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Revina Indra Putri
"Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengungkap perspektif masyarakat lokal terhadap satuan-satuan lanskap serta mengungkap pengetahuan dan pemanfaatan sumber daya hayati, terutama sumber daya tumbuhan, oleh masyarakat lokal Pulau Serangan, Bali. Metode penelitian ini diadaptasi dari Multidisiplinary Landscape Assessment (MLA). Data dikumpulkan melalui wawancara, observasi langsung, diskusi kelompok fokus (FGD-Focus Group Discussion), metode distribusi kerikil (PDM-Pebble Distribution Method), serta analisis Local User?s Value Index (LUVI). Terdapat 146 spesies dari 55 famili tumbuhan yang dikenali masyarakat yang tersebar di berbagai satuan lanskap. Satuan-satuan lanskap tersebut yaitu karang/natah (80 spesies tumbuhan), bet muda (54 spesies tumbuhan), bet tua (79 spesies tumbuhan), padang-padang (11 spesies tumbuhan), pasih (7 spesies tumbuhan), kanal, lagun, danau, dan segara. Satuan lanskap pasih memperoleh nilai LUVI tertinggi (24 %). Hasil penelitian juga menunjukkan bahwa terdapat 132 spesies tumbuhan yang dikenali masyarakat di Pulau Serangan, yang diketahui memiliki manfaat sebagai makanan (9,25 %), obat-obatan (6,94 %), kayu bakar (4,31 %). teknologi lokal dan seni (5,38 %), pewarna (3,50 %), sumber penghasilan (8,625 %), ritual/adat (6 %), bahan pakan ternak (5,31 %), dan penunjang rekreasi/wisata (6,75 %). Selain tumbuhan, masyarakat juga memanfaatkan sumber daya lain seperti fauna pesisir dan laut serta makroalga. Untuk pemanfaatan sumber daya hayati pulau secara keseluruhan, dua kategori pemanfaatan dengan nilai LUVI tertinggi berturut-turut yakni sumber penghasilan (19 %) dan bahan makanan (18 %).

This research attempts to reveal the relationship of the Serangan local people and their landscape, as well as their utilization of biological resources. Data were collected by conducting interview, direct observation in the site of the research, Focus Group Discussion (FGD), Pebble Distribution Method (PDM) and Local User?s Value Index (LUVI) analysis. A total of 146 plant species, distributed in 55 families were cited. The result also showed that Serangan local people identified nine landscape units, namely karang/natah (80 plant species), bet muda (54 plant species), bet tua (79 plant species), padang-padang (11 plant species), pasih (7 plant species), kanal, lagun, danau, and segara. Pasih, kanal, lagun, danau, and segara generally have potential in coastal and marine natural resources. Since each landscape unit differs in biological resources composition, the local people utilize and manage each of them differently. According to the local people?s perspective, the pasih landscape unit gained the highest LUVI score (24 %). The result also showed that a total of 132 useful plant species were used by Serangan people for food (9.25%), medicinal plant (6.94 %), firewood (4.31 %), local technology and art (5.38 %), food-coloring (3,50 %), revenue (8.625 %), ritual/tradition (6 %), livestock fodder (5.31 %), and recreation/tourism (6.75 %). Serangan people also utilize other biological resources such as coastal and marine fauna as well as macroalgae. In terms of utilization of the whole biological resources, two categories with the highest LUVI score respectively are revenue (19 %) and food (18 %)."
