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Emi Noviani
"Kesehatan gigi merupakan masalah kesehatan secara keseluruhan yang dapat mempengaruhi kualitas hidup seseorang. Kesehatan gigi sering dianggap masalah kecil padahal dapat berdampak lokal pada gigi itu sendiri dan sistemik pada organ tubuh lain. Berdasarkan data Riskesdas 2007 dapat diketahui bahwa prevalensi karies gigi di Indonesia pada usia 12 tahun sebesar 43,4% dan kabupaten Lebak prevalensinya karies gigi tertinggi yaitu 43,6%. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui faktor - faktor yang berhubungan dengan kejadian karies gigi pada siswa SD kelas 4 -5 Di Kecamatan Curugbitung Kabupaten Lebak Banten yaitu faktor jenis kelamin, kelas, pendidikan orang tua, pekerjaan orang tua serta faktor pengetahuan kesehatan gigi dan perilaku pemeliharaan kesehatan gigi. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif dengan menggunakan desain cross sectional.
Hasil study menemukan 127 orang (74,7%) responden mempunyai status karies gigi tinggi. Faktor yang berpengaruh terhadap kejadian karies gigi adalah suka mengkonsumsi makanan kariogenik OR=8,2 (CI 95%=3,0 - 22,3), Pekerjaan Orang tua OR=2,6 (CI 95%= 1,3 - 5,3), serta Tingkat pendidikan orang tua OR=2,4 (CI 95%= 1,1 - 4,9). Dari hasil penelitian disarankan untuk meningkatkan upaya promosi kesehatan serta pemahaman tentang kesehatan gigi dan mulut kepada orang tua dan wali murid siswa SD bahwa penting untuk menjaga dan memelihara kesehatan gigi putraputrinya di rumah, sedangkan bagi siswa didik diberikan pemahaman dan pengertian agar dapat mengurangi konsumsi makanan kariogenik. Hal tersebut dapat mengurangi angka karies gigi di Kecamatan curugbitung Lebak Banten.

Dental hygiene is a health problem that can affect the overall quality of life. Dental health is often considered to be a minor problem when a local impact on the tooth itself and other systemic organs. Based on data Riskesdas 2007 can be seen that the prevalence of dental caries in Indonesia at the age of 12 years was 43.4% and Lebak regency highest prevalence of dental caries 43.6%. The purpose of this study was to determine the factors related to the incidence of dental caries in primary school students grades 4 -5 In District Curugbitung Lebak district of Banten which factors of gender, class, parental education, parental employment, and factors of dental health knowledge and behavior of health care teeth. This study is a descriptive study using cross-sectional design.
The results of the study found 127 (74.7%) of respondents have a high dental caries status. Factors that influence the incidence of dental caries is likely to consume foods cariogenic OR = 8.2 (95% CI = 3.0 - 22.3), Employment parents OR = 2.6 (95% CI = 1.3 - 5,3), as well as the level of parental education OR = 2.4 (95% CI = 1.1 - 4.9). From the results it is suggested to improve health promotion efforts as well as an understanding of oral health to parents and guardians of elementary school students that it is important to keep and maintain the dental health of children in the home, while the students are given to students comprehension and understanding in order to reduce consumption cariogenic foods. This can reduce the number of dental caries in District curugbitung Lebak Banten.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Pahrur Razi
"Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor yang berhubungan dengan karies gigi pada murid SD di Kota Jambi Tahun 2014. Penelitian menggunakan desain cross sectional. Hasil penelitian diperoleh 59,3% responden karies gigi. Susunan gigi dan derajat keasaman saliva merupakan faktor yang berhubungan dengan karies gigi, dimana responden dengan derajat keasaman saliva yang tidak normal berisiko terjadi karies gigi 2,6 kali dibanding yang normal setelah dikontrol oleh susunan gigi dan kebersihan gigi dan mulut. Susunan gigi tidak teratur berisiko terjadi karies gigi 2,6 kali dibanding yang teratur, setelah dikontrol oleh derajat keasaman saliva dan kebersihan gigi dan mulut. Disarankan untuk meningkatkan upaya promotif dan preventif pada murid SD di Kota Jambi.

