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Khlaresta Tsabitah Noer
"Penelitian ini membahas tentang pengaturan penanaman modal asing di industri hulu migas menurut peraturan perundangan-undangan dan prosedur penerbitan izin prinsip kepada penanam modal asing, serta penolakan oleh Badan Koordinasi Penanaman Modal untuk memproses izin prinsip yang diajukan oleh PT MPI sebagai studi kasus. Penelitian yang menggunakan metode yuridis normatif ini menunjukan bahwa Kontrak Kerja Sama sebagai bentuk dari investasi di bidang hulu migas; untuk mendapatkan izin prinsip, PT MPI harus mengisi formulir yang ada di Badan Koordinasi Penanaman Modal; dalam hal menerbitkan izin prinsip Badan Koordinasi Penanaman Modal membutuhkan delegasi dari kementrian terkait, dan Badan Koordinasi Penanaman Modal tidak memiliki kewenangan untuk menerbitkan izin prinsip untuk bidang hulu migas.

This thesis discusses about the regulatory of foreign direct investment in the upstream sector of oil and gas industry according to Indonesian Legislation and the issuance procedures of principle license to the foreign investors. It also discusses the refusal from Investment Coordinating Board process Principle License requested by PT MPI as the case study. The normative juridical approach shows that in the upstream sector of oil and gas industry, foreign investor can participate in the form of Production Sharing Contract as regulated by The Law Number 22 Year 2001; to get Principle License, PT MPI needs to fill the application from Investment Coordinating Board; in order to issue principle license Investment Coordinating Board needs delegation from Directorate General of Oil and Gas, and Investment Coordinating Board is not authorized to issue the Principle License for the upstream sector of oil and gas.
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Lintang Handayani
"Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui mengenai konsep, tujuan, pengaturan, dan permasalahan dalam kewajiban penyerahan minyak bumi oleh kontraktor di Indonesia. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian hukum yang bersifat yuridis normatif dengan menggunakan data sekunder, diantaranya peraturan perundangundangan, buku, dan wawancara dengan narasumber.
Dari hasil penelitian didapatkan kesimpulan bahwa didalam pengaturan mengenai kewajiban penyerahan minyak bumi banyak terjadi inkonsistensi antara satu peraturan dengan peraturan lainnya. Masalah-masalah dalam implementasi kewajiban penyerahan minyak bumi untuk memenuhi kebutuhan dalam negeri juga beragam. Namun, secara garis besar adanya pengaturan kewajiban penyerahan minyak bumi untuk kebutuhan dalam negeri, tidak mempunyai dampak yang signifikan dengan masuknya arus penanaman modal di bidang minyak dan gas bumi.

This research aims to determine the concept, purpuses, regulation, and implementations of Domestic Market Obligation for oil and gas industries. This research is normative legal research using secondary data such as, legislation, books, and interview with experts.
From this research it is concluded that the regulation of Domestic Market Obligation of crude oil are incosistent between the regulations itself. Also in this research analyzes the problems that arise as a result of regulation regarding DMO to fullfil domestic needs. And the regulation of DMO, does not have a significant impact with the influx of oil and gas Investment in Indonesia.
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Bandung: Nuansa Aulia, 2009
R 343.0772 UND
Buku Referensi  Universitas Indonesia Library
Diah Arini
Skripsi ini membahas tentang kegiatan bank sebagai trustee agent untuk mendukung kegiatan usaha minyak dan gas bumi, dengan mengacu pada aturan kegiatan bank yang diatur dalam PBI No. 14/17/PBI/2012 tentang Kegiatan Usaha Bank berupa Penitipan dengan Pengelolaan (trust). Di sektor perbankan sendiri, kegiatan bank sebagai trustee agent dapat dikatakan baru, khususnya untuk sektor migas. Penulisan dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode yuridis normatif, yaitu penelitian yang mengacu pada hukum positif atau norma hukum tertulis. Penelitian ini membahas permasalahan terkait pengaturan, peran, dan tanggung jawab bank sebagai trustee agent, serta keuntungan penggunaan trustee agent dan permasalahan yang dialami dalam menerapkan PBI No. 14/17/PBI/2012. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pengaturan trust di Indonesia mengacu pada Pasal 1317 KUHPerdata dan Pasal 6 huruf (n) UU No. 7 Tahun 1992 tentang Perbankan sebagaimana telah diubah dengan UU No. 10 Tahun 1998, bank sebagai trustee agent berperan penting sebagai intermediary bagi kelangsungan kegiatan-kegiatan migas baik tahap hulu maupun hilir. Penerapan PBI No. 14/17/PBI/2012 memberikan keuntungan dalam hal meningkatkan devisa hasil ekspor bagi negara, diversifikasi sumber pendapatan, kegiatan sebagai trustee agent ramah terhadap kegiatan hulu migas, dan mampu mencegah terjadinya wanprestasi. Namun dalam penerapannya masih terkendala beberapa masalah diantaranya kurangnya kesiapan perbankan Indonesia sendiri, kontrak migas yang sifatnya long term agreement, dan adanya ketidakpercayaan KKKS untuk menggunakan perbankan Indonesia.