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Virgi Citra Nabila
"Peninjauan aktivitas budidaya rumput laut secara optimal perlu dilakukan mengingat tingginya daya dukung lingkungan dan bernilai ekonomis. Namun perkembangan pariwisata membuat aktivitas budidaya rumput laut terus terdesak. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis kesesuaian wilayah budidaya rumput laut berdasarkan kondisi perairan dan aktivitas budidaya rumput laut di Pulau Serangan beserta hubungannya. Variabel yang digunakan ialah kondisi perairan, pengelola, teknologi, manajemen, dan objek wisata. Kesesuaian wilayah budidaya rumput laut di Pulau Serangan diperoleh melalui pengolahan data citra Landsat 8 tahun 2020 serta pengukuran lapang in situ maupun ex situ. Survey dan wawancara dilakukan untuk menganalisis aktivitas budidaya rumput laut di Pulau Serangan. Metode skoring dan overlay digunakan pada seluruh variabel yang kemudian dianalisis spasial. Analisis statistik deskriptif juga dilakukan untuk menganalisis hubungan antara kesesuaian wilayah berdasarkan kondisi perairan terhadap jumlah produksi rumput laut. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa wilayah yang sesuai untuk budidaya rumput laut terletak di segmen Teluk Lebangan. Aktivitas budidaya rumput laut tinggi terletak di segmen Teluk Lebangan, aktivitas budidaya sedang terletak di segmen Pantai Timur Serangan, dan aktivitas budidaya rendah terletak di segmen Teluk Serangan. Kesesuaian wilayah budidaya rumput laut berdasarkan kondisi perairan berupa suhu, salinitas, arus, muatan padatan tersuspensi, dan oksigen terlarut secara simultan berpengaruh terhadap jumlah produksi rumput laut di Pulau Serangan. Semakin tinggi oksigen terlarut, suhu, dan kecepatan arus maka jumlah produksi rumput laut di Pulau Serangan akan meningkat. Semakin rendah muatan padatan tersuspensi dan salinitas maka jumlah produksi rumput laut di Pulau Serangan akan meningkat.

Seaweed cultivation is an alternative use of coastal areas. An optimal review of seaweed cultivation activities needs to be done, considering the environment's high carrying capacity and its economic value. However, the development of tourism has made seaweed cultivation activities continue to be pressed. This study aims to analyze seaweed cultivation areas suitability based on water conditions and seaweed cultivation activities on Serangan Island and their relationship. The variables used are water conditions, cultivation, technology, management, and tourist objects. The suitability of the seaweed cultivation area on Serangan Island was obtained through Landsat 8 imagery data processing in 2020 and field measurements in situ and ex-situ. Surveys and interviews were also conducted to analyze seaweed farming activities on Serangan Island. The scoring and overlay methods were used for all variables, which were then analyzed spatially. Descriptive statistical analysis was also carried out to analyze the relationship between the suitability of the area based on water conditions and seaweed production. The analysis results show that a suitable area for seaweed cultivation is in the Lebangan Bay segment. The high level of seaweed cultivation activity is in the Lebangan Bay segment, moderate cultivation activity is in the Serangan East Coast segment, and low cultivation activities are in the Serangan Bay segment. The suitability of the seaweed cultivation area based on water conditions in temperature, salinity, current, total suspended solids, and dissolved oxygen has a simultaneous effect on seaweed cultivation activities on Serangan Island. The higher the dissolved oxygen, temperature, and current speed, the amount of seaweed production on Serangan Island will increase. The lower total suspended solids and salinity, the amount of seaweed production on Serangan Island will increase."
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Worabai, Meliza Sartje
Pulau Serangan merupakan salah satu bagian dari Tahura Ngurah Rai untuk perlindungan vegetasi dan burung. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui keanekaragaman vegetasi dan burung pasca reklamasi di Pulau Serangan, Bali. Pengamatan vegetasi dilakukan pada dua wilayah besar yaitu areal pulau asli seluas 1 Ha dengan metode pengamatan plot permanen dan areal reklamasi seluas 211,109 ha dengan metode pengamatan jalur. Pengamatan burung dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode titik hitung (point count) dengan menentukan delapan stasiun pengamatan secara acak. Berdasarkan hasil pengamatan tercatat total spesies tumbuhan adalah 64 spesies yang terdiri atas 26 spesies pada areal hutan alami dan 38 spesies pada areal reklamasi. Pada petak pengamatan 1 ha di areal asli spesies yang mendominasi adalah Acacia auriculiformis A.Cunn. ex Benth. dengan INP 55,99 %, sedangkan potensi regenerasi didominasi oleh Diospyros maritima (Blume) Baill 88%, diikuti Suregada glomerulata (Blume) Baill 53 %, Calophyllum inophyllum L. 22 %, Allophylus cobbe L. 13 % , serta Trema cannabina Lour. dan Samanea saman F.Muell. 2 %. Pada areal reklamasi terdapat 6 (enam) tipe habitat yaitu habitat bebatuan, padang, pasir, kapur, serasah dan tanah. Spesies tumbuhan terbanyak yang ditemukan di areal reklamasi adalah Calophyllum inophyllum L. dan Pongamia pinnata (L.) Pierre., yang ditanam di areal reklamasi. Burung yang terdapat di Pulau Serangan berjumlah 474 individu tergolong dalam 43 spesies dari 21 famili. Dua Spesies yang menempati urutan teratas jumlah individu terbanyak adalah Numenius madagascariensis (Gajahan timur) dan Phalacrocorax melanoleucos (Pecuk padi belang). Kedua spesies burung tersebut termasuk spesies burung pantai (Burung pantai) dari Famili Scolopacidae dan Phalacrocaracidae. Angka indeks keanekaragaman burung (H? = 3.051) di Pulau Serangan menunjukkan keragaman jenis tergolong sedang, yaitu memiliki produktivitas cukup dengan kondisi ekosistem cukup seimbang serta sedikit terjadi tekanan ekologis. Spesies tumbuhan yang dijadikan tempat bertelur atau bersarang adalah Pongamia pinnata (L.) Pierre, Lannea corromandelica (Houtt.) Merr, Acacia farnesiana (L.) Willd. , Pithecellobium dulce (Roxb.) Benth, Ziziphus mauritiana Lam. dan Calotropis gigantea.

