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Lacy, Edward A.
Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1982
621.380.414 LAC f
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ponco Siwindarto
"An optical fiber sensor for measurement of liquid parameters, such as refractive index and concentration has been developed. The measurement method is based on the attenuation of cladding mode power. A normal core-clad fiber with a leaky ray zone is used as a sensor. A portion of the clad power is measured by means of a tapered fiber whose diameter d is so chosen that it is always less than or equal to the thickness of the clad. The maximum clad power is detected when the diameter of the probe is nearly equal to the clad thickness."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 1993
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Antares Abdillah Wahid
"Kemajuan teknologi mengakibatkan kebutuhan kecepatan data meningkat. Sehingga perlu dirancang suatu jaringan backbone serat optik yang handal berkapasitas tinggi. Pada skripsi ini, akan didesain suatu jaringan backbone berkapasitas 40G*80 kanal yang menghubungkan kota Bandar Lampung dan Palembang. Jaringan yang dirancang memiliki panjang total 566 Km dan melewati kota Bandar Lampung, Kotabumi, Martapura, Muara Enim, Prabumulih, dan Palembang. Jaringan dibuat menggunakan serat optik SMF-28 premium buatan Perusahaan Corning dan Unitrans ZXWM M920 dari Perusahaan ZTE. Menghasilkan jaringan yang mampu membawa minimal 7 kanal hingga 80 kanal dengan OSNR berkisar antara 32dB hingga 42 dB.

Technology advances make the demand of bit rate increase. So we need to design a reliable fiber optic backbone network with high-capacity. In this paper, a backbone network will be designed with a capacity of 40G * 80 channel that connects the city of Bandar Lampung and Palembang. Designed network has a total length of 566 km and pass through Bandar Lampung, Kotabumi, Martapura, Muara Enim, Prabumulih, and Palembang. Network created using SMF-28 premium from corning incorporated and Unitrans ZXWM M920 from ZTE coorporation. This network able to operate at 7 to 80 channel with ONSR value 34dB to 42dB."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sri Oniwati Susanti
"Kesenjangan digital di Indonesia merupakan wicked problem yang membutuhkan proses kolaborasi dalam penyelesaiannya. Dalam hal ini, pemerintah menyelenggarakan Proyek Strategis Nasional berupa pembangunan infrastruktur jaringan tulang punggung serat optik Palapa Ring yang menggunakan konsep KPBU (Kerja Sama Pemerintah dan Badan Usaha). 
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis bagaimana penerapan tata kelola kolaboratif proyek penyelenggaraan jaringan tulang punggung serat optik Palapa Ring saat ini dan faktor apa saja yang mempengaruhinya. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah kualitatif dengan pendekatan post positivist yang menggunakan teori tata kelola kolaboratif Emerson dan Nabatchi (2015) sebagai pisau analisis.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa proses collaborative governance dalam Proyek Penyelenggaraan Jaringan Tulang Punggung Serat Optik Palapa Ring di Indonesia belum berjalan secara maksimal karena terdapat beberapa elemen kolaborasi yang belum terpenuhi dengan baik.

The digital divide in Indonesia is a wicked problem that requires a collaborative process in its resolution. In this case, the government is implementing a National Strategic Project in the form of building a Palapa Ring fiber optic backbone network infrastructure using the concept of PPP (Government and Business Entity Cooperation).
This study aims to analyze how the current collaborative governance of projects implementing the implementation of the Palapa Ring fiber optic backbone network and what factors influence it. The research method used is qualitative with a post positivist approach that uses Emerson and Nabatchi's collaborative governance theory (2015) as a knife of analysis.
