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Muhammad Zaini Azwan
Tujuan : Koreksi transatrial-transpulmonary tanpa transannular patch (TA-TP tanpa
TAP) memiliki keuntungan berupa preservasi annulus katup pulmonal dan fungsi
ventrikel kanan, Namun sering terjadi gradien RV-PA dan pRV/LV ratio yang masih
tinggi sehingga terjadi low cardiac output syndrome (LCOS). Penelitian ini bertujuan
untuk mencari batasan gradien RV-PA dan pRV/LV ratio yang merupakan nilai prediktif
terbaik terhadap kejadian LCOS pascakoreksi tetralogi Fallot TA-TP tanpa TAP.
Metode : Pada bulan Oktober 2012 sampai Maret 2013, sebanyak 30 pasien TF menjalani
koreksi TF TA-TP tanpa TAP (mean usia 8,37±7,90 tahun). Dilakukan pengukuran
gradien RV-PA dan pRV/LV ratio intraoperatif dan postoperatif di ICU. Evaluasi kejadian
LCOS dilakukan selama perawatan di ICU. Sebelum pasien pulang, dilakukan
pemeriksaan ekokardiografi untuk menilai gradien RV-PA, fungsi ventrikel kanan, defek
septum ventrikel residual, derajat regurgitasi katup pulmonal dan katup trikuspid.
Hasil : Sebanyak 30 (100%) subjek penelitian memiliki z-value ≥ -1, menjalani koreksi
TF TA-TP tanpa TAP. Mean gradien RV-PA intraoperatif adalah 21,13±10,60 mm Hg
dan mean pRV/LV ratio intraoperatif adalah 0,53±0,14. Mean gradien RV-PA di ICU
adalah 20,83±7,10 mmHg dan mean pRV/LV ratio di ICU adalah 0,49±0,10. Tidak terjadi
LCOS pada 30 (100%) subjek penelitian sehingga tidak dapat dilakukan analisis untuk
mencari batasan nilai gradien RV-PA dan pRV/LV ratio sebagai nilai prediktif terbaik
terhadap kejadian LCOS pascakoreksi TF TA-TP tanpa TAP. Mean gradien RV-PA
sebelum subjek penelitian rawat jalan adalah 23,47±6,95 mmHg. Regurgitasi katup
pulmonal ringan pada 15 (50%) subjek penelitian dan regurgitasi katup trikuspid trivialmild
pada 16 (53%) subjek penelitian. Disfungsi ventrikel kanan ringan 3 (10%), sedang
20 (67%) dan berat pada 7 (23%) subjek penelitian. Mean TAPSE postoperatif adalah
1,03±0,19. DSV residual tidak dijumpai, aritmia tidak dijumpai, reoperasi dan mortalitas
tidak ada.
Simpulan : Koreksi TF TA-TP tanpa TAP memberikan hasil operasi dini yang baik pada
pasien TF dengan z-value katup pulmonal ≥ -1, pRV/LV ratio < 0,5 dan gradien RV-PA <
25 mmHg pascakoreksi.