This thesis discuss about bank activity as a trustee agent in support of oil and gas business in Indonesia, related to PBI Number 14/17/PBI/2012 concerning Bank Business Activity in the Form of Trust. In banking sector, bank?s role as a trustee agent is a new, particularly for oil and gas company. This research used juridical-normative method that refers to positive law or written norms law. This research would focus on the regulation, bank?s role, and bank?s responsibility as a trustee agent. Also, describe about the advantages and the problems found in the implementation. The research showed that this bank?s activity based on Civil Code Indonesia (KUHPerdata) Act. 1317 and Law Number 7/1992 amended by Law Number 10/1998 (Act. 6 (n)), bank can participate in upstream and downstream activity as an intermediary. The advantages of implementinng this regulation are: improving the receipt of export proceeds, diversification of bank income sources, the activity as a trustee agent is bankable for oil and gas upstream activity, and prevent default. On the implementation, there are several problems, such as the readiness of Indonesian Banking, the characteristic of oil and gas contract, and the lack of trust of KKKS (oil and gas contractor) to use Indonesian Banking.
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Shofia Shobah
"Produksi migas Indonesia terus mengalami penurunan justru di saat kebutuhan domestik meningkat. Rendahnya minat investasi sektor migas dianggap sebagai salah satu penyebab penurunan produksi yang berimbas secara langsung pada penerimaan negara. Selain itu, tingginya nilai cost recovery yang harus dibayar Pemerintaha kepada KKKS, juga sangat berpengaruh pada porsi bagi hasil migas yang akan diterima Pemerintah. 2015 menjadi tahun terburuk dengan catatan cost recovery yang sangat tinggi dan membuat penerimaan negara dari sektor migas defisit hingga USD1,7 Miliar.
Pemerintah akhirnya menetapkan perubahan cost recovery menjadi gross split untuk meningkatkan penerimaan negara dari sektor migas sekaligus menarik minat investasi di Indonesia melalui Peraturan Menteri (Permen) ESDM Nomor 8 Tahun 2017. Permen ESDM 8/2017 kemudian mengalami perubahan melalui Permen ESDM Nomor 52 Tahun 2017 yang memuat lebih banyak aturan fiskal atraktif yang menguntungkan baik bagi Pemerintah maupun KKKS.
Penelitian ini akan melihat bagaimana sistem gross split kemudian berpengaruh pada peningkatan investasi migas hingga akhir tahun 2018. Tinjauan analisis didasarkan pada teori dan dasar aturan investasi migas yang diatur khusus dalam UU Nomor 22 Tahun 2001 tentang Minyak dan Gas Bumi. Selanjutnya juga akan dibahas mengenai sistem Production Sharing Contract (PSC) dengan melihat perbandingan aturan fiskal antara cost recovery dengan gross split.
Penelitian dilakukan dnegan menggunakan metodologi penelitian normatif, yaitu melakukan analisis pada aturan hukum terkait pengusahaan migas, investasi dan gross split, merujuk pada Peraturan Perundang-undangan, Peraturan Pemerintah maupun Peraturan Menteri ESDM. Jadi, data yang akan diperoleh berupa data sekunder (bahan hukum primer dan sekunder). Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui document study dan wawancara langsung pada Dirjen Migas Kementerian ESDM dan KKKS Nasional yang telah menandatangani kontrak dengan sistem gross split.
