Ditemukan 4667 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Carmichael, A.W.
London : Hill Publishing, 1919
623.8 CAR p
Buku Teks Universitas Indonesia Library
Semyonov-Tyan-Shansky, V.
Moscow: Peace Publishers, [19?-]
623.82 SEM s
Buku Teks Universitas Indonesia Library
Maria Deandra Pramesti
"Rendahnya daya saing Industri Galangan Kapal Nasional dipicu oleh tingginya angka impor kapal ke Indonesia yang bahkan tidak mencapai 2% per Oktober 2021. Hal ini terjadi karena membangun kapal di Indonesia relatif lebih lama dan mahal. Kendala yang dihadapi adalah tingginya komponen kapal impor yang mencapai 70%-80%. Melihat pengaruh komponen kapal impor terhadap daya saing Industri Galangan Kapal Nasional, maka penting untuk meminimalisir dan mengendalikan risiko agar proses pengadaan efektif dan efisien. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengidentifikasi penyebab risiko prioritas dan mitigasi risiko prioritas. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode SCOR (Supply Chain Operations Reference) dan HOR (House of Risk). Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa risk agent prioritas adalah kualifikasi SDM galangan tidak memadai, perencanaan terkait tidak akurat, dan komitmen supplier kurang; PA (Preventive Action) prioritas adalah membuat database komponen kapal impor untuk internal galangan dan rutin diperbarui, membangun hubungan yang erat dengan menjalin komunikasi yang baik dengan seluruh pihak yang terlibat, melakukan pemilihan SDM yang berkompeten dibidangnya.
The low competitiveness of the National Shipbuilding Industry is caused by the high number of imported ships to Indonesia which doesn’t even reach 2% as of October 2021. This is because building ships in Indonesia is relatively longer and more expensive. The constraint faced is the high percentage of imported ship components, which reach 70%-80%. Considering the influence of imported ship components on the competitiveness of the National Shipbuilding Industry, it is important to minimize and control risks for an effective and efficient procurement process. The purpose of this study is to identify priority risk agents and preventive actions. This study uses the SCOR (Supply Chain Operations Reference) and HOR (House of Risk) methods. The results of the study show that the priority risk agents are the inadequate qualification of shipyard human resources, inaccurate related planning, and the lack of supplier's commitment; priority preventive actions are creating database of imported ship components for the shipyard's internal use and regularly updated, building close relationships by establishing good communication with all parties involved, and selecting competent human resources in their respective fields."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Skripsi Membership Universitas Indonesia Library
Quartermaine, Peter
London: Academy Group and National Maritime Museum, 1996
623.81 QUA b
Buku Teks Universitas Indonesia Library
Mosteri, Moel
New York: Warner Books, 1976
623.82 MOS s
Buku Teks Universitas Indonesia Library
Mohammad Aldi Prambudiansyah
"Penggunaan sistem manajemen produksi kapal sangatlah berpengaruh terhadap keseluruhan proses produksi kapal. Keterbatasan modal untuk memodernisasi teknologi serta pengembangan lahan menjadi permasalahan utama bagi galangan menengah dan galangan kecil. Salah satu cara peningkatan efisiensi produksi adalah melalui pemilihan sistem manajemen produksinya itu sendiri. Metode multi industri menawarkan peningkatan efisiensi dan produktifitas tanpa memerlukan modal besar sehingga galangan kecil dan menengah dapat berpartisipasi didalam pasar yang lebih luas.
Ship production management system is very influential to the overall ship production process. Limited capital cost to modernize technology and land development becomes a major problem for medium and small shipyard. One way to increase the efficiency of production is through the selection of the production management system itself. Multi-industry method offers improved efficiency and productivity without the need for large capital cost of small and medium-sized shipyards so that they can participate in the broader market."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Skripsi Membership Universitas Indonesia Library
Barrass, Bryan
Oxford: Butterworth-Heinemann, 2001
623.817 1 KEM s
Buku Teks Universitas Indonesia Library
Naufal Fadli Rahman
"[Indonesia merupakan negara dengan wilayah perairan yang besar dimana kapal menjadi transportasi yang paling baik dalam berbagai kegiatan yang melibatkan penyebrangan. Galangan kapal sebagai pihak pembuat kapal diharapkan dapat memproduksi kapal tak hanya dalam kuantitas yang banyak tetapi juga kualitas yang baik. Untuk mencapai hal tersebut dibutuhkan manajemen galangan yang baik dimana dalam setiap proses harus dilakukan secara terencana dengan pengawasan teratur dalam hal ini kesiapan desain adalah salah satu faktor penentu dimana desain adalah hal yang fundamental dalam proses pembangunan kapal proses desain yang baik dan terencana serta pengawasan yang cermat akan mencegah terjadinya keterlambatan kesiapan seluruh desain yang juga akan mencegah terjadinya keterlambatan dalam proses pembangunan kapal.