Objective : The benefits of the transatrial-transpulmonary (TA-TP) without transannular
patch (TAP) correction of tetralogy of Fallot (TOF) are preservation of pulmonary valve
annulus and right ventricular function. However, TA-TP without TAP correction of TOF
had a higher incidence of low cardiac output syndrome (LCOS) because of the high right
ventricle and pulmonary artery (RV-PA) pressure gradient and right ventricle and left
ventricle pressure (pRV/LV) ratio. The purpose of this study were to analyze the cut off
value of RV-PA pressure gradient dan pRV/LV ratio as the best predictor value for
postoperative LCOS in TA-TP without TAP correction of TOF.
Methods : Between Oktober 2012 and Maret 2013, 30 patients with TOF underwent TATP
without TAP correction (mean age 8,37±7,90 years, range 1-27 years). At the end of
correction, all patients underwent intraoperative direct measurement of RV-PA pressure
gradient and pRV/LV ratio. The patients were evaluated for postoperative LCOS at the
Intensive Care Unit (ICU). All the patients underwent echocardiographic examination
before hospital discharge. This included investigation of the presence RV-PA pressure
gradien, RV function, residual VSD, pulmonary and tricuspid valve insufficiency.
Results : Thirty patients with pulmonary valve annulus z-value ≥ -1, underwent TA-TP
without TAP correction of TOF. Mean intraoperative RV-PA pressure gradient was
21,13±10,60 mmHg and mean intraoperative pRV/LV ratio was 0,53±0,14. Mean RV-PA
pressure gradient measured 24 hours after correction at the ICU was 20,83±7,10 mmHg
and mean pRV/LV ratio measured at 24 hours after correction at the ICU was 0,49±0,10.
No patient had LCOS, we could not analyze the cut off value of RV-PA pressure gradient
and pRV/LV ratio as the best predictor value for postoperative LCOS in this study. No
patient had residual VSD. Mean RV-PA pressure gradient before hospital discharge was
23,47±6,95 mmHg. Fifteen (50%) patients had mild pulmonary valve insufficiency and
16 (53%) patients had trivial-mild tricuspid valve insufficiency. Three (10%) patients had
mild RV dysfunction. Postoperative mean TAPSE was 1,03±0,19. No patient had
arrhythmia, reoperation and mortality in this study.
Conclusions : The TA-TP without TAP correction of TOF was applied successfully in 30
patients with pulmonary valve annulus z-value ≥ -1, post-correction RV-PA pressure
gradient < 25 mmHg and pRV/LV ratio < 0,5."
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Mohammad Rijal Alaydrus
Hipertrofi ventrikel kanan (HVKa) pada tetralogy fallot (TF) merupakan suatu respon adaptif akibat dari peningkatan tekanan di ventrikel kanan (VKa) dan hipoksia. HVKa yang berat vektor jantung akan mengarah ke kanan-posterior dapat menyebabkan gelombang S yang dalam di sadapan V6. Sementara itu pasien TF yang lama tidak dikoreksi akan mengalami paparan tekanan berlebih dan sianosis yang lebih lama juga, yang dapat menyebabkan perubahan-perubahan di tingkat seluler kardiomiosit yang pada akhirnya menyebabkan disfungsi VKa, dan sindrom curah jantung rendah (SCJR). Walaupun angka kesintasan pasca operasi baik, tapi perburukan SCJR dapat mengakibatkan kematian. Saat ini belum jelas bagaimana hubungan antara gelombang S di V6 dengan luaran total koreksi TF khususnya kejadian SCJR.
Penelitian dengan metode potong lintang. Subyek penelitian adalah TF yang menjalani total koreksi selama tahun 2013 sebanyak 150 pasien, 35 diantaranya dikeluarkan dari penelitian karena tidak memenuhi kriteri inklusi. Subyek dibagi menjadi 2 kelompok yaitu kelompok subyek dengan temuan kriteria S di V6 dan subyek yang untuk melihat hubungan temuan kriteria tersebut dengan variabel dasar. Kemudian dilakukan analisis bifariat terhadap kejadian SCJR, variabel dengan nilai p < 0.25 di masukkan dalam analisa multivariat. Nilai p< 0.05 dianggap bermakna.
Usia yang lebih muda, saturasi dan hematokrit yang lebih tinggi ditemukan pada kelompok subyek memenuhi kriteria gelombang S di V6. Kemudian, usia yag lebih muda, saturasi yang tinggi, kriteria gelombang R di aVR, kriteria gelombang S di I dan kriteria gelombang S di V6 berhubungan dengan kejadian SCJR. Analisis multivariat kriteria gelombang S di V6 berhubungan dengan kejadian SCJR dengan OR 3.2, interval kepercayaan 95% 1.2 - 8.5 dan nilai p=0.02
Kriteria EKG gelombang S di sadapan V6 untuk diagnosis HVKa berhubungan dengan kejadian SCJR pasca total koreksi pasien TF.

