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Ditemukan 28040 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
New York: McGraw-Hill, 2011
658.5 MAN
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sethi, Suresh P.
USA: Springer, 2005
658.7 SET i
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Khan, Syed Abdul Rehman
"This book covers the scope of supply chain and logistics, which has continued to grow with a rapid speed. The book includes core aspects of supply chain and logistics philosophy and practice. The authors then cover the general principles of supply chain and logistics that can be applied in countries throughout the world. Where concepts cannot be generalized, they are based primarily on a European model. The authors have also added some international material and examples from China, Pakistan, India, and the USA. The book is intended to help in the quest of supply chain and logistics to reduce cost and improve service, as well as to keep up-to-date the different facets of supply chain and logistics in a global market. In addition, this book helps candidates to who are undertaking examinations for universities and professional institutes, and bachelor and master students who are studying for degrees in supply chain management. In addition, the book covers technical terminologies, definitions, and a supply chain dictionary."
Switzerland: Springer Cham, 2019
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Wisner, Joel D.
New York: Thomson, 2005
658.7 WIS p
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sandy Nestria Putri
"Makalah Non Skripsi ini disiapkan dengan tujuan untuk mengidentifikasi dan membandingkan perbedaan strategi rantai pasok antara dua bisnis yang mapan, IKEA dan Walmart. Secara khusus, laporan ini akan menguraikan pendekatan mereka dalam hal aliansi strategis dengan mitra dagang, strategi pengadaan dan subkontrak, bagaimana mereka menghadapi tantangan dan risiko yang terkait dengan ekspansi global, penggabungan keberlanjutan dan kemajuan teknologi yang diadopsi dalam bisnis mereka.

Non Thesis Paper is prepared in with the purpose to identify and compare the difference of supply chain strategies between two well-established business, IKEA and Walmart. Specifically, this report will elaborate their approaches in terms of strategic alliances with trading partners, procurement and outsourcing strategies, how they deal with challenges and risks associated with global expansion, incorporation of sustainability and the advancement of technologies adopted in their business. "
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Makalah dan Kertas Kerja  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sujahto Ramang
"Tesis ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifiaksi ada/tidaknya isu transfer pricing dalam kegiatan usaha jasa maklon (contract manufacturing); memperoleh gambaran mengenai alasan pemilihan struktur contract manufacturer sebagai bagian terintegrasi dari suatu manajemen rantai suplai global (global supply chain management) dalam kerangka pencapaian tujuan global perusahaan multinasional; mengetahui berbagai pendekatan dalam menentukan karakteristik bisnis manufaktur; mengetahui kecenderungan dan praktik penggunaan struktur contract manufacturer pada perusahaan penanaman modal asing di Indonesia; mengetahui bagaimana menerapkan analisis fungsional (functional analyses) dan analisis kesebandingan (comparability analyses) dalam memilih metode transfer pricing yang cocok sesuai prinsip harga wajar (arm?s length principle) untuk transaksi atau kegiatan contract manufacturing; menganalisis apakah ketentuan perpajakan di Indonesia telah cukup baik dalam mengantisipasi berbagai isu transfer pricing terutama yang dapat dilakukan melalui kegiatan ushaa contract manufacturing dan melakukan perbandingan dengan beberapa negara seperti China, Australia, Kanada, dan Meksiko dan negara-negara lainnya. Penelitian yang dilakukan berupa pendekatan kualitatif dengan deskriftif analitis dan metode survei. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa adanya hubungan istimewa antara perusahaan penanaman modal asing dengan persuahaan induk, transaksi-transaksi antar perusahaan dalam satu grup (intercompany transactions), dan pelaporan kegiatan usaha contract manufacturing sebagai full-fledged manufacturing, merupakan bukti adanya isu transfer pricing. Adanya beberapa kasus dimana perusahaan tidak melaporkan kegiatan usahanya sebagai contract manufacturer membuat semakin pentingnya melalukan analisis yang bertujuan untuk memastikan karakteristik (characterization) perusahaan yang bergerak dalam bisnis manufaktur. Kurang memadainya ketentuan tentang dokumentasi transfer pricing dikaitkan dengan mekanisme beban pembuktian yang berlaku dalam sistem perpajakan Indonesia merupakan faktor penting dalam memicu munculnya isu transfer pricing dalam kegiatan usaha contract manufacturing. Dalam hal karakteristik usaha adalah jasa maklon (contract manufacturer) maka praktik dan ketentuan transfer pricing di banyak negara menunjukkan penggunaan metode cost plus sebagai metode yang umum diterapkan untuk menentukan tingkat remunerasi yang wajar meskipun harus dilihat kasus per kasus dan ketersediaan data pembanding. Permasalahan akan menjadi lebih mudah jika hanya menyangkut metode transfer pricing yang akan diterapkan, tetap tetapi sulit jika karakteristik usaha tetap tidak jelas.

