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Pardosi, Rufina Bonur Tamayati
"Kader telah dilatih konseling PMBA di Lombok Barat tahun 2012. Disain penelitian ini adalah potong lintang. Ada 93 kader yang dipilih secara acak dari 214 kader yang telah dilatih. Pengetahuan diperoleh melalui kuesioner yang diisi sendiri oleh kader sedangkan keterampilan konseling melalui observasi rekaman video.
Penelitian menunjukkan bahwa 60.2% kader memiliki pengetahuan yang baik, 51.6% memiliki nilai yang baik tentang sikap positif, dan 46.3% memiliki keterampilan konseling yang baik. 87.1% kader mengaku melakukan praktek konseling PMBA setelah pelatihan tetapi hanya 43.2% dari mereka yang melakukannya paling tidak sekali sebulan. Memiliki pengetahuan yang baik terkait dengan mereka yang memiliki materi pelatihan seperti kartu konseling dan dilatih oleh pelatih kabupaten dan Puskesmas. Memiliki keterampilan konseling yang baik berkorelasi dengan tingkat pendidikan. Makin sering melakukan praktek konseling PMBA terkait dengan mereka yang menerima supervisi, difasilitasi oleh fasilitator Puskesmas.

Cadres have been trained on infant and young child feeding counseling in West Lombok in 2012. Study design was cross sectional. There were 93 cadres selected randomly among 214 cadres who had completed the training. Knowledge and attitude was obtained through self-administered questionnaires while counseling skills was assessed through observation of video record.
The study showed that 60.2% of cadres had good knowledge, 51.6% had good score on positive attitude, and 46.3% had good counseling skills. 87.1% of cadres admitted to practice IYCF counseling after completed training but only 43.2% of them did it for at least once a month. Good knowledge score was related with ownership of training material counseling cards and had training facilitated by district and Puskesmas facilitators. Good counseling skills were correlated with has educational level. More frequent of practice IYCF counseling was related with receiving supervision, facilitated by Puskesmas facilitators.
Depok: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Anak Agung Sagung Indriani Oka
"Suatu intervensi edukasi bagi kader Posyandu di kotamadya Bekasi yang diberikan dua tahun lalu terbukti meningkatkan kemampuan komunikasi kader tentang Pemberian Makan Pendamping ASI yang aman. Karena itu sangat menarik untuk mengetahui pengetahuan dan praktek pengasuh pada pemberian makan bayi dan anak usia 0-23 bulan di daerah tersebut. i. Penelitian potong lintang telah dilakukan di dua kelurahan di kotamadya Bekasi. Data mengenai pengetahuan dan praktek pemberian makan bayi dan anak dikumpulkan dari 636 pengasuh dan anak usia 0-23 bulan. Penelitian ini menemukan di Bekasi terdapat 76.9% pengasuh yang memiliki pengetahuan yang benar dan 32% memiliki praktik pemberian makan bayi dan anak yang baik. Level pendidikan ayah, ibu dan pengasuh non-ibu, serta status pekerjaan ibu terbukti berhubungan dengan pengetahuan pengasuh yang benar. Faktor yang berpengaruh terhadap praktik pemberian makan bayi dan anak pada pengasuh adalah pengetahuan pengasuh dan usia anak. Informasi mengenai pemberian makan bayi dan anak sebaiknya diberikan secara teratur dan terus menerus serta tidak hanya membidik pengasuh tapi juga anggota keluarga lainnya. Pelatihan kepada kader Posyandu juga sebaiknya disesuaikan dengan rekomendasi WHO yang terbaru.

The implementation of IYCF key actions and intervention in Indonesia was categorized in a poor situation. It is interesting to assess the knowledge and practices of caregivers on infant and young child feeding (IYCF) to children age 0-23 months in Bekasi municipality which couple years ago their posyandu cadres received education intervention and showed improvement on communication about safe complementary feeding competencies. A cross-sectional survey was conducted in in selected areas/villages of Bekasi. Information on IYCF knowledge and practices were collected from 636 children age 0-23 months and caregivers. It was found that 76.9% caregivers had good IYCF knowledge and 32% had appropriate practices. Fathers, mothers, Non-Maternal Caregivers? education level and also employment status were associated with good knowledge. Message delivery on the IYCF recommendation should be given regularly, frequently and targeted not only to caregivers but also other influencing family member. There is also a need to ensure the cadres receive comprehensive training of the latest WHO recommendation."