Tetralogy of Fallot (TOF) is a common cyanotic congenital heart disease. Right ventricular hypertrophy (RVH) is an adaptive response due to pressure overload and hypoxia in right ventricle (RV); it can be manifested as tall R wave in right precordial leads. This is due to changing direction of cardiac-vector to right In severe RVH, the cardiac vector rotated to right posterior causing deep S wave in V6. Uncorrected TF will expossed to prolong pressure overload and hypoxia, it can caused changes in cardiomyocite that can leads to RV dysfunction, low cardiac output syndrom (LCOS), and arrhythmias. Although the post operation survival rate was quite good, but worsening LCOS could increase mortality. In present time, the association between S wave in V6 and postoperative TOF outcomes, especially LCOS, has not been explained.
This is a cross sectional study. 150 TOF patients underwent total correction in 2013 included in this study. 35 patients who didn?t meet the inclusion criteria were excluded. Subjects divided in 2 groups: (1) patients who meets S in V6 criteria, and (2) control subjects as baseline characteristic. Bivariate analysis was done for incidence of LCOS, the variable with P<0.25 included in multivariate analysis. The significant value was p<0.5.
Multivariate analysis showed S wave in V6 correlated with the incidence of LCOS with odds ratio 3.2, CI 95% (1.2-8.5), p=0.02.
The ECG findings S wave in V6 leads to diagnose RVH correlated with incidence of LCOS in post total correction TOF. An S wave criterion in V6 of RVH patients? OR was 3.2 to predicts LCOS;Tetralogy of Fallot (TOF) is a common cyanotic congenital heart disease. Right ventricular hypertrophy (RVH) is an adaptive response due to pressure overload and hypoxia in right ventricle (RV); it can be manifested as tall R wave in right precordial leads. This is due to changing direction of cardiac-vector to right In severe RVH, the cardiac vector rotated to right posterior causing deep S wave in V6. Uncorrected TF will expossed to prolong pressure overload and hypoxia, it can caused changes in cardiomyocite that can leads to RV dysfunction, low cardiac output syndrom (LCOS), and arrhythmias. Although the post operation survival rate was quite good, but worsening LCOS could increase mortality. In present time, the association between S wave in V6 and postoperative TOF outcomes, especially LCOS, has not been explained.
This is a cross sectional study. 150 TOF patients underwent total correction in 2013 included in this study. 35 patients who didn’t meet the inclusion criteria were excluded. Subjects divided in 2 groups: (1) patients who meets S in V6 criteria, and (2) control subjects as baseline characteristic. Bivariate analysis was done for incidence of LCOS, the variable with P<0.25 included in multivariate analysis. The significant value was p<0.5.
Multivariate analysis showed S wave in V6 correlated with the incidence of LCOS with odds ratio 3.2, CI 95% (1.2-8.5), p=0.02.
The ECG findings S wave in V6 leads to diagnose RVH correlated with incidence of LCOS in post total correction TOF. An S wave criterion in V6 of RVH patients’ OR was 3.2 to predicts LCOS;Tetralogy of Fallot (TOF) is a common cyanotic congenital heart disease. Right ventricular hypertrophy (RVH) is an adaptive response due to pressure overload and hypoxia in right ventricle (RV); it can be manifested as tall R wave in right precordial leads. This is due to changing direction of cardiac-vector to right In severe RVH, the cardiac vector rotated to right posterior causing deep S wave in V6. Uncorrected TF will expossed to prolong pressure overload and hypoxia, it can caused changes in cardiomyocite that can leads to RV dysfunction, low cardiac output syndrom (LCOS), and arrhythmias. Although the post operation survival rate was quite good, but worsening LCOS could increase mortality. In present time, the association between S wave in V6 and postoperative TOF outcomes, especially LCOS, has not been explained.
This is a cross sectional study. 150 TOF patients underwent total correction in 2013 included in this study. 35 patients who didn’t meet the inclusion criteria were excluded. Subjects divided in 2 groups: (1) patients who meets S in V6 criteria, and (2) control subjects as baseline characteristic. Bivariate analysis was done for incidence of LCOS, the variable with P<0.25 included in multivariate analysis. The significant value was p<0.5.
Multivariate analysis showed S wave in V6 correlated with the incidence of LCOS with odds ratio 3.2, CI 95% (1.2-8.5), p=0.02.
The ECG findings S wave in V6 leads to diagnose RVH correlated with incidence of LCOS in post total correction TOF. An S wave criterion in V6 of RVH patients’ OR was 3.2 to predicts LCOS;Tetralogy of Fallot (TOF) is a common cyanotic congenital heart disease. Right ventricular hypertrophy (RVH) is an adaptive response due to pressure overload and hypoxia in right ventricle (RV); it can be manifested as tall R wave in right precordial leads. This is due to changing direction of cardiac-vector to right In severe RVH, the cardiac vector rotated to right posterior causing deep S wave in V6. Uncorrected TF will expossed to prolong pressure overload and hypoxia, it can caused changes in cardiomyocite that can leads to RV dysfunction, low cardiac output syndrom (LCOS), and arrhythmias. Although the post operation survival rate was quite good, but worsening LCOS could increase mortality. In present time, the association between S wave in V6 and postoperative TOF outcomes, especially LCOS, has not been explained.
This is a cross sectional study. 150 TOF patients underwent total correction in 2013 included in this study. 35 patients who didn’t meet the inclusion criteria were excluded. Subjects divided in 2 groups: (1) patients who meets S in V6 criteria, and (2) control subjects as baseline characteristic. Bivariate analysis was done for incidence of LCOS, the variable with P<0.25 included in multivariate analysis. The significant value was p<0.5.
Multivariate analysis showed S wave in V6 correlated with the incidence of LCOS with odds ratio 3.2, CI 95% (1.2-8.5), p=0.02.
The ECG findings S wave in V6 leads to diagnose RVH correlated with incidence of LCOS in post total correction TOF. An S wave criterion in V6 of RVH patients’ OR was 3.2 to predicts LCOS, Tetralogy of Fallot (TOF) is a common cyanotic congenital heart disease. Right ventricular hypertrophy (RVH) is an adaptive response due to pressure overload and hypoxia in right ventricle (RV); it can be manifested as tall R wave in right precordial leads. This is due to changing direction of cardiac-vector to right In severe RVH, the cardiac vector rotated to right posterior causing deep S wave in V6. Uncorrected TF will expossed to prolong pressure overload and hypoxia, it can caused changes in cardiomyocite that can leads to RV dysfunction, low cardiac output syndrom (LCOS), and arrhythmias. Although the post operation survival rate was quite good, but worsening LCOS could increase mortality. In present time, the association between S wave in V6 and postoperative TOF outcomes, especially LCOS, has not been explained.
This is a cross sectional study. 150 TOF patients underwent total correction in 2013 included in this study. 35 patients who didn’t meet the inclusion criteria were excluded. Subjects divided in 2 groups: (1) patients who meets S in V6 criteria, and (2) control subjects as baseline characteristic. Bivariate analysis was done for incidence of LCOS, the variable with P<0.25 included in multivariate analysis. The significant value was p<0.5.
Multivariate analysis showed S wave in V6 correlated with the incidence of LCOS with odds ratio 3.2, CI 95% (1.2-8.5), p=0.02.
The ECG findings S wave in V6 leads to diagnose RVH correlated with incidence of LCOS in post total correction TOF. An S wave criterion in V6 of RVH patients’ OR was 3.2 to predicts LCOS]"
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Adi Wijaya
"Latar Belakang: Hiperhidrasi menyebabkan peningkatan beban volume jantung, tekanan darah, hipertrofi ventrikel kiri, edema paru, gagal jantung kongestif. Hemodialisis yang tidak adekuat menyebabkan hiperhidrasi, peningkatan morbiditas dan mortalitas penyakit kardiovaskular. Hiperhidrasi lama menyebabkan iskemia koroner karena dilatasi jantung, hipertrofi ventrikel kiri, hipertensi, penurunan cadangan koroner. Hiperhidrasi menyebabkan vasokonstriksi sistemik berlebihan, penurunan perfusi jaringan perifer. Disfungsi endotel berperan pada vasokonstriksi yang berlebihan pada hiperhidrasi. Brain-type natriuretic peptide (BNP) merupakan parameter untuk mengukur hiperhidrasi. Asymmetrical dimethyl arginine (ADMA) merupakan inhibitor endogen, bersifat kompetitif terhadap nitric oxide synthase endotel dan digunakan sebagai parameter disfungsi endotel.
Tujuan: Mengetahui hubungan hiperhidrasi dengan disfungsi endotel.
Metode: Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian potong lintang pada pasien hemodialisis dua kali seminggu. Dengan menggunakan BNP dan ADMA sebagai parameter.
Hasil: Dari 126 subjek, proporsi hiperhidrasi (BNP>356 pg/ml) sebesar 64,3%. Median usia 52 (47-62) dengan presumtif penyebab GGK utama adalah hipertensi (38,9%), DM (28,6%), Glomerulonefritis (21,4%). Tidak terdapat hubungan signifikan antara hiperhidrasi dengan disfungsi endotel (PR=1,042, p=0,832 IK 95%=0,714-1,521). HsCRP merupakan faktor perancu utama terhadap hubungan antara hiperhidrasi dan disfungsi endotel (OR (IK95%) 1,604 (0,551-4,666), p=0,386, ΔOR 53,37%).
Simpulan: Tidak ada hubungan antara hiperhidrasi dengan disfungsi endotel (PR=1,042, p=0,832 IK95%=0,714-1,521).