This thesis aimed at identifying whether or not there is transfer pricing issue in contract manufacturing activities; comprehending any reasons for choosing contract manufacturing structure as an integral part of the supply chain management developed by multinational enterprises in global strategy to achieve its main goal; identifying any approaches could potentially turn up characteristics of a manufacturing business; knowing the tendency of using contract manufacturer structure by foreign investment enterprises in Indonesia; knowing how to use the functional analyses and comparability analyses in choosing an appropriate transfer pricing methods to determine the arm?s length price for any a contract manufacturing acitivities or transactions; analysing the prevailing tax rules in Indonesia pertaining the anticipation to transfer pricing issues especially arise in any case involving a contract manufacturing arrangement, compared with several other relevant countries having the same tax issues, such as China, Australia, Canada, Mexico, and also many other countries. Research in this thesis will take form of qualitative research with descriptive analysis and survey method. The result turns out that there are related companies, intercompany transactions between them and the fact that a contract manufacturer can be formally (caused by the lack of tax rules) reported for tax purposes. These circumtances become the proof that transfer pricing issues undeniedly exists. The fact that any cases arise where a contract manufacturer reporting form of business not representing actual activities or functions performed, makes any analyses aimed to ascertain characteristics of any foreign manufacturing investment enterprises in Indonesia become very important. The lack of documentation transfer pricing rules and its close relation to the burden of proof mechanism prevailing in Indonesian tax systems is one basic factor that trigger any transfer pricing issues in contract manufacturing business. Where, based on its actual characteristics, a foreign investment enterprose has been an contract manufacturer, hence therefore, practices and the prevailing tax rules in many foreign countries showing that the use of cost plus method as the general approach. As recommeded in OECD Guidelines, the selection of methods used in determining arm?s length price, case by case should closely be elaborated and this step hinges on the availability of comparable data. The transfer pricing issues could be solved easier if it is only about the selection of transfer pricing methods to be used, but not that easy if the characteristics of a business remain unclear."
Depok: Fakultas Eknonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2010
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Supply Chain Management, Enterprise Resources Planning (ERP), and Advanced Planning Systems (APS) are important concepts in order to organize and optimize the flow of materials, information and financial funds. This book, already in its fifth edition, gives a broad and up-to-date overview of the concepts underlying APS. Special emphasis is given to modeling supply chains and implementing APS successfully in industry. Understanding is enhanced by several case studies covering APS from various software vendors. The fifth edition contains updated material, rewritten chapters and an additional case study."
Berlin: Springer-Verlag, 2015
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Adinda Nur Larasati
"Makalah ini memberikan wawasan tentang manajemen rantai pasokan Walmart, yang befokus kepada evolusi, integrasi teknologi, kemitraan strategis, dan inisiatif keberlanjutan dari Walmart. Dimulai dengan pendiriannya pada tahun 1962, Walmart telah berkembang secara global, memanfaatkan sistem Kolaborasi Rantai Pasokan (Supply Chain Collaboration) untuk meminimalkan biaya. Inovasi seperti database Retail Link dan strategi "cross-docking" mengoptimalkan efisiensi komunikasi dan distribusi, meningkatkan daya saing pasar. Kemitraan yang berhasil, seperti kemitraan Walmart dengan P&G, menunjukkan adopsi teknologi canggih untuk perencanaan kolaboratif dan manajemen inventaris. Komitmen Walmart terhadap keberlanjutan menegaskan kesadaran lingkungan proaktifnya. Melihat ke depan, makalah ini menekankan pentingnya adaptasi yang berkelanjutan bagi Walmart terhadap teknologi dan dinamika pasar yang terus berkembang untuk kesuksesan berkelanjutan.

This paper offers insights into Walmart's supply chain management, highlighting its evolution, technological integration, strategic partnerships, and sustainability initiatives. Beginning with its inception in 1962, Walmart has expanded globally, leveraging the Supply Chain Collaboration (SCC) system to minimize costs. Innovations like the Retail Link database and "cross-docking" strategy optimize communication and distribution efficiency, enhancing market competitiveness. Successful alliances, like the P&G partnership, showcase the adoption of advanced technologies for collaborative planning and inventory management. Walmart's commitment to sustainability, exemplified by the Responsibility Sourcing Program, underscores its proactive environmental stewardship. Looking ahead, the report emphasizes the importance of Walmart's continuous adaptation to evolving technologies and market dynamics for sustained success."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2024
UI - Makalah dan Kertas Kerja  Universitas Indonesia Library
Musyaffa Muhammad Naufal Erlangga