The results showed that the collaborative governance process in the Palapa Ring Fiber Optic Backbone Network Implementation Project in Indonesia has not run optimally because there are several elements of collaboration that have not been properly fulfilled.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Administrasi Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Irvan Hardiyana
"Seiring dengan kemajuan dunia telekomunikasi saat ini, kemampuan peralatan telekomunikasi untuk menghantarkan informasi semakin canggih. Kecanggihan ini diiringi juga dengan kebutuhan dan permintaan informasi yang semakin besar sehingga memicu peningkatan kebutuhan bandwidth. Universitas Indonesia yang merupakan salah satu Universitas terbesar di Indonesia memiliki jaringan komunikasi tersendiri yang dikenal dengan Jaringan Universitas Indonesia Terpadu (JUITA). Untuk mengantisipasi adanya peningkatan kebutuhan bandwidth, JUITA membutuhkan perencanaan sistem transmisi serat optik yang sesuai dengan kondisi yang ada.
Pada skripsi ini, akan dilakukan analisis perencanaan sistem transmisi serat optik CWDM Jaringan Universitas Indonesia Terpadu (JUITA), dengan melihat dari kecenderungan pertumbuhan kebutuhan bandwidth pada layanan Metro Ethernet JUITA yang meningkat dimulai dari periode tahun 2008 sebesar 98 Mbps sampai tahun 2012 yang mencapai 1023 Mbps atau 1,23 Gbps. Berdasarkan data yang diolah dengan metode regresi linier, diketahui bahwa adanya pola peningkatan kebutuhan bandwidth terhadap waktu.
Perhitungan power link budget dan rise time budget digunakan untuk menentukan apakah perencanaan yang dilakukan sudah memenuhi kriteria untuk diimplementasikan di lapangan. Hasil yang didapat dalam proses perhitungan menunjukkan bahwa perencanaan ini telah memenuhi kriteria untuk diimplementasikan di lapangan. Hal ini dibuktikan dengan power link budget dapat menjangkau jarak tempuh transmisi sejauh 54 km, sedangkan jarak tempuh link JUITA sejauh 32,776 km sehingga tidak dibutuhkan penguat optik. Selain itu, power budget sistem perencanaan juga menghasilkan nilai yang sesuai yaitu daya yang dideteksi oleh detektor sebesar -19,238 dBm masih lebih besar dibandingkan sensitivitas pada penerima (-30 dBm). Sedangkan, pada nilai rise time budget perencanaan telah memenuhi nilai rise time sistem sebesar 1125 ps.

Along with the progress of today's telecommunications world, the ability of telecommunications equipment to conduct information is more sophisticated. The sophistication is accompanied also by necessity and demand information getting to be a great. Its trigger bandwidth needs to increase. The University of Indonesia who is one of the largest universities in Indonesia has its own communications network known as the integrated network of the University of Indonesia (JUITA). In anticipation of an increase in bandwidth needs, JUITA requires planning optical fiber transmission system in accordance with existing conditions.
In this thesis, would have done the analysis of fiber-optic transmission system planning CWDM, by looking at the trend of growth of bandwidth needs on Metro Ethernet service is increasing, starting from the 2008 period amounting to 100 Mbps until 2012 to reach the 1023 Mbps or 1.23 Gbps. Based on data that is processed by the method of linear regression, it is noted that the existence of a pattern of increased bandwidth needs with respect to time.
