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Otty Mitha Sevianti
Perkembangan anak merupakan sesuatu yang bersifat multi
dimensi dan terdiri atas area kognitif, bahasa, fungsi gerak, sosial emosional dan
perilaku adaptif, masing-masing memiliki nilai tersendiri namun saling
berintegrasi. Dua metode stimulasi (Glenn Doman (GD) dan Kemenkes (K))
dinilai kualitasnya dalam penelitian ini.
Tujuan.Mengetahui pengaruh perbedaan stimulasi metode GD dan K terhadap
skor perkembangan bayi usia 6-12 bulan.
Metode.Penelitian kohort prospektif pada bayi normal.Skrining perkembangan
awal dilakukan menggunakan alat ukur Denver.Pasca 3 bulan intervensi,
perkembangan bayi dinilai menggunakan BSID edisi-III yang terlebih dahulu
dilakukan uji validitas dan reliabilitas.Kualitas stimulasi rumah di nilai
menggunakan alat ukur HOME.
Hasil.Skor validitas dari BSID edisi-III adalah 0,964 (kognitif), 0,934 (bahasa),
0,822 (gerak) dengan Cronbach Alpha sebesar 0,918 serta reliabilitas test-retest
0,846. Subjek yang memenuhi kriteria sebanyak 88 orang, dengan jenis kelamin
laki-laki (61,4%), usia 9-12 bulan (68,2%), status gizi baik (75%). Perbedaan
bermakna terdapat pada skor HOME dan semua aspek penilaian perkembangan
BSID di kedua grup setelah masa intervensi 3 bulan (p<0,001). Skor grup GD
lebih unggul 1 angka dibandingkan K pada skor HOME (p=0,024) and 32 angka
lebih unggul pada skor BSID (p=0,002). Faktor jumlah anak bermakna secara
statistik memengaruhi perkembangan dengan risiko relative 3.13 (IK 95% 1.18-
8.33, p=0,022).
Simpulan.Instrumen BSID edisi-III versi Bahasa Indonesia merupakan alat ukur
yang sahih dan andal untuk digunakan pada penelitian ini. Secara umum tidak
terdapat perbedaan skor perkembangan bayi usia 6-12 bulan yang mendapat
stimulasi metode GD dan K kecuali perkembangan perilaku adaptif.