Depok: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Riyan Idayati
"Usia prasekolah merupakan periode emas anak dalam pertumbuhan dan perkembangan. Untuk menunjang proses pertumbuhan dan perkembangan yang optimal dibutuhkan asupan nutrisi yang adekuat. Akan tetapi pada anak usia tersebut sering mengalami kesulitan makan sehingga peran orang tua dalam memenuhi asupan nutrisi anak sangat penting. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui gambaran tingkat pengetahuan ibu terhadap pemberian makan anak usia prasekolah. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain penelitian deskriptif dengan pendekatan kuantitatif. Sampel penelitian yang digunakan adalah ibu yang memiliki anak usia prasekolah di Kelurahan Pancoran Mas, Depok dengan jumlah responden 102 orang. Teknik pengambilan sampel yang digunakan adalah purposive sampling. Instrument yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah kuesioner yang terdiri dari 37 pertanyaan tentang pemberian makan pada anak prasekolah. Hasil analisis univariat menunjukkan bahwa sebanyak 85,3% responden memiliki tingkat pengetahuan baik tentang pemberian makan pada anak. Hasil penelitian ini diharapkan akan bermanfaat bagi orang tua dalam memahami pola makan anak prasekolah sehingga orang tua tetap dapat menjaga asupan nutrisi anak yang optimal.

Preschool children age is a golden period for growth and development. Optimal growth and development processes have supported by adequate nutritional intake. At this age, the children have difficulty to eat, so that the parent’s role to complet the nutrition intake for children is very important. This study purpose is to describe the level of mother’s knowledge on feeding of preschool child. This study have used a descriptive research design with a quantitative approach, by 102 mother of preschool children as the samples in the Pancoran Mas, Depok. The technique’s sample is purposive sampling. Instrument have used in this study was a questionnaire, that consist of 37 questions about feeding preschool child. The results of univariate analysis showed that 85.3% of respondents had a good knowledge about feeding children. The results of this study are expected to be useful for parents in understanding the diets of preschool children, so that parents still keep optimum nutrition for their children."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"[Energi dan protein merupakan zat gizi yang penting selama pertumbuhan. Apabila pada masa anak-anak asupan protein kurang dari yang dibutuhkan, maka akan terjadi penurunan berat badan dan gangguan fungsional hingga akhirnya mengganggu kesehatan, menghambat pertumbuhan, dan pada tahap yang parah dapat berakibat terhentinya pertumbuhan anak (Jackson dan Truswell, 2012). Prevalensi berat-kurang di Jawa barat berada pada posisi kelima, lebih besar daripada DKI Jakarta yang berada pada posisi kedua berdasarkan rendahnya kejadian berat-kurang. Tujuan umum penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui hasil analisis kandungan zat gizi cookies sumber protein serta daya terima cookies pada ibu yang memiliki batita di Kota Bandung tahun 2015. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian eksperimental dengan metode rancang acak lengkap dengan pola satu arah. Perbandingan formula tepung kacang hijau dan tepung ikan yang digunakan adalah (60%:40%, 50%:50%, dan 40%:60%). Panelis dalam uji hedonik berjumlah 30 orang. Hasil penelitian ini, menunjukan bahwa kandungan gizi yang terkandung dalam cookies sumber protein memenuhi kebutuhan protein selingan batita. Cookies yang paling disukai berdasarkan penilaian aroma, rasa, tekstur, dan warna adalah cookies dengan perbandingan tepung kacang dan tepung ikan sebesar 50%:50%. Kandungan gizinya adalah air 3,35%, abu 4,27%, protein 13,52%, lemak 8,25%, dan karbohidrat 69,57%. Perlakuan cookies terbaik berdasarkan kadar protein adalah cookies dengan perbandingan tepung kacang hijau dan ikan sebesar 40%:60%., Energy and Protein is a nutrition that is essensial for growth. If children’s protein intake is less than the required, there will be weight loss and functional impairment, and eventually will harm the health, inhibit the growth, and in the severe stage would result in atrophy of children (Jakson dan Truswell, 2012). Prevalence for underweight in West Java is in fifth position meanwhile in Jakarta is in second position based on low prevalence of underweight. The main goals for this research are to know the result of nutrition analysis for protein source cookies and to know the acceptance for these cookies in mothers with toddler at Bandung on 2015. This research is an experimental research which use completely randomized design method. The formulas ratio for mung bean flour and fish flour are 60%:40%, 50%:50%, and 40%60%. Panelists for hedonic test are 30 peole. The results of this research shows that the nutrition content in protein source cookies have met daily needs of protein for snack. The most preferred cookies based on aroma, flavour, texture, and colour test is cookie with mung bean flour and fish flour ratio by 50%:50%, the nutrients are 3,35% water, 4,27% ash, 13,52% protein, 8,25% fat, and 69,57% carbohydrate. Cookies with the best treatment based on its protein is cookies with mung bean flour and fish flour ratio by 40%:60%.]"
Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Antonius Budi Priadi
"Masalah gizi yang dihadapi oleh setiap negara tidaklah sama. Secara umum masalah gizi dibedakan atas dua bagian, yaitu masalah kelebihan gizi dan masalah kekurangan gizi. Masalah kekurangan gizi terutama terdapat pada negara yang sedang berkembang. Indonesia sebagai salah satu negara yang sedang berkembang, juga menghadapi masalah tersebut."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 1983
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Gustina Sofia
Sejarah pembangunan dan kemajuan di segala bidang yang dicapai umat manusia selama berabad-abad, menunjukkan bahwa kemajuan yang dicapai itu mempunyai hubungan yang sangat erat dengan perkembangan ilmu pengetahuan yang didasari oleh usaha-usaha penelitian. Sering pula terjadi bahwa suatu basil penelitian menimbulkan akibat seperti : terjadinya perubahan-perubahan besar dalam kehidupan manusia, memungkinkan manusia untuk memecahkan masalah yang dihadapinya dengan cara yang lebih efektif dan efisien, serta memudahkan manusia untuk mencapai tujuan-tujuan tertentu. Hal-hal tersebut terjadi pula dalam bidang kesehatan dan gizi. Karya tulis basil penelitian dalam bidang kesehatan dan gizi merupakan masalah yang dicakup oleh skripsi ini. Kegiatan penelitian gizi dan makanan di Indonesia berkembang sejak PELITA I tahun 1969. Di bidang kesehatan, pembinaan dan pelaksanaan penelitian serta pengembangan gizi diselenggarakan oleh Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Gizi Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Kesehatan Departemen Kesehatan Republik Indonesia. Untuk menyelenggarakan tugas tersebut, Puslitbang Gizi berfungsi : melaksanakan...

UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nancy Kosasih
"Penelitian ini merupakan pembuatan produk makanan inovasi, berupa penambahan sayuran sawi hijau dan wortel pada produk siomay, untuk menghasilkan produk jajanan yang rendah lemak, tetapi tinggi serat pangan. Penelitian eksperimental ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh penambahan sayuran terhadap kadar serat pangan dan kandungan gizi, serta hasil uji hedonik pada produk siomay. Terdapat 4 jenis siomay yang diteliti, yaitu siomay tanpa penambahan sayuran, sebagai variabel kontrol, dan tiga jenis siomay dengan perlakukan penambahan 20%, 30%, dan 40% sayuran. Perbandingan penambahan sayuran sawi hijau dan wortel adalah 50%:50%. Analisis kadar serat pangan dan kandungan gizi lainnya dilakukan di Laboratorium analisis pangan PT. Saraswati Indo Genetech, Bogor. Sedangkan, uji hedonik ketiga jenis siomay sayuran dilakukan pada 65 murid SMPN 200 Jakarta Utara pada bulan April 2013. Data dianalisis dengan menggunakan uji Anova dan dilanjutkan dengan uji Bonferroni. Jenis siomay sayuran yang mempunyai kadar serat pangan tertinggi dan tingkat kesukaan tertinggi adalah siomay 40% sayuran. Kandungan dalam 100 gram siomay 40% sayuran adalah 5,24 g serat pangan; 62,94 g air; 1,72 g abu; 5,46 g protein; 1,02 g lemak; 28,86 g karbohidrat; dan 125,5 kkal energi.

