"Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh rendahnya tanggapan dari instansi terkait penanganan dugaan pelanggaran HAM dibandingkan dengan besarnya jumlah pengaduan dugaan pelanggaran HAM. Masuknya Program Yankomas pada RANHAM generasi ketiga ini, berimplikasi pada implementasi Program Yankomas secara integratif. Dengan metode kualitatif, penelitian ini menganalisis implementasi Program Yankomas RANHAM berdasarkan implementasi model George C. Edward III.
Dari 12 informan yang diwawancara serta penggalian data sekunder diperoleh hasil implementasi Program Yankommas RANHAM belum terintegrasi ke dalam satu wadah. Selain itu komitmen dari pelaksana masih rendah dan belum ada kesepahaman dalam hal ini. Pedoman Yankomas RANHAM yang baru saja disyahkan harus segera disosialisasikan untuk menjadi pedoman pelaksanaan Program Yankomas RANHAM.
This research is prompted by the lack of response from the relevant authorities handling alleged human rights violators, compared to high number of complaints of all eged human rights violations. The inclusion of Public Service Communication as a program in 3rd National Human Rights Action Plan has affected the implementation of Public Service Communication as a whole.This study is sarried out in qualitative approach and analyzes theimplementation ofPublic Service Communication of National Human Rights Action Plan based on George C. Edward III implementation model. Data is gathered by interviewing 12 volunteers and other means of various secondary data collection methods.
The result shows that the implementation of Public Service Communication of National Human Rights Action Plan program has yet to integrate into a single entity.Additionally, commitmentof the parties are stilllow andthere is no unified understandingin this matter. Therefore, official Public Service Communication guidelines recently approved must be socialized to become Public Service Communicationof National Human Rights Action Plan program implementation guidelines."