Penggunaan Model Supply Chain Operation Reference (SCOR) banyak diterapkan perusahaan untuk mengukur kondisi rantai pasoknya. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada PT.X yang bergerak di bidang industri obat herbal. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian kinerja rantai pasok ini adalah metode SCOR sebagai kerangka utama penelitian dan Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) sebagai metode pendukung untuk memberikan bobot penilaian pada indikator SCOR. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui kondisi kinerja rantai pasok perusahaan serta memberikan usulan rekomendasi strategi perbaikan jika ditemukan indikator yang berkinerja kurang baik. Terdapat 28 indikator kinerja tervalidasi yang akan diukur dalam model. Dari hasil pengukuran kinerja yang dilakukan pada rantai pasok proses produksi PT. X tahun 2022, nilai rata-rata kinerja rantai pasok perusahaan adalah sebesar 67,85% yang menunjukkan kinerja rantai pasok perusahaan termasuk ke dalam kategori rata-rata berdasarkan sisem Traffic Light Monitoring. Kinerja setiap indikator dipetakan ke dalam diagram IPA untuk mengetahui indikator mana yang memiliki Performance yang belum baik namun memiliki Importance yang tinggi sehingga perlu untuk diperbaiki atau ditingkatkan. Berdasarkan diagram IPA terdapat enam indikator dari rantai pasok proses produksi perusahaan yang harus ditingkatkan. Setelah dilakukan analisis lebih lanjut, penelitili mengusulkan rekomendasi strategi untuk meningkatkan kinerja indikator tersebut.

Many companies use the Supply Chain Operation Reference (SCOR) model to measure the condition of their supply chain. This research was conducted at PT.X which is specialized in herbal medicine industry. The method used in this supply chain performance research is the SCOR method as the main research framework and the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) as a supporting method to give scoring weight to the SCOR indikator. The purpose of this study was to determine the condition of the company's supply chain performance and to provide recommendations for improvement strategies if indikators were found to be underperforming. There are 28 validated performance indikators that will be measured in the model. From the results of performance measurements carried out in the production process supply chain of PT. X in 2022, the average value of the company's supply chain performance is 67.85% which shows that the company's supply chain performance is included in the average category based on the Traffic Light Monitoring system. The performance of each indikator is mapped onto the IPA diagram to find out which indikators have poor performance but have high importance so they need to be repaired or increased. Based on the IPA diagram, there are six indikators of the company's production process supply chain that must be improved. After further analysis, the researcher proposes recommendations on strategies to improve the performance of these indicators.

Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Aretta Anindita
"Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengukur kinerja rantai pasok pada PT X Persero sebagai salah satu perusahaan manufaktur bahan peledak di Indonesia. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengukur dan merancang strategi yang dapat meningkatkan kinerja rantai pasok. Hal ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan kerangka Supply Chain Operation Reference (SCOR) sebagai metode pengukuran kinerja untuk evaluasi kinerja rantai pasokan untuk mendapatkan indeks kinerja. Metode lain seperti Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) untuk memberi pembobotan pada setiap indikator dan Traffic Light System untuk pengelompokan kategori kinerja berdasarkan warna. Terdapat 29 indikator kinerja (KPI), yang terbagi dalam perspektif model SCOR untuk masing-masing tingkatan. Hasil kinerja pada PT X Persero pada tahun 2021 dari bulan Januari sampai dengan September 2021 adalah sebesar 60,72% yang menunjukkan kinerja perusahaan berada pada kategori sedang. Setiap KPI kemudian dipetakan ke dalam kuadran Importance Performance Analysis (IPA) untuk mencari indikator penting dan kurang untuk diperbaiki. Terdapat 4 KPI terkait kinerja rantai pasok yang perlu ditingkatkan, oleh karena itu diberikan usulan rekomendasi untuk KPI tersebut.

This study was conducted to measure supply chain performance at PT X Persero as an explosives manufacturing company in Indonesia. This research aims to measure and design strategies that can improve supply chain performance. It is conducted using the Supply Chain Operation Reference (SCOR) framework as a performance measurement method for supply chain performance evaluation to gain performance index. Also other frameworks such as Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) method to weight each indicator and the Traffic Light System grouping system to categorize performance based on color. The objective of this research is to develop and measure supply chain performance. There are 29 performance indicators (KPIs), that is divided into the SCOR model’s perspectives for each level. The result of the performance in PT X Persero in 2021 from January until September 2021 is 60,72% which shows the company’s performance is in an average category. Each KPI is then mapped into the Importance Performance Analysis (IPA) quadrant to find the critical and underperformance indicator to be improved. There are 4 KPIs regarding supply chain performance that requires improvement, therefore proposed recommendations is provided for the KPIs."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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