This study was conducted by creating innovative food products, with the addition of chinese flowering cabbage and carrots on Siomay products, to produce snacks which are low fat, but having high content of dietary fiber. This experimental study was aimed to determine the effect of vegetables addition to dietary fiber content and nutritional values along with hedonic test result on siomay products. There were 4 types of siomay which were observed, the first one was siomay without the addition of vegetable, as control variable, and the other types were siomay with additional treatments containing 20%, 30%, 40% vegetables. The comparison of the addition of chinese flowering cabbage and carrots are 50%: 50%. The analysis of dietary fiber content and other nutritional values was carried in food analysis laboratories PT. Saraswati Indo Genetech, Bogor. Meanwhile, the hedonic test from three types of vegetable siomay conducted on 65 students of SMPN 200 Jakarta Utara in April 2013. These data had been analyzed by Anova test and continued by Bonferroni test. The vegetable siomay that had the higest dietary fiber content and highest preference level was siomay containing 40% vegetables. The content in 100 grams siomay containing 40% vegetables were 5,24 g dietary fiber; 62,94 g water; 1,72 g ash; 5,46 g protein; 1,02 g fat; 28,86 g carbohydrate; and 125,5 kkal energy.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Safira Adani
"Pemilihan makanan merupakan sebuah proses kompleks yang melibatkan banyak faktor, mulai dari biologis hingga antropolgis. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor yang berpengaruh terhadap pemilihan makanan pada mahasiswa S1 Reguler Universitas Indonesia. Penelitian menggunakan desain studi cross-sectional dengan pendekatan kuantitatif. Pemilihan makanan dalam penelitian ini diukur menggunakan skor pemilihan makanan yang mencakup aspek kecukupan asupan zat gizi, variasi, dan keseimbangan zat gizi makro. Variabel independen yang dinilai berhubungan signifikan dengan skor pemilihan makanan berdasarkan penelitian ini adalah tempat tinggal, motivasi dalam memilih makanan, dan pengetahuan gizi.

Food Choice is a complex process involving different factors from biological to anthropological. This study was conducted to find the factors influencing food choice in undergraduate students of University of Indonesia. This study uses cross-sectional design with quantitative method. Food choice in this study were measured using food choice score which includes aspects of nutrition intake adequacy, variety, and macronutrient balance. Independent variables considered significantly related to food choice score in this study are place of recidency, food choice motivation, and nutrition knowledge.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Leila Sacdalan Africa
LATAR BELAKANG: Katiadaan instrumen penilaian kompetensi yang valid
menyulitkan penilaian praktik konseling terhadap tenaga gizi desa (Barangay Nutrition
Scholars, BNS) yang mendapat pelatihan konseling pemberian makanan pada bayi dan
anak (infant and young child feeding, IYCF). Studi ini dirancang untuk mengembangkan
dan memvalidasi instrumen penilaian kompetensi BNS dalam memberikan konseling
METODE: Desain penelitian metodologi digunakan untuk mengembangkan dan validasi
instrumen pengukur kompetensi konseling IYCF meliputi pengetahuan, sikap, dan
keterampilan, berdasarkan frekuensi, intensitas, dan aktivitas. Instrumen ini ditujukan
penggunaanya oleh BNS, supervisor, maupun klien. Uji coba dan revisi berdasarkan hasil
analisis item dilakukan pada 320 BNS dan dilanjutkan dengan uji lapangan terhadap 280
BNS. Validitas isi (content validity) dikaji oleh beberapa pakar, sedangkan konsistensi
internal (internal consistency) dan validitas konstruk (construct validity) diuji dengan
Cronbach?s alpha dan, exploratory dan confirmatory factor analysis. Distribusi bobot
pengetahuan, sikap dan keterampilan dan nilai titik potong kompetensi untuk tiap
construct dan instrumen ditetapkan berdasarkan sensitivitas dan spesifisitas menggunakan
ROC Curve.
HASIL: Instrumen yang valid terdiri dari: 1) 28 item terkait pengetahuan BNS dengan
tipe memilih benar atau salah suatu pertanyaan, pertanyaan dengan jawaban singkat, dan
pilihan ganda; 2) 10 item terkait sikap BNS dengan Likert scale untuk menilai pandangan
pribadi, sikap terhadap implementasi, dan hambatan yang dirasakan saat konseling IYCF;
3) 18 item menggunakan 5 skala frekuensi penilaian BNS dalam mendengarkan,
memberikan support, dan praktik penilaian dan keterampilan; 4) 18 item dengan 4 skala
nilai untuk atasan BNS menilai intensitas proses konseling, penilaian dan penggunaan
materi IYCF; dan 5) 17 item berupa daftar tilik kegiatan untuk klien menilai pemberian
support, penilaian, dan praktik keterampilan. Gabungan item masing-masing menjadi
instrumen penilaian kompetensi KAS-WOR, KAS-SUP, KAS-MOM dan KAS-COM
dengan nilai titik potong masing-masing yaitu 75%, 50%, 80% dan 65%. Berdasarkan
pembobotan 20% untuk pengetahuan, 10% sikap, dan 70% keterampilan diperoleh 30%
BNS yang kompeten dalam konseling IYCF.