Kesimpulan yang diperoleh dari penelitian ini ialah: Pertama, dasar penerapan aturan gross split adalah Permen ESDM Nomor 8 Tahun 2017 beserta perubahannya pada Permen ESDM Nomor 52 Tahun 2017 tentang Sistem Bagi Hasil Gross Split. Penerapan gross split mengakar pada Pasal 1 ayat 19 UU Nomor 22 Tahun 2001 dan tidak menghilangkan kendali negara atas pengusaan sumber daya alam dan pemegang kuasa pertambangan. Kedua, peneraan gross split yang disertai deregulasi perizinan investasi berhasil meningkatkan realisasi investasi pada tahun 2018 dengan peningkatan hingga 14,9% dibandingkan dengan tahun 2017. Dengan demikian, dapat dikatakan bahwa sistem gross split menjalankan amanat Pasal 33 UUD 1945 dengan lebih baik, yaitu mengelola sumber daya alam yang hasilnya digunakan sebesar-besarnya untuk kemakmuran rakyat Indonesia.

Indonesia's oil and gas production continues to decline precisely when domestic demand increases. The low interest in investment in the oil and gas sector is considered as one of the causes of the decline in production which impacts directly on state revenues. In addition, the high value of the cost recovery that the Government must pay to the KKKS also greatly influences the portion of oil and gas profit sharing that the Government will receive. 2015 became the worst year with a record of very high cost recovery and made state revenues from the oil and gas sector a deficit of up to USD1,7 billion.
The government finally determined changes in cost recovery to gross split to increase state revenues from the oil and gas sector while at the same time attracting investment interest in Indonesia through Minister Regulation of Energy and Natural Resources Number 8 Year 2017. Then, this one modified into Minister Regulation Number 52 Year 2017 which contains more attractive fiscal rules that benefit both the Government and the KKKS.
This study will look at how the gross split system influences the increase of oil and gas investment until the end of 2018. The analysis review is based on the theory and the basic rules of oil and gas investment specifically regulated in Law Number 22 Year 2001 concerning Oil and Gas. Furthermore, it will also discuss the Production Sharing Contract (PSC) system by looking at the comparison of fiscal rules between cost recovery and gross split.
The research was carried out by using a normative research methodology, namely conducting an analysis of the legal rules relating to oil and gas exploitation, investment and gross split, referring to the Laws and Regulations, Government Regulations and Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Regulation. So, the data will be obtained in the form of secondary data (primary and secondary legal materials). Data collection was carried out through a document study and direct interviews with the Director General of Oil and Gas at the Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources and the National KKKS who had signed a gross split system contract.
The conclusions obtained from this study are: First, the basis for the application of gross split rules is Minister Regulation of Energy and Natural Resources Number 8 of 2017 along with its amendments to Minister Regulation Number 52 Year 2017 concerning Gross Split Sharing System. The gross application of the split takes root in Article 1 paragraph 19 of Law Number 22 Year 2001 and does not eliminate state control over the natural resources and holders of mining rights. Second, the implementation of gross split accompanied by deregulation of investment licensing has succeeded in increasing investment realization in 2018 with an increase of up to 14.9% compared to 2017. Thus, it can be said that gross split systems carry out the mandate of Article 33 of the 1945 Constitution better, namely managing natural resources whose results are used as much as possible for the prosperity of the Indonesian people.
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nethania Vanida
"Pasal 55 Undang-Undang Minyak dan Gas Bumi mengenai tindak pidana penyalahgunaan BBM Subsidi memiliki unsur-unsur yang cukup mirip dengan Pasal 2 dan Pasal 3 UU PTPK. Dalam hal ini, terdapat beberapa kasus dimana terjadi dilema penentuan undang-undang khusus yang berlaku, apakah termasuk ke dalam lingkup undang-undang pemberantasan tindak pidana korupsi atau undang-undang minyak dan gas bumi. Adapun hal tersebut dapat dimengerti mengingat bahwa dalam BBM Bersubsidi, terdapat keuangan negara yang teralokasikan di dalamnya sehingga banyak pihak yang menafsirkan penyalahgunaanya akan berdampak pada adanya kerugian negara. Selain itu, umumnya pihak yang melakukan penyalahgunaan BBM Bersubsidi juga memiliki motif untuk mencari keuntungan dimana hal tersebut juga merupakan salah satu unsur Pasal 2 dan Pasal 3 UU PTPK. Untuk mengatasi persoalan dilema penentuan undang-undang khusus tersebut, diperlukan sebuah pedoman penerapan asas lex systematische specialiteit.

