. High value of usage and the obligation of the mining companies to stay in other country's sovereign territory for a long period of time makes this sector very strategic economically and politically. Mineral and ores mining just like oil and gas mining, is usually dominated by MNCs and mining companies from the developed countries, while the mineral and ores resources is often located in developing countries that are lacking in technology to exploit it. This creates condition where the developing countries often feels at disadvantages, because they can only produce the raw materials, and in return they have to purchase the processed products which originally made from the raw materials from their own countries. This also causes many developing countries create policies that are associated with resource nationalism to pursue economic ends and also political ends.
Indonesia is one of the biggest mineral and ores commodities producing countries. At least twenty kind of mineral and ores commodities are produced by Indonesia. However, just like many other developing countries, mineral and ores mining sector in Indonesia is still dominated by MNCs and foreign mining companies. In the period between 2009 and 2014, Indonesian government created some shocking policies in their mineral and ores mining sector that associated with resource nationalism. This political shift towards more resource nationalist policies is interesting to observe because previously mineral and ores mining policies in Indonesia is considered to be more liberal. This research aims to analyze what causes the shift on indonesian mineral and ores mining sector towards resource nationalism on that period, Mineral and ores mining is one of the most strategic sectors in world economy. High value of usage and the obligation of the mining companies to stay in other country's sovereign territory for a long period of time makes this sector very strategic economically and politically. Mineral and ores mining just like oil and gas mining, is usually dominated by MNCs and mining companies from the developed countries, while the mineral and ores resources is often located in developing countries that are lacking in technology to exploit it. This creates condition where the developing countries often feels at disadvantages, because they can only produce the raw materials, and in return they have to purchase the processed products which originally made from the raw materials from their own countries. This also causes many developing countries create policies that are associated with resource nationalism to pursue economic ends and also political ends.
Indonesia is one of the biggest mineral and ores commodities producing countries. At least twenty kind of mineral and ores commodities are produced by Indonesia. However, just like many other developing countries, mineral and ores mining sector in Indonesia is still dominated by MNCs and foreign mining companies. In the period between 2009 and 2014, Indonesian government created some shocking policies in their mineral and ores mining sector that associated with resource nationalism. This political shift towards more resource nationalist policies is interesting to observe because previously mineral and ores mining policies in Indonesia is considered to be more liberal. This research aims to analyze what causes the shift on indonesian mineral and ores mining sector towards resource nationalism on that period]"
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Bateman, Alan M.
Tokyo: Charles E. Tuttle, 1960
553 BAT e
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
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