Child development is multi-dimensional and encompasses cognitive, language, sensory-motor, social-emotional, adaptive behavior domains, all of
which are interdependent. Two stimulation interventions (Glenn Doman (GD) and
Kemenkes (K) methods) were conducted in this study.
Aims.To investigate the difference in developmental aspects after intervention
with GD and K methods in infants age 6-12 months.
Methods. This was a prospective cohort study in normal developmental infants.
Developmental screening at enrollment used Denver instrument. Three months
post intervention, the development was assessed with BSID III, in which
validation and reliability test were undertaken as first step. A modified version of
HOME inventory was used as edition to assess home environment.
Results.The validity score of BSID-III was 0.964 (cognitive), 0.934 (language),
0.822 (motor) with Cronbach alpha of 0.918 and a reliability test-retest of 0.846.
There were 88 subjects fulfilled the criteria. Subject mostly were male (61.4%) 9-
12 months old (68.2%), normal anthropometric status (75%). The results revealed
significant differences in HOME score and all aspects of Bayley score in GD and
K group after 3 months intervention period (p<0.001). The GD benefited 1 point
compared with K group in HOME score (p=0.024) and 32 points in Bayley score
(p=0.002). Number of children was the most influential factor in infants’
development with a relative risk of 3.13 (CI95% 1.18-8.33, p=0.022).
Conclusions.The Bahasa Indonesia version of BSID-III was a reliable and valid
tool for the assessment of this study. There was no difference in developmental
score at age 6-12 months who had GD and K stimulation methods except for
adaptive behavior scale."
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
G. Sri Redjeki
"Kelurahan Kemirimuka terletak di Kabupaten Depok Propinsi Jawa Barat, mempunyai penduduk sebanyak 18.276 orang dengan jumlah Kepala Keluarga sebanyak 4.713 KK. Jumlah balita yang ada di wilayah kelurahan Kemirimuka Depok sebanyak : 3505 balita, dan diperkirakan anak usia 1 - 3 tahun sebanyak 1.181 anak (33,6 % dari jumlah balita).
Anak merupakan generasi penerus suatu bangsa, untuk itu perlu suatu upaya untuk menciptakan generasi yang sehat, kuat dan cerdas sehingga dapat mengembangkan masyarakat dan bangsa. Perkembangan anak dapat mencapai 80 % pada usia 3 tahun apabila dilakukan stimulasi perkembangan dengan teratur.Ibu merupakan orang terdekat dan terlama berinteraksi dengan anak. Sehingga ibu merupakan orang yang paling tepat untuk melakukan stimulasi perkembangan anak. Oleh karena itu pengetahuan ibu perlu ditingkatkan melalui pendidikan kesehatan. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian dengan desain quasi experimental pretest - posttest with control group yang mempunyai tujuan untuk membuktikan adanya peningkatan kemampuan (pengetahuan, sikap dan perilaku) ibu dan tingkat kepuasan ibu terhadap pendidikan kesehatan mengenai stimulasi perkembangan anak usia toddler di Kelurahan Kemirimuka Depok. Pengambilan sampel berdasarkan cluster sampling dengan populasi semua RW yang ada di Kelurahan Kemirimuka Depok yaitu sebanyak 20 RW. Sampel ditentukan berdasarkan random sampling sebanyak 20 % sehingga diperoleh sampel RW 01, RW 14 sebagai kelompok perlakuan dengan jumlah responden sebanyak 46 ibu dan RW 03. RW 11 sebagai kelompok kontrol dengan jumlah responden sebanyak 47 ibu yang semuanya ditentukan berdasarkan kriteria inklusi.
Proses penelitan dilakukan dengan memberikan pretest dan posttest pada kedua kelompok sebelum dan sesudah dilakukan intervensi pada kelompok perlakuan. Pada kelompok perlakuan diberikan pendidikan kesehatan dengan metoda ceramah, diskusi dan simulasi serta diikuti dengan pendampinggan dirumah masing masing responden. Setiap responden dari kelompok perlakuan diberikan buku pedoman sebagai bagan bacaan.Untuk membuktikan adanya peningkatan kemampuan (pengetahuan, sikap dan perilaku) ibu antara pretest - posttest, data dianalisis dengan menggunakan dependent samples test paired t-rest. Untuk membuktikan adanya perbedaan peningkatan kemampuan (pengetahuan, sikap dan perilaku) ibu antara kelompok perlakuan dengan kelompok kontrol digunakan analisis independent samples t-test. Untuk membuktikan adanya kepuasan ibu terhadap pendidikan kesehatan. data dianalisis dcngan menggunakan dependent samples test paired t-test. Dan untuk melihat hubungan antara karakteristik ibu dengan peningkatan kemampuan (pengetahuan, sikap dan perilaku) ibu dan tingkat kepuasan ibu, data dianalisis dengan menggunakan regresi linier ganda.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan adanya peningkatan yang bermakna pada kemampuan (pengetahuan, sikap dan perilaku) ibu kelornpok perlakuan sebelum dan sesudah dilakukan pendidikan kesehatan. Pada kelornpok kontrol terjadi peningkatan yang bermakna pada kemampuan yang berkaitan dengan pengetahuan dan perilaku, sedang kemampuan yang berkaitan dengan sikap terjadi peningkatan yang kurang bennakna (p-value 0,724). Dari hasil analisis dependent samples lest paired t-lest diperoleh tingkat kepuasan ibu yang bermakna (p-value 0,003). dan distribusinya 60,9 % ibu merasa sangat puas dan 39,1 % ibu merasa puas terhadap pendidikan kesehatan mengenai stimulasi perkembangan anak usia toddler.
Hasil penelitian yang melihat hubungan antara karakteristik ibu dengan tingkat kemampuan ibu dan tingkat kepuasan ibu kelornpok perlakuan sesudah intervensi pendidikan kesehatan, menunjukkan basil perbedaan yang tidal( bermakna dengan nilai p > 0,05. Penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa peningkatan kemampuan ibu terjadi karena pemberian pendidikan kesehatan dengan materi yang cukup sederhana, metoda yang tepat dengan pendampingan untuk ibu-ibu, pemberi materi yang adekuat serta waktu yang sesuai dengan waktu responden, akan memberikan hasil yang baik yang berupa peningkatan baik pengetahuan, sikap maupun perilaku responden. Metoda ini bisa diterapkan dimasyarakat luas dengan lebih dahulu melakukan sosialisasi dan melakukan monitoring selama proses berlangsung.