KESIMPULAN: Hasil pengembangan instrumen penilaian kompetensi BNS melakukan
konseling IYCF memiliki konsistensi internal dan tingkat validitas yang sedang sampai

BACKGROUND: The Barangay (Village) Nutrition Scholars (BNS) has been
trained to do infant and young child feeding (IYCF) counseling but the absence of a
validated competency instruments constrained the assessment of their competency to
do IYCF counseling to their client. This study was designed to develop and validate
the instruments to assess the competency of BNS on IYCF counseling and answer the
question: how valid and reliable were the developed instrument to measure the
competency of trained BNS on IYCF counseling?
METHODS: Methodological research design were used to develop and validate the
instruments to measure IYCF counseling competency based on knowledge, attitude
and skills in terms of frequency, intensity and activity designed for the BNS,
supervisor and client, respectively. The instruments were pilot-tested to assess 320
BNS. Item analyses results were used for revisions prior to field test to 280 BNS.
Experts checked the content validity; internal consistency and construct validity were
assessed using Cronbach?s alpha and exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis,
respectively. The weighting distribution for knowledge, attitude and skills and cut-off
score for each construct and instrument were established based on sensitivity and
specificity using ROC Curve to calculate the score and to identify competent BNS.
RESULTS: The validated instruments included: 1) 28 items for BNS knowledge test
with true or false, fill-in-the-blanks and multiple-choice formats; 2) 10 items for BNS
attitude test with four scale Likert scale to assess personal view, attitude towards
implementation, and perceived barriers on IYCF counseling; 3) 18 items of five-scale
frequency instrument for BNS to assess listening, giving support, assessment and
action skills; 4) 18-item four-scale instrument for BNS supervisor to assess the
intensity in doing the counseling process, assessment and use of IYCF materials; and
5) 17-item activity checklist designed for client to assess giving support, assessment
and actions skills. These constructs were combined into competency assessment
instruments KAS-WOR, KAS-SUP, KAS-MOM and KAS-COM with 75%, 50%,
80% and 65% as cut-off score. Based on the 20-10-70 weighting distributions for
knowledge-attitude-skills competent BNS on IYCF counseling was about 30%.
CONCLUSIONS: The assessment instruments developed to measure the IYCF
counseling competency of BNS had relatively moderate to high internal consistency
and validity. This assures that the results of the tests can be relied upon for making
dependable judgments and interpretations.;BACKGROUND: The Barangay (Village) Nutrition Scholars (BNS) has been
trained to do infant and young child feeding (IYCF) counseling but the absence of a
validated competency instruments constrained the assessment of their competency to
do IYCF counseling to their client. This study was designed to develop and validate
the instruments to assess the competency of BNS on IYCF counseling and answer the
question: how valid and reliable were the developed instrument to measure the
competency of trained BNS on IYCF counseling?
METHODS: Methodological research design were used to develop and validate the
instruments to measure IYCF counseling competency based on knowledge, attitude
and skills in terms of frequency, intensity and activity designed for the BNS,
supervisor and client, respectively. The instruments were pilot-tested to assess 320
BNS. Item analyses results were used for revisions prior to field test to 280 BNS.
Experts checked the content validity; internal consistency and construct validity were
assessed using Cronbach?s alpha and exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis,
respectively. The weighting distribution for knowledge, attitude and skills and cut-off
score for each construct and instrument were established based on sensitivity and
specificity using ROC Curve to calculate the score and to identify competent BNS.
RESULTS: The validated instruments included: 1) 28 items for BNS knowledge test
with true or false, fill-in-the-blanks and multiple-choice formats; 2) 10 items for BNS
attitude test with four scale Likert scale to assess personal view, attitude towards
implementation, and perceived barriers on IYCF counseling; 3) 18 items of five-scale
frequency instrument for BNS to assess listening, giving support, assessment and
action skills; 4) 18-item four-scale instrument for BNS supervisor to assess the
intensity in doing the counseling process, assessment and use of IYCF materials; and
5) 17-item activity checklist designed for client to assess giving support, assessment
and actions skills. These constructs were combined into competency assessment
instruments KAS-WOR, KAS-SUP, KAS-MOM and KAS-COM with 75%, 50%,
80% and 65% as cut-off score. Based on the 20-10-70 weighting distributions for
knowledge-attitude-skills competent BNS on IYCF counseling was about 30%.