Serangan Island is part of Tahura Ngurah Rai that was established for conservation of vegetation and birds. Objective of this research was to gain information regarding the diversity of vegetation and birds post-reclamation of Serangan Island, Bali. Observation on the vegetation was conducted in two large areas, they are one hectare of natural areal of the island by permanent plot method and 211.109 hectares of reclamated areal by line observation method. Observation on birds conducted in point count method by randomly asign eight observation station. According to the observation on vegetation there are 64 species in total consists of 26 species in natural forest and 38 species in the reclamation area. In the one hectare observation plot on the natural area the most dominant species was Acacia auriculiformis A.Cunn. ex Benth. with IVI value of 55.99 %, meanwhile the most dominant in terms of the potential of regeneration is Diospyros maritima (Blume) Baill 88%, followed by Suregada glomerulata (Blume) Baill 53 %, Calophyllum inophyllum L. 22 %, Allophylus cobbe L. 13 % , serta Trema cannabina Lour. and Samanea saman F.Muell. 2 %. There are six types of habitat in reclamation area rocks, savannah, sands, lime, litter and soil. Species which were founded the most in reclamation area are Calophyllum inophyllum L. and Pongamia pinnata (L.) Pierre., that are planted in the reclamation area. There are 474 individuals of bird appears on Serangan Island along the period of observation, they are categorized into 43 species and 21 families. The top two of individual counts are Numenius madagascariensis and Phalacrocorax melanoleucos. Both of them are shorebird species from Scolopacidae and Phalacrocaracidae family. Birds diversity index (H? = 3.051) in Serangan Island shows species diversity is medium, which had sufficient productivity with fairly balanced ecosystem condition and also small ecological pressure. Vegetations that been used by the birds for spawning and nesting are Pongamia pinnata (L.) Pierre, Lannea corromandelica (Houtt.) Merr, Acacia farnesiana (L.) Willd. , Pithecellobium dulce (Roxb.) Benth, Ziziphus mauritiana Lam. and Calotropis gigantea."
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nanda Diah Andini
"Budidaya lobster merupakan mata pencaharian baru masyarakat Pulau Serangan. Aktivitas ini mulai dilakukan oleh masyarakat Pulau Serangan semenjak dikeluarkannya SK Nomor 53/KEP MEN-KP/2020 tentang Tim Uji Tuntas (Due Diligence) Perizinan Usaha Perikanan Budidaya Lobster oleh Kementerian Kelautan dan Perikanan sebagai langkah untuk menguatkan ekonomi nasional di tengah pandemi covid 19 yang melanda Indonesia. Tesis ini mencermati permasalahan yang berkaitan mengenai isu mata pencaharian masyarakat dan keberlanjutan sumber daya alam di suatu wilayah tertentu. Dengan menggunakan metode penelitian etnnografi yang memfokuskan pada konsep akses sebagai kemampuan dan individual adaptability. Tesis ini memperlihatkan keterlibatan dari lembaga, organisasi, dan kebijakan terkait budidaya lobster serta kemampuan akses dan adaptability sebagai strategi saat menghadapi pandemi Covid 19. 