Indonesia is a country with great territorial waters where vessels transport most well be in range of activities that involve crossing. Shipyard as the builders is expected to produce ships not only in quantity but also the quality that a lot of good to achieve. This the management needs a good shipyards where in each process should be well planned with regular supervision in this case the readiness of the design is a determining factor where the design was fundamental in the develpoment process vessel good design and planned and supervised properly will prevent delays in readiness throughout the design will also produce no delays in the construction of ships process. ;Indonesia is a country with great territorial waters where vessels transport most well be in range of activities that involve crossing shipyard as the builders is expected to produce ships not only in quantity but also the quality that a lot of good to achieve this the management needs a good shipyards where in each process should be well planned with regular supervision in this case the readiness of the design is a determining factor where the design was fundamental in the develpoment process vessel good design and planned and supervised properly will prevent delays in readiness throughout the design will also produce no delays in the construction of ships process , Indonesia is a country with great territorial waters where vessels transport most well be in range of activities that involve crossing shipyard as the builders is expected to produce ships not only in quantity but also the quality that a lot of good to achieve this the management needs a good shipyards where in each process should be well planned with regular supervision in this case the readiness of the design is a determining factor where the design was fundamental in the develpoment process vessel good design and planned and supervised properly will prevent delays in readiness throughout the design will also produce no delays in the construction of ships process ]"
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Skripsi Membership Universitas Indonesia Library
Chandra Pratama Rinaldi
"Berdasarkan Konvensi Hong Kong, kapal yang berusia lebih dari 25 tahun harus didaur ulang karena dapat merusak lingkungan dan dinilai tidak memiliki dampak ekonomis. Namun, industri ship recycling di Indonesia kurang diperhatikan. Skripsi ini bertujuan untuk mendesain galangan ship recycling yang ramah lingkungan dan mengikuti prosedur yang sesuai dengan IMO dan memiliki kapasitas maksimum 30.000 DWT. Skripsi ini dibuat berdasarkan studi literature dari regulasi yang ada seperti Konvensi Hong Kong, Regulasi Ship Recycling Uni Eropa, dan laporan inspeksi dari biro klasifikasi untuk mengidentifikasi kondisi ship recycling di Indonesia saat ini serta memberikan saran untuk melaksanakan prosedur yang baik dan benar. Dengan menggunakan gap analysis untuk mengidentifikasi kondisi ship recycling di Indonesia, dapat ditentukan fasilitas galangan yang dibutuhkan. Galangan ship recycling akan menggunakan marine airbag untuk menggerakan kapal ke slipway dan kapal akan dipotong di darat.
According to Hong Kong Convention, ships older than 25 years old must be recycled because it could bring harm to environment and cannot be operated economically. However, there is a lack of attention about ship recycling in Indonesia. This study aims to design a green ship recycling yard that follows IMO procedure and have a maximum capacity of 30.000 DWT. The study conducts literature on rules and regulations such as Hong Kong Convention, EU Ship Recycling Regulations, and inspection reports from classification societies to identify the current condition of ship recycling in Indonesia and suggest recommendation acts to conduct ship recycling process. By identifying the conditions of ship recycling in Indonesia with gap analysis, the yard’s facilities could be determined. The ship recycling yard will use marine airbag to move ships into slipway and ship will be cut on land."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Skripsi Membership Universitas Indonesia Library
Naufal Bahreisy
ABSTRAKIndustri kapal Indonesia pada kurun waktu ini mengalami kesulitan untuk memperoleh pesanan terutama dari perusahaan pelayaran swasta yang cenderung membeli kapal baru maupun bekas di luar negeri. Pesanan yang banyak diterima pada umumnya adalah pengadaan kapal program pemerintah misalnya sari "Caraka Jaya? , kapal penumpang , kapal peti-kemas sari "Palwa Buwana? atau kapal tanker untuk PERTAMINA.
Keadaan ini terutama disebabkan oleh lamanya waktu pembangunan serta mahalnya harga kapal yang tidak bersaing dengan produk industri kapal negara tetangga sekalipun misalnya : Singapura, Malaysia, dan R.R. Cina. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melaksanakan pengkajian atas keadaan tersebut serta untuk mencari pemecahan masalah dari segi produktivitas. Karena lamanya waktu pembangunan dan mahalnya harga kapal diduga disebabkan karena rendahnya tingkat produktivitas karyawan.
Dibeberapa negara maju industri kapal akan memasuki masa surut terutama karena semakin mahalnya upah buruh serta semakin sulitnya mencari tenaga kerja yang bersedia bekerja dengan kondisi kerja fisik. Sebaliknya di Indonesia tenaga kerja masih cukup murah serta pasaran tenaga kerja untuk industri kapal masih memberi peluang. Dengan adanya kecenderungan globalisasi maka industri kapal Indonesia dapat memanfaatkan peluang pasar yang ditinggalkan industri kapal negara maju. Hal ini dapat terwujud apabila daya saing industri kapal Indonesia dapat ditingkatkan melalui peningkatan produktivitas karyawan.
ABSTRACTShipyards Performance Improvement Through Productivity Improvement Cases Of PT."Bikinkapal" dan PT."Bangunkapal"Indonesian shipbuilding industry in the mean time get difficulties to get firm orders mainly from Indonesian private shipping company where their tendency is to buy new or second hand ship from abroad. Firm shipbuilding orders are government program such as "Caraka Jaya" series, passenger ships, "Palwa Buwana? container ships series.This condition is mainly caused by its long building duration and its high price which is not competitive with the same product of the neighboring countries such as Singapore, Malaysia and The P.R.China. Objectives of this thesis is to asses that condition and find a solution from productivity aspect. There is an indication that the mean time condition is caused by the low productivity of its labor.In some developed countries such as Japan and Europe, shipbuilding industries are facing its difficult era caused by high labor cost and employment in shipbuilding industries are not popular anymore. The opposite condition is in Indonesia with cheap labor cost and unemployment problems. This condition and globalization trend could forced Indonesian shipbuilding industry to take over the market share which is left by the shipbuilding industries in developed countries. This could be realized if Indonesia shipbuilding industries could improve it's labors productivity."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 1995
UI - Tesis Membership Universitas Indonesia Library