Background: Hyperhydration leads to increased cardiac volume load, blood pressure, left ventricular hypertrophy, pulmonary edema, congestive heart failure. Hemodialysis that is not adequately causes hyperhydration, increased morbidity and mortality of cardiovascular disease. Prolonged hyperhydration causes coronary ischemia due to heart dilation, left ventricular hypertrophy, hypertension, decrease in coronary reserves. Hyperhydration causes excessive systemic vasoconstriction, decreased perfusion of peripheral tissues. Endothelial dysfunction plays a role in excessive vasoconstriction pada hyperhydration. Brain-type natriuretic peptide (BNP) is a parameter for measuring hyperhydration. Asymmetrical dimethyl arginine (ADMA) is an endogenous inhibitor, competitive against endothelial nitric oxide synthase and used as a parameter of endothelial dysfunction.
Purpose: Knowing the relationship of hyperhydration with endothelial dysfunction.
Method: This study is a cross-sectional study in hemodialysis patients twice a week. By using BNP and ADMA as parameters.
Result: Of the 126 subjects, hyperhydration proportion (BNP>356 pg/ml) of 64.3%. Median age 52 (47-62) with presumptive causes of primary GGK is hypertension (38.9%), DM (28.6%), Glomerulonephritis (21.4%). There is no significant association between hyperhydration and endothelial dysfunction (PR=1,042, p=0.832 CI 95%=0.714-1.521).
Conclusion: There is no relationship between hyperhydration and endothelial dysfunction (PR=1,042, p=0.832 CI 95%=0.714-1.521).
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Harahap, Sari

Latar Belakang : Dari berbagai penelitian, dijumpai hasil yang beragam mengenai efek jangka panjang pemacuan ventrikel kanan non apeks terhadap fungsi sistolik ventrikel kiri pada pasien dengan alat pacu jantung permanen (APJP) serta faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhinya. 

Tujuan:Menilai hubungan beban pemacuan ventrikel kanan non apeks, durasi QRS pacu (pQRSd) dan durasi pemasangan dengan disfungsi sistolik ventrikel kiri pada pasien dengan APJP 

Metode: Studi potong lintang terhadap pasien yang menjalani pemeriksaan APJP di Poliklinik Kardiologi Pelayanan Jantung Terpadu RSCM-FKUI. Dilakukan pemeriksaan program APJP, EKG, NT-proBNP dan ekokardiografi terhadap keseluruhan subyek. Disfungsi sistolik ventrikel kiri didefinisikan sebagai penurunan fraksi ejeksi ventrikel kiri dibawah 50% dan atau NT-proBNP diatas 300 pg/ml.  