Calculation power link budget and rise time budget used to determine whether the planning are appropriate to implemented. The result of calculation showed that this planning is appropriate to implemented. This is evidenced by the power link budget can reach as far as transmission mileage 54 km, while the distance traveled as far as JUITA link 32,776 km so that optical amplifier is not needed. In addition, power budget planning system also generates a value that corresponds to the power detected by a detector-19,238 dBm is still greater than the sensitivity in the receiver (-30 dBm). Meanwhile, the value of the rise time budget planning meets the value rise time systems of 1125 ps.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Pachnicke, Stephan
"[Next generation optical communication systems will have to transport a significantly increased data volume at a reduced cost per transmitted bit. To achieve these ambitious goals optimum design is crucial in combination with dynamic adaptation to actual traffic demands and improved energy efficiency. In the first part of the book the author elaborates on the design of optical transmission systems. Several methods for efficient numerical simulation are presented ranging from meta-model based optimization to parallelization techniques for solving the nonlinear Schrödinger equation. Furthermore, fast analytical and semi-analytical models are described to estimate the various degradation effects occurring on the transmission line. In the second part of the book operational aspects of optical networks are investigated. Physical layer impairment-aware routing and regenerator placement are studied. Finally, it is analyzed how the energy efficiency of a multi-layer optical core network can be increased by dynamic adaptation to traffic patterns changing in the course of the day, Next generation optical communication systems will have to transport a significantly increased data volume at a reduced cost per transmitted bit. To achieve these ambitious goals optimum design is crucial in combination with dynamic adaptation to actual traffic demands and improved energy efficiency. In the first part of the book the author elaborates on the design of optical transmission systems. Several methods for efficient numerical simulation are presented ranging from meta-model based optimization to parallelization techniques for solving the nonlinear Schrödinger equation. Furthermore, fast analytical and semi-analytical models are described to estimate the various degradation effects occurring on the transmission line. In the second part of the book operational aspects of optical networks are investigated. Physical layer impairment-aware routing and regenerator placement are studied. Finally, it is analyzed how the energy efficiency of a multi-layer optical core network can be increased by dynamic adaptation to traffic patterns changing in the course of the day]"
New York: [Springer, ], 2012
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ibrahim Syuaib

Dalam kurun beberapa tahun ini telah terjadi pertumbuhan eksponensial terus-menerus dalam permintaan transmisi serat optik untuk aplikasi penghubung antar pulau, sistem fiber darat melewati bibir pantai (festoon), dan penggunaan transmisi terestrial rentang panjang untuk daerah terpencil. Sistem transmisi rentang panjang tanpa repeater dengan menggunakan amplifikasi Raman terdistribusi adalah solusi hemat biaya untuk menjembatani jarak transmisi beberapa ratus kilometer. Kerr nonlinier distorsi dan Raman amplifier noise telah diidentifikasi sebagai dua faktor kendala utama dalam meningkatkan performansi transmisi dan peningkatan jarak jangkauan. Konfigurasi fiber core hibrida yang terbentuk dari struktur tiga segmen diusulkan sebagai alternatif pengganti atas fiber core konvensional berstruktur homogen satu segmen. Karena ukuran fiber core dapat berubah sepanjang propagasi, maka rumus baku amplifikasi Raman harus ditulis ulang menjadi rumus umum dimana ukuran fiber core