"Tesis ini membahas pengaruh variabel-variabel makroekonomi khususnya variabel moneter terhadap perilaku konsumsi rumah tangga di Indonesia dengan periode penelitian triwulanan sejak triwulan I ? 2000 s.d. triwulan IV - 2009.
Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah regresi linier berganda dan diperoleh hasil bahwa variabel disposable income dan beberapa variabel moneter yakni suku bunga deposito, suku bunga kredit konsumsi dan inflasi periode sebelumnya memiliki pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap perubahan konsumsi rumah tangga di Indonesia. Besaran pengaruh variabel moneter yakni suku bunga deposito, suku bunga kredit konsumsi dan inflasi terhadap pengeluaran konsumsi rumah tangga sangat tergantung pada tingkat suku bunga dan tingkat inflasi periode sebelumnya. Hasil penelitian juga menunjukkan bahwa perilaku konsumsi masyarakat Indonesia dalam jangka panjang cenderung stabil ditunjukkan oleh MPC yang konstan dalam periode penelitian.
The focus of this study is discusses the influence of macroeconomic variables, especially monetary variables on the behavior of household consumption in Indonesia with sample period since Quarter I - 2000 until Quarter IV - 2009. The method is used in this research is multiple linear regression.
The result of this study obtained that the disposable income variable and several variables namely time deposit interest rates, consumption loan interest rate and inflation prior periods have a significant influence on changes in household consumption in Indonesia. The magnitude of monetary variables i.e. time deposit interest rates, consumption loan interest rate and inflation prior period influence to the household consumption expenditure are highly depends on the previous interest rates and inflation rate. The results also showed that the consumption behavior of the Indonesian community in the long term stable indicated by the MPC is constant within the period of study."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2011