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"Penelitian kali ini bertujuan untuk menemukan faktor pembentuk proses sekularisasi selain yang sudah ada dalam teori sebelumnya. Faktor itu adalah cognitive style tipe reflective. Dalam penelitian ini, dinyatakan hipotesis bahwa manipulasi cognitive style yang reflectiveakan mempengaruhi religious dan secular belief. Hipotesis ini dituangkan dalam dua studi. Studi pertama mencoba untuk menguji apakah ada perbedaan tingkat religious belief pada partisipan yang dimanipulasi untuk menyukai cognitive style tipe reflective dengan partisipan yang dimanipulasi untuk tidak menyukai cognitive style tipe reflective. Partisipan penelitian studi 1 berjumlah 56 orang mahasiswa Universitas Indonesia. Manipulasi antar kelompok pada studi kedua sama seperti studi pertama, namun variabel terikat yang diukur adalah secular belief. Partisipan penelitian studi 2 berjumlah 64 orang mahasiswa Psikologi Universitas Indonesia. Hasil uji hipotesis menunjukkan bahwa tidak ada pengaruh manipulasi cognitive style tipe reflectiveterhadap religious belief, tetapi ada pengaruh terhadap secular belief. Model sekularisasi kemudian dirumuskan, dimana sekularisasi lebih berhubungan dengan secular belief daripada religious belief. Dengan demikian, cognitive style tipe reflective, menjadi faktor yang bisa mempengaruhi proses sekularisasi.

Present study aims to find factor that can shape the process of secularization other than what previous theory mentioned. The factor is named reflective cognitive style. Hypothetically, manipulation of reflective cognitive style should influence religious and secular belief. This hypothesis is manifested within two studies. First study aims to answer whether there is difference on religious belief between participants that is given manipulation that favor reflective cognitive style and participants that is given manipulation that dislike reflective cognitive style. For this study, the samples are 56 college students of Universitas Indonesia. Manipulation for second study is no different with first study. But for second study, secular belief is measured as dependent variable. The samples are 64 college students of Faculty of Psychology Universitas Indonesia. Statistical test shown that there is no effect of reflective cognitive style manipulation on religious belief, but there is effect on secular belief. Secularization model, are thus, being formulated. In this formulation, secularization is linked with secular belief but not with religious belief. And so, reflective cognitive style became one factor that can influence secularization process.
Depok: Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Putri Bayu Gusti Megantari Pratiwi
"Penelitian ini bertujan untuk melihat efek moderasi gaya kognitif asimilator-eksplorer terhadap hubungan antara kepribadian big five dan perilaku kerja inovatif. Efek moderasi dipertimbangkan karena adanya hubungan yang tidak konsisten antara kepribadian big five dan perilaku kerja inovatif. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada perusahaan manufaktur perkapalan yang sedang melakukan inovasi. Hasil utama penelitian ini diolah menggunakan uji regresi dengan PROCESS macro dari Hayes 2013 dan disertai dengan hasil tambahan berupa uji korelasi antara variabel kepribadian big five, perilaku kerja inovatif dan gaya kognitif asimilator-eksplorer serta olah data demografi. Berdasarkan uji korelasi, 4 dimensi kepribadian big five berkorelasi signifikan dengan perilaku kerja inovatif, 1 dimensi kepribadian big five berkorelasi signifikan dengan gaya kognitif asimilator-eksplorer dan tidak ada korelasi antara perilaku kerja inovatif dan gaya kognitif asimilator-eksplorer. Berdasarkan olah data demografi diperoleh hasil bahwa terdapat perbedaan skor gaya kognitif asimilator-eksplorer antara lama kerja, unit dan pendidikan. Selanjutnya hasil uji regresi dinyatakan bahwa terdapat efek moderasi gaya kognitif asimilator-eksplorer terhadap hubungan antara dimensi kepribadian neuroticism dan perilaku kerja inovatif F 3,121 =4,76, R =0,03, b=-0,16, t 121 =-2,18 p.

This research is aim to see the moderate effect of assimilator explrorer cognitive styles on the relationship between big five personality and innovative work behavior. Effect of moderation is considered due to inconsistent relationship between the big five personality and innovative work behavior. This research is conducted in shipping manufacturing. This company have an innovation vision and has been doing innovation these years. The main results of this study were processed using regression test with a PROCESS macro from Hayes 2013 and accompanied by additional results that is correlation between variables and demography analysis. 4 dimension of big five personality are significantly correlated with innovative work behavior, 1 dimension of big five personality is significantly correlated with assimilator explorer cognitive style, and there is no correlation between assimilator explorer cognitive style and innovative work behavior. Based on demography analysis, there is difference score on assimilator explorer cognitive style by job tenure, work unit and education. Based on the regression test, there is moderation effect of assimilator explorer cognitive style on neuroticism dimension personality and innovative work behavior F 3,121 4,76, R 0,03, b 0,16, t 121 2,18.
