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Ridani Faulika
Perkembangan teknologi manufaktur saat ini telah melahirkan banyak jenis proses yang dapat digunakan dalam memproduksi suatu produk. Hal ini memberi manfaat tersendiri kepada para perancang, sehingga terdapat banyak alternatif yang dapat digunakan untuk memproduksi produk rancangan mereka. Akan tetapi, menurut Boothroyd, terdapat kecenderungan bahwa para perancang tersebut hanya menggunakan pilihan proses manufaktur yang familiar bagi mereka. Sebagai konsekuensinya, berbagai jenis proses manufaktur lain yang jauh lebih ekonomis menjadi terabaikan. Untuk mempermudah para perancang tersebut dalam menentukan proses manufaktur yang akan digunakan pada produk rancangan mereka, para perancang tersebut dapat mengacu kepada tingkat kerumitan dari setiap proses manufaktur tersebut, terutama yang tidak familiar bagi mereka. Pada penelitian ini dihitung kompleksitas proses sand casting yang menggunakan core dalam prosesnya dan dilakukan pengembangan hasil penelitian menjadi sebuah perangkat lunak sederhana berbasis Labview yang digunakan untuk otomasi perhitungan kompleksitas proses berdasarkan sebuah rancangan produk yang akan diproduksi. Selain itu, diteliti pula bobot dari setiap subproses pada proses sand casting yang dilakukan, sehingga dapat diketahui subproses beserta parameter yang paling berpengaruh pada tingkat kerumitan proses pembuatan produk secara keseluruhan.

The development of manufacturing technology today has brought out many types of manufacturing processes that can be used in producing a product. This condition gives a distinct advantage to the designers, so there are many alternatives that can be used to produce the products they have designed. However, according to Boothroyd, there is a tendency that the designers are simply using a manufacturing process options that are familiar to them. As the consequences, various other types of manufacturing processes that are much more economical tend to be neglected. To make it easier for the designer to specify the manufacturing processes to be used in producing their products, the designer can refer to any level of complexity of the manufacturing process, especially those that are not familiar to them. In this research, the complexity of sand casting process with the using of cores is calculated and the results of this research is conducted into the development of a simple software based on Labview. This software is used for calculating the complexity of sand casting process automatically, based on the design of product that is going to be produced. In addition, the study also weights of each subprocess in the sand casting process, so that it can be seen which subprocesses and parameters that is the most influential in the whole manufacturing process complexity."
Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Untung Asmoro
"Komponen EP dan KP merupakan dua buah komponen utama produk P. Dalam kondisi kerja aktualnya, kedua komponen tersebut saling bergerak relatif satu sama lainnya, hal tersebut menyebabkan kedua komponen tersebut menerima beban impak dan gesek, sehingga kedua komponen tersebut mengalami keausan pada bidang kontaknya.
Kedua komponen tersebut telah mengalami penggantian proses dari proses forging menjadi proses investment casting, namun sebagai konsekwensinya maka material yang digunakan juga harus ditingkatkan grade-nya, hal tersebut disebabkan proses forging dapat memperbaiki sifat-sifat material. Material sebelum penggantian proses adalah LB 75 dan material pengantinya adalah AISI 4340.
Penggantian proses tersebut dapat menghasilkan nilai tambah secara ekonomi, akan tetapi menyebabkan timbulnya efek sampingan yang tidak dikehendaki, yaitu performance produk P menurun. Sementara ini telah muncul dugaan bahwa turunnya performance tersebut diakibatkan oleh keausan yang terjadi pada bidang kontak kedua komponen tersebut menjadi lebih cepat.
Untuk membuktikan benar tidaknya dugaan telah terjadinya keausan, maka peneliti telah menganalisa keausan dari perbandingan sifat-sifat material memalui berbagai macam pengujian material. Hasil dari penelitian tersebut menjelaskan bahwa material AISI 4340 hasil proses investment casting mempunyai daya tahan aus yang lebih tinggi dibanding dengan material LB 75 hasil proses forging. Dengan demikian penelitian ini telah menyatakan bahwa dugaan tersebut diatas tidak benar.