Kelurahan Kemirimuka, which is located in the regency of Depok West Jawa, has population of 18.276 with 4.714 families. The number of children under age of five is as many as 3.505 children and 1.181 of them are of 1 - 3 years of age ( 33,6 % of the whole amount of kids).
Children are the prospect generation of nation, for the reason we need to take certain measures to create a health, strong and intelligent generation so as to develop both the society and nation as well. The development of child could come to 80 % at the age of 3 if the development stimulation is done regularly. A mother is the closest person to the child and the longest to interact with it. Accordingly a mother is the best person to carry out the child stimulation development. For this reason, too, the mother's knowledge needs upgrading through health education. This research is a quasi experimental pretest-posttest with controlled group which is aimed to prove that there are increasing abilities (knowledge, attitude, behavior) of mothers' and degree of mother's satisfaction towards health education about children stimulation development in toddler age, at Kelurahan Kemirimuka, Depok. Samples were taken from all 20 RWs in Kelurahan Kemirimuka, Depok based on cluster sampling. Samples based on random sampling are 20% so RW 01, RW 03, RW 11 and RW 14 were taken as samples , 93 mothers appointed as respondent were chosen on inclusive regular basis.
Reaserch process was done by giving pretest and posttest to each group before and after intervention to the experimental groups. In experimental groups, health education was given to each respondent with lecturing, discussion, simulation methods and also followed by individual home visit. Each respondent of experimental group was given reference book as reading materials. To prove that there was been improvement of ability (knowledge, attitude, behavior) of mothers' between pretest and posttest , the data were analyzed by means of dependent samples test paired t-test. To prove that there are differences in the improvement of ability (knowledge, attitude, behavior) of mothers' between experimental groups and control group, the data were analyzed by means of independent sample t-test. To see the characteristic the correlation between the characteristic of mothers with improvement of ability of mothers( concerning knowledge, attitude and behaviour) and mothers' satisfaction, the data was analyzed by means of double linier regression.
The result of research shows there has been significant improvement in mothers' abilities before and after the health education was carried out. In controlled group, there is significant progress related to abilities in the knowledge and behavior, while the abilities related to attitude had less significant improvement with p-value 0.724. From dependent samples test paired t-test analysis, we can get the significant mothers' satisfaction value with p-value 0.003 and with the distribution of 60.9% of mothers feel very satisfied and 39.1% feel satisfied with the health education about children stimulation development in toddler age.
The result of analysis which shows the connection between characteristic of mother and the level of abilities and satisfaction in experimental group after intervention of health education, show no significant differences with p value >0.05. So the conclusion is the improvement of mothers' abilities happened because of the health education with simple material, correct method with mothers being accompanied adequate material given also the suitable timing for respondents, will bring about good result in knowledge, attitude and behavior of respondent. This method can be applied in the society if we socialize it in advance and monitor it when the process is thinking place.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2005
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Lydia Wangke
"Neonatus kurang bulan (NKB) merupakan kelompok risiko tinggi yang rentan terhadap masalah perkembangan. Selama beberapa dekade terakhir, kemajuan teknologi di Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) telah meningkatkan kelangsungan hidup NKB. Perawatan NKB adalah tidak hanya untuk menurunkan angka kematian tetapi juga untuk meningkatkan kualitas hidup bagi neonatus yang hidup. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat luaran perkembangan dan faktor risiko gangguan dari neonatus kurang bulan pascarawat di RSCM. Ini merupakan suatu studi analitik dengan metode potong lintang terhadap NKB pascarawat di RSCM selama periode April-Agustus 2023. Penilaian perkembangan menggunakan instrumen Bayley Scales of Infant and Toddler Development edisi III. Hubungan antara usia kehamilan, kecil masa kehamilan, status gizi, brain injury, sepsis neonatal dengan luaran perkembangan dianalisis dengan uji Fisher exact. Dari 75 subjek, sebesar 29,3% neonatus kurang bulan mengalami gangguan perkembangan. Gangguan motor merupakan gangguan perkembangan yang paling banyak ditemukan, yaitu sebesar 21,3%, diikuti gangguan bahasa, kognitif, dan sosial-emosional, yaitu 18,7%, 10,7% dan 1,3%, secara berurutan. Status gizi berhubungan signifikan dengan luaran perkembangan bahasa ekspresif (p=0,004; OR 8,04, CI=1,64-42,63).