The purpose of this study to determine the factors associated with dental caries in primary school students in the city of Jambi 2014. The study used a cross-sectional design. The results were obtained 59.3 % of respondents dental caries. Arrangement of the teeth and saliva acidity is a factor associated with dental caries, where respondents with the degree of acidity abnormal salivary caries risk occurs 2.6 times compared to normal after controlled by the arrangement of teeth and oral hygiene. The composition of irregular teeth caries risk occurs 2.6 times compared to regular, once controlled by the acidity of saliva and oral hygiene. It is recommended to increase the promotive and preventive primary school students in the city of Jambi."
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Dental caries in an endemic disease that is suffered by lots of children. In Indonesia, dental caries has become a public disease where its prevalence tendency keeps on increasing. According to house-keeping health survey 1995 in Bali, 54.40% of the population were disturbed and could not work or go to school because of tooth pain.
The aim of this survey is to know the dental caries status of elementary school children in Buleleng Bali. This descriptive survey has been done to a sample with an amount of 2446 children from 26 elementary schools at 4 districts in Buleleng regency, which has a geographic situation of hills, mountains and a beach area. The technique of taking samples incidentally, when students were going their study services activity. Calibration among surveyors had been done before the survey to minimize mistakes. The result showed caries prevalence is 88.35%. DMF-T average 3.52 with Required Treatment Index: 65.53% and Performed Treatment Index: 1.52%. Dental caries prevalence to the boys are found to be more than girls."
Journal of Dentistry Indonesia, 2003
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Herialdi Hardan Permana
"Latar Belakang: Kesehatan gigi dan mulut memegang peran penting dalam kesehatan tubuh secara umum. Beberapa penelitian telah melaporkan bahwa terjadinya karies gigi dipengaruhi oleh berbagai faktor. Tujuan: Untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor yang terkait pengalaman karies gigi pada anak usia 12 tahun. Metode: Penenelitian ini menggunakan data sekunder dengan disain potong lintang, responden penelitian berjumlah 146 anak usia 12 tahun di SDN 01 Cilangkap. Pengalaman karies gigi diukur dengan menggunakan indeks DMFT, dan kuesioner yang digunakan untuk mengukur variabel terkait pengalaman karies gigi. Hasil: Prevalensi karies gigi responden dari penelitian ini adalah 71%. Nilai rata-rata DMFT keseluruhan responden 2,27 ± 2,53, rerata frekuensi makan/minum manis adalah 2,34 ± 1,02, tidak menyikat gigi di pagi hari sejumlah 96%, tidak menyikat gigi pada malam hari sebelum tidur 69%, pernah mengunjungi dokter gigi dalam kurun waktu 1 tahun terakhir sejumlah 71%. Kesimpulan: Prevalensi pengalaman karies pada anak usia 12 tahun di SDN 01 Cilangkap masih tinggi. Faktor-faktor yang berasosiasi dengan pengalaman karies adalah kunjungan ke dokter gigi dalam kurun waktu 1 tahun terakhir.

Background: Oral health plays an important role in general health. Many studies have reported that the occurrence of dental caries is influenced by various factors. Some researches reported that caries associated with some factors. Objective : To analyze the factors associated with dental caries experience among 12-years-old schoolchildren in Cilangkap, Jakarta Timur. Methods: This study used secondary data from a cross-sectional survey of 146 children aged 12 years at SDN 01 Cilangkap. Caries experience was measured using the DMFT index, and a questionnaire was used to measure the related variables. Results: Dental caries prevalence was 71%. Mean DMFT index was 2.27 ± 2.53, mean snacking frequency was 2.34 ± 1.02. Those who did not brush their teeth at night before going to sleep was 69%. Seventy one percent of respondents had a dental visit within a year. Conclusion: Prevalence of caries experience among schoolchildren in Cilangkap was high. Dental visit was the only factor that has association with dental caries."
Depok: Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
N. Shelly Cahyadi
"Karies gigi merupakan penyakit yang banyak menyerang anak-anak terutama kelompok usia 12 tahun; kelompok usia ini perlu mendapatkan perhatian khusus karena merupakan saat terjadinya transisi pergantian gigi susu ke gigi tetap. Hasil penelitian Evaluasi Program Usaha Kesehatan Gigi Sekolah untuk murid SD kelas 5 dan 6 di wilayah DKI Jakarta, prevalensi karies gigi cendrung meningkat dari 89.60% pada tahun 1988 menjadi 93.72% pada tahun 1996, namun demikian angka rata-rata anak yang mengalami karies gigi ( DMF-T) sedikit menurun dari 2.98 gigi menjadi 2.66 gigi. Dari kunjungan murid-murid SD ke Balai Pengobatan Gigi Puskesmas selama 3 tahun terakhir ini, proporsi karies gigi dan kelanjutannya tampaknya masih menduduki porsi tertinggi ( 75.88% - 78.75%) dibandingkan penyakit gigi dan mulut lainnya.