Article 55 of the Oil and Gas Law regarding the Subsidized Fossil Fuel misused crime have quite similar elements with Article 2 and Article 3 of the Anticorruption Law. In some cases, there is a dilemma on determining the special regulation that should be applied whether it should fall under the category of the anticorruption law or the oil and gas law. Such thing can be understood considering there were State’s Budget allocation within Subsidized Fossil Fuel, hence some parties conclude that the misused of Subsidized Fossil Fuel could have also resulted into a State Loss. Other than that, most people who committed the misused of Subsidized Fossil Fuel crime were also planning to gain personal advantages in which ‘gaining personal advantages’ is also one of the elements of the corruption clauses as regulated in Article 2 and Article 3 of the Anticorruption Law. To solve those kinds of dilemmas, a special guideline for the lex systematische specialiteit principle implementation will be necessary. "
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Asfara Rachmad Rinata
"Dalam pasal 33 ayat 3 UUD 1945 bahwa pada hakekatnya bumi dan air dan kekayaan alam yang terkandung di dalamnya dikuasai oleh negara dan dipergunakan untuk sebesar-besarnya kemakmuran rakyat, adalah rumusan dari founding father yang menegaskan bahwa ekonomi nasional dibangun atas dasar asas ekonomi kerakyatan. Migas merupakan salah satu sumber daya alam yang dimiliki oleh bangsa Indonesia. Oleh karenanya, pengelolaan migas harus dikelola oleh negara dan digunakan untuk kemakmuran dan kesejahteraan rakyat. Diterapkannya Peraturan Menteri Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (Permen ESDM) No. 37 Tahun 2016 Tentang Ketentuan Penawaran Participating Interest 10% pada Wilayah Kerja Minyak dan Gas Bumi merupakan bentuk keseriusan pemerintah pusat dalam mendorong sekaligus mengikut sertakan pemerintah daerah dalam upaya memajukan pengelolaan industri minyak dan gas bumi. Dengan adanya kebijakan tersebut, pemerintah daerah lewat Badan Usaha Milik Daerah (BUMD) akan lebih banyak memiliki peran untuk melakukan pengelolaan kekayaan migas di daerahnya. Sehingga harapannya akan terjadi hubungan timbal balik berupa perolehan keuntungan sekaligus dimaksudkan untuk mempercepat terwujudnya kesejahteraan masyarakat pada daerah-daerah penghasil. Sehingga tujuan dari diberlakukannya otonomi daerah dapat tercapai. Hasil penelitian ini menyarankan untuk Pemerintah Pusat diharapkan tidak perlu menetapkan besaran maksimal participating interest yang ditawarkan kepada Badan Usaha Milik Daerah (BUMD) dalam undang-undang dan daerah dibebaskan untuk menetapkan besaran participating interest nya masing-masing sesuai dengan kemampuan modal, sumber daya manusia, dan teknologi, dan juga perlunya peningkatan kinerja dan pengawasan Pemerintah Pusat kepada Badan Usaha Milik Daerah (BUMD) pengelola participating interest secara konsisten dan berkelanjutan.

Article 33, paragraph 3 of the 1945 Constitution states that, in essence, the earth, water, and the natural resources contained therein are controlled by the state and used for the greatest prosperity of the people. It is a formulation of the Founding father, which emphasizes that the national economy is built on the principle of a populist economy. Oil and gas are one of the natural resources owned by the Indonesian nation. Therefore, oil and gas management must be managed by the state and used for the prosperity and welfare of the people. The implementation of the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Regulation (Permen ESDM) No. 37 of 2016 concerning Provisions for Offering 10% Participating Interest in Oil and Gas Working Areas is a form of the central government's seriousness in encouraging and including local governments to advance the management of the oil and gas industry. This policy allows local governments through Regional Owned Enterprises (BUMD) to have more roles in managing oil and gas wealth in their regions, so there will be a reciprocal relationship in the form of profit generation that can accelerating the realization of social welfare in producing areas. The results of this study suggest that it is hoped that the Central Government does not need to determine the maximum amountof participating interest offered to Regional Owned Enterprises (BUMD) in thelawand the regions are feed to determine the amount of their respective participating interest in accordance with capital capabilities, human resources, and technology, as well as the need to improve the performance and supervision of the Central Government for Regional Owned Enterprises (BUMD) managing participating interest in a consistent and sustainable manner."