Depok: Fakultas Psikologi Unversitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Gallistel, C.R.
Chichester: Wiley-Blackwell, 2009
612.82 GAL m
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Achmad Ghozali Thohir
Latar Belakang. Gangguan fungsi kognitif dapat terjadi pada pekerja yang terpajan toluen. Gangguan fungsi kognitif tersebut terutama adalah penurunan memori, atensi dan konsentrasi, yang dapat menurunkan produktifitas kerja. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui prevalensi gangguan fungsi kognitif dan faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi Metode Penelitian. Desain potong lintang dilakukan pada 102 orang pekerja perempuan usia 19-40 tahun dan pendidikan minimal SMA. Data dikumpulkan dengan kuesioner, pemeriksaan fisik dan laboratorium serta MMSE. Kriteria inklusi adalah masa kerja ≥ 1 tahun dan bersedia menjadi responden dengan menandatangani informed consent. Kriteria eksklusi adalah hamil, menstruasi,merokok, minum alkohol, riwayat cedera kepala, hipertensi, gula darah dan dislipidemia. Faktor risiko yang diteliti antara lain umur, status perkawinan, masa kerja, lama kerja, kepatuhan pakai masker , stres kerja dan status gizi. Umur, status perkawinan,masa kerja dan lama kerja diambil dari data HRD. Status gizi didapatkan dari perhitungan Indeks Massa Tubuh. Kepatuhan pakai masker berdasarkan pengawasan kepatuhan APD. Stres kerja dinilai menggunakan kuesioner Survey Diagnostik Stress . Hasil. Walaupun kadar toluen didapat lebih kecil dari nilai ambang batas toluen , didapatkan prevalensi gangguan fungsi kognitif sebesar 52 %. Area kognitif yang menurun adalah atensi kalkulasi dan visuospasial. Faktor risiko yang secara bermakna mempengaruhi gangguan fungsi kognitif adalah masa kerja, lama kerja, kepatuhan pemakaian masker, stres kerja yang meliputi konflik peran, ketaksaan peran, beban kerja kualitatif, beban kerja kuantitatif, pengembangan karir dan tanggung jawab rekan kerja. Hasil analisis multivariat menunjukkan konflik peran merupakan faktor risiko yang paling mempengaruhi gangguan fungsi kognitif ( OR 7,546 Interval kepercayaan 95% 1,5 ? 41,88 ) Kesimpulan. Prevalensi penurunan fungsi kognitif studi ini lebih besar dari penelitian sebelumnya dan teori. Aspek kognitif yang menurun didominasi oleh atensi kalkulasi dan visuospasial. Konflik peran merupakan faktor risiko yang paling mempengaruhi gangguan fungsi kognitif.

Background. Cognitive Function Impairment can happen among workers expose by Toluene. This impairment mainly effect in attention, concentration and memory function, and can decrease working productivity. This study aims to calculate the prevalence of Cognitive Function impairment and related risk factors Method. Cross sectional design study was conducted on 102 female workers, age 19-40 years old and graduated from senior high school. Age and education were obtained from secondary data, and followed by interviews, physical and laboratory examination and Mini Mental States Examination. The inclusion criteria were age ≥ 1 year of work and willing to be the subject of research. Exclusion criteria were pregnancy, menstruation, smoker, Alcohol consumption, history of head injury, hypertension, diabetes mellitus and Dyslipidemia. Risk factor included in this study were age, marital status, duration of work,time of work, PPE obedience ,work stress and nutritional status. Age, Marital status, Duration and Time of work were from secondary data of HRD department. Nutritional status was obtained from body mass index calculation. face mask obedience was obtained from data of wearing mask compliance. Work stress was assessed using Survey Diagnostic Stress Questionnaire. Results. The prevalence of Cognitive Function Impairment was 52 % , mainly at Attention ? Calculation and Visuospasial Aspect respectively. Significant risk factors ( p value < 0,05 ) in this study were duration of work and time of work, PPE obedience and all of work stress domain. The Result of multivariate analysis show that conflict of role was the most influence factor ( OR 7,546 C.I 95% 1,5 ? 41,88 ) Conclusion. This study found that the prevalence of cognitive function impairment was higher than theory and other similar studies . Cognitive aspects mainly affected were attention ? calculation and visuospatial. Conflict of role was the most inluence risk factor relating with cognitive function impairment;Background. Cognitive Function Impairment can happen among workers expose by Toluene. This impairment mainly effect in attention, concentration and memory function, and can decrease working productivity. This study aims to calculate the prevalence of Cognitive Function impairment and related risk factors Method. Cross sectional design study was conducted on 102 female workers, age 19-40 years old and graduated from senior high school. Age and education were obtained from secondary data, and followed by interviews, physical and laboratory