Lobster cultivation is a new livelihood for Serangan Island community. This activity has been carried out since the issuance of Decree Number 53/KEP MEN-KP/2020 concerning the Due Diligence Team for Lobster Cultivation Fisheries Business Licensing by the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries as a step to strengthen the national economy in the midst of COVID-19 pandemic. This thesis examines issues related to community livelihood issues and the sustainability of natural resources in a particular area. By using ethnographic research methods that focus on the concept of access as an ability and individual adaptability. This thesis shows the involvement of institutions, organizations, and policies related to lobster cultivation as well as the ability to access and adaptability as a strategy when facing the Covid 19 pandemic."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ida Ayu Seloka Danur
The village communities in Indonesia are known as having extraordinary wisdom in maintaining their respective living resources. They have future-vision thinking and deeply understand to pick the meaning of biodiversity in the daily life.
Desa adat Tenganan Pegringsingan is a traditional village located in the eastern Bali, 17 km. from Karangasem and 65 km from the capital city Denpasar. The settlement is situated in a valley surrounded by a range of hills from east, north to west. The hill in the east is called 'Bukit kangin' in north is called 'Bukit kana' and in the west is called 'Bukit kauh'. The village represents one of the ancient villages in Bali inhabited by the Bali Aga community with the special typical of life, social structure, traditions, custom, and religion principles different from those or other Balinese regions.
The hilly environment consisting of traditional forests, dry field, and orchards. These landscape unit are the community?s source of life. The landscape and its biodiversity are thought as still keeping their originality doe to the community's traditional knowledge and management of nature. The brief observation alone can show the result of a successful way of the peoples tradition in keeping their environment mostly intact.
The aim of this research is to gain an understanding of the traditional community's concept about their landscape and environment, their efforts in arranging the landscape unit and their contents as well as the management of natural resources in the context of the community?s social-culture-
The research is conducted in exploratory manner using phenomenological approach to understand the people's opinion from their own viewpoint. It was etno-methodology that analyzes the community's viewpoint based on the original concept as expressed in their language.
Selections of samples are done with purposive sampling and the data are collected through an in-depth interview, direct participation and observation in the site. Data of the cover vegetation is investigated in the field through the micro landscape (home yard), the meso landscape (settlement landscape) and macro landscape (regional landscape). The cover vegetations of the home yard and the settlement landscape are gained through inventory. investigation of the regional landscape (macro landscape)is conducted through inventory of cover vegetations by tracking the ?kiasiran? in the hills. Recording of data of plants in each klasiran is done by grouping them into trees, bushes or clumps, herbs and liana together with their local and botanical names.
Data analyzes is using a combination of descriptive-qualitative and quantitative analysis which then presented in three papers, consisting of: 1) the oommunity's value that base on understanding of the landscape, 2) the study of spatial and the cover vegetations, and 3) the management of plant diversity by the community of Bali Aga Tenganan Pegringsingan.
The result of this study demonstrate that the philosophy of life, religion and the local community wisdom of the Tenganan Pegringsingan people are the basis of their understanding of the landscape which formed by their cosmological concept. The landscape is the creation of Ida Sang Hyang Widhi Wasa /the supreme being that constitutes the space of living, the source of water, the protecting place and the place to perform vertical and horizontal relationship.
The pattern and the structures of home yard, the settlement and the region landscape are formed by the integration of the Dualism concept, cosmological system (?Tapak Dara") and ?Tri Hita Karana? concept.
The basis of the people management of landscape and plant diversity are rooted from their social religious life, their strong culture institution, and the role of ?Desa pekraman? (the village member) itself. All these are in line with the mission of the sustainable development concept that supports the conservation ideas."
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Salampessy, Ismail Naiyowehaji
"Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengungkap perspektif masyarakat terhadap satuansatuan lanskap serta pemanfaatannya sebagai sumber perolehan kebutuhan hidup masyarakat adat Baduy-Dalam, Desa Kanekes, Banten. Penelitian dilakukan dengan menggunakan pendekatan etnoekologi. Data penelitian dikumpulkan dari hasil wawancara informan kunci, observasi langsung di lokasi penelitian, serta kegiatan diskusi kelompok viiirnam (Focus Group Discussion-FGD) dengan metode distribusi kerikil (Pebble Distribution Method-PDM).