EP and KP are the two main components of P product. In the actual conditions, both of the components have a relative moving between one and another. The case will cause both of the components get impact and friction combination, so they get have wear at the contact planes.
The processes of both components have modified from forging process to investment casting process, the consequence of this modification process, the grade of the material also has to increased. In this case, cause the forging process could increase the characteristics of material. The original material is LB 75 and its substitute material is AISI 4340.
The process modification could produce added value economically, but its cause unexpected side effect, such as decreasing the P product performance. Mean while, the prediction of decreasing this performance caused wear effect at the contact planes of both components faster has appeared.
To proof the prediction above, the writer has analyzed the comparison of the material characteristics by research of the materials, such as mechanic material testing, metallography testing and chemical composition analyses. The research out-put could make evidence that AISI 4340 from investment casting process have higher wear recistance depending LB 75 from forging process. So the prediction above is not true (valid).
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Proses pengecoran logam merupakan proses yang rentan terjadinya cacat
serta membutuhkan waktu dan biaya yang besar dalam merancang disain yang
baik karena harus melalui proses trial dan error. Skripsi ini berisi tentang
penilitian dan perhitungan terhadap transfer panas dan koefisien transfer panas
yang terjadi selama pengecoran aluminium murni 99.5%. Pengecoran dilakukan
dengan cetakan pasir dengan bahan green sand dan pengukuran perpindahan
panas yang terjadi selama pengecoran dilakukan dengan termokopel tipe K serta
menggunakan data logger sebagai pencatat data perubahan temperatur yang
dideteksi oleh termokopel. Disain yang digunakan dalam penilitian ini berupa
silinder dengan tiga ketebalan berbeda. Berdasarkan hasil analisa data, disain
berbentuk silinder cocok dan tepat digunakan untuk pengkuran transfer panas
selama pengecoran dengan memberikan fleksibilitas penempatan termokopel yang
bagus. pada proses transfer panas ketika pengecoran, uap dari impurity serta
kelembaban pasir dapat sebagai penghalang dalam transfer panas. Pada bagian
antarmuka antara logam dan pasir cetak terdapat gap udara yang menyebabkan
harga koefisien transfer panas pada antarmuka tersebut susah untuk ditentukan.
Dengan menggunakan perhitungan dengan titik acuan posisi yang paling dekat
dengan bagian antarmuka tadi, nilai keofisien transfer panas dapat ditentukan.
Dengan ditentukannnya nilai koefisien transfer panas tersebut dapat dilakukan
penyempurnaan dalam database software z-cast sehingga untuk melakukan
pengecoran bisa disimulasikan lewat computer tanpa ada proses trial dan error
yang memakan waktu dan biaya.

Metal casting process is a process of defect prone and requires substantial
time and cost in designing a good design because of trial and error method. This
thesis contains research and the calculation of the heat transfer coefficient and heat
transfer occurring during 99.5% pure aluminum casting. Casting is done by sand
casting molds with green sand materials and the measurement of heat transfer that
occurs during casting is done by using the K type thermocouple data logger as well as
data recording temperature changes which detected by thermocouple. Design used in
this research in the form of cylindrical design with three different thicknesses. Based
on the data analysis, design with cylinder shape used for heat transfer during casting
of taking the measurements with thermocouple placement gives good flexibility. In
the heat transfer process when casting, impurity and moisture vapor from the sand act
as a thermal barrier to heat transfer. At the interface between the metal and the
molding sand there is an air gap that causes heat transfer coefficient at the interface
difficult to determine. By using a calculation with a reference point position closest to
the near interface, heat transfer coefficient value can be determined. By determining
the heat transfer coefficient, the improvement of casting process using software
database can be obtained so casting process can be performed by computer without
any trial and error process that takes time and costs."
