"[Tujuan. Tujuan pertama yaitu mengetahui kemudahan pemasangan Laryngeal Mask Airway(LMA) dengan teknik baku disertai penekanan lidah. Tujuan kedua yaitu mengetahui perbandingan kemudahan pemasangan LMA antara teknik baku disertai penekanan lidah dan teknik baku. Latar Belakang. Laryngeal Mask Airway merupakan alat bantu jalan nafas untuk mengatasi kesulitan jalan nafas. Teknik terbaru pemasangan Laryngeal Mask Airway berdasarkan penelitian Roodneshin dkk yang dipublikasikan pada Tanaffos 2011 yaitu teknik baku disertai penekanan lidah memberikan angka
keberhasilan pemasangan 100%(tingkat keberhasilan paling tinggi pada penelitian LMA). Pemasangan LMA diharapkan mulus dan berhasil dalam pemasangan pertama tanpa menimbulkan trauma tetapi dalam prakteknya, pemasangan LMA bisa lebih dari satu kali. Penelitian ini dilakukan di RSUPN-Cipto Mangunkusumo sebagai penelitian perbandingan pertama dari penelitian
Roodneshin dkk dengan beberapa penyesuaian. Metode. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada 80 pasien dewasa yang menjalani operasi
elektif dengan anestesia umum menggunakan Laryngeal Mask Airway. Secara random, 40 pasien mengalami pemasangan LMA dengan teknik baku disertai penekanan lidah dan 40 pasien mengalami pemasangan LMA dengan teknik baku. Upaya pemasangan dan kemudahan pemasangan LMA dicatat dan dinilai. Pemasangan mudah bila kurang atau sama dengan 2 kali pemasangan LMA. Komplikasi pemasangan LMA berupa noda darah, nyeri menelan dan nyeri tenggorokan dicatat dan dinilai. Analisa statistik dilakukan dengan uji Chi-square dan Fisher Exact. Batas kemaknaan yang digunakan untuk semua uji adalah p<0,05. Hasil. Perbandingan proporsi keberhasilan upaya pemasangan pertama kali antara kelompok teknik baku disertai penekanan lidah dan teknik baku adalah 87,5% dibandingkan 65%. Perbandingan proporsi keberhasilan upaya pemasangan maksimal dua kali antara kelompok teknik baku disertai penekanan lidah dan teknik baku adalah 100% dibandingkan 97,5%. Secara statistik, perbandingan upaya pemasangan, kemudahan, komplikasi nyeri menelan, komplikasi nyeri tenggorokan antara teknik baku disertai penekanan lidah dan teknik baku, tidak berbeda bermakna.Kesimpulan. Pemasangan Laryngeal Mask Airway dengan teknik baku disertai penekanan lidah tidak lebih mudah dibandingkan teknik baku(100% dibandingkan 97,5%). Kekerapan komplikasi yang berbeda bermakna berupa noda darah (0% pada teknik baku disertai penekanan lidah dibandingkan 6,2% pada teknik baku).
Purpose, The objective of this study is to know easiness of inserting Laryngeal Mask Airway(LMA) with the classic approached combined with tongue supression technique. Secondly, the study is to compare the success rate between classic approached combined with tongue supression technique and classic approached technique. Background, Laryngeal Mask Airway is a device to overcome the difficulty of the airway management. Novel technique of Laryngeal Mask Airway insertion based on Roodneshin et aI research, publicised in Tanaffos 2011 was the classic approached combined with tongue supression technique resulted in 100% succes rate of insertion(highest success rate based on LMA research or study). LMA insertion is expected to be smooth and successful in the first attempt without inflicting trauma but in daily practice, insertion LMA can be more than once. This research is done at Cipto Mangunkusumo Hosptal, as the first comparison of research Roodneshin et al with some adjustments. Methods, The study was done at 80 adult patients who underwent elective surgery with general anesthesia. A total of 80 adult patients was scheduled for elective operation with general anesthesia using Laryngeal Mask Airway. In random, 40patients undergoing LMA insertion with classic approached combined with tongue supression technique and 40 patients undergoing LMA insertion with classic approached technique. The effort and success rate of LMA insertion was noted and evaluated. The easiness is if the insertion is attempted maximally twice. Complications of LMA insertion such as blood stains, sore throat, dysphagia was noted and evaluated. Statistical analysis conducted by test Chi-square and Fischer Exact. P<0,05 was considered significant. Result, Comparison proportion first attempt of Laryngeal Mask Airway insertion between classic approached combined with tongue supression technique and classic approached technique was 87,5% compared with 65%. The proportion maximally twice attempt of Laryngeal Mask Airway insertion between classic approached combined with tongue supression technique and classic approached technique was 100% compared with 97,5%. Statistically, comparison attempt, success rate, dysphagia, sore throat between classic approached combined with tongue supression technique and classic approached technique, not significantly different Conclusion, Laryngeal Mask Airway insertion with classic approached combined with tongue supression technique no more easy compared with classicapproached technique(100% compared with 97,5%). Complication which statistically significant different was blood stains(0% with classic approached combined with tongue supression technique compared with 6,2% classic approached technique).