tidak lagi merupakan nilai konstan tetapi variabel atas jarak sepanjang propagasi. Dengan menggunakan persamaan Raman standar dan penulisan ulang ukuran fiber core (fiber effective core area) sebagai fungsi jarak propagasi, maka penelitian ini mengusulkan pemodelan rumusan umum yang baru (new generalized formula) agar sesuai untuk diaplikasikan pada sistem dengan struktur multi-segmen. Hasil analisis numerik menunjukkan bahwa perbaikan atas nonlinear phase shift dan optical signal-to-noise ratio (OSNR) dapat dicapai secara bersamaan. Pencapaian ini tidak mungkin didapat jika hanya menggunakan struktur konvensional dengan fiber core tunggal (homogen). Dilakukan simulasi untuk mengetahui peningkatan kinerja transmisi dan perpanjangan jarak transmisi rentang panjang tanpa menggunakan repeater. Penggunaan fiber core hibrida dengan struktur tiga segmen mengindikasikan adanya peningkatan fleksibilitas gain profile pada sistem transmisi menggunakan Raman amplifier-terdistribusi, pengurangan dampak negatif dari efek nonlinier Kerr yang disebabkan oleh tingginya sinyal power, dan peningkatan OSNR yang disebabkan oleh penurunan amplified spontaneous emissions (ASE) dari Raman pump. Rentang transmisi tiga segmen dengan inti serat optik berstruktur hibrida dapat mengurangi akumulasi nonlinear phase shift sebesar 1.29 radian, meningkatkan OSNR sebesar 0.31 dB, dan meningkatkan performansi transmisi atas sinyal bermodulasi DQPSK dibandingkan dengan fiber core konvensional berstruktur tunggal. Hasil simulasi performansi BER pada sinyal berkecepatan 80 Gb/s menunjukkan penurunan OSNR yang dibutuhkan sebesar 2.71 dB untuk target BER sebesar 10-9. Dilakukan pengujian atas BER performansi untuk berbagai kecepatan data (40, 60, 80, dan 100 Gb/s) dengan hasil yang menunjukkan stabilitas dan konsistensi kinerja sistem untuk berbagai kecepatan data yang berbeda. Studi analitik dan simulasi kanal-tunggal pada panjang gelombang tunggal dengan menggunakan fiber core tiga segmen berstruktur hibrida ini dapat digunakan sebagai pedoman dasar untuk studi lebih lanjut untuk skema amplifikasi broadband Raman multi-kanal multi-panjang gelombang. Selanjutnya dalam penelitian ini, berdasarkan pemodelan amplifikasi Raman terdistribusi dua arah dilakukan pengujian gain profile atas berbagai kemungkinan perbandingan power antara forward pump dan backward pump. Dilakukan peninjauan analitik atas pengaruh dari ukuran fiber core dan distorsi sinyal akibat Kerr nonlinier efek. Studi ini menunjukkan bahwa penggunaan inti serat optik berukuran besar dapat menghasilkan OSNR yang lebih tinggi dan nonlinear phase shift yang lebih kecil dibandingkan dengan yang berukuran kecil, oleh karena itu fiber core berukuran besar dapat diharapkan memberikan kinerja transmisi yang lebih baik dibandingkan dengan fiber core berukuran kecil. Dua jenis bentuk pulsa (NRZ dan RZ) dimodelkan dan disimulasikan untuk mengurangi distorsi nonlinier dan meningkatkan kinerja transmisi serat kemungkinan untuk memperpanjang jarak transmisi sistem rentang panjang. Hasil simulasi 40 Gb/s dengan modulasi DPSK berjarak 400 km menggunakan fiber 150 μm2 menunjukkan bahwa target BER sebesar 10-9 dapat dicapai oleh sinyal dengan bentuk pulsa RZ dengan OSNR pinalti sebesar 2.90 dB dibandingkan pulsa NRZ dengan OSNR pinati sebesar 4.68 dB, hal ini menunjukkan pengurangan OSNR pinalti sebesar 1.78 dB untuk pulsa RZ. Pengaturan sinyal power yang tepat pada titik trasmit sangat penting untuk mencapai penanganan noise yang lebih baik serta mendapatkan tingkat OSNR yang mencukupi pada sisi penerima. Dilakukan penyelidikan atas dampak dari fluktuasi input power terhadap performansi transmisi. Jika input power berfluktuasi dari nilai optimum (seperti 0 dBm pada simulasi ini), maka fiber dengan ukuran effective core area yang lebih besar dan menggunakan sinyal dengan pulsa RZ akan memberikan toleransi yang lebih baik atas perubahan input power dan memberikan transmisi pinalti lebih kecil, hal ini sangat cocok untuk transmisi rentang panjang.


