ABSTRAKPenelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh penyikatan dengan pasta
theobromine dan sodium monofluorophosphate (MFP) terhadap ketahanan kekasaran
permukaan email setelah demineralisasi Coca-cola® 75 menit. Spesimen dibagi
menjadi tiga kelompok; disikat dengan pasta theobromine, pasta MFP, dan tanpa
pasta. Kekasaran permukaan diukur dengan Surface Roughness Tester Mitutoyo.
Hasil dianalisis dengan uji Repeated ANOVA dan Oneway ANOVA. Kelompok
theobromine dan MFP menunjukkan peningkatan kekasaran yang signifikan (p<0,05)
setelah penyikatan. Setelah perendaman, kelompok theobromine menunjukkan
peningkatan kekasaran terendah (p>0,05). Dapat disimpulkan penyikatan dengan
pasta theobromine mampu mempertahankan kekasaran permukaan email setelah
demineralisasi Coca-cola® namun perubahan kekasarannya tidak berbeda signifikan
dibandingkan penyikatan dengan pasta MFP.
ABSTRACTThe objective of this study was to determine the influence of brushing with
theobromine and sodium monofluorophosphate toothpaste on enamel surface
roughness resistance after demineralization in Coca-cola® 75 minutes. Specimens
were divided into three groups; brushed with theobromine, sodium
monofluorophosphate(MFP), and without toothpaste. Surface roughness were
measured using Mitutoyo Surface Roughness Tester. Results were analyzed using
Repeated ANOVA and Oneway ANOVA. Roughness of theobromine and MFP group
were significantly increased (p<0,05) after brushing. After immersion, theobromine
group showed the lowest increase in roughness (p>0,05). Brushing with theobromine
can maintain email surface roughness after demineralization in Coca-cola® but not
significantly different with brushing using MFP."