examination and Mini Mental States Examination. The inclusion criteria were age ≥ 1 year of work and willing to be the subject of research. Exclusion criteria were pregnancy, menstruation, smoker, Alcohol consumption, history of head injury, hypertension, diabetes mellitus and Dyslipidemia. Risk factor included in this study were age, marital status, duration of work,time of work, PPE obedience ,work stress and nutritional status. Age, Marital status, Duration and Time of work were from secondary data of HRD department. Nutritional status was obtained from body mass index calculation. face mask obedience was obtained from data of wearing mask compliance. Work stress was assessed using Survey Diagnostic Stress Questionnaire. Results. The prevalence of Cognitive Function Impairment was 52 % , mainly at Attention – Calculation and Visuospasial Aspect respectively. Significant risk factors ( p value < 0,05 ) in this study were duration of work and time of work, PPE obedience and all of work stress domain. The Result of multivariate analysis show that conflict of role was the most influence factor ( OR 7,546 C.I 95% 1,5 – 41,88 ) Conclusion. This study found that the prevalence of cognitive function impairment was higher than theory and other similar studies . Cognitive aspects mainly affected were attention – calculation and visuospatial. Conflict of role was the most inluence risk factor relating with cognitive function impairment, Background. Cognitive Function Impairment can happen among workers expose by Toluene. This impairment mainly effect in attention, concentration and memory function, and can decrease working productivity. This study aims to calculate the prevalence of Cognitive Function impairment and related risk factors Method. Cross sectional design study was conducted on 102 female workers, age 19-40 years old and graduated from senior high school. Age and education were obtained from secondary data, and followed by interviews, physical and laboratory examination and Mini Mental States Examination. The inclusion criteria were age ≥ 1 year of work and willing to be the subject of research. Exclusion criteria were pregnancy, menstruation, smoker, Alcohol consumption, history of head injury, hypertension, diabetes mellitus and Dyslipidemia. Risk factor included in this study were age, marital status, duration of work,time of work, PPE obedience ,work stress and nutritional status. Age, Marital status, Duration and Time of work were from secondary data of HRD department. Nutritional status was obtained from body mass index calculation. face mask obedience was obtained from data of wearing mask compliance. Work stress was assessed using Survey Diagnostic Stress Questionnaire. Results. The prevalence of Cognitive Function Impairment was 52 % , mainly at Attention – Calculation and Visuospasial Aspect respectively. Significant risk factors ( p value < 0,05 ) in this study were duration of work and time of work, PPE obedience and all of work stress domain. The Result of multivariate analysis show that conflict of role was the most influence factor ( OR 7,546 C.I 95% 1,5 – 41,88 ) Conclusion. This study found that the prevalence of cognitive function impairment was higher than theory and other similar studies . Cognitive aspects mainly affected were attention – calculation and visuospatial. Conflict of role was the most inluence risk factor relating with cognitive function impairment]"
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Madepan Mulia
"Peningkatan angka kriminalitas perlu mendapatkan perhatian, terutama terkaitpenyalahgunaan NAPZA. Di Indonesia, jumlah pengguna NAPZA yang berada dilapas diperkirakan hampir mencapai 40 dari keseluruhan narapidana. Penelitianini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh tindakan keperawatan ners, terapikognitif perilaku dan terapi psikoedukasi keluarga terhadap penggunaan NAPZA,ansietas dan harga diri narapidana remaja di lapas narkotika. Desain penelitian iniquasi eksperimental pre-post test with control group. Kelompok intervensi 1diberikan tindakan keperawatan ners serta kelompok intervensi 2 diberikantindakan keperawatan ners, terapi kognitif perilaku dan terapi psikoedukasikeluarga dengan jumlah sampel masing-masing kelompok adalah 31 orang.Instrumen yang digunakan adalah Drug Abuse Screening Test-20 DAST-20 ,Hamilton Anxiety Rating Scale HAM-A dan Rosenberg Self Esteem Scale RSES . Uji analisis yang digunakan adalah uji repeated ANOVA, independent ttestdan chi-square. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan tindakan keperawatan ners,terapi kognitif perilaku dan terapi psikoedukasi keluarga menurunkan ansietas danmeningkatkan harga diri secara bermakna p value < 0,05 lebih besar daripadasetelah mendapatkan tindakan keperawatan ners, penggunaan NAPZAmempunyai hubungan yang lemah secara bermakna p value < 0,05 denganansietas dan harga diri, dan pola asuh berhubungan secara bermakna p value.