Preterm neonates are a high-risk group of developmental problems. Preterm neonates care is not only to reduce mortality but also to improve the quality of life. Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital is a tertiary neonatal referral hospital with the best neonatal services in Indonesia. This study was aimed to analyze the risk factors of developmental delay and developmental outcomes of preterm neonates after hospitalization at RSCM. An analytic study with cross-sectional design involves premature neonate post-hospitalization at RSCM during April-August 2023. Developmental assessment using of Bayley Scales of Infant and Toddler Development-Third edition. Association between gestational age, small gestational age, nutritional status, brain injury, neonatal sepsis and developmental outcomes were analyzed using Fisher exact test. Out of the 75 subjects, 29.3% of preterm neonates experienced developmental disorders. Motor disorders were the most commonly identified developmental issue, accounting for 21.3%, followed by language, cognitive, and social-emotional disorders. Nutritional status was significantly associated with the outcomes of expressive language development (p=0.004; OR 8.04, CI=1.64-42.63)."
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Musfardi Rustam
Upper Respiratory Infection (URI) is a major cause of morbidity and mortality of infants and toddlers in developing countries. The high infant morbidity and mortality rates in Indonesia are associated with the low exclusive breastfeeding ability. Breast milk is a natural drink for newborns in the first month of life that is beneficial not only for the babies, but also for mothers. The aim of study was to determine exclusive breastfeeding and decrease in incidence of URI among infants aged 6-12 months. This study was conducted by using case control design. Samples were taken by using cluster random sampling. Subject of study consisted of 162 cases and 162 control with infants aged 6-12 years. Cases were 162 infants aged 6-12 months suffering from URI within one last month and taken by mothers to primary health care that was selected location of study, while control was mothers who took their infants aged 6-12 months who did not suffer from URI within one last month to the selected primary health care. Data analysis included univariate, bivariate, stratification, and multivariate analysis with logistic regression. Results of study found that infants who were not exclusively breastfed were 1.69 times (95% CI: 1.02-2.80) more at risk of increasing URI incidence compared to infants who were breastfed exclusively after controlled by smoker in house and immunization variables. Health promotion of 6-month exclusive breastfeeding, provision of immunization, and anti-smoking program need to be implemented continuously to decrease the rates of morbidity and mortality due to URI disease."
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2019
613 KESMAS 13:3 (2019)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Anak merupakan generasi penerus bangsa. Perkembangan anak dapat mencapai 80% pada usia 3 tahun apabila dilakukan stimulasi perkembangan dengan teratur. Ibu merupakan orang paling tepat melakukan stimulasi perkembangan anak. Oleh karena itu pengetahuan ibu perlu ditingkatkan melalui pendidikan kesehatan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui efektifitas pendidikan kesehatan terhadap pengetahuan dan sikap ibu dalam stimulasi perkembangan anak toddler. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain quasi experimental, dengan pretest-posttest non-equivalent control group design yang bertujuan mengetahui perbedaan pengetahuan dan sikap ibu dalam stimulasi perkembangan anak toddler yang diberikan dan tidak diberikan intervensi pendidikan kesehatan dengan menggunakan kelompok kontrol. Populasi penelitian ini adalah para ibu yang mempunyai anak toddler yang sedang dirawat di ruang perawatan di Rumah Sakit Umum Zainoel Abidin Banda Aceh. Jumlah sampel 34 orang, 17 orang kelompok intervensi dan 17 orang kelompok kontrol. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan dengan concecutive sampling. Analisis efektifitas pendidikan kesehatan terhadap pengetahuan dan sikap ibu dalam stimulasi perkembangan anak toddler menggunakan uji chi-square. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan tidak ada perbedaan pengetahuan (p=l,000) dan sikap (p=0,732) ibu sebelum intervensi dan ada perbedaan pengetahuan (p=0,002) dan sikap (p=0,039) ibu setelah intervensi pada kelompok intervensi dan kontrol. Ada perbedaan pengetahuan dan sikap ibu sebelum dan setelah intervensi pada kelompok intervensi (p=0,002) dan tidak ada perbedaan pengetahuan dan sikap ibu sebelum dan setelah periode intervensi pada kelompok kontrol (p=l,000). Tidak ada pengaruh karakteristik ibu pada pengetahuan dan sikap ibu pada kelompok intervensi. Pemberian pendidikan kesehatan yang teratur diharapkan ibu dapat berpengetahuan baik dan bersikap positif dalam stimulasi perkembangan. Pendidikan kesehatan merupakan salah satu cara pendekatan terbaik yang dapat diterapkan di masyarakat untuk lebih meningkatkan pengetahuan dan sikapnya terhadap program stimulasi perkembangan anak dengan melibatkan berbagai unsur termasuk keluarga. Perawat anak dapat memberikan pendidikan kesehatan dengan tepat, maka perlu bekeijasama dengan berbagai kalangan yang ada di daerah setempat.