Tujuan daripenelitian ini untuk memperoleh informasi tentang hubungan faktor-faktor dengan status karies gigi anak SD; jenis disain penelitian adalah 'Analyzed cross sectional'. Lokasi penelitian di 106 SD dari 112 SD yang ada di kecamatan Tanjung Priok. Sampel yang diteliti adalah murid SD kelas 6 yang diambil secara 'systematic random sampling" sehingga diperoleh sejumlah 443 anak. Data diperoleh dengan menggunakan kuesioner wawancara untuk factor-faktor demografi, pola konsumsi makanan anak sehari-hari ( food recall 3 kali) disertai kebiasaan sikat giginya; disamping itu juga dilakukan pemeriksaan gigi. Data kemudian diolah secara statistik mulai dari analisis univariat, bivariat sampai multivariat yaitu dengan multipel regresi linier dan multipel regresi logistik.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan prevalensi karies gigi ( DMF-T) anak SD kelas 6 di kecamatan Tanjung Priok Jakarta Utara 70.9% dengan rata-rata angka pengalaman karies 1.657 ± 1.487 gigi per anak; dan komposisi 'decayed" sebesar 61.3% , ?missing? 4.5%, dan tilled' 5.1% . Hasil model akhir menunjukkan, bahwa terjadinya karies gigi ( DMF-T) 43.78% dapat dijelaskan oleh variabel-variabel independen sebagai. berikut yaitu OHI-S, frekuensi sikat gigi yang secara bersamaan harus diimbangi dengan ketepatan waktu sikat gigi, dan bentuk molar satu bawah yang secara bersamaan harus diimbangi dengan jumlah karbohidrat lekat. yang dimakan. Hasil penelitian ini juga menunjukkan . setiap penambahan 5 gram konsumsi karbohidrat lekat, kemungkinan akan meningkatkan karies gigi 3%. Juga ada interaksi frekuensi sikat gigi sikat gigi kurang dan- waktu sikat gigi tidak tepat dengan jumlah karbohidrat lekat yang dimakan; dimana dengan jumlah minimal karbohidrat lekat yang dimakan sebesar 8.85 gram per hari mempunyai resiko terjadinya karies gigi 2.08 kali; jumlah karbohidrat yang dimakan maksimal yaitu 98.10 gram temyata dapat meningkatkan resiko karies sebesar 235.40 kali. Dan ada hubungan sebab akibat antara bentuk molar satu bawah dengan terjadinya karies gigi, ini mungkin disebabkan karena gigi tersebut tumbuh lebih dahulu yaitu pada usia 6-7 tahun; pembentukan benih gigi dengan anatomi yang tidak normal sudah terjadi pada masa janin berusia 5 minggu dalam kandungan dan ada hubungannya dengan keturunan dan rasnya ; selain itu juga adanya pengaruh gravitasi sehingga sisa makanan lebih banyak mengumpul pada gigi rahang bawah tersebut.
Disarankan program penyuluhan oleh team UKGS ditingkatkan yang isinya mengubah pola kebiasaan sikat gigi anak yaitu dari sebelum makan dan sambil mandi menjadi sesudah makan dan minimal sikat gigi dua kali yaitu sesudah makan pagi dan sebelum tidur malam. Disamping itu untuk menanggulangi masalah bentuk anatomi gigi molar satu bawah, dapat dilanjutkan pelaksanaan penambalan fissure sealant maupun tumpatan baru 'Atraumatic Restorative Treatment'.

Factors Related To Dental Caries Status Of The Sixth Grade Primary School Children In Tanjung Priok Subdistrict Of Northern Jakarta, 1997.Dental caries is a disease affecting children especifically 12 years old ; this age group needs special attention since the transition from the deciduous dentition to the permanent dentition occured in this age group. The evaluation study of School Dental Health Programs for 5th and 6th grades in the Jakarta , shows an increase in dental caries prevalence from 89.60 % in 1988 to 93.72% in 1996; the average DMFT figures however, went down from 2.98 to 2.66 teeth in the same period. Proportionally, dental caries and its sequela still in the first rank compared to other oral diseases in primary school children who were treated at the Health Centre Services.