CONCLUSIONS: The assessment instruments developed to measure the IYCF
counseling competency of BNS had relatively moderate to high internal consistency
and validity. This assures that the results of the tests can be relied upon for making
dependable judgments and interpretations.;BACKGROUND: The Barangay (Village) Nutrition Scholars (BNS) has been
trained to do infant and young child feeding (IYCF) counseling but the absence of a
validated competency instruments constrained the assessment of their competency to
do IYCF counseling to their client. This study was designed to develop and validate
the instruments to assess the competency of BNS on IYCF counseling and answer the
question: how valid and reliable were the developed instrument to measure the
competency of trained BNS on IYCF counseling?
METHODS: Methodological research design were used to develop and validate the
instruments to measure IYCF counseling competency based on knowledge, attitude
and skills in terms of frequency, intensity and activity designed for the BNS,
supervisor and client, respectively. The instruments were pilot-tested to assess 320
BNS. Item analyses results were used for revisions prior to field test to 280 BNS.
Experts checked the content validity; internal consistency and construct validity were
assessed using Cronbach?s alpha and exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis,
respectively. The weighting distribution for knowledge, attitude and skills and cut-off
score for each construct and instrument were established based on sensitivity and
specificity using ROC Curve to calculate the score and to identify competent BNS.
RESULTS: The validated instruments included: 1) 28 items for BNS knowledge test
with true or false, fill-in-the-blanks and multiple-choice formats; 2) 10 items for BNS
attitude test with four scale Likert scale to assess personal view, attitude towards
implementation, and perceived barriers on IYCF counseling; 3) 18 items of five-scale
frequency instrument for BNS to assess listening, giving support, assessment and
action skills; 4) 18-item four-scale instrument for BNS supervisor to assess the
intensity in doing the counseling process, assessment and use of IYCF materials; and
5) 17-item activity checklist designed for client to assess giving support, assessment
and actions skills. These constructs were combined into competency assessment
instruments KAS-WOR, KAS-SUP, KAS-MOM and KAS-COM with 75%, 50%,
80% and 65% as cut-off score. Based on the 20-10-70 weighting distributions for
knowledge-attitude-skills competent BNS on IYCF counseling was about 30%.
CONCLUSIONS: The assessment instruments developed to measure the IYCF
counseling competency of BNS had relatively moderate to high internal consistency
and validity. This assures that the results of the tests can be relied upon for making
dependable judgments and interpretations., BACKGROUND: The Barangay (Village) Nutrition Scholars (BNS) has been
trained to do infant and young child feeding (IYCF) counseling but the absence of a
validated competency instruments constrained the assessment of their competency to
do IYCF counseling to their client. This study was designed to develop and validate
the instruments to assess the competency of BNS on IYCF counseling and answer the
question: how valid and reliable were the developed instrument to measure the
competency of trained BNS on IYCF counseling?
METHODS: Methodological research design were used to develop and validate the
instruments to measure IYCF counseling competency based on knowledge, attitude
and skills in terms of frequency, intensity and activity designed for the BNS,
supervisor and client, respectively. The instruments were pilot-tested to assess 320
BNS. Item analyses results were used for revisions prior to field test to 280 BNS.
Experts checked the content validity; internal consistency and construct validity were
assessed using Cronbach’s alpha and exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis,
respectively. The weighting distribution for knowledge, attitude and skills and cut-off
score for each construct and instrument were established based on sensitivity and
specificity using ROC Curve to calculate the score and to identify competent BNS.
RESULTS: The validated instruments included: 1) 28 items for BNS knowledge test
with true or false, fill-in-the-blanks and multiple-choice formats; 2) 10 items for BNS
attitude test with four scale Likert scale to assess personal view, attitude towards
implementation, and perceived barriers on IYCF counseling; 3) 18 items of five-scale
frequency instrument for BNS to assess listening, giving support, assessment and
action skills; 4) 18-item four-scale instrument for BNS supervisor to assess the
intensity in doing the counseling process, assessment and use of IYCF materials; and
5) 17-item activity checklist designed for client to assess giving support, assessment
and actions skills. These constructs were combined into competency assessment
instruments KAS-WOR, KAS-SUP, KAS-MOM and KAS-COM with 75%, 50%,
80% and 65% as cut-off score. Based on the 20-10-70 weighting distributions for
knowledge-attitude-skills competent BNS on IYCF counseling was about 30%.
CONCLUSIONS: The assessment instruments developed to measure the IYCF
counseling competency of BNS had relatively moderate to high internal consistency
and validity. This assures that the results of the tests can be relied upon for making
dependable judgments and interpretations.]"
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Indonesia: HKI, 2002
613.2 BRE b
Buku Teks SO  Universitas Indonesia Library
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