Children are the prospect generation of nation. The development of child could come to 80% at the age of 3 if development stimulation is done regulariy. A mother is the best to carry out the child stimulation development. For this reason, the mother’s knowledge needs upgrading through health education. This research was aimed to explore the effectiveness of health education on mother,s knowledge and attitude toward children stimulation development in toddler. The research was quasi experimental design, with pretest-posttest non-equivalent control group design that aimed to explore the difference in mother’s knowledge and attitude toward children stimulation development between control and experimental group. The participants in the intervention group were given health education wheareas the control group were’nt given the health education. The population of this research were mothers in Zainoel Abidin general hospital Banda Aceh whose had sick toddler in hospital. The samples were 34 devided into 2 group, with 17 participants respectively. Data were analized by chi-square test. The result showed that there was no significant difference in mother knowledge (p=1,000) and attitude (p=0,732) toward children stimulation development before intervention and there was significant difference in mother knowledge (p=0,002) and attitude (p-0,039) after intervention in both of groups. There was significant difference in mother knowledge and attitude before and after intervention in intervention group (0,002). There was no significant difference in mother knowledge and attitude before and after time of intervention in control group (p=l,000). There was no influence of characteristic of mother in knowledge and attitude. By regular heath education, it is hoped that the mother will have positive attitude and good knowledge toward children stimulation development in toddler. Health education is one of best approach that can be applied in community in order to improve knowledge and attitude in children stimulation development program by involving various sectors. Pediatric nurse can give the proper health education can collaborate with many sectors including local government."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2009
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Erva Yunilda

Latar belakang: Identifikasi dan deteksi dini keterlambatan perkembangan anak sampai usia 3 tahun membutuhkan alat uji penapisan yang sahih dan andal serta mudah diaplikasikan orangtua. Kesahihan eksterna Ages and Stages Questionnaires-Third Edition (ASQ-3) belum teruji di Indonesia sehingga ASQ-3 belum dapat digunakan secara luas sebagai alat uji penapisan perkembangan anak.

Tujuan: Mengetahui kesahihan eksterna ASQ-3 bahasa Indonesia kelompok usia 24, 30, dan 36 bulan sebagai alat uji penapisan keterlambatan perkembangan anak.

Metode: Uji diagnostik ASQ-3 bahasa Indonesia kelompok usia 24, 30, dan 36 bulan dibandingkan dengan Bayley Scales of Infant Development-III (BSID-III) pada populasi anak sehat maupun yang berisiko keterlambatan perkembangan. Untuk menentukan nilai kesahihan eksterna, dihitung: sensitivitas, spesifisitas, nilai duga positif dan nilai duga negatif.