Berdasarkan persepsi masyarakat adat Baduy-Dalam terhadap nilai penting unit lanskap, terdapat tujuh satuan lanskap, yaitu lembur, huma, cai, jami, reuma, reuma kolot, dan leuweung lembur. Juga berdasarkan persepsi masyarakat adat Baduy-Dalam terhadap tumbuhan sebagai sumber perolehan kebutuhan, terdapat sepuluh sumber perolehan, yaitu sebagai sumber pangan, obat, viiirnament, kayu bakar, ritual, obat padi, alat rumah tangga, bahan pewarna, dan anyaman. Lembur menjadi unit lanskap terpenting dengan skoring PDM tertinggi (28,8), dan sumber perolehan pangan pada satuan lanskap huma menjadi memiliki nilai penting tertinggi sebagai sumber perolehan, dengan skoring PDM tertinggi (33,5).

This research attempted to reveal the relationship of Baduy-Dalam people to their landscape, as well as their utilization of plants in Kanekes Village, Banten. The methodfor this research were ethnoecological approach. Data were collected by interview with the local key informant, direct observation in the site of the research, focus group discussion (FGD) and pebble distribution method (PDM) with respondent Baduy-Dalam people utilize and manage each of them differently.
According to the Baduy-Dalam people's perspective for important landscape, there are seven landscape units, namely lembur, huma, cai, jami, reuma, reuma kolot, and leuweung lembur. Also from to the Baduy-Dalam people's perspective for plant utilization on landscape, there are ten utilization, which are for food, medicine, ornament, firewood, ritual, paddy's medicine, household appliance, dye materials, webbing, and building material. Lembur landscape unit gained the highest PDM score (28,8), and for important landscape plant utilization, food on huma landscape unit gained the highest PDM score (33,5).
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Devi Anggun Sari
The research was held from December 2010 up to February 2011 in Kerinci District, Jambi Province. The data collecting was doing by interview, direct observation, participation, and vegetation analysis in the field. The result shows that local community group the unit of land use in their area into 10, those are sawah or sawauh (rice fields), batang ayik or bati ayay (rivers), dusun or neghiw (villages), pelak or kandaw or cuguk (fields of vegetables and annual crops around the village), ladang pnanam mudo (annuals and vegetables crops fields), ladang pnanam tuo (complex agroforestry fields), bluka mudo (young secondary forest), bluka tuo (old secondary forest), imbo adat or imbew adaik (customary forest), and imbo lengang or imbew suwaw or imbo gano (primary forest). The people take multiple use strategy in using land and resources around them to complete their daily needs. Dual economy system makes them able to deal with the differences of ecological, social economy, cultural conditions, and the pressure of population growth. The social activity concerned with environmental antrophisation creates heterogeneity of ecosystem with the differences of floristic compositions and structures"
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Indonesia is a centre of global marine bio-resources, particularly on its coral reefs ecosystem. Besides its physical ftmction, coral reefs also provide an aesthetic
function. This beauty of these reefs pioneered the ornamental fish hobbyists to keep the corals and marine iish in their own aquarium tank. Marine ornamental fish trade from Indonesia to the world had started around the early of '80s and still
continues to improve until today. Sustainable utilization plan in order to reduce the exploitation pressure on the reefs, particularly for aquarium industry, is done through coral captivity or known as coral culture. However, since the
commencement of this activity there has been no research yet which can explain on the gap between the action regulation on coral culture for the aquarium industry and its implementation in fields."