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Soejono Tjitro
"Arah pembekuan yang tidak mengarah ke arah riser dapat menyebabkan cacat penyusutan (shrinkage). Cacat ini dapat diprediksi dengan mengamati distribusi temperatur di riser atau produk cor. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan distribusi temperatur dengan bantuan piranti lunak Finite Element Method (ANSYS) dan eksperimen khusus dilakukan untuk memvalidasi hasil simulasi terutama ada tidaknya cacat penyusutan (shrinkage).
Simulasi dilakukan pada pengecoran cetakan pasir dengan bahan aluminium murni. Penelitian ini menggunakan metoda enthalpi untuk mendapatkan distribusi temperatur. Sifat logam cair yang dipakai dalam simulasi adalah enthalpy H(T) dan konduktivitas thermal k(T). Pengecoran cetakan pasir untuk eksperimen menggunakan bahan aluminium murni dan aluminium eutektik. Hasil cor aluminium eutektik dipakai sebagai data pendukung untuk mendukung terhadap hasil cor aluminium mumi.
Hipotesis hasil simulasi terhadap cacat penyusutan (shrinkage) sesuai dengan hasil yang dicapai melalui eksperimen.

The directional solidification which is not toward to riser causes the shrinkage defect. This defect can be predicted by investigating the temperature distribution in riser or castings. The goal of this research is to examine the temperature distribution using Finite Element Software (ANSYS) and then an ad hoc experiment has been performed to verify the result of the simulation, especially the existences of shrinkage.
The simulation is carried out by sand casting process using pure aluminum. This research uses enthalpy method to examine the distribution of temperature. The properties of melted metal that being used for the simulation are enthalpy H (T) and thermal conductivity k (T). For experiment, the sand casting process uses pure aluminum and eutectic aluminum. The eutectic aluminum castings are used to support the pure aluminum castings.
The result of the simulation hypothesis against shrinkage defect is appropriate with the experiment result."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2001
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Komponen flens motor sungai hasil pengecoran cetakan pasir memperlihatkan kecenderungan mengalami kegagalan keausan. Selain itu kualitas maupun surface finish yang dihasilkan kurang baik.
Metode pengecoran squeeze atau liquid metal forging dapat mengurangi porositas oleh karena pemberian tekanan selama proses pembekuan logam berlangsung. Menurut penelitian sebelumnya squeeze casting juga dapat memperbaiki sifat mekanik dari paduan aluminium.
Penelitian ini mencoba merancang proses pengecoran squeeze paduan aluminium daur ulang yang ada dengan cara memvariasikan parameter tekanan squeeze, dan temperatur punch & die. Langkah proses squeeze casting meliputi pemanasan logam dan die dalam dua dapur induksi berbeda, dilanjutkan dengan penuangan logam cairan ke dalam die dan diteruskan dengan pemberian tekanan selama waktu tertentu.
Setelah melakukan beberapa pengujian terhadap spesimen, hasil yang diperoleh menunjukkan bahwa nilai kekerasan spesimen hasil squeeze casting meningkat, surface finish menjadi lebih baik dan persentase porositas yang dihasilkan menurun secara signifikan dibandingkan dengan proses pengecoran cetakan pasir yang ada.

It was found that the flanges component of the river boats which undergo sliding contact to the spindle and produced by sand casting process is subject to wear failure. In addition to the cast quality and surface finish of the product is not good,
Squeeze casting, which is also known as liquid metal forging, could reduce the porosity by the pressure applied during solidification. Previous research shows that the process could improve the mechanical properties of the aluminum alloys casting.
This research is to produce specimens by squeeze casting process using the existing recycled material by combining the process parameter such as squeeze pressure and punch & die temperature. The process consists of melting the alloys and heating the die in two difference resistance furnaces, ladling the melt into pre-heated die cavity and finally applying pressure by hydraulic power until the melt is fully solidified.