Hasil: ASQ-3 bahasa Indonesia kelompok umur 24 bulan: sensitivitas dan NDN baik (83,3% dan 91,3%), tetapi spesifisitas dan  NDP kurang baik (65,6% dan 47,6%). ASQ-3 bahasa Indonesia kelompok umur 30 bulan: sensitivitas dan NDN baik (84,6% dan 90,9%), tetapi spesifisitas dan  NDP kurang baik (69% dan 55%). ASQ-3 bahasa Indonesia kelompok umur 36 bulan: spesifisitas cukup baik (78,8%) dan NDN baik (86,7%), tetapi sensitivitas dan  NDP kurang baik (66,6% dan 53,3%).

Kesimpulan: Kesahihan eksterna ASQ-3 bahasa Indonesia kelompok usia usia 24, 30, dan 36 bulan pada penelitian ini cukup sahih sebagai alat uji penapisan keterlambatan perkembangan anak.


Background: Identification of children with developmental disabilities is critical step in providing early intervention services. Ages and Stages Questionnaires third edition (ASQ-3), a parent-report questionnaires has been proven to be a valid and reliable screening test and good psychometric properties. This test has not been external validated before in Indonesia.

Aim: Providing the external validated form of the Indonesian version of the Ages and Stages Questionnaires third edition as an appropriate developmental screening tool for evaluation of 24, 30, and 36 months Indonesian children’s development.

Method: The Indonesian ASQ-3 diagnostic test for the age groups of 24, 30, and 36 months compared with Bayley Scales of Infant Development-III (BSID-III) in the population of healthy children and at risk of developmental delays. To determine the value of external validity, calculated: sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value and negative predictive value.

Results: ASQ-3 Indonesian 24 month: sensitivity and NDN are good (83.3% and 91.3%), but specificity and NDP are poor (65.6% and 47.6%). ASQ-3 Indonesian 30 months: sensitivity and NDN are good (84.6% and 90.9%), but specificity and NDP are poor (69% and 55%). ASQ-3 Indonesian 36 months: specificity is quite good (78.8%) and NDN is good (86.7%), but sensitivity and NDP are poor (66.6% and 53.3%).

Conclusion: The external validity of ASQ-3 Indonesian 24, 30, and 36 months in this study is quite valid as a screening test for children's development delays.


Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Jakarta: Division of Publications and Libraries Departement Health , 1975
614 SOE h
Buku Teks SO  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ayu Rahmawati
"Due to particular conditions, sometimes actual height can not be measured. Thus, this study was conducted to develop height prediction model of adolescent from knee height and ulna length. This cross sectional study involved 205 students of SMPN 7 Depok and SMAN 6 Depok. Subjects’s identity was recorded using questionairre, while stature height, knee height, and ulna length was measured directly. Prediction models was developed using multiple regression. Height prediction model from knee height has the highest R2 and the lowest MAE with equation Height (cm) = 38,422 - 1,878 Sex + 1,453 Age (year) + 2,071 knee height (cm).

Tinggi badan aktual terkadang tidak dapat diukur karena beberapa kondisi tertentu. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini bertujuan mengembangkan model prediksi tinggi badan pada remaja berdasarkan tinggi lutut dan panjang ulna. Penelitian pontong lintang ini melibatkan 205 murid SMPN 7 Depok dan SMAN 6 Depok. Data identitas subjek diperoleh melalui pengisian kuesioner, sedangkan tinggi badan, tingi lutut, dan panjang ulna diukur langsung. Model prediksi dikembangkan menggunakan regresi ganda. Model prediksi tinggi badan dari tinggi lutut memiliki R2 terbesar dan MAE terkecil dengan persamaan Tinggi Badan (cm) = 38,422 - 1,878 Jenis Kelamin + 1,453 Umur (thn) + 2,071 Tinggi Lutut (cm).
Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Jakarta: Departemen Kesehatan, 1990
362.11 IND p (2)
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
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