Hasil:Dari 46 pasien yang ikut serta dalam penelitian ini, dijumpai 21 (45,65%) pasien dengan disfungsi sistolik ventrikel kiri. Terdapat 17 pasien dengan pQRSd ³150 ms yang mengalami disfungsi sistolik ventrikel kiri sementara hanya dijumpai 4 pasien dengan pQRSd < 150 ms yang mengalami disfungsi sistolik ventrikel kiri. pQRSd signifikan berhubungan dengan disfungsi sistolik ventrikel kiri (p = 0,016). Rerata pQRSd yang lebih lebar dijumpai pada kelompok dengan disfungsi sistolik ventrikel kiri (171,14 ms ±40,62 vs 147,04 ms ±29,99, p = 0,026). Beban pemacuan ventrikel kanan dan durasi pemasangan APJP tidak berhubungan dengan disfungsi sistolik ventrikel kiri ( p = 0,710 dan p = 0,079). 

Simpulan: Durasi QRS pacu berhubungan dengan disfungsi sistolik ventrikel kiri pada pasien dengan APJP.  


Background : The recent studies have suggested that impact of right ventricular non apical pacing on left ventricular systolic function and factors predispose to its development are still conflicting

Objective : To clarify the clinical significance of non apical right ventricle burden, paced QRS duration (pQRSd) and length of permanent pacemaker usage on left ventricle systolic dysfunction

Methods : This is a cross sectional study of 46 patients who underwent routine pacemaker programming evaluation at Poliklinik Kardiologi Pelayanan Jantung Terpadu, RSCM – FK UI. All subjects went through pacemaker programming, ECG, NT-proBNP, and echocardiography examination. Left ventricle systolic dysfunction was defined as ejection fraction < 50 % and or NT-proBNP > 300 pg/ml.  

Results :Out of fourty six patients who enrolled in this study, twenty one (45,65%) patients have left ventricle systolic dysfunction. Seventeen (60,7%) patients with wider pQRSd (³150 ms)have left ventricle systolic dysfunction. pQRSd has association with left ventricle systolic dysfunction (p = 0,016). Wider mean of pQRSd found in left ventricle systolic dysfunction group (171,14 ms ±40,62 vs 147,04 ms ±29,99, p = 0,026). While burden of right ventricle pacing and duration of pacemaker usage have no association with left ventricle systolic dysfunction (p = 0,710 and p = 0,079).

Conclusion: Paced QRS duration has association with left ventricle systolic dysfunction in patients with permanent pacemaker. 


Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Chessa, Massimo, editor
"Tetralogy of fallot is the most common form of cyanotic congenital heart disease, and one of the first to be successfully repaired by congenital heart surgeons. Although “fixed”, patients born with tetralogy of fallot cannot be considered “cured”. Improving survival and quality of life for this ever-increasing adult population will continue to challenge the current and future generations of cardiologists.
Adult patients with tetralogy of fallot should be seen by a cardiologist specializing in the care of adults with congenital heart disease, to be monitored for late complications. They need to be checked regularly for any subsequent complications or disturbances of heart rhythm.
This monograph is intended as both an introduction to the subject and a timely, comprehensive review, and will be welcomed by adult cardiologists, pediatric cardiologists, internists, surgeons, obstetricians, and intensivists who wish to learn about the most recent discoveries and advances concerning tetralogy of Fallot in adults. It will also be of interest to advanced undergraduates wanting to learn more about the subject.
Milan: Springer, 2012
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Faisal Habib
"Latar Belakang: Perempuan dengan preeklampsia memiliki resiko tinggi terhadap penyakit kardiovaskuler 5-15 tahun pasca kehamilan. Disfungsi endotel diperkirakan menjadi patogenesis manifestasi klinik preeklampsia dan penghubung antara preeklampsia dan kejadian kardivaskular setelah kehamilan. Nilai flow mediated vasodilation (FMD) dari arteri brakhialis pada sebagian subset preeklampsia tetap rendah 3-10 tahun pasca-melahirkan. Proteinuria pada preeklampsia secara etiologi juga berhubungan dengan disfungsi endotel glomerulus. Namun, tidak seperti pada populasi hipertensi dan diabetes mellitus, sampai saat ini belum diketahui bagaimana korelasi antara nilai proteinuria dengan nilai FMD pada populasi preeklampsia.
Tujuan: Untuk mengetahui hubungan/korelasi antara proteinuria terhadap nilai FMD pada preeklampsia sebelum dan sesudah melahirkan.
Metode: Studi prospektif dilakukan di tiga rumah sakit. Subyek preeklampsia yang akan diterminasi dan sesuai kriteria inklusi dan eksklusi diperiksa nilai FMD dan rasio protein-kreatinin urinnya (RPKU) sebelum melahirkan, 48-72 jam setelah melahirkan dan pasca-nifas. Data kemudian diolah dengan analisis bivariat dan multivariat untuk mengetahui korelasi antara rasio protein-kreatinin urin dengan nilai FMD dan perubahannya sebelum dan setelah melahirkan.
Hasil Penelitian: Sebanyak 30 perempuan preeklampsia diikutsertakan dalam penelitian ini. Rerata nilai FMD sebelum melahirkan, 48-72 jam pasca-melahirkan dan follow up pasca-nifas adalah 5.46 ± 0.27 ,, 6.10 ± 0.35 dan 8.14 ± 2.48 ( p <0.001). Ditemukan 40 % subyek masih dengan FMD < 7 saat pemeriksaan pasca-nifas (40-60 hari). Uji korelasi bivariat menunjukkan korelasi dengan arah negatif yang kuat antara proteinuria (RPKU) pasca-nifas dengan nilai FMD pascanifas (r= -0.73, p <0.001) , dan nilai RPKU sebelum melahirkan berhubungan dengan rendahnya FMD pasca-nifas dan perubahan (delta) FMD sebelum-sesudah melahirkan. Tidak diperoleh korelasi bermakna antara proteinuria dan nilai FMD sebelum melahirkan. Analisis multivariat dengan regresi linier membuktikan korelasi yang independen antara proteinuria dan nilai FMD pasca-nifas dan delta FMD.
Kesimpulan: Studi ini menegaskan korelasi yang kuat yang arahnya negatif antara nilai proteinuria pasca-melahirkan dengan nilai flow mediated dilation pasca melahirkan pada subyek preeklampsi dan semakin tinggi nilai proteinuria sebelum melahirkan berhubungan dengan rendahnya perubahan FMD sebelum dan sesudah melahirkan.