After examining the specimens, the results shows the improvement in hardness, the improvement in surface finish and the significant decreasing in the quantity of the porosity as compared to traditional sand casting.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2001
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dede Lia Zairiatin
Proses micro-milling merupakan salah satu pilihan proses mikro-manufaktur 3D, yang mampu menghasilkan produk dengan bentuk kompleks. Bentuk kompleks umumnya ditemui pada mold dan dies atau produk kompleks lainnya seperti impeller dan turbin.
Tahapan penelitian diawali dengan pengembangan mesin micro-milling Hadia Micromill-5X, yang meliputi pengembangan konstruksi, pengembangan sistem kontrol gerak dan pengembangan metode perencanaan lintasan pahat yang memanfaatkan sistem CAD/CAM terintegrasi. Tahap berikutnya adalah karakterisasi perfoma proses micro-milling dalam menghasilkan produk mikro, yang dilakukan melalui studi literatur dan pengujian eksperimental. Analisis karakterisasi meliputi kekasaran permukaan, burr yang terbentuk, serta analisis kondisi pahat pada rentang waktu tertentu. Hasil karakterisasi menunjukkan kekasaran permukaan pada sisi proses end-milling dapat dicapai lebih baik bila dibandingkan pada sisi proses peripheral dengan nilai kekasaran permukaan minimum 20 nm. Terdapat empat jenis burr yang terbentuk pada suatu micro-channel yaitu yaitu enterance burr, top burr, exit side burr dan bottom burr. Bottom burr merupakan salah satu jenis burr baru yang diidentifikasi pada penelitian ini. Hasil utama dari tahap ini adalah rekomendasi parameter pemesinan optimum untuk aplikasi produk mikro dengan bentuk dinding tipis.
Dari hasil pengujian performa, mesin Hadia Micromill-5X dan metode yang dikembangkan terbukti mampu menghasilkan produk dinding tipis datar dengan ketebalan minimum 11,71 μm dengan aspek rasio 23,48. Perbedaan antara tebal desain dan tebal aktual (∆Tda) adalah berkisar antara 3,51 μm hingga 25,48 μm. Salah satu penyebabnya perbedaan ini adalah ketidaksesuaian diameter pahat aktual (Da) dengan diameter yang ditetapkan. Ketika ketidaksesuaian pahat turut diperhitungakan terhadap diameter aktual, maka deviasi atau perbedaan ukuran yang terjadi (∆Tae) adalah berkisar antara -4,69 μm hingga 3,48 μm. Nilai ∆Tae masih berada dalam rentang keakurasian motor stage, yaitu ± 5 μm maupun run-out aktual, yaitu 8,33 μm.
Metode micro-milling untuk produk dinding tipis dengan bentuk kompleks yang dikembangkan pada penelitian ini, diaplikasikan untuk pembuatan 2 micro-impeller yang masing-masing memiliki jumlah blade dan ketebalan yang berbeda. Micro-impeller yang memiliki 8 blade dengan diameter aktual 3.098 μm, tinggi 600 μm, ketebalan rata-rata blade 33,7 μm dan jarak terluar antara blade 1.207 μm, deviasi ukuran maksimum yang terjadi hingga 13,3 μm dapat dihasilkan dengan baik. Namun, pada micro-impeller yang memiliki 16 blade dengan diameter 3.190 μm dan ketebalan rata-rata blade 11,96 μm terdapat beberapa blade yang terbelah dan terdefleksi. Secara umum, metode micro-milling yang dikembangkan telah dapat diaplikasikan dengan baik. Keterbatasan dalam menghasilkan bentuk dinding tipis lebih dikarenakan sifat dan karakteristik material dari produk, yang mengalami defleksi sebagai akibat dimensi dinding yang sangat tipis.;

Micro-milling process is one of choices to manufacture 3D product, which has the ability to produce complex shape. Complex shapes are commonly found in mold and dies or other complex product such as impeller and turbine.