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Indri Puspita Sari
"Pembagian, pemanfaatan, dan pengelolaan satuan unit lanskap masyarakat suku Dayak Ngaju, khususnya di Kecamatan Mantangai merupakan strategi masyarakat lokal untuk mempertahankan kelangsungan hidup mereka. Lokasi penelitian berada di Desa Tumbang Muroi, Tumbang Mangktup, dan Katimpun, Kecamatan Mantangai, Kabupaten Kapuas, Kalimantan Tengah pada Juli-Agustus 2018. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mendokumentasikan secara ilmiah pengetahuan lokal masyarakat dalam membagi unit-unit lanskap dan menganalisis pemanfaatan serta pengelolaan unit lanskap berbasis kearifan lokal masyarakat. Data kualitatif diperoleh melalui wawancara semi terstruktur, observasi langsung, dan studi literatur, sementara data kuantitatif diperoleh melalui Pebble Distribution Method yang dianalisis menggunakan Local Users Value Index (LUVI) dan struktur komunitas yang diperoleh melalui analisis vegetasi. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa masyarakat suku Dayak Ngaju membagi sembilan unit lanskap yaitu batang danum (sungai), lewu (permukiman), parakayu lindung (hutan lindung), parakayu desa (hutan desa), parakayu adat (hutan adat), teluk pipit dan keramat baga (tempat keramat), kabun gita (bekas kebun karet), tana (ladang pertanian), dan bahu rambung (bekas ladang). Pengetahuan lokal masyarakat membentuk heterogenitas terhadap komposisi unit lanskap sebagai proses adaptasi masyarakat. Struktur komunitas tumbuhan yang terbentuk adalah hasil dari intensitas pemanfaatan tumbuhan oleh masyarakat lokal dan kondisi lahan yang ada di masing-masing unit lanskap. Nilai pemanfaatan satuan unit lanskap oleh laki-laki dan perempuan pada masing-masing desa sangat beragam. Pemanfaatan unit lanskap tertinggi bagi laki-laki terdapat pada hutan lindung, sungai, dan permukiman, sedangkan bagi perempuan tertinggi yaitu sungai dan bekas kebun karet. Hasil LUVI menunjukkan setiap kategori guna dapat ditemui sesuai dengan lokasi pemanfaatannya. Pengetahuan lokal yang dimiliki masyarakat merupakan kepercayaan dan keyakinan masyarakat itu sendiri sehingga mampu memengaruhi presepsi masyarakat terhadap pemanfaatan dan penggunaan setiap satuan unit lanskap. Kearifan lokal masyarakat dalam mengelola lingkungan secara lestari dapat terlihat dari aturan dalam pengklasifikasian unit lanskap yang terbagi menjadi sembilan. Bentuk praktik konservasi tradisional terhadap pelestarian lingkungan meliputi sistem penebangan pohon dan pemeliharaan tempat keramat (teluk pipit dan keramat baga). Strategi pengelolaan berbasis tata nilai masyarakat suku Dayak Ngaju telah terwariskan secara turun temurun dan diharapkan mampu menjaga sumber daya alam secara berkelanjutan di masa mendatang.

The division, utilization and management of landscape units of the Dayak Ngaju tribe, especially in Mantangai Subdistrict, is a strategy of local communities to maintain their survival. The research sites were in the villages of Tumbang Muroi, Tumbang Mangktup, and Katimpun, Mantangai Subdistrict, Kapuas District, Central Kalimantan in July-August 2018. The study aimed to record scientifically the local knowledge of the community in dividing landscape units and analyzing the utilize and management of landscape units based on the local wisdom of the community. Qualitative data were obtained through semi-structured interviews, direct observation, and literature studies, while quantitative data were obtained through Pebble Distribution Method and analyzed using Local Users Value Index analysis (LUVI). The results show that local community divided into nine units of landscapes as a place to fulfill the daily needs of the Dayak Ngaju communities. The unit landscapes are batang danum (rivers), lewu (villages), parakayu (protected forest), parakayu (customary forest), parakayu (village forest), teluk pipit and keramat baga (sacred place), kabun gita (ex-rubber plantation), tana (fields of vegetables and rice plants), and bahu rambung (ex-fields or field that has not been used for a certain period of time). Local knowledge of the community forms heterogeneity in the composition of landscape units as a process of community adaptation. The plant community structure formed is the result of the intensity of the use of plants by local people and the condition of the land in each landscape unit. The value of the utilization of landscape units based on sex in each village is heterogeneous. The highest utilization of landscape units for men is in protected forests, rivers, and settlements, while for the highest utilization of women are rivers and rubber plantations. Based on analyzes results of LUVI shows that each category of use can be found according to the location of its utilization. Local knowledge owned by the community is the belief and it can influence the perception of the community towards the utilize of each unit of landscape based on the utilize category. The local wisdom of the community in managing the environment sustainably can be seen from the rules in classifying landscape units which are divided into nine. Traditional forms of conservation practices for environmental conservation include tree felling systems and the maintenance of sacred places (Teluk pipit and Keramat baga). The value-based management strategy of the Dayak Ngaju tribe community has been inherited from generation to generation and is expected to be able to sustain natural resources in a sustainable manner in the future."
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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