The aims of the study is to obtain information on the relation between determinant factors and dental caries in primary school children; with an "Analyzed Cross Sectional" design. The study was done in 106 primary school out of 112 Primary school in the subdistrict of Tanjung Priok. The study sample comprises 6th grades through a "systematic random Sampling ", Total sample was 443 children. Data was obtained by questioners for demographic factors, daily food consumption patterns ( 3 times food recall ) and tooth brushing habits. Apart from that, dental examination was carried out. The data was statistically processed, from univariat, bivariat and multivariat analysis with multiple linear regression and multiple logistic regression.
The results show a dental caries prevalence ( DMF-T) of 70,9 % of 6 grades in the Tanjung Priok subdistrict with average of 1,657 ± 1.487 caries teeth; encompassing 61.3% decayed, 4.5% missing and 5.1% filled teeth. The latest model indicates that the 43.78% dental caries rate (DMF-T) may be explained by, independent variables : Oral Hygiene Index Simplify, frequency of brushing , shape of lower first molar, all of which have to be balanced by the amount of consumed " sticky" carbohydrate consumption may increase dental caries by 3 %. Interaction were found between good frequency of tooth brushing and incorrect brushing times, between insufficient frequency of tooth brushing and correct brushing times, between insufficient frequency of tooth brushing and incorrect brushing times. The latest interaction show that with the amount of sticky carbohydrate consumed, in which a minimum of 8.85 grams of sticky carbohydrates daily, caries risks will increase 2.08 times; a maximum of 98.10 gram will increase caries risks with 235.40 times. A cause and effect relationship between lower first molar anatomical shape and dental caries is presumably caused by the fact that the tooth in question is a the first permanent element to erupt, which is around 6-7 years of age, by tooth formation with abnormal anatomy would already occur at 5 weeks of intrauterine life and had a relationship with heredity and race, in addition to influence of gravitation causing much more food rests to accumulation teeth of the lower jaw.
It is suggested that school dental health education be improved to change the child's tooth brushing habits from "before meals" and "during bath" to "after meals" and a minimum of two times daily, which is after breakfast and before retiring at night. To cope with the problem of the anatomical shape of the lower first molar, fissure sealants and Aritmatic Restorative Treatment fillings may be employed.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 1997
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Antinah Latif
Nama : Antinah LatifProgram Studi : Ilmu Kesehatan MasyarakatJudul tesis : ldquo;Aplikasi Irene Donut: Penerapan, Penerimaan, dan PerubahanPerilaku Orang tua dalam Mencegah Karies Gigi Murid TK diKota Serang, Banten, Tahun 2018 rdquo;Pembimbing : Dr. drs. Tri Krianto, M.KesIrene Donut merupakan salah satu program interaktif berbentuk komputer atau versimanual yang efektif untuk melakukan penilaian risiko karies gigi sehingga mampumengubah perilaku orang tua. Namun untuk versi berbasis android sampai saat inibelum dilaporkan. Tujuan penelitian untuk menganalisis pengaruh aplikasi ldquo;IreneDonut rdquo; terhadap perilaku orang tua dalam mencegah karies gigi murid TK dan untukmelihat tingkat penerimaan aplikasi. Desain studi menggunakan pre-eksperimentaldengan pengukuran berulang. Intervensi dilakukan di Kota Serang, Banten-Indonesiadengan melibatkan 62 orang tua dari 4 sekolah TK. Intervensi dengan mengaplikasikan ldquo;Irene Donut rdquo; versi android. Perilaku orang tua diukur menggunakan