The research was started by developing the micro-milling machine, Hadia Micromill-5X, which covers the development of machine construction, control system and tool-path generation method by using integrated CAD/CAM system. The next part of the research is to characterize the micro-milling performance to produce micro product, through literature study and experimental test. Characterizations analysis covers surface roughness, burrs and tool condition in a certain range of time. The result shows that the surface roughness on end-milling process side is better than peripheral process side, with minimum surface roughness of 20 nm. There are four types of burr that formed on micro-channel, which are entrances burr, top burr, exit side burr and bottom burr. Bottom burr is the first identify in this research. The main result of characterization phase is a recommendation of optimum cutting parameter for thin-wall micro-product application.
Based on performance testing, the micro-milling machine Hadia Micromill-5X and developed method is proved to have the capability to produce thin-wall product with minimum thickness of 11.71 μm, with an aspect ratio of 23.48. The difference between design and actual thickness (∆Tda) is around 3.51 μm to 25.48 μm. One of the causes of the difference is the incompatibility of actual tool diameter (Da) with desired diameter. If the tool diameter incompatibility is considered, than the size differences (∆Tae) are around -4.69 μm to 3.48 μm. ∆Tae value is still in the range of motor stage accuracy and actual run-out, which ± 5 μm are and 8.33 μm respectively.
Micro-milling method for thin-wall complex shape product developed in this research was applied to produce 2 micro-impellers with different amount of blades and thickness. 8?s blade micro-impeller with actual diameter of 3,098 μm, 600 μm heights, average thickness of 33.7 μm, with 13.3 μm of maximum deviation size, was produced properly. However, there are several torn and cloven blades on 16?blade micro-impeller with a diameter of 3,190 μm and average actual thickness of 11.96 μm. In general, the micro-milling method developed in this research is properly applied. The limitation to produce a thinner wall is caused by the material properties and characteristic of the product, which experiences deflection due to the flimsiness of a thin wall.
;Micro-milling process is one of choices to manufacture 3D product, which has the ability to produce complex shape. Complex shapes are commonly found in mold and dies or other complex product such as impeller and turbine.
The research was started by developing the micro-milling machine, Hadia Micromill-5X, which covers the development of machine construction, control system and tool-path generation method by using integrated CAD/CAM system. The next part of the research is to characterize the micro-milling performance to produce micro product, through literature study and experimental test. Characterizations analysis covers surface roughness, burrs and tool condition in a certain range of time. The result shows that the surface roughness on end-milling process side is better than peripheral process side, with minimum surface roughness of 20 nm. There are four types of burr that formed on micro-channel, which are entrances burr, top burr, exit side burr and bottom burr. Bottom burr is the first identify in this research. The main result of characterization phase is a recommendation of optimum cutting parameter for thin-wall micro-product application.
Based on performance testing, the micro-milling machine Hadia Micromill-5X and developed method is proved to have the capability to produce thin-wall product with minimum thickness of 11.71 μm, with an aspect ratio of 23.48. The difference between design and actual thickness (∆Tda) is around 3.51 μm to 25.48 μm. One of the causes of the difference is the incompatibility of actual tool diameter (Da) with desired diameter. If the tool diameter incompatibility is considered, than the size differences (∆Tae) are around -4.69 μm to 3.48 μm. ∆Tae value is still in the range of motor stage accuracy and actual run-out, which ± 5 μm are and 8.33 μm respectively.
Micro-milling method for thin-wall complex shape product developed in this research was applied to produce 2 micro-impellers with different amount of blades and thickness. 8?s blade micro-impeller with actual diameter of 3,098 μm, 600 μm heights, average thickness of 33.7 μm, with 13.3 μm of maximum deviation size, was produced properly. However, there are several torn and cloven blades on 16?blade micro-impeller with a diameter of 3,190 μm and average actual thickness of 11.96 μm. In general, the micro-milling method developed in this research is properly applied. The limitation to produce a thinner wall is caused by the material properties and characteristic of the product, which experiences deflection due to the flimsiness of a thin wall.
, Micro-milling process is one of choices to manufacture 3D product, which has the ability to produce complex shape. Complex shapes are commonly found in mold and dies or other complex product such as impeller and turbine.
