ABSTRAKDalam skripsi, penelitian terhadap novel Tuan Direktur merupakan jenis penelitian sosiologi sastra yang bertujuan menjelaskan hubungan saling memengaruhi antara Islam (ideologi Hamka), Surabaya pada permulaan abad 20 (masyarakat), dengan konsep kekayaan dalam novel Tuan Direktur (karya). Metode yang digunakan adalah deskriptif analisis, yaitu mendeskripsikan terlebih dahulu tokoh dan latar. Tokoh dibicarakan untuk mendeskripsikan konsep kekayaan melalui tokoh sentral. Latar dibicarakan untuk mendeskripsikan situasi baik secara fisik maupun sosial. Selanjutnya, deskripsi konsep kekayaan melalui tokoh sentral dan situasi fisik dan sosial melalui latar dianalisis secara sosiologis. Hasil analisis sosiologis menunjukkan bahwa konsep kekayaan tokoh sentral sangat dipengaruhi Islam dan latar fisik dan sosial juga dipengaruhi situasi Surabaya pada permulaan abad 20. Namun, latar fisik yang ditampilkan Hamka bukan deskripsi fisik Surabaya yang khas, melainkan deskripsi fisik Surabaya secara umum. Selain itu, deskripsi sosial masyarakat Surabaya pun tidak tampil melalui sistem hidup tokoh. Dengan demikian, dapat dikatakan, aspek Islam lebih dominan memengaruhi karya daripada aspek sosial.
ABSTRACTIn this paper, the research of Tuan Direktur is a kind of sociological literature which aims to explain the relationship between Islam (Ideology of Hamka), Surabaya in the early 20th century (society), and the concept of wealth in Tuan Direktur (novel). The method used is descriptive- analysis which firstly describes the figure and the background. The discussion about the figure is to describe the concept of wealth through the central figure. The discussion about the background is to describe the situation both physically and socially. Furthermore, the description of the concept of wealth through the central figure and the physical and social situation through analysis background sociologically. The result of sociological analysis show that the concept of wealth affects the central figure of Islam, and the physical and social background are also affected by the situation of Surabaya in the early of 20th century. However, the background of physically does not represent Surabaya, but it just shows the description of Surabaya in general. Besides, the description of society of Surabaya is not even shown in the figure’s life. Therefore, it concludes that Islamic aspect is more dominant than social aspect regarding to show creativity."