Background: Endothelial dysfunction was associated with both of the predisposition of preeclampsia and the later development of vascular disease. Flow mediated dilation (FMD) was reduced in preeclamptic women and persist after delivery in several cases. Proteinuria in preeclampsia was also a manifestation of endothelial dysfunction in kidney, but there was no data untill now showing the correlation of FMD and the level of proteinuria in preeclamptic woman.
Objectives: To asses the correlation between urine protein-creatinine ratio and flow mediated dilation (FMD) before and after delivery in preeclamptic women.
Methods: Women with a diagnosis of preeclampsia and planned for termination were enrolled for the study. History of hypertension before 20 weeks of gestation, diabetes mellitus, chronic kidney disease became exclusion criterias. The FMD was studied through the use of high resolution vascular ultrasound examination of brachial artery for 3 times; before delivery, 48-72 hours after delivery and 40-60 days after delivery. Urine protein-creatinine ratio (UPCR) was measured twice; prior to delivery and 40-60 days after delivery. Correlation between them was then evaluated.
Results: Thirty patients were enrolled in this study. The mean ages was 29.5±6,4 years old. FMD was improved after delivery, 5.46 ± 0.27 % (before delivery) & 8.14 ± 2.48 % ( p <0.001) 40-60 days after delivery. Bivariates analysis showed that after delivery, there was an inverse correlation between UPCR with FMD (r=0,735 p<0,0001). UPCR prior to delivery also has inverse correlation with FMD after delivery (r= -0.55.p=0.002) and with the change of FMD before and after delivery (r= -0.45 with p =0.01). Multivariate analysis showed that correlation between UPCR after delivery with FMD after delivery was independent.
Conclusion: This study demonstrated there was a moderate-strong correlation between urinary protein prior and after delivery with flow mediated vasodilatation of brachial artery after delivery.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Putria Rayani Apandi
"Latar Belakang: Regurgitasi pulmoner berat pasca-bedah korektif TF berdampak sebagai beban berlebih pada ventrikel kanan dan akan mempengaruhi ukuran dan fungsinya.
Tujuan: Mengetahui faktor yang berperan terhadap regurgitasi pulmoner berat pasca-bedah korektif TF dan dampaknya pada ventrikel kanan.
Metode: Penelitian ini adalah studi potong lintang di Pelayanan Jantung Terpadu RSUPN Dr Cipto Mangunkusumo Jakarta pada pada April-Mei 2019. Kriteria inklusi adalah pasien TF yang menjalani koreksi TF dalam 5 tahun terakhir. Data demografi dan kuantitatif ekokardiografi diambil dengan pemeriksaan ekokardiografi. Analisis bivariat faktor risiko regurgitasi pulmoner berat yang bermakna dimasukkan ke dalam analisis regresi logistik multipel. Hasil analisis multivariat dilaporkan sebagai odds ratio (OR).
Hasil: Terdapat 50 pasien yang sesuai kriteria inklusi. Sebanyak 22 pasien (44%) mengalami regurgitasi pulmoner berat dan 28 pasien (56%) mengalami regurgitasi pulmoner ringan sedang. Analisis multivariat regresi logistik menunjukkan indeks Nakata > 250 mm2/m2bermakna menimbulkan 15,1 kali risiko untuk menjadi regurgitasi pulmoner berat [OR 15,1 (IK 95% 3,1-72,6), p=0,001]. Analisis bivariat untuk ukuran dan fungsi ventrikel kanan tidak terdapat perbedaan yang bermakna pada kedua kelompok.
Simpulan: Indeks Nakata > 250 mm2/m2berisiko terjadi regurgitasi pulmoner berat pada pasca- bedah korektif TF. Pada pemantauan 4 tahun, belum ada dampak dilatasi dan penurunan fungsi ventrikel kanan