The research was started by developing the micro-milling machine, Hadia Micromill-5X, which covers the development of machine construction, control system and tool-path generation method by using integrated CAD/CAM system. The next part of the research is to characterize the micro-milling performance to produce micro product, through literature study and experimental test. Characterizations analysis covers surface roughness, burrs and tool condition in a certain range of time. The result shows that the surface roughness on end-milling process side is better than peripheral process side, with minimum surface roughness of 20 nm. There are four types of burr that formed on micro-channel, which are entrances burr, top burr, exit side burr and bottom burr. Bottom burr is the first identify in this research. The main result of characterization phase is a recommendation of optimum cutting parameter for thin-wall micro-product application.
Based on performance testing, the micro-milling machine Hadia Micromill-5X and developed method is proved to have the capability to produce thin-wall product with minimum thickness of 11.71 μm, with an aspect ratio of 23.48. The difference between design and actual thickness (∆Tda) is around 3.51 μm to 25.48 μm. One of the causes of the difference is the incompatibility of actual tool diameter (Da) with desired diameter. If the tool diameter incompatibility is considered, than the size differences (∆Tae) are around -4.69 μm to 3.48 μm. ∆Tae value is still in the range of motor stage accuracy and actual run-out, which ± 5 μm are and 8.33 μm respectively.
Micro-milling method for thin-wall complex shape product developed in this research was applied to produce 2 micro-impellers with different amount of blades and thickness. 8’s blade micro-impeller with actual diameter of 3,098 μm, 600 μm heights, average thickness of 33.7 μm, with 13.3 μm of maximum deviation size, was produced properly. However, there are several torn and cloven blades on 16’blade micro-impeller with a diameter of 3,190 μm and average actual thickness of 11.96 μm. In general, the micro-milling method developed in this research is properly applied. The limitation to produce a thinner wall is caused by the material properties and characteristic of the product, which experiences deflection due to the flimsiness of a thin wall.
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Winter Dewayatna
"Pemodelan dan identifikasi merupakan suatu tahapan yang penting dan menantang pada perancangan pengendali berbasis model seperti internal model control (IMC) atau model-based predictive control (MBPC). Kebanyakan proses-proses industri merupakan proses-proses non-linier multi-input multi-output (MIMO). Dalam tesis ini dilakukan identifikasi sistem non-linier MIMO empat tangki menggunakan model fuzzy Takagi-Sugeno. Untuk membuat model ini, digunakan algoritma Gustafson-Kessel (GK) fuzzy clustering yang mengotomatisasi pembuatan fungsi keanggotaan dari bagian premis, fungsi affine linier dari bagian konsekuen dan aturan-aturannya. Data-data diperoleh dari simulasi model proses sistem empat tangki.
Validasi model menunjukkan bahwa model menunjukkan kinerja sangat balk terhadap data identifikasi dan terhadap data Validasi, dengan nilai Variance Accounted For (VAF) di atas 99%. Uji step menunjukkan model fuzzy Takagi-Sugeno lebih baik dari model linier ARX. Steady state error cenderung meningkat dengan bertambah besarnya amplitudo step, kemungkinan disebabkan oleh data pelatihan yang lebih banyak pada level rendah.

Modelling and identification are important and challenging steps in design of control systems especially model-based control systems like internal model control (IMC) and model-based predictive control. Industrial processes are mostly nonlinier multi-input multi output (MIMO) process. Work in this thesis is the identification of nonlinier multi-input multi-output of quadrupole-tank system by fuzzy Takagi-Sugeno model using Gustafson-Kessel (GK) fuzzy clustering algorithm. This algorithm automates membership-function creation of premis part, affine linier function of consequent part, and the rules. Data required to make the model are obtained by simulation of quadrupole-tank process model.