Jakarta: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muh Arifuddin Budiman
"Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mendapatkan pemahaman lebih mendalam dengan melakukan pengujian terkait perceived managerial discretion (PMD) dan manajemen pemangku kepentingan (SM) terhadap keberhasilan pelaksanaan proyek. Pengembangan model penelitian dilakukan dan diuji untuk mengetahui korelasi antara PMD dan SM terhadap keberhasilan pelaksanaan kegiatan proyek-proyek (PS) di sektor hulu Migas yang berada di Indonesia. Pengolahan data menggunakan structural equation modelling berbasis kovarian (CB-SEM). Berdasarkan hasil analisis data diperoleh korelasi positif antara PMD terhadap PS. Demikian juga halnya antara SM terhadap PS yang berkorelasi positif. Bila ditinjau dari aspek praktis, penelitian ini memberikan wawasan bagi seorang manajer proyek agar dalam melaksanakan kegiatan proyek hulu migas, memperhatikan aspek PMD dan faktor pendukungnya (antara lain kelincahan organisasi (OA) dan kapasitas dinamis manajerial (DMC)), serta senantiasa memperhatikan pengaruh dari pemangku kepentingan (SM) yang bila kedua hal tersebut dilakukan akan memberikan kontribusi positif terhadap keberhasilan pelaksanaan proyek.

This study was aimed to gain understanding and examine managerial discretion and stakeholder management by developing a model and investigating the relationship between perceived managerial discretion (PMD) and stakeholder management (SM) to the success of projects (PS) in an Indonesian upstream oil and gas sector. Data were treated with the structural equation modeling – covariance based (CB-SEM) method. As an implication, the main result highlights the positive correlation between PMD and PS, SM and PS contributing to the development of this subject of research by providing empirical evidence and filling in the literature gap. In practical terms, this study provides insight for either project managers or others in authority in organizations to ensure the success of projects by considering perceived managerial discretion and its determinants (that are organizational agility and dynamic managerial capability), and stakeholder management. Finally, the results suggest that practices for project environment can be aligned to the project manager’s PMD to enable the attainment of better results and considers the aspect of stakeholder management as a vital activity in the project execution that contributes to the success of project."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sihombing, Agus Belfrid P.
Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk untuk menentukan kemampuan baru rantai pasok di Pageo berdasarkan evaluasi faktor-faktor internal dan eksternal yang mempengaruhi strategi rantai pasok, dengan menggunakan kerangka pikir rantai pasok Dittmann (2013). Pageo, salah satu perusahaan jasa di industri hulu minyak dan gas menghadapi tantangan internal dan eksternal yang dapat menghambat pertumbuhan bisnisnya. Penentuan kemampuan baru rantai pasok diawali dengan menganalisa masukan dari pelanggan Pageo, kemudian dilanjutkan dengan penilaian internal terhadap sistem rantai pasok yang ada di Pageo saat ini, lalu dilanjutkan dengan evaluasi terhadap external megatrends yang mempengaruhi rantai pasok Pageo, dilanjutkan dengan analisis situasi kompetisi yang dihadapi Pageo, kemudian evaluasi teknologi yang digunakan Pageo dan evaluasi teknologi yang ada di pasar, dan kemudian dilanjutkan dengan analisa resiko yang dapat mempengaruhi bisnis Pageo. Dengan mempertimbangkan dan menganalisa faktor-faktor yang disebutkan diatas, Pageo perlu menentukan kemampuan baru rantai pasok yang diperlukan untuk mengelola sumber daya dan aktivitas perusahaan secara terintegrasi untuk memastikan keberhasilan pemenuhan order dari pelanggan melalui implementasi berbasis proyek sesuai dengan waktu, biaya yang optimal dan kebutuhan spesifikasi yang ditetapkan, dan fleksibel (one stop services) dengan dukungan pemasok dan rekanan yang handal. Pageo juga memerlukan aplikasi sumber daya manusia yang terintegrasi secara kesisteman, termasuk sistem pengembangan karyawan, sistem penilaian karyawan dan sistem kompensasi karyawan untuk mengembangkan dan mempertahankan karyawan terbaik dalam perusahaan Pageo.