Over the years, there has been continual exponential growth in the demand for optical fiber transmission for applications in the areas of inter-island hopping, coastal festoon systems, and the use of single ultra-long span terrestrial links in remote regions. Ultra-long span unrepeatered systems using distributed Raman amplification are cost-effective solutions for bridging several hundred kilometers transmission distances. Kerr nonlinear distortion and Raman amplifier noise have been identified as two major limiting factors in improving the transmission performance and extending reachable distance. A configuration of a hybrid fiber effective core area consisting of a three-segment structure was proposed as an alternative to conventional single-segment fiber effective core area structure. Since the value of the fiber effective core area changes along the propagation distance, the standard Raman amplification formulas should be rewritten to generalized formulas where the fiber effective core area is no longer a constant value but a function of propagation distance. Based on standard Raman coupled equations and rewriting the fiber effective core area as a function of propagation distance, the new generalized formulas suitable for the multi-segment structure have been modeled and proposed in this study. The numerical analysis results show that improvements to the nonlinear phase shift and optical signal-to-noise ratio (OSNR) can be achieved simultaneously. This achievement would be impossible with the sole use of a conventional single fiber core structure. An improvement of the transmission performance and the possibility to extend the transmission distance of unrepeatered ultra-long span system were simulated. The introduction of a hybrid fiber effective core area in a three-segment structure indicated an increase in the flexibility of the gain profile of the distributed Raman amplified link, a reduction of the negative impact of the nonlinear Kerr effect due to the high signal power, and improvement of the delivered OSNR by means of the reduction of the Raman optical pump-induced amplified spontaneous emissions (ASE). The three-segment transmission span with the hybrid fiber effective core area reduced the accumulated nonlinear phase shift by 1.29 radian, increased the delivered OSNR by 0.31 dB, and improved the transmission performance of the DQPSK-modulated signal compared to the conventional single fiber core structure. The simulated BER performance of the 80 Gb/s data signal showed the reduction of the required OSNR by 2.71 dB to achieve the target BER of 10−9. BER performance for various data rates (40, 60, 80, and 100 Gb/s) was examined, and the results showed the stability and consistency of the system performance across different data rates. These single-channel analytical and simulation studies on a three-segment hybrid fiber effective core area structure could be used as basic guidelines for further studies on the multi-channel broadband multi-wavelength Raman amplification scheme. Furthermore in this study, the gain profiles of various forward and backward pump power ratios are examined based on bidirectional pumped distributed Raman amplification model. The impact of fiber effective core area to amplification gain of bidirectional Raman, signal distortion due to Kerr nonlinear effect, Raman amplifier induced noise, and optical signal-to-noise ratio are analytically investigated. This study shows that a large effective core area fiber provides higher OSNR and smaller nonlinear phase shift compare to a small one. Therefore a large effective core area fibers can be expected to provide a better transmission performance compared to a small effective core area fiber. Two types of pulse shapes (NRZ and RZ) are modeled and simulated to reduce the nonlinear distortion and improve the transmission performance and the possibility to extend the transmission distance of ultra-long span system. Simulation of  DBPSK modulated signal at a data rate of 40 Gb/s for 400 km transmission link using a large effective core fiber 150 μm2 shows that the target BER of 10-9 can be achieved by RZ pulse shaped signal with OSNR penalty at 2.90 dB compared to NRZ pulse at 4.68 dB, a significant OSNR penalty reduction of 1.78 dB on RZ pulse. An appropriate setting of the signal power level at the fiber launching point is important to achieve better noise performance to get an acceptable OSNR level at the receiver. The impact of input power fluctuation on the transmission performance and required OSNR are investigated. When the input power fluctuates from the optimum value (such as 0 dBm on our simulation), the fiber with a larger effective core area and signal in RZ pulse shape has better input power tolerance and less transmission penalty that is suitable for bidirectional Raman amplified ultra-long span systems.


Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dian Agus Salim
"Persaingan antar penyedia jasa layanan di dunia telekomunikasi saat ini semakin ketat. Sehingga setiap penyedia jasa layanan telekomunikasi harus meningkatkan kinerja pelayanannya dan dituntut untuk mampu memanfaatkan teknologi agar biaya operasional perusahaan dapat ditekan. Oleh sebab itu, PT. Bakrie Telecom, Tbk sebagai salah satu penyedia jasa layanan telekomunikasi di Indonesia telah merumuskan berbagai kebijakan. Salah satunya adalah merencanakan pembangunan jaringan serat optik yang menghubungkan kota Bogor dengan kota Bandung.