Background: Repaired tetralogy of Fallot (TF) result pulmonary regurgitation. Impact of severe pulmonary regurgitation were right ventricular (RV) volume overload predisposing dilatation and dysfunction of RV. Diameter pulmonary artery, McGoon ratio, Nakata index pre-operation, surgery technique can contribute to severe pulmonary regurgitation in the absence of an effective valve.
Objective: The aim of this study was to identify predictors of severe pulmonary regurgitation and the impact to the RV.
Methods: A cross sectional study of repaired TF in children at the integrated cardiovascular services (PJT) Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo Jakarta from April-Mei 2019. The inclusion criteria included children underwent repaired TF in the last 5 years after minimal 6 months post repaired TF. Demographic data and echocardiography data were collected. Logistic regression analysis were used to identify the predictor for severe pulmonary regurgitation.
Results: A total of 50 patients were enrolled to the study. There were 22 children (46%) with severe pulmonary regurgitation and 28 children (56%) with mild-moderate pulmonary regurgitation. Logistic regression analysis showed Nakata index showed Nakata index > 250 mm2/m215,1 times greater risk for severe pulmonary regurgitation [OR 15,1 (CI 95% 3,1-72,6), p=0,001]. Bivariate analysis for RV size and function showed no significant difference between the group.
Conclusions: Nakata index > 250 mm2/m2was predictor for severe pulmonary regurgitation after TF repair. RV size and function showed no abnormality in 5 years follow up after TF repair.
2019: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ranindita Amaida Safira
"Latar Belakang: Uji fungsi paru merupakan metode untuk mengukur ada tidaknya gangguan pada paru. Salah satu parameter fungsi paru adalah kapasitas vital paksa KVP . Pengaruh kadar lemak pada kapasitas vital paksa belum banyak diketahui.
Tujuan: Untuk melihat ada tidaknya korelasi antara kadar lemak dengan kapasitas vital paksa
Metode: Studi ini merupakan studi potong lintang dengan 62 subjek penelitian yang didapatkan dari data sekunder dan dipilih dengan sistem random sampling. Data diolah menggunakan uji normalitas Kolmogorov-Smirnoff dan uji korelasi Pearson
Hasil: Dari hasil penelitian didapatkan nilai korelasi kadar lemak dengan kapasitas vital paksa p >0.001 pada laki-laki dan nilai korelasi p>0.001 pada perempuan yang menunjukkan tidak ada korelasi signifikan di antara kadar lemak dan kapasitas vital paksa
Kesimpulan: Penelitian ini munjukkan bahwa kadar lemak tidak mempunyai hubungan signifikan terhadap kapasitas vital paksa.

Background: Lung function tests are used to evaluate lung health conditions. Forced vital capacity is one of the parameter of lung function. Body fat percentage effect to lung function had not been discovered much.
Objective: This research purpose is to find the relation between body fat percentage and forced vital capacity
Methods: This study used cross sectional study with 62 subjects that were obtained from secondary data and picked by symple random sampling. The method used to analyze the data are Kolmogorov Smirnov normality test and Pearson Correlation test.
Results: Based on the study the correlation value between body fat percentage and forced vital capacity is p 0.001 on both male and females group.
Conclusion: The research shows that there is no correlation or significant effect between body percentage with forced vital capacity.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Maryko Awang Herdian
"Pendahuluan : Pekerja industri gula memiliki risiko terkena gangguan fungsi paru akibat pajanan debu, khususnya debu bagasse ( tebu ). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui prevalensi kejadian gangguan fungsi paru pada pekerja pabrik gula di Kabupaten Lampung Tengah, serta hubungannya dengan faktor - faktor karakteristik pekerja dan pekerjaan.
Metode : Desain penelitian adalah comparative cross sectional melibatkan 144 pekerja pabrik gula : 72 pekerja bagian factory dan 72 pekerja bagian plantation. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan wawancara, pengamatan dan pemeriksaan meliputi pengukuran kadar debu lingkungan dan pemeriksaan spirometri pada pekerja. Variabel yang diteliti meliputi usia, kebiasaan merokok, status gizi, penggunaan alat pelindung diri (APD) masker, masa kerja, jam kerja per minggu dan lokasi pekerjaan. Analisis data menggunakan uji chi square.
Hasil dan Kesimpulan : Kadar debu total di lingkungan bagian factory 0,0586 mg/m3 lebih rendah dibandingkan bagian plantation 0,0843 mg/m3. Kedua nilai tersebut jauh dibawah nilai ambang batas. Prevalensi gangguan fungsi paru 8,33 %. Di bagian factory 5,56 % dan di bagian plantation 11,1 %. Gangguan fungsi paru terbanyak ditemukan adalah gangguan fungsi paru obstruktif. Variabel yang berhubungan dengan gangguan fungsi paru adalah penggunaan APD (masker) (ORadj = 12,15; 95% CI: 1,14 - 102,62) dan status perokok (ORadj = 9,73; 95% CI: 1,14 - 82,75).
Saran : Perlu dilakukan evaluasi fungsi paru berkala, konseling bagi pekerja agar berhenti merokok dan selalu menggunakan alat pelindung diri. Perlu dilakukan penelitian lebih lanjut untuk menilai kadar debu respirabel, komposisi debu, dan pengaruhnya terhadap fungsi paru pekerja.