This thesis discusses about the determination of the new supply chain capability in Pageo by evaluating the internal and external factors that influence the supply chain strategy using the supply chain framework introduced by Dittmann (2013). Pageo, as one of the upstream oil and gas service company, faced internal and external challenges that may defer and inhibit its growth. The step for determining the new supply chain capability is initiated by analyzing the inputs from Pageo customers, then assessing internal supply chain system, progress to evaluating the external megatrends that influence the supply chain, assessing the competition environment, evaluating the technology used within the company and the technology available in the market then followed by appraising the risks that may impact the business. Taking into consideration all the above foundation elements and analyzing them, Pageo needs to determine the new capability to manage and track the company resources and activities with integrative way to ensure the successful order fulfillment through project based implementation that meet the required time, the optimized cost and the specification required, and flexible (one stop services) with the support of the reliable supplier/partner. Integrated with the system, Pageo also requires an HR application that incorporate the employee development system, employee appraisal system and compensation system to develop and retain the best personnel within Pageo;This thesis discusses about the determination of the new supply chain capability in Pageo by evaluating the internal and external factors that influence the supply chain strategy using the supply chain framework introduced by Dittmann (2013). Pageo, as one of the upstream oil and gas service company, faced internal and external challenges that may defer and inhibit its growth. The step for determining the new supply chain capability is initiated by analyzing the inputs from Pageo customers, then assessing internal supply chain system, progress to evaluating the external megatrends that influence the supply chain, assessing the competition environment, evaluating the technology used within the company and the technology available in the market then followed by appraising the risks that may impact the business. Taking into consideration all the above foundation elements and analyzing them, Pageo needs to determine the new capability to manage and track the company resources and activities with integrative way to ensure the successful order fulfillment through project based implementation that meet the required time, the optimized cost and the specification required, and flexible (one stop services) with the support of the reliable supplier/partner. Integrated with the system, Pageo also requires an HR application that incorporate the employee development system, employee appraisal system and compensation system to develop and retain the best personnel within Pageo, This thesis discusses about the determination of the new supply chain capability in Pageo by evaluating the internal and external factors that influence the supply chain strategy using the supply chain framework introduced by Dittmann (2013). Pageo, as one of the upstream oil and gas service company, faced internal and external challenges that may defer and inhibit its growth. The step for determining the new supply chain capability is initiated by analyzing the inputs from Pageo customers, then assessing internal supply chain system, progress to evaluating the external megatrends that influence the supply chain, assessing the competition environment, evaluating the technology used within the company and the technology available in the market then followed by appraising the risks that may impact the business. Taking into consideration all the above foundation elements and analyzing them, Pageo needs to determine the new capability to manage and track the company resources and activities with integrative way to ensure the successful order fulfillment through project based implementation that meet the required time, the optimized cost and the specification required, and flexible (one stop services) with the support of the reliable supplier/partner. Integrated with the system, Pageo also requires an HR application that incorporate the employee development system, employee appraisal system and compensation system to develop and retain the best personnel within Pageo]"
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ajie Ramdan
"Pengujian konstitusionalitas Undang-undang No. 22 Tahun 2001 tentang Minyak dan Gas Bumi dan Undang-Undang Nomor 8 Tahun 2011 tentang Perubahan Atas Undang-Undang No. 24 Tahun 2003 tentang Mahkamah Konstitusi terhadap Undang-Undang Dasar Negara Republik Indonesia Tahun 1945. Tiga permasalahan yang dibahas dalam penelitian ini adalah mengenai (1) legal standing pemohon dalam pengujian Undang-undang Nomor 22 Tahun 2001 tentang Minyak dan Gas Bumi dan Undang-Undang Nomor 8 Tahun 2011 tentang Perubahan atas Undang-Undang Nomor 24 Tahun 2003 tentang Mahkamah Konstitusi; (2) pertimbangan hakim konstitusi memberikan legal standing kepada pemohon dalam pengujian Undang-undang Nomor 22 Tahun 2001 tentang Minyak dan Gas Bumi dan Undang-Undang Nomor 8 Tahun 2011 tentang Perubahan atas Undang-Undang Nomor 24 Tahun 2003 tentang Mahkamah Konstitusi; serta (3) usulan pemberian legal standing terhadap pemohon dalam perkara pengujian undang-undang di Mahkamah Konstitusi. Untuk menjawab permasalahan tersebut, penelitian ini menggunakan bahan hukum berupa putusan Mahkamah Konstitusi, peraturan perundang-undangan, serta tulisan-tulisan yang berkaitan dengan hukum tata negara. Adapun jenis penelitian ini adalah yuridisnormatif.