kuesioner untukmelihat perubahan perilaku sebelum dan setelah intervensi. Data dianalisismenggunakan uji Wilcoxon. Hasil penelitian terdapat pengaruh aplikasi terhadappengetahuan p=0,0005 , sikap p=0,001 , and practice p=0,0005 . Besar peningkatanterhadap perilaku mencegah karies gigi adalah 35-40,74 , 5.6 , and 13-21 . Terjadipeningkatan terhadap tingkat penerimaan aplikasi oleh orang tua sebesar 4,9 . Tingkatpenerimaan yang mengalami peningkatan adalah faktor kemanfaatan; kesesuaian; keterujian;keteramatan; daya tarik; akseptabilitas; keterlibatan diri; dan niat berperilaku. Kesimpulannyaadalah intervensi menggunakan aplikasi ldquo;Irene Donut rdquo; versi android mampu meningkatkanperilaku orang tua dalam mencegah karies gigi murid TK di Kota Serang dan secara umumaplikasi ini diterima oleh pengguna.Kata kunci: Irene donut, berbasis android, penilaian risiko karies, penerimaan, perilakuorang tua

Name Antinah LatifStudyProgram Public Health ScienceTitle ldquo Irene Donut app Usage, Acceptance, and Parent rsquo sBehavioral Change to Prevent Caries in Preschool Children,Serang City, Banten, 2018 rdquo Counsellor Dr. drs. Tri Krianto, M.KesIrene rsquo s donut is an interactive program in the form of computer or manual version as aneffective tool for assessing caries risk and changing parent rsquo s behavior. It has beendemonstrated in many studies. But its android version has not been reported. Theobjectives of this study to analyze the effect ldquo Irene Donut rdquo android version on mother rsquo sknowledge, attitude and practice to prevent caries and to describe the acceptance ofapplication by user. The design of this study was pre experimental with repeatedmeasure. A pre post intervention study was conducted in Serang City, Banten Indonesia andinvolved 62 parents from 4 preschools. The intervention was conducted by applying ldquo Irenedonut rdquo . A self administered measurement was applied to assess oral health behavior before andafter the program with conducted for 3 weeks. The data were analyzed using Wilcoxontest. Results of this research show that there was an effect of ldquo Irene donut rdquo androidversion on mother rsquo s knowledge p 0,0005 , attitude p 0,001 , and practice p 0,0005 .The good knowledge, positive attitude, and good practices on caries prevention increased by 35 40,74 , 5.6 , and 13 21 . Generally, User acceptance of application has been increased in 3weeks 4,9 positive acceptance are usefulness compatibility triability observability attraction acceptability self involvement and behavioral intention. In conclusion, oral healthbehavior on caries prevention could be improved by the oral health education program withsimulator ldquo irene rsquo s donut rdquo android version and this application can be accepted by users.Keywords Irene donut, android version, assessment of carries risk factor, acceptanceapplication and parent rsquo s behavior"
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nova Herawati
"Data epidemiologi surveilan harus memiliki nilai validitas dan reliabilitas tinggi. Indek CAST berpotensi sebagai alat penilaian epidemiologi karies gigi. Perawat gigi termasuk tenaga pelaksana upaya kesehatan gigi dalam program skrining. Tujuan: mendapatkan tingkat kesesuaian antara perawat gigi dan dokter gigi dalam menilai kebutuhan perawatan karies gigi anak umur 6-12 tahun menggunakan indek CAST. Uji diagnostik pendekatan crossectional pada 95 anak 6-12 tahun, pemeriksaan klinik, analisis pearson korelasion, ICC dan ROC. Tingkat kesesuaian antar pengamat baik (ICC 0,59-0,97). Sensitivitas dan spesifisitas cukup baik (sensitivitas 70-100%), dan spesifisitas (51-100%). Perawat gigi dapat menjadi salah satu tenaga epidemiologi suveilans dalam penilaian kebutuhan perawatan karies menggunakan indek CAST.