Increasing the crime rate needs to get attention, especially related to drug abuse.In Indonesia, the number of drug users in prisons is estimated to be almost 40 ofall inmates. This study aims to determine the effect of nursing actions ners,behavioral cognitive therapy and family psychoeducation therapy against druguse, anxiety and pride of juvenile inmates in prison narcotics. The study designwas quasi experimental pre post test with control group. The intervention group 1was given nursing action ners as well as the intervention group 2 were givennursing actions ners, behavioral cognitive therapy and family psychoeducationtherapy with the number of samples each group was 31 people. The instrumentsused are Drug Abuse Screening Test 20 DAST 20 , Hamilton Anxiety RatingScale HAM A and Rosenberg Self Esteem Scale RSES . The analysis test usedis repeated ANOVA test, independent t test and chi square. The results showedthat nursing behavior, behavioral cognitive therapy and family psychoeducationtherapy decreased anxiety and increased self esteem significantly p value "
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Florentina Elana Puspita
"Dalam kehidupan, mahasiswa tidak luput dari kesalahan-kesalahan kecil yang dilakukan sehari-hari, seperti melewatkan jadwal kerja kelompok ataupun tenggat waktu pengumpulan tugas. Berbagai kesalahan kecil tersebut dikenal dengan istilah kegagalan kognitif yang jika dilakukan secara terus-menerus dapat berakibat negatif bagi individu. Bagi mahasiswa yang berada pada kondisi kognitif terbaik, meningkatnya kegagalan kognitif disebabkan dari tipe kepribadian yang mereka miliki. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui besaran peran kepribadian neuroticism dan conscientiousness terhadap kegagalan kognitif pada mahasiswa sarjana di Indonesia. Partisipan penelitian adalah sebanyak 249 mahasiswa (83 laki-laki dan 166 perempuan) berusia 18–25 tahun (M=21, SD=1.4). Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuantitatif dengan menggunakan alat ukur Cognitive Failure Questionnaire dan IPIP-BFM 25. Berdasarkan analisis regresi berganda, ditemukan bahwa kepribadian neuroticism dan conscientiousness secara bersamaan berperan terhadap kegagalan kognitif individu (F(2,246)=45.495, p<0.001, R2=0.27). Neuroticism memiliki pengaruh yang lebih besar (=0.47, SE=0.257, p<0.001) dibandingkan conscientiousness (=-0.236, SE=0.326, p<0.001) terhadap kegagalan kognitif mahasiswa. Melalui penelitian ini, diharapkan individu dapat mengetahui ciri unik yang dimiliki pada kepribadian tertentu, khususnya pada trait kepribadian conscientiousness dan neuroticism. Sehingga, bagi individu yang memiliki conscientiousness yang tinggi dapat mempertahankan ketelitian dan disiplin yang tinggi, sedangkan bagi individu yang memiliki neuroticism yang tinggi dapat meminta bantuan kepada orang lain untuk mengingatkan untuk dapat mengontrol emosi negatif yang dirasakan sehingga tidak mempengaruhi atensi terhadap hal yang harus dikerjakan.

In everyday life, students make a lot of small mistakes, such as forgetting the group work schedule and also forgetting the task deadline, which is called cognitive failure. All the small mistakes have negative consequences if they happen continuously. For students who are in the best cognitive condition, cognitive failure increase because of the personality types that they have. The purpose of this study is to see the contribution of personality trait neuroticism and conscientiousness to cognitive failure in college students in Indonesia. The participants of this study are 249 students (83 males and 166 females) aged 18–25 years old (M=21, SD=1.4). This study is a quantitative study that used Cognitive Failure Questionnaire (CFQ) and IPIP-BFM 25. The result showed that neuroticism and conscientiousness simultaneously have a significant contribution to cognitive failure (F(2,246)=45.495, p<0.001, R2=0.27). However, neuroticism has a greater contribution (=0.47, SE=0.257, p<0.001) than conscientiousness (=-0.236, SE=0.326, p<0.001) to cognitive failure in college students. Based on this study, for students that have a high score of conscientiousness suggested to maintain the positive characteristics, such as attention to detail and self-discipline. However, students that have high score of neuroticism can ask for help from others to remind them of controlling the negative emotion that they feel so it doesn’t affect their attention to the task that has to be done."