Introduction : Workers in sugar factory are at risk to suffer from lung functon disorder due to exposure to dust, especially bagasse dust. The objective of this study is to identify the prevalence of lung function disorder among workers in a sugar factory in Central Lampung district and associated individual- and work- related factors.
Method : The study design used a comparative cross sectional method, involving 144 sugar factory workers 72 among them were from factory department and 72 other workers from plantation. Data collection used interview, observation, measuring of dust in work environment and lung function measurement using spirometry. The variables which studied were age, smoking habbit, nutritional status, use of personal protective equipment (PPE) mask, time of work, working hours in week, and job location. Data was analyzed with chi square test.
Result and Conclusion : Total dust level in the factory department was 0.0586 mg/m3, lower compared to the level in plantation department which was 0.0843 mg/m3. Both level were below the TLV. The prevalence of lung function disorders was 8.33 %. in the factory department 5.56 % and in the plantation 11.1 %. the most lung function disorder cases found among workers was obstructive lung function disorder. Variables associated to lung function disorders found were use of PPE (mask) (ORadj = 12.15; 95% CI: 1.44 - 102.62) and smoking status (ORadj = 9.73; 95% CI: 1.14 - 82.75).
Recommendation : Periodic lung function evaluation, workers counseling to stop smoking and use of PPE. Another study should be conducted to on respirable dust, dust composition and it's effect on workers lung function.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Eka Intan Fitriana
"Latar belakang: Prevalens late steroid resistance (LSR) makin meningkat pada anak dengan sindrom nefrotik idiopatik (SNI). Fungsi ginjal yang menurun dapat memperburuk prognosis LSR. Penelitian terkait mengenai faktor risiko LSR pada anak (SNI) masih terbatas, padahal pengenalan terhadap faktor risiko ini diperlukan untuk deteksi dini dan mengotimalkan terapi.
Tujuan: Mengidentifikasi karakteristik anak yang didiagnosis SNI awitan inisial seperti jenis kelamin, usia awitan SNI, hipertensi, kadar hemoglobin, albumin, ureum, laju filtrasi glomerulus, hematuria mikroskopik dan jangka waktu sejak dinyatakan remisi dan telah menyelesaikan pengobatan inisial terhadap terjadi relaps pertama kali dapat menjadi faktor risiko LSR pada anak dengan SNI.
Metode penelitian: Penelitian kasus-kontrol dengan penelusuran retrospektif yang dilakukan di Departemen Ilmu Kesehatan Anak di FKUI-RSCM, RSUP. Fatmawati dan RSUP. Dr. Mohammad Hoesin periode Maret-Mei 2018 yang terbagi menjadi kelompok LSR dan SNSS. Pengambilan rekam medis anak dengan diagnosis SNI yang melakukan kunjungan pengobatan di poli nefrologi dalam kurun waktu lima tahun terakhir. Faktor risiko dianalisis secara bivariat dan multivariat.
Hasil penelitian: Dilakukan analisis pada 100 anak dengan LSR dan 100 anak dengan SNSS. Anak laki-laki didapatkan lebih banyak daripada anak perempuan pada dua kelompok dengan median usia 4,12 (1,0-17,40) tahun. Faktor yang secara bermakna berpengaruh terhadap kejadian LSR pada anak dengan SNI pada analisis bivariat adalah: kadar ureum ≥ 40mg/dL (OR 1,68; IK 95% 1,45-4,53) dan adanya hematuria mikroskopik (OR 2,45; IK 95% 1,35-4,47).
Simpulan: Faktor risiko yang berperan terhadap kejadian LSR pada anak dengan SNI adalah kadar ureum ≥ 40 mg/dL dan terdapat hematuria mikroskopik.

Background: Prevalence of late steroid resistance (LSR) tends to be increased in children with idiopathic nephrotic syndrome (INS). Renal function deterioration may worsen the prognosis. Previous studies about the risk factors for LSR in children with INS were still limited, while early detection is the most important thing to do proper treatment.
Objectives: to determine whether age of onset, sex, hypertension, hemoglobin level, albumin, ureum, filtration glomerular rate, microscopic hematuria, and first relaps may influence the occurrence of LSR in children with INS. Methods. Case control study with restrospective medical record investigation was performed in INS children who visited to dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo, dr. Fatmawati and dr. Mohammad Hoesin General Hospital, during March-May 2018. Case and control group was children with LSR and sensitive steroid. Bivariate and multivariate analysis to identify significant risk factors.
Results: There were each 100 children with LSR and steroid sensitive. No different of sex ratio in each group with median of age 4,12 (1,0-17,40) years old. Factors which associated significantly with LSR on bivariate analysis were ureum level ≥ 40mg/dL (OR 1,68; IK 95% 1,45-4,53), microscopic hematuria (OR 2,45; IK 95% 1,35-4,47), and glomerular filtration rate (OR 1,43 IK 95% 0,79-2,57). Factors which associated significantly with LSR on multivariate analysis include ureum level ≥ 40mg/dL (OR 2,199; IK 95% 1,19-4,04), microscopic hematuria (OR 2,05; IK 95% 1,08-3,88).
Simpulan: Risk factors associated with LSR in INS are ureum level ≥ 40 mg/dL and microscopic hematuria."
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
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