Model validation shows that performance of the model is very good on both identification and validation data, that the value of Variance Accounted For (VAF) is more than 99%. Step test shows that fuzzy Takagi-Sugeno model is better than ARX. Steady state error tend to be worse on increasing of step amplitude, this maybe caused by training data which are mostly at low level.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2006
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Manufacturing process selection handbook provides engineers and designers with process knowledge and the essential technological and cost data to guide the selection of manufacturing processes early in the product development cycle.
Building on content from the authors? earlier introductory process selection guide, this expanded handbook begins with the challenges and benefits of identifying manufacturing processes in the design phase and appropriate strategies for process selection. The bulk of the book is then dedicated to concise coverage of different manufacturing processes, providing a quick reference guide for easy comparison and informed decision making.
For each process examined, the book considers key factors driving selection decisions, including, basic process descriptions with simple diagrams to illustrate, notes on material suitability, notes on available process variations, economic considerations such as costs and production rates, typical applications and product examples, and notes on design aspects and quality issues.
Oxford, UK: Butterworth-Heinemann, 2013
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ranu Octoro
"Skripsi ini menganalisa tentang perhitungan cooling load dengan menggunakan metode CLTD. Gedung yang digunakan dalam perhitungan merupakan suatu kasus di suatu lokasi tertentu dan dipindahkan ke lokasi Jakarta serta telah memiliki data-data lengkap. Selain itu skripsi ini juga menjelaskan tentang proses simulasi software DIALux. Software ini dapat memvisualisasikan pencahayaan pada suatu ruangan.
Hasil analisa perhitungan menunjukan bahwa metode CLTD cukup baik untuk digunakan karena langkah-langkah dari metode tersebut sangat detail. Selain itu dari analisa didapatkan faktor-faktor yang sangat mempengaruhi naiknya cooling load diantaranya panas dari matahari, infiltrasi, dan pencahayaan serta didapatkan juga visualisasi pencahayaan pada suatu ruangan, sebagai hasil dari simulasi software DIALux.

This research analyzes on cooling load calculation using CLTD method. The building used in the calculation of a case in a particular location and moved to a location of Jakarta and has had complete data. In addition this paper also describes the simulation process DIALux software. This software can visualize the lighting in a room.
Analysis results showed that the method of calculation cltd good enough to be used as the steps of the method are very detailed. In addition, from the analysis found the factors that influence the increase cooling load include heat from the sun, infiltration, and lighting as well as lighting visualization is also available in a room, as a result of the simulation software DIALux.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Himawan Hadi Sutrisno
"Penelitian mengenai pendeteksian terhadap ruang terbatas proses pemesinan awal 5 Axis, merupakan salah satu bagian dalam pengembangan sistem CAM yang berbasis model faset 3D. Ruang terbatas dibedakan menjadi 2 bagian yaitu ruang terbatas terbuka dan ruang terbatas tertutup. Perbedaan ruang terbatas terbuka dan ruang terbatas tertutup yaitu perlunya orientasi pahat untuk proses pengerjaan ruang terbatas tertutup.
Dalam penelitian ini pendeteksian ruang terbatas dilakukan dengan mendeteksi kebertumpukan segitiga dalam bidang x dan y dan perbedaaan arah vektor normal terhadap sumbu radius pahat. untuk mendapatkan hasil deteksi pahat pada ruang terbatas, penulis mengembangkan algoritma-algoritma dalam mengolah data yang berupa STL file. Metode yang telah dikembangkan ini kemudian di uji terhadap beberapa model produk dan mampu memberikan informasi mengenai adanya ruang terbatas dan areanya.

The research concerning of bounded volume detection method for roughing process in multi-axis milling is one of a section to develop CAM system wich based on faceted model 3D. The bounded volume have 2 part wich very important, that is close boundary volume and open Boundary volume. The differences of open boundary volume and close boundary volume is tool oriented needed in machining process for close boundry volume.
In this research. Boundary volume will be get with detection of stacking of triangle and the differences of normal vector with normal angle of radius tool. To get bounded volume detection result, The writer develop algorithms to processing of STL file. The method which have been developed will be test to some models product and can give information regarding the existence of bounded volume area.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2008
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
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