Epidemiological surveillance data should have high values in validity and reliability. Index CAST were a potential epidemiology tools for dental caries assessment. Dental nurses are the executive personnel for screening programs in dental health care. To get the compatibility between dentists and dental nurses in assessing care needs of dental caries by using CAST index in children 6-12 years old.Diagnostic test with Cross Sectional approach, samples consists of 95 children between 6-12 years old, clinical examination, and all data analyzed by Pearson correlation, ICC and ROC tests respectively. There are good level of concordance between the observers (ICC 0.59 to 0.97) and the sensitivity and specificity values were good enough (sensitivity 70-100%) and specificity (51- 100%). Dental nurse can be one of the surveillance epidemiologists in the assessment of dental caries care needs by using CAST index.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Tsalitsa Putri

Anak usia 6-12 tahun memiliki kerentanan terhadap karies gigi. Kesehatan gigi anak perlu mendapat perhatian orang tua khususnya dari ibu. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui determinan perilaku ibu dalam pencegahan karies gigi anak berdasarkan teori Health Belief Model. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain cross sectional dengan 140 ibu siswa. Terpilih enam SDN dengan teknik cluster random sampling. Jumlah sampel dihitung dengan rumus proportional sampling dan sampel diambil secara systematic random sampling. Data dikumpulkan dengan wawancara menggunakan kuesioner yang dianalisis secara univariat, bivariat dan multivariat. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan 53,6 % ibu berperilaku kurang dalam pencegahan karies gigi anak. Persepsi individu yang berhubungan dengan perilaku ibu adalah persepsi kerentanan dan efikasi diri. Efikasi diri adalah faktor paling dominan berhubungan dengan perilaku ibu, artinya ibu dengan efikasi diri rendah berpeluang 3,4 kali untuk memiliki perilaku kurang dalam pencegahan karies gigi anak dibandingkan ibu dengan efikasi diri yang tinggi setelah dikontrol oleh persepsi kerentanan dan persepsi hambatan (OR:3,475,95%CI:1,653-7,306). Untuk itu, perlu ditingkatkan efikasi diri ibu dengan edukasi dan penyuluhan serta membentuk kelompok dukungan ataupun forum online.

Children aged 6-12 years have vulnerabilities to dental caries. Children's dental health needs to get good attentions of parents, especially from mothers. This study aims to determine the determinants of maternal behavior in preventing dental caries in children based on the theory of the Health Belief Model. This study used a cross-sectional design on 140 students’ mothers. Six elementary schools were selected using the cluster random sampling technique. The number of samples were calculated using the proportional sampling formula and the samples were collected using systematic random sampling. Data was gathered by interviewes using questionnaires which were analyzed by univariate, bivariate and multivariate. The results showed that 53.6% of mothers had poor behaviors in preventing children dental caries. Individual perceptions related to mother's behavior are perceptions of vulnerability and self-efficacy. Self-efficacy is the most dominant factor related to maternal behavior, meaning that mothers with low self-efficacy are 3.4 times more likely to demonstrate deficiencies in preventing dental caries in children than those with high self-efficacy after being controlled by perceived vulnerability and perceived obstacles (OR: 3,475 .95%CI:1.653-7.306). For this reason, it is esenssial to increase mothers’ self-efficacy with education and counseling as well as forming support groups or online forums.


Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Avianti Sectiotania
"Karies dapat mengenai gigi sulung dan gigi tetap. Gigi sulung lebih rentan terhadap terjadinya karies karena struktur dan morfologinya yang berbeda dari gigi tetap. Bakteri Mutans Streptococci yang paling banyak berada dalam rongga mulut manusia adalah S. mutans dan S. sobrinus. S.mutans merupakan spesies bakteri utama yang mengawali karies gigi manusiadan patogen yang paling umum terdapat pada plak gigi. Ibu sebagai pengasuh utama sering dianggap menjadi sumber infeksi terbesar bagi anak yang memiliki S.mutans dan atau S.sobrinus. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui adanya hubunganS.mutans serotipe c dan S.sobrinus serotipe d antara ibu-anak serta mengetahui hubungan status karies diantaranya. Sampel penelitian diambil dari plak gigi 48 pasangan ibu dan anaknya yang menderita karies dan diperiksa menggunakan PCR (Polimerase Chain Reaction).Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa jumlah S.sobrinus serotipe d mendominasi keseluruhan subyek penelitian. Terdapat hubungan yang tidak bermakna antara status karies anak-ibu dengan distribusi S.mutans serotipe c danS.sobrinus serotipe d. Uji korelasi skor def-t dengan DMF-T menunjukkan adanya hubungan yang bermakna, yang berarti bahwa def-t anak akan meningkat seiring dengan kenaikan DMF-T ibu. Hubungan S.mutans serotipe c antara anak dan ibu ditemukan tidak bermakna dengan hubungan sangat lemah sedangkan hubungan S.sobrinus serotipe d antara anak dan ibu bermakna walau hubungannya lemah. Perilaku dan pengetahuan kesehatan gigi ibu berhubungan dengan pengalaman karies gigi anak melalui transmisi S.mutans dan S.sobrinus secara vertikal.

