ABSTRAKSkripsi ini mengkaji pengaruh penambahan 4% Serabut kelapa yang telah
diolah sebagai potensi lokal dengan panjang tidak seragam yang telah diolah
terhadap sifat fisik dan mekanik bata tanpa pembakaran berbahan tanah dan kapur
dengan tiga cara metode curing. Masing-masing 1/3 bagian serabut kelapa
berukuran 1, 2,5 dan 4 cm dicuci, ditiriskan sehari dan dioven sehari pada suhu
50o C sebelum dicampurkan ke campuran tanah dan kapur. Berdasarkan hasil
pengujian mekanik bata didapatkan bahwa penambahan 4% serabut kelapa
campuran pada bata kapur dapat meningkatkan sifat mekanik bata. Namun untuk
sifat fisik didapati hasil yang bervariasi.
ABSTRACT This study investigates the effect of adding 4% treated non-uniform coirs
as a local potential on the physical and mechanical properties of unfired bricks
made of soil and lime under three different curing methods. Length of treated
coirs are 1, 2.5 and 4 cm respectively which each has 1/3 proportion of the whole
coirs on bricks. They were washed, drained for 24 hours and heated at a
temperature of 50o C for another 24 hours before placing them into the soil and
lime mixture. Based on the mechanical test result on the bricks, it was found that
the addition of 4% treated non-uniform of coirs increase the mechanical properties
of unfired bricks in all curing conditions. On the other hand, there are variation in
physical test results."