Pada skripsi ini, akan dilakukan perencanaan jaringan serat optik DWDM (dense wavelength division multiplexing) yang menghubungkan kota Bogor dengan kota Bandung. Parameter yang digunakan pada perencanaan ini meliputi redaman sambungan (splice), redaman konektor, redaman serat optik dan jumlah penguat optik. Perhitungan power link budget dan rise time budget digunakan untuk menentukan apakah perencanaan yang dilakukan, sudah memenuhi criteria dan layak untuk diimplementasikan di lapangan.
Hasil yang didapat dalam proses perhitungan menunjukkan bahwa perencanaan ini layak untuk diimplementasikan di lapangan. Hal ini dibuktikan dengan menggunakan 2 buah penguat, power link budget dapat menjangkau jarak tempuh transmisi sejauh 243 km, sedangkan jarak tempuh link Bogor ? Bandung sejauh 200.9 km dan nilai rise time budget total semua sublink setelah di tambahkan satu DCM P/80 sebesar 61.3638 ps, sedangkan nilai rise time budget sistem sebesar 280 ps.

Nowadays, competition of telecommunication operator business is very tight, so every operator must to increase their service and able to using technology to decrease operational cost company. So, PT. Bakrie Telecom, Tbk on behalf of telecommunication operator in Indonesia have policy, one of it policy are build plan optical fiber network for link Bogor ? Bandung.
This paper describes planning of DWDM network fiber optic link Bogor ? Bandung. For this planning, we use parameters that consist of splice loss, connector loss, fiber loss and amount of optical amplifier. Calculation power link budget and rise time budget used to determine whether the planning sre appropriate and suitable to implementation it.
The result of calculation showed that this planning is appropriate and suitable to implementation. It proved by using 2 optical amplifier, power link budget can reach 243 kilometers of transmission distance, whereas the distance of Bogor ? Bandung is 200.9 kilometers and total value sublink rise time budget after added one piece of DCM P/80 are 61.3638 ps, whereas value of rise time budget system is 280 ps.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2008
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
DeCusatis, Casimer
"The 4th edition of this popular Handbook continues to provide an easy-to-use guide to the many exciting new developments in the field of optical fiber data communications. With 90% new content, this edition contains all new material describing the transformation of the modern data communications network, both within the data center and over extended distances between data centers, along with best practices for the design of highly virtualized, converged, energy efficient, secure, and flattened network infrastructures.
Key topics include networks for cloud computing, software defined networking, integrated and embedded networking appliances, and low latency networks for financial trading or other time-sensitive applications. Network architectures from the leading vendors are outlined (including Smart Analytic Solutions, Qfabric, FabricPath, and Exadata) as well as the latest revisions to industry standards for interoperable networks, including lossless ethernet, 16G Fiber Channel, RoCE, FCoE, TRILL, IEEE 802.1Qbg, and more."
London: Academic Press, 2014
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Optical fiber telecommunications VI (A&B) is the sixth in a series that has chronicled the progress in the R&D of lightwave communications since the early 1970s. Written by active authorities from academia and industry, this edition brings a fresh look to many essential topics, including devices, subsystems, systems and networks. A central theme is the enabling of high-bandwidth communications in a cost-effective manner for the development of customer applications. These volumes are an ideal reference for R&D engineers and managers, optical systems implementers, university researchers and students, network operators, and investors.
Volume A is devoted to components and subsystems, including photonic integrated circuits, multicore and few-mode fibers, photonic crystals, silicon photonics, signal processing, and optical interconnections.
Volume B is devoted to systems and networks, including advanced modulation formats, coherent detection, Tb/s channels, space-division multiplexing, reconfigurable networks, broadband access, undersea cable, satellite communications, and microwave photonics.
Oxford, UK: Academic Press, 2013
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
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