Dental caries may occur in the primary and permanent teeth. Primary teeth are more susceptible to caries due to the different structure and morphology compared to permanent teeth . The most bacteria of Mutans Streptococci found in the human oral cavity are S. mutans and S. sobrinus .While S. mutans is also the main species of bacteria that initiate dental caries humans and the most common pathogens found in dental plaque. Mother as the primary caregiver is often considered to be the biggest source of infection for children with S. mutans and or S.sobrinus. This study aims to investigate the relationship of serotypes c S. mutans and serotype d S.sobrinusbetween mother - child relationship and to know the status of caries among others . Samples were taken from dental plaque of 48 pairs mothers and their children who suffer from caries and examined using PCR (Polimerase Chain Reaction) . Results indicate that the number of serotype d S. sobrinus dominates whole subject of research . There is no significant relationship between caries status of the child - mother with the distribution of serotype c S. mutans and serotype d S.sobrinus. Correlation test scores def-t with DMF-T showed a significant relationship, which means that def-t will increase along with the increase of DMF-T. S.mutans serotypec relationship between the child and the mother was found to be significantly associated with a very weak relationship whereas S.sobrinus serotypes d relationship between the child and mother meaningful relationship despite weak . Behavioral and dental health knowledge mother dealing with dental caries experience of children through vertical transmission of S. mutans and S.sobrinus ."
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Bayu Farhan Suhada
"Latar Belakang: Asupan makanan merupakan salah satu faktor penyebab karies gigi dengan prevalensi yang sangat tinggi di Indonesia terutama pada anak usia sekolah. Tingkat konsumsi sayur dan buah pada anak di Indonesia masih cukup rendah, padahal jenis makanan ini dikenal dapat merangsang aliran dan meningkatkan kemampuan makan anak. self-cleansing saliva yang penting dalam pencegahan karies. Tujuan: Menganalisis hubungan antara frekuensi konsumsi sayur dan buah dengan kejadian karies pada gigi geraham pertama permanen pada anak usia 8 sampai 9 tahun di Jakarta Pusat. Metode: Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian potong lintang dengan menggunakan kuesioner frekuensi makanan dan pemeriksaan klinis anak usia 8 sampai 9 tahun di Jakarta Pusat. 109 anak di Jakarta Pusat diperiksa karies dengan klasifikasi ICDAS. Hasil: Penelitian ini menemukan nilai median frekuensi konsumsi sayur per hari pada anak adalah 1,6 (0-8,14) dan 1,4 (0-5). Sebanyak 98,2% anak mengalami karies gigi dan 63,3% anak mengalami karies terbatas pada email. Hubungan antara frekuensi konsumsi sayur dan buah dengan karies ditemukan sangat lemah dan tidak signifikan. Kesimpulan: Tingkat frekuensi konsumsi sayur dan buah pada anak di Jakarta Pusat masih rendah, dan prevalensi karies cukup tinggi. Hubungan yang lemah dan tidak signifikan antara frekuensi konsumsi sayur dan buah dengan karies menunjukkan bahwa ada faktor lain penyebab karies yang harus dikendalikan.

Background: Food intake is one of the factors causing dental caries with a very high prevalence in Indonesia, especially in school-age children. The level of consumption of vegetables and fruit in children in Indonesia is still quite low, even though this type of food is known to stimulate flow and improve children's eating abilities. self-cleansing saliva which is important in caries prevention. Objective: To analyze the relationship between the frequency of consumption of vegetables and fruit with the incidence of caries in the permanent first molars in children aged 8 to 9 years in Central Jakarta. Methods: This study was a cross-sectional study using a food frequency questionnaire and clinical examination of children aged 8 to 9 years in Central Jakarta. 109 children in Central Jakarta were examined for caries with the ICDAS classification. Results: This study found the median frequency of vegetable consumption per day in children was 1.6 (0-8.14) and 1.4 (0-5). A total of 98.2% of children had dental caries and 63.3% of children had caries limited to enamel. The relationship between the frequency of consumption of vegetables and fruits with caries was found to be very weak and insignificant. Conclusion: The frequency of consumption of vegetables and fruit in children in Central Jakarta is still low, and the prevalence of caries is quite high. The weak and insignificant relationship between the frequency of consumption of vegetables and fruits with caries indicates that there are other factors that cause caries that must be controlled."
Depok: Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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