Teori dalam menilai pemohon memiliki legal standing atau tidak, salah satunya adalah teori legal standing. Teori legal standing point d?interet point d?action yaitu tanpa kepentingan tidak ada suatu tindakan. Para pemohon dalam perkara No. 36/PUU-X/2012 dan No. 7/PUU-XI/2013 tidak memiliki legal standing dalam mengajukan permohonan. Karena para pemohon tidak mengalami langsung kerugian konstitusional yang bersifat spesifik (khusus) dan aktual dari dua (2) undang-undang yang diuji materi di Mahkamah Konstitusi atau setidaknya bersifat potensial yang menurut penalaran yang wajar dapat dipastikan akan terjadi. Mahkamah tidak tepat menilai para pemohon dalam perkara No. 36/PUUX/ 2012 dan No. 7/PUU-XI/2013 memiliki legal standing. Karena para pemohon tidak memiliki dasar (kepentingan) untuk mengajukan permohonan pengujian undang-undang. Selain itu terdapat dissenting opinion hakim konstitusi yang menguatkan bahwa para pemohon tidak memiliki legal standing. Sehingga Mahkamah Konstitusi tidak tepat menilai para pemohon memiliki legal standing. Perlu adanya perbaikan atas penentuan legal standing yang lebih ketat.

Year 2001 on Oil and Gas and Law No. 8 of 2011 on the Amendment of the Law No. 24 of 2003 on the Constitutional Court against the Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia Year 1945, which was registered with the case number and case number 7/PUU-XI/2013 36/PUU-X/2012. This study departs from the appropriateness of the valuation given legal standing by the Constitutional Court. Clarity regarding the legal standing of the complex requires further assessment. Three issues are addressed in this study is about (1) the applicant's legal standing in the judicial review of Law No. 22 Year 2001 on Oil and Gas and Law No. 8 of 2011 on the Amendment Act No. 24 of 2003 on the Constitutional Court; (2) consideration of the constitutional judges give legal standing to the applicant in the judicial review of Law No. 22 Year 2001 on Oil and Gas and Law No. 8 of 2011 on the Amendment Act No. 24 of 2003 on the Constitutional Court; and (3) the proposed granting legal standing of the applicant in the case of judicial review in the Constitutional Court. To answer these problems, this study used a legal substance of the Constitutional Court decision, legislation, and writings relating to constitutional law. The type of this research is the juridical-normative.
Theory in assessing the applicant has legal standing or not, one of which is the theory of legal standing. Theory of point d'interact legal standing point d'action that is without the benefit of no action. No. The applicant in the case. 36/PUU-X/2012 and No.7/PUU-XI/2013 not have legal standing to appeal. Because the applicant did not experience direct losses specific constitutional (specifically) and the actual of two (2) laws that material tested in the Constitutional Court, or at least the potential is based on logical reasoning will surely occur. The Court did not precisely assess the applicant in the case of No.36/PUU-X/2012 and No.7/PUUXI/2013 have legal standing. Because the applicant has no basis (interest) to apply for judicial review. In addition there are constitutional judges dissenting opinion affirming that the applicant has no legal standing. So that the Constitutional Court did not assess the applicant's right to have legal standing. There needs to be an improvement over the determination of more stringent legal standing.
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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