Depok: Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Solso, Robert L., 1933-
Boston : Allyn and Bacon, 1998
153.4 SOL c
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Flavell, John H.
New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, 1993
155.413 FLA c
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Best, John B.
New York: West Publishing, 1989
153.4 BAS c
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Purnama Fitri
"Latar belakang: Seorang anak dapat tumbuh sehat dan cerdas karena dipengaruhi oleh berbagai faktor. Bahasa merupakan salah satu indikator perkembangan kemampuan kognitif anak. Pengalaman sensorik, stimulasi dan pajanan bahasa selama periode ini dapat menentukan sinaptogenesis, mielinisasi, dan hubungan sinaptik. Membacakan buku cerita/dongeng kepada anak dapat memperkaya proses pembelajaran bahasa dan bahkan dapat meningkatkan kemampuan komunikasi secara bersamaan, namun saat ini belum diteliti di Indonesia.Tujuan: Mengetahui nilai kognitif Developmental Quotient Cognitive Adaptive test , bahasa Developmental Quotient Clinical Linguistic and Auditory Milestone Scale , Full Scale Developmental Quotient, usia bahasa reseptif dan ekspresif pada anak.Metode: Penelitian quasi eksperimental pre-post test dilakukan pada lima Posyandu dan kunjungan rumah di Cilandak, Jakarta Selatan, Indonesia, pada bulan September 2017 hingga November 2018. Subyek penelitian adalah anak-anak usia 12-30 bulan sebanyak 24 anak pada masing-masing grup grup perlakuan dan grup kontrol . Dilakukan pemeriksaan kemampuan kognitif dan bahasa anak sebelum dan sesudah stimulasi melalui nilai kognitif Developmental Quotient Cognitive Adaptive Test , bahasa Developmental Quotient Clinical Linguistic and Auditory Milestone Scale , Full Scale Developmental Quotient, usia bahasa reseptif dan ekspresif dimana pemeriksaan ini dilakukan oleh dua orang dokter anak berbeda yang sudah terlatih. Kedua grup dilakukan pemeriksaan sebanyak dua kali dengan menggunakan Capute Scales. Subyek pada grup perlakuan mendapatkan stimulasi selama 12 minggu diantara pemeriksaan Capute Scale pertama dan kedua. Sementara subyek pada grup kontrol mendapatkan stimulasi setelah dilakukan pemeriksaan Capute Scale kedua. Stimulasi yang diberikan kepada grup kontrol dilakukan semata-mata untuk etik suatu penelitian.Hasil:. Setelah intervensi nilai Developmental Quotient Cognitive Adaptive Test, Clinical Linguistic and Auditory Milestone Scale, Full Scale, pada grup perlakuan lebih tinggi dibandingkan grup kontrol, dengan hasil berturut-turut sebagai berikut: DQ CAT : 97.35 vs 89.18

Background: Growth and development of children are influenced by many factors. Language is one of developmental indicator of children cognitive ability. Sensory, stimulation and language experience in critical periode influences synaptogenesis, myelinization and synaptic relation. Despite storytelling enriched child language learning process and even may increase communication skills as well, currently it was not well studied in Indonesia Objective: To determine effect of storytelling stimulation on children rsquo;s cognitive, language and full scale developmental quotient including expressive and receptive language age.Methods: A quasi experimental pre-post study was conducted in five posyandu and home visits in Cilandak, South Jakarta, Indonesia from September 2017 to November 2018. Subjects were children aged 12-30 months consisted of 24 children in each group case and control group . Pre and post stimulation children cognitive and language ability were measured using Developmental Quotient DQ of Cognitive Adaptive Test CAT , Clinical Linguistic and Auditory Milestone Scale CLAMS , Full Scale Developmental Quotient FSDQ , receptive and expressive language age of Capute Scales test and it was conducted by two different trained pediatricians. Both groups were assessed two times using Capute Scales test. Subjects in case group received stimulation for 12 weeks between first and second Capute Scales test. Meanwhile subjects in control group received the stimulation after the second Capute Scale test. The stimulation given to control group merely for ethical reason.Results: Results of post intervention DQs of case group were higher compared to control group as follow : DQ CAT : 97.35 vs 89.18 p"
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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