Purpose, The objective of this study is to know easiness of inserting Laryngeal Mask Airway(LMA) with the classic approached combined with tongue supression technique. Secondly, the study is to compare the success rate between classicapproached combined with tongue supression technique and classic approached technique. Background, Laryngeal Mask Airway is a device to overcome the difficulty of the airway management. Novel technique of Laryngeal Mask Airway insertion based on Roodneshin et aI research, publicised in Tanaffos 2011 was the classic approached combined with tongue supression technique resulted in 100% succes rate of insertion(highest success rate based on LMA research or study). LMA insertion is expected to be smooth and successful in the first attempt without inflicting trauma but in daily practice, insertion LMA can be more than once. This research is done at Cipto Mangunkusumo Hosptal, as the first comparison of research Roodneshin et al with some adjustments. Methods, The study was done at 80 adult patients who underwent elective surgery with general anesthesia. A total of 80 adult patients was scheduled for elective operation with general anesthesia using Laryngeal Mask Airway. In random, 40patients undergoing LMA insertion with classic approached combined with tongue supression technique and 40 patients undergoing LMA insertion with classic approached technique. The effort and success rate of LMA insertion was noted and evaluated. The easiness is if the insertion is attempted maximally twice. Complications of LMA insertion such as blood stains, sore throat, dysphagia was noted and evaluated. Statistical analysis conducted by test Chi-square and Fischer Exact. P<0,05 was considered significant. Result, Comparison proportion first attempt of Laryngeal Mask Airway insertionbetween classic approached combined with tongue supression technique and classic approached technique was 87,5% compared with 65%. The proportion maximally twice attempt of Laryngeal Mask Airway insertion between classic approached combined with tongue supression technique and classic approached technique was 100% compared with 97,5%. Statistically, comparison attempt,success rate, dysphagia, sore throat between classic approached combined with tongue supression technique and classic approached technique, not significantly different Conclusion, Laryngeal Mask Airway insertion with classic approached combined with tongue supression technique no more easy compared with classicapproached technique(100% compared with 97,5%). Complication which statistically significant different was blood stains(0% with classic approached combined with tongue supression technique compared with 6,2% classic approached technique)., Purpose, The objective of this study is to know easiness of inserting LaryngealMask Airway(LMA) with the classic approached combined with tongue supressiontechnique. Secondly, the study is to compare the success rate between classicapproached combined with tongue supression technique and classic approachedtechnique.Background, Laryngeal Mask Airway is a device to overcome the difficulty of theairway management. Novel technique of Laryngeal Mask Airway insertion basedon Roodneshin et aI research, publicised in Tanaffos 2011 was the classicapproached combined with tongue supression technique resulted in 100% succesrate of insertion(highest success rate based on LMA research or study). LMAinsertion is expected to be smooth and successful in the first attempt withoutinflicting trauma but in daily practice, insertion LMA can be more than once. Thisresearch is done at Cipto Mangunkusumo Hosptal, as the first comparison ofresearch Roodneshin et al with some adjustments.Methods, The study was done at 80 adult patients who underwent elective surgerywith general anesthesia. A total of 80 adult patients was scheduled for electiveoperation with general anesthesia using Laryngeal Mask Airway. In random, 40patients undergoing LMA insertion with classic approached combined withtongue supression technique and 40 patients undergoing LMA insertion withclassic approached technique. The effort and success rate of LMA insertion wasnoted and evaluated. The easiness is if the insertion is attempted maximally twice.Complications of LMA insertion such as blood stains, sore throat, dysphagia wasnoted and evaluated. Statistical analysis conducted by test Chi-square andFischer Exact. P<0,05 was considered significant.Result, Comparison proportion first attempt of Laryngeal Mask Airway insertionbetween classic approached combined with tongue supression technique andclassic approached technique was 87,5% compared with 65%. The proportionmaximally twice attempt of Laryngeal Mask Airway insertion between classicapproached combined with tongue supression technique and classic approachedtechnique was 100% compared with 97,5%. Statistically, comparison attempt,success rate, dysphagia, sore throat between classic approached combined withtongue supression technique and classic approached technique, not significantlydifferent Conclusion, Laryngeal Mask Airway insertion with classic approached combinedwith tongue supression technique no more easy compared with classicapproached technique(100% compared with 97,5%). Complication whichstatistically significant different was blood stains(0% with classic approachedcombined with tongue supression technique compared with 6,2% classicapproached technique).]"